require "dbg" require "cache" require "ui/geometry" require "ui/device" require "ui/reader/readerconfig" KoptInterface = { tessocr_data = "data", ocr_lang = "eng", ocr_type = 3, -- default 0, for more accuracy use 3 } ContextCacheItem = CacheItem:new{} function ContextCacheItem:onFree() if then DEBUG("free koptcontext", self.kctx) self.kctx:free() end end OCREngine = CacheItem:new{} function OCREngine:onFree() if self.ocrengine.freeOCR then DEBUG("free OCREngine", self.ocrengine) self.ocrengine:freeOCR() end end function KoptInterface:waitForContext(kc) -- if koptcontext is being processed in background thread -- the isPreCache will return 1. while kc and kc:isPreCache() == 1 do DEBUG("waiting for background rendering") util.usleep(100000) end return kc end --[[ get reflow context --]] function KoptInterface:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) -- Now koptcontext keeps track of its dst bitmap reflowed by libk2pdfopt. -- So there is no need to check background context when creating new context. local kc = local screen_size = Screen:getSize() kc:setTrim(doc.configurable.trim_page) kc:setWrap(doc.configurable.text_wrap) kc:setIndent(doc.configurable.detect_indent) kc:setRotate(doc.configurable.screen_rotation) kc:setColumns(doc.configurable.max_columns) kc:setDeviceDim(screen_size.w, screen_size.h) kc:setDeviceDPI(doc.screen_dpi) kc:setStraighten(doc.configurable.auto_straighten) kc:setJustification(doc.configurable.justification) kc:setZoom(doc.configurable.font_size) kc:setMargin(doc.configurable.page_margin) kc:setQuality(doc.configurable.quality) kc:setContrast(doc.configurable.contrast) kc:setDefectSize(doc.configurable.defect_size) kc:setLineSpacing(doc.configurable.line_spacing) kc:setWordSpacing(doc.configurable.word_spacing) kc:setBBox(bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1) if Dbg.is_on then kc:setDebug() end return kc end function KoptInterface:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local screen_size = Screen:getSize() local screen_size_hash = screen_size.w.."|"..screen_size.h local bbox_hash = bbox.x0.."|"..bbox.y0.."|"..bbox.x1.."|"..bbox.y1 return doc.file.."|"..pageno.."|"..doc.configurable:hash("|").."|"..bbox_hash.."|"..screen_size_hash end function KoptInterface:getAutoBBox(doc, pageno) local bbox = { x0 = 0, y0 = 0, x1 = 0, y1 = 0, } local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local hash = "autobbox|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(hash) if not cached then local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.x1, bbox.y1 = page:getAutoBBox(kc) DEBUG("Auto detected bbox", bbox) page:close() Cache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ autobbox = bbox }) return bbox else return cached.autobbox end end function KoptInterface:getSemiAutoBBox(doc, pageno) -- use manual bbox local bbox = Document.getPageBBox(doc, pageno) local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local hash = "semiautobbox|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(hash) if not cached then local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) local auto_bbox = {} auto_bbox.x0, auto_bbox.y0, auto_bbox.x1, auto_bbox.y1 = page:getAutoBBox(kc) auto_bbox.x0 = auto_bbox.x0 + bbox.x0 auto_bbox.y0 = auto_bbox.y0 + bbox.y0 auto_bbox.x1 = auto_bbox.x1 + bbox.x0 auto_bbox.y1 = auto_bbox.y1 + bbox.y0 DEBUG("Semi-auto detected bbox", auto_bbox) page:close() Cache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ semiautobbox = auto_bbox }) return auto_bbox else return cached.semiautobbox end end function KoptInterface:getReflewTextBoxes(doc, pageno) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local hash = "rfpgboxes|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(hash) if not cached then local kctx_hash = "kctx|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(kctx_hash) if cached then local kc = self:waitForContext(cached.kctx) local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() local boxes = kc:getWordBoxes(0, 0, fullwidth, fullheight) Cache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ rfpgboxes = boxes }) return boxes end else return cached.rfpgboxes end end function KoptInterface:getTextBoxes(doc, pageno) local hash = "pgboxes|"..doc.file.."|"..pageno local cached = Cache:check(hash) if not cached then local kc_hash = "kctx|"..doc.file.."|"..pageno local kc = kc:setDebug() local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) page:getPagePix(kc) local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() local boxes = kc:getWordBoxes(0, 0, fullwidth, fullheight) Cache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ pgboxes = boxes }) Cache:insert(kc_hash, ContextCacheItem:new{ kctx = kc }) return boxes else return cached.pgboxes end end --[[ get word from OCR in reflew page --]] function KoptInterface:getReflewOCRWord(doc, pageno, rect) local ocrengine = "ocrengine" if not Cache:check(ocrengine) then local dummy = Cache:insert(ocrengine, OCREngine:new{ ocrengine = dummy }) end local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local hash = "rfocrword|"..context_hash..rect.x..rect.y..rect.w..rect.h local cached = Cache:check(hash) if not cached then local kctx_hash = "kctx|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(kctx_hash) if cached then local kc = self:waitForContext(cached.kctx) local ok, word = pcall( kc.getTOCRWord, kc, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, self.tessocr_data, self.ocr_lang, self.ocr_type, 0, 1) Cache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ rfocrword = word }) return word end else return cached.rfocrword end end --[[ get word from OCR in non-reflew page --]] function KoptInterface:getOCRWord(doc, pageno, rect) local ocrengine = "ocrengine" if not Cache:check(ocrengine) then local dummy = Cache:insert(ocrengine, OCREngine:new{ ocrengine = dummy }) end local hash = "ocrword|"..doc.file.."|"..pageno..rect.x..rect.y..rect.w..rect.h local cached = Cache:check(hash) if not cached then local pgboxes_hash = "pgboxes|"..doc.file.."|"..pageno local pgboxes_cached = Cache:check(pgboxes_hash) local kc_hash = "kctx|"..doc.file.."|"..pageno local kc_cashed = Cache:check(kc_hash) if pgboxes_cached and kc_cashed then local kc = kc_cashed.kctx local ok, word = pcall( kc.getTOCRWord, kc, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, self.tessocr_data, self.ocr_lang, self.ocr_type, 0, 1) Cache:insert(hash, CacheItem:new{ ocrword = word }) return word end else return cached.ocrword end end --[[ get cached koptcontext for centain page. if context doesn't exist in cache make new context and reflow the src page immediatly, or wait background thread for reflowed context. --]] function KoptInterface:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local kctx_hash = "kctx|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(kctx_hash) if not cached then -- If kctx is not cached, create one and get reflowed bmp in foreground. local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) -- reflow page --local secs, usecs = util.gettime() page:reflow(kc, 0) page:close() --local nsecs, nusecs = util.gettime() --local dur = nsecs - secs + (nusecs - usecs) / 1000000 --DEBUG("Reflow duration:", dur) --self:logReflowDuration(pageno, dur) local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() DEBUG("reflowed page", pageno, "fullwidth:", fullwidth, "fullheight:", fullheight) Cache:insert(kctx_hash, ContextCacheItem:new{ kctx = kc }) return kc else -- wait for background thread return self:waitForContext(cached.kctx) end end --[[ get reflowed page dimensions --]] function KoptInterface:getPageDimensions(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation) local kc = self:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() return Geom:new{ w = fullwidth, h = fullheight } end --[[ inherited from common document interface render reflowed page into tile cache. --]] function KoptInterface:renderPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, render_mode) doc.render_mode = render_mode local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local renderpg_hash = "renderpg|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(renderpg_hash) if not cached then -- do the real reflowing if kctx is not been cached yet local kc = self:getCachedContext(doc, pageno) local fullwidth, fullheight = kc:getPageDim() if not Cache:willAccept(fullwidth * fullheight / 2) then -- whole page won't fit into cache error("aborting, since we don't have enough cache for this page") end local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) -- prepare cache item with contained blitbuffer local tile = CacheItem:new{ size = fullwidth * fullheight / 2 + 64, -- estimation excerpt = Geom:new{ w = fullwidth, h = fullheight }, pageno = pageno, bb =, fullheight) } page:rfdraw(kc, page:close() Cache:insert(renderpg_hash, tile) return tile else return cached end end --[[ inherited from common document interface render reflowed page into cache in background thread. this method returns immediatly leaving the precache flag on in context. subsequent usage of this context should wait for the precache flag off by calling self:waitForContext(kctx) --]] function KoptInterface:hintPage(doc, pageno, zoom, rotation, gamma, render_mode) local bbox = doc:getPageBBox(pageno) local context_hash = self:getContextHash(doc, pageno, bbox) local kctx_hash = "kctx|"..context_hash local cached = Cache:check(kctx_hash) if not cached then local kc = self:createContext(doc, pageno, bbox) local page = doc._document:openPage(pageno) DEBUG("hinting page", pageno, "in background") -- reflow will return immediately and running in background thread kc:setPreCache() page:reflow(kc, 0) page:close() Cache:insert(kctx_hash, ContextCacheItem:new{ kctx = kc }) end end --[[ inherited from common document interface draw cached tile pixels into target blitbuffer. --]] function KoptInterface:drawPage(doc, target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation, render_mode) local tile = self:renderPage(doc, pageno, rect, zoom, rotation, render_mode) --DEBUG("now painting", tile, rect) target:blitFrom(, x, y, rect.x - tile.excerpt.x, rect.y - tile.excerpt.y, rect.w, rect.h) end --[[ helper functions --]] function KoptInterface:logReflowDuration(pageno, dur) local file ="reflowlog.txt", "a+") if file then if file:seek("end") == 0 then -- write the header only once file:write("PAGE\tDUR\n") end file:write(string.format("%s\t%s\n", pageno, dur)) file:close() end end