--[[-- This module contains miscellaneous helper functions for the KOReader frontend. ]] local BaseUtil = require("ffi/util") local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local T = BaseUtil.template local lshift = bit.lshift local rshift = bit.rshift local band = bit.band local bor = bit.bor local util = {} ---- Strips all punctuation marks and spaces from a string. ---- @string text the string to be stripped ---- @treturn string stripped text function util.stripPunctuation(text) if not text then return end -- strip ASCII punctuation marks around text -- and strip any generic punctuation marks (U+2000 - U+206F) in the text return text:gsub("\226[\128-\131][\128-\191]", ''):gsub("^%p+", ''):gsub("%p+$", '') end -- Various whitespace trimming helpers, from http://lua-users.org/wiki/CommonFunctions & http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringTrim ---- Remove leading whitespace from string. ---- @string s the string to be trimmed ---- @treturn string trimmed text function util.ltrim(s) return (s:gsub("^%s*", "")) end ---- Remove trailing whitespace from string. ---- @string s the string to be trimmed ---- @treturn string trimmed text function util.rtrim(s) local n = #s while n > 0 and s:find("^%s", n) do n = n - 1 end return s:sub(1, n) end ---- Remove leading & trailing whitespace from string. ---- @string s the string to be trimmed ---- @treturn string trimmed text function util.trim(s) local from = s:match"^%s*()" return from > #s and "" or s:match(".*%S", from) end --[[-- Splits a string by a pattern Lua doesn't have a string.split() function and most of the time you don't really need it because string.gmatch() is enough. However string.gmatch() has one significant disadvantage for me: You can't split a string while matching both the delimited strings and the delimiters themselves without tracking positions and substrings. The gsplit function below takes care of this problem. Author: Peter Odding License: MIT/X11 Source: http://snippets.luacode.org/snippets/String_splitting_130 ]] ----@string str string to split ----@param pattern the pattern to split against ----@bool capture ----@bool capture_empty_entity function util.gsplit(str, pattern, capture, capture_empty_entity) pattern = pattern and tostring(pattern) or '%s+' if (''):find(pattern) then error('pattern matches empty string!', 2) end return coroutine.wrap(function() local index = 1 repeat local first, last = str:find(pattern, index) if first and last then if index < first or (index == first and capture_empty_entity) then coroutine.yield(str:sub(index, first - 1)) end if capture then coroutine.yield(str:sub(first, last)) end index = last + 1 else if index <= #str then coroutine.yield(str:sub(index)) end break end until index > #str end) end -- Stupid helper for the duration stuff local function passthrough(n) return n end --[[-- Converts seconds to a clock string. Source: https://gist.github.com/jesseadams/791673 ]] ---- @int seconds number of seconds ---- @bool withoutSeconds if true 00:00, if false 00:00:00 ---- @treturn string clock string in the form of 00:00 or 00:00:00 function util.secondsToClock(seconds, withoutSeconds, withDays) seconds = tonumber(seconds) if not seconds then if withoutSeconds then return "--:--" else return "--:--:--" end elseif seconds == 0 or seconds ~= seconds then if withoutSeconds then return "00:00" else return "00:00:00" end else local round = withoutSeconds and require("optmath").round or passthrough local days = "0" local hours if withDays then days = string.format("%d", seconds / (24*3600)) -- implicit math.floor for string.format hours = string.format("%02d", (seconds / 3600) % 24) else hours = string.format("%02d", seconds / 3600) end local mins = string.format("%02d", round(seconds % 3600 / 60)) if withoutSeconds then if mins == "60" then -- Can only happen because of rounding, which only happens if withoutSeconds... mins = string.format("%02d", 0) hours = string.format("%02d", hours + 1) end return (days ~= "0" and (days .. "d") or "") .. hours .. ":" .. mins else local secs = string.format("%02d", seconds % 60) return (days ~= "0" and (days .. "d") or "") .. hours .. ":" .. mins .. ":" .. secs end end end --- Converts seconds to a period of time string. ---- @int seconds number of seconds ---- @bool withoutSeconds if true 1h30', if false 1h30'10" ---- @bool hmsFormat, if true format 1h30m10s ---- @bool withDays, if true format 1d12h30m10s ---- @treturn string clock string in the form of 1h30'10" or 1h30m10s function util.secondsToHClock(seconds, withoutSeconds, hmsFormat, withDays, compact) local SECONDS_SYMBOL = "\"" seconds = tonumber(seconds) if seconds == 0 then if withoutSeconds then if hmsFormat then return T(_("%1m"), "0") else return "0'" end else if hmsFormat then return T(C_("Time", "%1s"), "0") else return "0" .. SECONDS_SYMBOL end end elseif seconds < 60 then if withoutSeconds and seconds < 30 then if hmsFormat then return T(C_("Time", "%1m"), "0") else return "0'" end elseif withoutSeconds and seconds >= 30 then if hmsFormat then return T(C_("Time", "%1m"), "1") else return "1'" end else if hmsFormat then if compact then return T(C_("Time", "%1s"), string.format("%d", seconds)) else return T(C_("Time", "%1m%2s"), "0", string.format("%02d", seconds)) end else if compact then return string.format("%d", seconds) .. SECONDS_SYMBOL else return "0'" .. string.format("%02d", seconds) .. SECONDS_SYMBOL end end end else local time_string = util.secondsToClock(seconds, withoutSeconds, withDays) if withoutSeconds then time_string = time_string .. ":" end time_string = time_string:gsub(":", C_("Time", "h"), 1) time_string = time_string:gsub(":", C_("Time", "m"), 1) time_string = time_string:gsub("^00" .. C_("Time", "h"), "") -- delete leading "00h" time_string = time_string:gsub("^00" .. C_("Time", "m"), "") -- delete leading "00m" if time_string:find("^0%d") then time_string = time_string:gsub("^0", "") -- delete leading "0" end if withoutSeconds and time_string == "" then time_string = "0" .. C_("Time", "m") end if hmsFormat then return withoutSeconds and time_string or (time_string .. C_("Time", "s")) else time_string = time_string:gsub(C_("Time", "m"), "'") -- replace m with ' return withoutSeconds and time_string or (time_string .. SECONDS_SYMBOL) end end end --- Converts seconds to a clock type (classic or modern), based on the given format preference --- "Classic" format calls secondsToClock, and "Modern" format calls secondsToHClock ---- @string Either "modern" for 1h30'10" or "classic" for 1:30:10 ---- @bool withoutSeconds if true 1h30' or 1h30m, if false 1h30'10" or 1h30m10s ---- @bool hmsFormat, modern format only, if true format 1h30m or 1h30m10s ---- @bool withDays, if hours>=24 include days in clock string 1d12h10m10s ---- @bool compact, if set removes all leading zeros (incl. units if necessary) ---- @treturn string clock string in the specific format of 1h30', 1h30'10" resp. 1h30m, 1h30m10s function util.secondsToClockDuration(format, seconds, withoutSeconds, hmsFormat, withDays, compact) if format == "modern" then return util.secondsToHClock(seconds, withoutSeconds, hmsFormat, withDays, compact) else -- Assume "classic" to give safe default return util.secondsToClock(seconds, withoutSeconds, withDays) end end if jit.os == "Windows" then --- Converts timestamp to an hour string ---- @int seconds number of seconds ---- @bool twelve_hour_clock ---- @treturn string hour string ---- @note: The MS CRT doesn't support either %l & %k, or the - format modifier (as they're not technically C99 or POSIX). ---- They are otherwise supported on Linux, BSD & Bionic, so, just special-case Windows... ---- We *could* arguably feed the os.date output to gsub("^0(%d)(.*)$", "%1%2"), but, while unlikely, ---- it's conceivable that a translator would put something other that the hour at the front of the string ;). function util.secondsToHour(seconds, twelve_hour_clock) if twelve_hour_clock then if os.date("%p", seconds) == "AM" then -- @translators This is the time in the morning using a 12-hour clock (%I is the hour, %M the minute). return os.date(_("%I:%M AM"), seconds) else -- @translators This is the time in the afternoon using a 12-hour clock (%I is the hour, %M the minute). return os.date(_("%I:%M PM"), seconds) end else -- @translators This is the time using a 24-hour clock (%H is the hour, %M the minute). return os.date(_("%H:%M"), seconds) end end else function util.secondsToHour(seconds, twelve_hour_clock, pad_with_spaces) if twelve_hour_clock then if os.date("%p", seconds) == "AM" then if pad_with_spaces then -- @translators This is the time in the morning using a 12-hour clock (%_I is the hour, %M the minute). return os.date(_("%_I:%M AM"), seconds) else -- @translators This is the time in the morning using a 12-hour clock (%-I is the hour, %M the minute). return os.date(_("%-I:%M AM"), seconds) end else if pad_with_spaces then -- @translators This is the time in the afternoon using a 12-hour clock (%_I is the hour, %M the minute). return os.date(_("%_I:%M PM"), seconds) else -- @translators This is the time in the afternoon using a 12-hour clock (%-I is the hour, %M the minute). return os.date(_("%-I:%M PM"), seconds) end end else if pad_with_spaces then -- @translators This is the time using a 24-hour clock (%_H is the hour, %M the minute). return os.date(_("%_H:%M"), seconds) else -- @translators This is the time using a 24-hour clock (%-H is the hour, %M the minute). return os.date(_("%-H:%M"), seconds) end end end end --- Converts timestamp to a date string ---- @int seconds number of seconds ---- @bool twelve_hour_clock ---- @treturn string date string function util.secondsToDate(seconds, twelve_hour_clock) local BD = require("ui/bidi") -- In order to keep stuff aligned, we'll want to *keep* the padding, but using blanks instead of zeroes. local time = util.secondsToHour(seconds, twelve_hour_clock, true) -- @translators This is the date (%Y is the year, %m the month, %d the day) local day = os.date(_("%Y-%m-%d"), seconds) return BD.wrap(day) .. " " .. BD.wrap(time) end --[[-- Compares values in two different tables. Source: ]] ---- @param o1 Lua table ---- @param o2 Lua table ---- @bool ignore_mt ---- @treturn boolean function util.tableEquals(o1, o2, ignore_mt) if o1 == o2 then return true end local o1Type = type(o1) local o2Type = type(o2) if o1Type ~= o2Type then return false end if o1Type ~= 'table' then return false end if not ignore_mt then local mt1 = getmetatable(o1) if mt1 and mt1.__eq then --compare using built in method return o1 == o2 end end local keySet = {} for key1, value1 in pairs(o1) do local value2 = o2[key1] if value2 == nil or util.tableEquals(value1, value2, ignore_mt) == false then return false end keySet[key1] = true end for key2, _ in pairs(o2) do if not keySet[key2] then return false end end return true end --[[-- Makes a deep copy of a table. Source: ]] ---- @param o Lua table ---- @treturn Lua table function util.tableDeepCopy(o, seen) seen = seen or {} if o == nil then return nil end if seen[o] then return seen[o] end local no if type(o) == "table" then no = {} seen[o] = no for k, v in next, o, nil do no[util.tableDeepCopy(k, seen)] = util.tableDeepCopy(v, seen) end setmetatable(no, util.tableDeepCopy(getmetatable(o), seen)) else -- number, string, boolean, etc no = o end return no end --- Returns number of keys in a table. ---- @param t Lua table ---- @treturn int number of keys in table t function util.tableSize(t) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 end return count end --- Append all elements from t2 into t1. ---- @param t1 Lua table ---- @param t2 Lua table function util.arrayAppend(t1, t2) for _, v in ipairs(t2) do table.insert(t1, v) end end --[[-- Remove elements from an array, fast. Swap & pop, like / , but preserving order. c.f., @table t Lua array to filter @func keep_cb Filtering callback. Takes three arguments: table, index, new index. Returns true to *keep* the item. See link above for potential uses of the third argument. @usage local foo = { "a", "b", "c", "b", "d", "e" } local function drop_b(t, i, j) -- Discard any item with value "b" return t[i] ~= "b" end util.arrayRemove(foo, drop_b) ]] function util.arrayRemove(t, keep_cb) local j, n = 1, #t for i = 1, n do if keep_cb(t, i, j) then -- Move i's kept value to j's position, if it's not already there. if i ~= j then t[j] = t[i] t[i] = nil end -- Increment position of where we'll place the next kept value. j = j + 1 else t[i] = nil end end return t end --- Reverse array elements in-place in table t ---- @param t Lua table function util.arrayReverse(t) local i, j = 1, #t while i < j do t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] i = i + 1 j = j - 1 end end --- Test whether t contains a value equal to v --- (or such a value that callback returns true), --- and if so, return the index. ---- @param t Lua table ---- @param v ---- @func callback(v1, v2) function util.arrayContains(t, v, cb) cb = cb or function(v1, v2) return v1 == v2 end for _k, _v in ipairs(t) do if cb(_v, v) then return _k end end return false end --- Test whether array t contains a reference to array n (at any depth at or below m) ---- @param t Lua table (array only) ---- @param n Lua table (array only) ---- @int m Max nesting level function util.arrayReferences(t, n, m, l) if not m then m = 15 end if not l then l = 0 end if l > m then return false end if type(t) == "table" then if t == n then return true, l end for _, v in ipairs(t) do local matched, depth = util.arrayReferences(v, n, m, l + 1) if matched then return matched, depth end end end return false end -- Merge t2 into t1, overwriting existing elements if they already exist -- Probably not safe with nested tables (c.f., https://stackoverflow.com/q/1283388) ---- @param t1 Lua table ---- @param t2 Lua table function util.tableMerge(t1, t2) for k, v in pairs(t2) do t1[k] = v end end --[[-- Gets last index of character in string (i.e., strrchr) Returns the index within this string of the last occurrence of the specified character or -1 if the character does not occur. To find . you need to escape it. ]] ---- @string string ---- @string ch ---- @treturn int last occurrence or -1 if not found function util.lastIndexOf(string, ch) local i = string:match(".*" .. ch .. "()") if i == nil then return -1 else return i - 1 end end --- Pattern which matches a single well-formed UTF-8 character, including --- theoretical >4-byte extensions. -- Taken from util.UTF8_CHAR_PATTERN = '[%z\1-\127\194-\253][\128-\191]*' --- Reverse the individual greater-than-single-byte characters -- @string string to reverse -- Taken from function util.utf8Reverse(text) text = text:gsub(util.UTF8_CHAR_PATTERN, function (c) return #c > 1 and c:reverse() end) return text:reverse() end --- Splits string into a list of UTF-8 characters. ---- @string text the string to be split. ---- @treturn table list of UTF-8 chars function util.splitToChars(text) local tab = {} if text ~= nil then local prevcharcode, charcode = 0 -- Supports WTF-8 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#WTF-8 -- a superset of UTF-8, that includes UTF-16 surrogates -- in UTF-8 bytes (forbidden in well-formed UTF-8). -- We may get that from bad producers or converters. -- (luajson, used to decode Wikipedia API json, will not correctly decode -- this sample: \ud800\udf45 : single Unicode -- char https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+10345 and will give us -- "\xed\xa0\x80\xed\xbd\x85" as UTF8, instead of the correct "\xf0\x90\x8d\x85") -- From http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-1 -- Surrogates are code points from two special ranges of -- Unicode values, reserved for use as the leading, and -- trailing values of paired code units in UTF-16. Leading, -- also called high, surrogates are from D800 to DBFF, and -- trailing, or low, surrogates are from DC00 to DFFF. They -- are called surrogates, since they do not represent -- characters directly, but only as a pair. local hi_surrogate local hi_surrogate_uchar for uchar in text:gmatch(util.UTF8_CHAR_PATTERN) do charcode = BaseUtil.utf8charcode(uchar) -- (not sure why we need this prevcharcode check; we could get -- charcode=nil with invalid UTF-8, but should we then really -- ignore the following charcode ?) if prevcharcode then -- utf8 if charcode and charcode >= 0xD800 and charcode <= 0xDBFF then if hi_surrogate then -- previous unconsumed one, add it even if invalid table.insert(tab, hi_surrogate_uchar) end hi_surrogate = charcode hi_surrogate_uchar = uchar -- will be added if not followed by low surrogate elseif hi_surrogate and charcode and charcode >= 0xDC00 and charcode <= 0xDFFF then -- low surrogate following a high surrogate, good, let's make them a single char charcode = lshift((hi_surrogate - 0xD800), 10) + (charcode - 0xDC00) + 0x10000 table.insert(tab, util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(charcode)) hi_surrogate = nil else if hi_surrogate then -- previous unconsumed one, add it even if invalid table.insert(tab, hi_surrogate_uchar) end hi_surrogate = nil table.insert(tab, uchar) end end prevcharcode = charcode end end return tab end --- Tests whether c is a CJK character ---- @string c ---- @treturn boolean true if CJK function util.isCJKChar(c) -- Smallest CJK codepoint is 0x1100 which requires at least 3 utf8 bytes to -- encode (U+07FF is the largest codepoint that can be represented in 2 -- bytes with utf8). So if the character is shorter than 3 bytes it's -- definitely not CJK and no need to decode it. if #c < 3 then return false end local code = BaseUtil.utf8charcode(c) -- The weird bracketing is intentional -- we use the lowest possible -- codepoint as a shortcut so if the codepoint is below U+1100 we -- immediately return false. return -- BMP (Plane 0) code >= 0x1100 and (code <= 0x11FF or -- Hangul Jamo (code >= 0x2E80 and code <= 0x9FFF) or -- Numerous CJK Blocks (NB: has some gaps) (code >= 0xA960 and code <= 0xA97F) or -- Hangul Jamo Extended-A (code >= 0xAC00 and code <= 0xD7AF) or -- Hangul Syllables (code >= 0xD7B0 and code <= 0xD7FF) or -- Hangul Jame Extended-B (code >= 0xF900 and code <= 0xFAFF) or -- CJK Compatibility Ideographs (code >= 0xFE30 and code <= 0xFE4F) or -- CJK Compatibility Forms (code >= 0xFF00 and code <= 0xFFEF) or -- Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms -- SIP (Plane 2) (code >= 0x20000 and code <= 0x2A6DF) or -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B (code >= 0x2A700 and code <= 0x2B73F) or -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C (code >= 0x2B740 and code <= 0x2B81F) or -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D (code >= 0x2B820 and code <= 0x2CEAF) or -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E (code >= 0x2CEB0 and code <= 0x2EBEF) or -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F (code >= 0x2F800 and code <= 0x2FA1F) or -- CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement -- TIP (Plane 3) (code >= 0x30000 and code <= 0x3134F)) -- CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G end --- Tests whether str contains CJK characters ---- @string str ---- @treturn boolean true if CJK function util.hasCJKChar(str) for c in str:gmatch(util.UTF8_CHAR_PATTERN) do if util.isCJKChar(c) then return true end end return false end --- Split texts into a list of words, spaces and punctuation marks. ---- @string text text to split ---- @treturn table list of words, spaces and punctuation marks function util.splitToWords(text) local wlist = {} for word in util.gsplit(text, "[%s%p]+", true) do -- if space split word contains CJK characters if util.hasCJKChar(word) then -- split all non-ASCII characters separately (FIXME ideally we -- would split only the CJK characters, but you cannot define CJK -- characters trivially with a byte-only Lua pattern). for char in util.gsplit(word, "[\192-\255][\128-\191]+", true) do table.insert(wlist, char) end else table.insert(wlist, word) end end return wlist end -- We don't want to split on a space if it is followed by some -- specific punctuation marks : e.g. "word :" or "word )" -- (In French, there is a non-breaking space before a colon, and it better -- not be wrapped there.) local non_splittable_space_tailers = ":;,.!?)]}$%=-+*/|<>»”" -- Same if a space has some specific other punctuation mark before it local non_splittable_space_leaders = "([{$=-+*/|<>«“" -- Similar rules exist for CJK text. Taken from : -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_breaking_rules_in_East_Asian_languages local cjk_non_splittable_tailers = table.concat( { -- Simplified Chinese "!%),.:;?]}¢°·’\"†‡›℃∶、。〃〆〕〗〞﹚﹜!"%'),.:;?!]}~", -- Traditional Chinese "!),.:;?]}¢·–—’\"•、。〆〞〕〉》」︰︱︲︳﹐﹑﹒﹓﹔﹕﹖﹘﹚﹜!),.:;?︶︸︺︼︾﹀﹂﹗]|}、", -- Japanese ")]}〕〉》」』】〙〗〟’\"⦆»ヽヾーァィゥェォッャュョヮヵヶぁぃぅぇぉっゃゅょゎゕゖㇰㇱㇲㇳㇴㇵㇶㇷㇸㇹㇺㇻㇼㇽㇾㇿ々〻‐゠–〜?!‼⁇⁈⁉・、:;,。.", -- Korean "!%),.:;?]}¢°’\"†‡℃〆〈《「『〕!%),.:;?]}", }) local cjk_non_splittable_leaders = table.concat( { -- Simplified Chinese "$(£¥·‘\"〈《「『【〔〖〝﹙﹛$(.[{£¥", -- Traditional Chinese "([{£¥‘\"‵〈《「『〔〝︴﹙﹛({︵︷︹︻︽︿﹁﹃﹏", -- Japanese "([{〔〈《「『【〘〖〝‘\"⦅«", -- Korean "$([{£¥‘\"々〇〉》」〔$([{⦆¥₩#", }) local cjk_non_splittable = table.concat( { -- Japanese "—…‥〳〴〵", }) --- Test whether a string can be separated by this char for multi-line rendering. -- Optional next or prev chars may be provided to help make the decision ---- @string c ---- @string next_c ---- @string prev_c ---- @treturn boolean true if splittable, false if not function util.isSplittable(c, next_c, prev_c) if util.isCJKChar(c) then -- a CJKChar is a word in itself, and so is splittable if cjk_non_splittable:find(c, 1, true) then -- except a few of them return false elseif next_c and cjk_non_splittable_tailers:find(next_c, 1, true) then -- but followed by a char that is not permitted at start of line return false elseif prev_c and cjk_non_splittable_leaders:find(prev_c, 1, true) then -- but preceded by a char that is not permitted at end of line return false else -- we can split on this CJKchar return true end elseif c == " " then -- we only split on a space (so a punctuation mark sticks to prev word) -- if next_c or prev_c is provided, we can make a better decision if next_c and non_splittable_space_tailers:find(next_c, 1, true) then -- this space is followed by some punctuation mark that is better kept with us return false elseif prev_c and non_splittable_space_leaders:find(prev_c, 1, true) then -- this space is lead by some punctuation mark that is better kept with us return false else -- we can split on this space return true end end -- otherwise, not splittable return false end --- Gets filesystem type of a path. -- -- Checks if the path occurs in /proc/mounts ---- @string path an absolute path ---- @treturn string filesystem type function util.getFilesystemType(path) local mounts = io.open("/proc/mounts", "r") if not mounts then return nil end local type for line in mounts:lines() do local mount = {} for param in line:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(mount, param) end if string.match(path, mount[2]) then type = mount[3] if mount[2] ~= '/' then break end end end mounts:close() return type end --- Recursively scan directory for files inside -- @string path -- @func callback(fullpath, name, attr) function util.findFiles(dir, cb) local function scan(current) local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, current) if not ok then return end for f in iter, dir_obj do local path = current.."/"..f -- lfs can return nil here, as it will follow symlinks! local attr = lfs.attributes(path) or {} if attr.mode == "directory" then if f ~= "." and f ~= ".." then scan(path) end elseif attr.mode == "file" or attr.mode == "link" then cb(path, f, attr) end end end scan(dir) end --- Checks if directory is empty. ---- @string path ---- @treturn bool function util.isEmptyDir(path) local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") -- lfs.dir will crash rather than return nil if directory doesn't exist O_o local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, path) if not ok then return end for filename in iter, dir_obj do if filename ~= '.' and filename ~= '..' then return false end end return true end --- check if the given path is a file ---- @string path ---- @treturn bool function util.fileExists(path) local file = io.open(path, "r") if file ~= nil then file:close() return true end end --- Checks if the given path exists. Doesn't care if it's a file or directory. ---- @string path ---- @treturn bool function util.pathExists(path) local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") return lfs.attributes(path, "mode") ~= nil end --- As `mkdir -p`. -- Unlike [lfs.mkdir](https://keplerproject.github.io/luafilesystem/manual.html#mkdir)(), -- does not error if the directory already exists, and creates intermediate directories as needed. -- @string path the directory to create -- @treturn bool true on success; nil, err_message on error function util.makePath(path) path = path:gsub("/+$", "") if util.pathExists(path) then return true end local success, err = util.makePath((util.splitFilePathName(path))) if not success then return nil, err.." (creating "..path..")" end local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") return lfs.mkdir(path) end --- As `rm` -- @string path of the file to remove -- @treturn bool true on success; nil, err_message on error function util.removeFile(file) local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") if file and lfs.attributes(file, "mode") == "file" then return os.remove(file) elseif file then return nil, file .. " is not a file" else return nil, "file is nil" end end -- Gets total, used and available bytes for the mountpoint that holds a given directory. -- @string path of the directory -- @treturn table with total, used and available bytes function util.diskUsage(dir) -- safe way of testing df & awk local function doCommand(d) local handle = io.popen("df -k " .. d .. " 2>&1 | awk '$3 ~ /[0-9]+/ { print $2,$3,$4 }' 2>&1 || echo ::ERROR::") if not handle then return end local output = handle:read("*all") handle:close() if not output:find "::ERROR::" then return output end end local err = { total = nil, used = nil, available = nil } local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") if not dir or lfs.attributes(dir, "mode") ~= "directory" then return err end local usage = doCommand(dir) if not usage then return err end local stage, result = {}, {} for size in usage:gmatch("%w+") do table.insert(stage, size) end for k, v in pairs({"total", "used", "available"}) do if stage[k] ~= nil then -- sizes are in kb, return bytes here result[v] = stage[k] * 1024 end end return result end --- Replaces characters that are invalid filenames. -- -- Replaces the characters \/:*?"<>| with an _. -- These characters are problematic on Windows filesystems. On Linux only -- / poses a problem. ---- @string str filename ---- @treturn string sanitized filename local function replaceAllInvalidChars(str) if str then return str:gsub('[\\,%/,:,%*,%?,%",%<,%>,%|]','_') end end --- Replaces slash with an underscore. ---- @string str ---- @treturn string local function replaceSlashChar(str) if str then return str:gsub('%/','_') end end --[[-- Replaces characters that are invalid in filenames. Replaces the characters `\/:*?"<>|` with an `_` unless an optional path is provided. These characters are problematic on Windows filesystems. On Linux only the `/` poses a problem. If an optional path is provided, @{util.getFilesystemType}() will be used to determine whether stricter VFAT restrictions should be applied. ]] ---- @string str ---- @string path ---- @int limit ---- @treturn string safe filename function util.getSafeFilename(str, path, limit, limit_ext) local filename, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(str) local replaceFunc = replaceAllInvalidChars local safe_filename -- VFAT supports a maximum of 255 UCS-2 characters, although it's probably treated as UTF-16 by Windows -- default to a slightly lower limit just in case limit = limit or 240 limit_ext = limit_ext or 10 -- Always assume the worst on Android (#7837) if path and not BaseUtil.isAndroid() then local file_system = util.getFilesystemType(path) if file_system ~= "vfat" and file_system ~= "fuse.fsp" then replaceFunc = replaceSlashChar end end if suffix:len() > limit_ext then -- probably not an actual file extension, or at least not one we'd be -- dealing with, so strip the whole string filename = str suffix = nil end filename = util.htmlToPlainTextIfHtml(filename) filename = filename:sub(1, limit) -- the limit might result in broken UTF-8, which we don't want in the result filename = util.fixUtf8(filename, "") if suffix and suffix ~= "" then safe_filename = replaceFunc(filename) .. "." .. replaceFunc(suffix) else safe_filename = replaceFunc(filename) end return safe_filename end --- Splits a file into its directory path and file name. --- If the given path has a trailing /, returns the entire path as the directory --- path and "" as the file name. ---- @string file ---- @treturn string directory, filename function util.splitFilePathName(file) if file == nil or file == "" then return "", "" end if string.find(file, "/") == nil then return "", file end return file:match("(.*/)(.*)") end --- Splits a file name into its pure file name and suffix ---- @string file ---- @treturn string path, extension function util.splitFileNameSuffix(file) if file == nil or file == "" then return "", "" end if string.find(file, "%.") == nil then return file, "" end return file:match("(.*)%.(.*)") end --- Gets file extension ---- @string filename ---- @treturn string extension function util.getFileNameSuffix(file) local _, suffix = util.splitFileNameSuffix(file) return suffix end --- Companion helper function that returns the script's language, --- based on the file extension. ---- @string filename ---- @treturn string (lowercase) (or nil if not Device:canExecuteScript(file)) function util.getScriptType(file) local file_ext = string.lower(util.getFileNameSuffix(file)) if file_ext == "sh" then return "shell" elseif file_ext == "py" then return "python" end end --- Gets human friendly size as string ---- @int size (bytes) ---- @bool right_align (by padding with spaces on the left) ---- @treturn string function util.getFriendlySize(size, right_align) local frac_format = right_align and "%6.1f" or "%.1f" local deci_format = right_align and "%6d" or "%d" size = tonumber(size) if not size or type(size) ~= "number" then return end if size > 1000*1000*1000 then return T(C_("Data storage size", "%1 GB"), string.format(frac_format, size/1000/1000/1000)) end if size > 1000*1000 then return T(C_("Data storage size", "%1 MB"), string.format(frac_format, size/1000/1000)) end if size > 1000 then return T(C_("Data storage size", "%1 kB"), string.format(frac_format, size/1000)) else return T(C_("Data storage size", "%1 B"), string.format(deci_format, size)) end end --- Gets formatted size as string (1273334 => "1,273,334") ---- @int size (bytes) ---- @treturn string function util.getFormattedSize(size) local s = tostring(size) s = s:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,") s = s:reverse():gsub("^,", "") return s end --[[-- Replaces invalid UTF-8 characters with a replacement string. Based on . c.f., FixUTF8 @ . @string str the string to be checked for invalid characters @string replacement the string to replace invalid characters with @treturn string valid UTF-8 ]] function util.fixUtf8(str, replacement) local pos = 1 local len = #str while pos <= len do if str:find("^[%z\1-\127]", pos) then pos = pos + 1 elseif str:find("^[\194-\223][\128-\191]", pos) then pos = pos + 2 elseif str:find( "^\224[\160-\191][\128-\191]", pos) or str:find("^[\225-\236][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos) or str:find( "^\237[\128-\159][\128-\191]", pos) or str:find("^[\238-\239][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos) then pos = pos + 3 elseif str:find( "^\240[\144-\191][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos) or str:find("^[\241-\243][\128-\191][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos) or str:find( "^\244[\128-\143][\128-\191][\128-\191]", pos) then pos = pos + 4 else str = str:sub(1, pos - 1) .. replacement .. str:sub(pos + 1) pos = pos + #replacement len = len + #replacement - 1 end end return str end --- Splits input string with the splitter into a table. This function ignores the last empty entity. -- --- @string str the string to be split --- @string splitter --- @bool capture_empty_entity --- @treturn an array-like table function util.splitToArray(str, splitter, capture_empty_entity) local result = {} for word in util.gsplit(str, splitter, false, capture_empty_entity) do table.insert(result, word) end return result end --- Convert a Unicode codepoint (number) to UTF-8 char --- c.f., --- & --- See utf8charcode in ffi/util for a decoder. -- --- @int c Unicode codepoint --- @treturn string UTF-8 char function util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(c) if c < 0x80 then return string.char(c) elseif c < 0x800 then return string.char( bor(0xC0, rshift(c, 6)), bor(0x80, band(c, 0x3F)) ) elseif c < 0x10000 then if c >= 0xD800 and c <= 0xDFFF then return '�' -- Surrogates -> U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER end return string.char( bor(0xE0, rshift(c, 12)), bor(0x80, band(rshift(c, 6), 0x3F)), bor(0x80, band(c, 0x3F)) ) elseif c < 0x110000 then return string.char( bor(0xF0, rshift(c, 18)), bor(0x80, band(rshift(c, 12), 0x3F)), bor(0x80, band(rshift(c, 6), 0x3F)), bor(0x80, band(c, 0x3F)) ) else return '�' -- Invalid -> U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER end end -- we need to use an array of arrays to keep them ordered as written local HTML_ENTITIES_TO_UTF8 = { {"<", "<"}, {">", ">"}, {""", '"'}, {"'", "'"}, {" ", "\xC2\xA0"}, {"&#(%d+);", function(x) return util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(tonumber(x)) end}, {"&#x(%x+);", function(x) return util.unicodeCodepointToUtf8(tonumber(x, 16)) end}, {"&", "&"}, -- must be last } --[[-- Replace HTML entities with their UTF-8 encoded equivalent in text. Supports only basic ones and those with numbers (no support for named entities like `é`). @int string text with HTML entities @treturn string UTF-8 text ]] function util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(text) for _, t in ipairs(HTML_ENTITIES_TO_UTF8) do text = text:gsub(t[1], t[2]) end return text end --[[-- Convert simple HTML to plain text. This may fail on complex HTML (with styles, scripts, comments), but should be fine enough with simple HTML as found in EPUB's ``. @string text HTML text @treturn string plain text ]] function util.htmlToPlainText(text) -- Replace
with \n text = text:gsub("%s*<%s*br%s*/?>%s*", "\n") --
-- Replace

with \n\t (\t, unlike any combination of spaces, -- ensures a constant indentation when text is justified.) text = text:gsub("%s*%s*", "\n") --

text = text:gsub("%s*<%s*p%s*/>%s*", "\n") -- standalone

text = text:gsub("%s*<%s*p%s*>%s*", "\n\t") --

-- (this one last, so \t is not removed by the others' %s) -- Remove all HTML tags text = text:gsub("<[^>]*>", "") -- Convert HTML entities text = util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(text) -- Trim spaces and new lines at start and end, including -- the \t we added (this looks fine enough with multiple -- paragraphs, but feels nicer with a single paragraph, -- whether it contains
s or not). text = text:gsub("^[\n%s]*", "") text = text:gsub("[\n%s]*$", "") return text end --- Convert HTML to plain text if text seems to be HTML -- Detection of HTML is simple and may raise false positives -- or negatives, but seems quite good at guessing content type -- of text found in EPUB's . -- --- @string text the string with possibly some HTML --- @treturn string cleaned text function util.htmlToPlainTextIfHtml(text) local is_html = false -- Quick way to check if text is some HTML: -- look for html tags local _, nb_tags _, nb_tags = text:gsub("<%w+.->", "") if nb_tags > 0 then is_html = true else -- no found -- but we may meet some text badly/twice encoded html containing "<br>" local nb_encoded_tags _, nb_encoded_tags = text:gsub("<%a+>", "") if nb_encoded_tags > 0 then is_html = true -- decode one of the two encodes text = util.htmlEntitiesToUtf8(text) end end if is_html then text = util.htmlToPlainText(text) else -- if text ends with ]]>, it probably comes from that -- crengine has extracted correctly, but let the ending tag in, so -- let's remove it text = text:gsub("]]>%s*$", "") end return text end --- Encode the HTML entities in a string --- @string text the string to escape -- Taken from https://github.com/kernelsauce/turbo/blob/e4a35c2e3fb63f07464f8f8e17252bea3a029685/turbo/escape.lua#L58-L70 function util.htmlEscape(text) return text:gsub("[}{\">/<'&]", { ["&"] = "&", ["<"] = "<", [">"] = ">", ['"'] = """, ["'"] = "'", ["/"] = "/", }) end --- Prettify a CSS stylesheet -- Not perfect, but enough to make some ugly CSS readable. -- By default, each selector and each property is put on its own line. -- With condensed=true, condense each full declaration on a single line. -- --- @string CSS string --- @boolean condensed[opt=false] true to condense each declaration on a line --- @treturn string the CSS prettified function util.prettifyCSS(css_text, condensed) if not condensed then -- Get rid of \t so we can use it as a replacement/hiding char css_text = css_text:gsub("\t", " ") -- Wrap and indent declarations css_text = css_text:gsub("%s*{%s*", " {\n ") css_text = css_text:gsub(";%s*}%s*", ";\n}\n") css_text = css_text:gsub(";%s*([^}])", ";\n %1") css_text = css_text:gsub("%s*}%s*", "\n}\n") -- Cleanup declarations css_text = css_text:gsub("{[^}]*}", function(s) s = s:gsub("%s*:%s*", ": ") -- Temporarily hide/replace ',' in declaration so they -- are not matched and made multi-lines by followup gsub s = s:gsub("%s*,%s*", "\t") return s end) -- Have each selector (separated by ',') on a new line css_text = css_text:gsub("%s*,%s*", " ,\n") -- Restore hidden ',' in declarations css_text = css_text:gsub("\t", ", ") else -- Go thru previous method to have something standard to work on css_text = util.prettifyCSS(css_text) -- And condense that css_text = css_text:gsub(" {\n ", " { ") css_text = css_text:gsub(";\n ", "; ") css_text = css_text:gsub("\n}", " }") css_text = css_text:gsub(" ,\n", ", ") end return css_text end --- Escape list for shell usage --- @table args the list of arguments to escape --- @treturn string the escaped and concatenated arguments function util.shell_escape(args) local escaped_args = {} for _, arg in ipairs(args) do arg = "'" .. arg:gsub("'", "'\\''") .. "'" table.insert(escaped_args, arg) end return table.concat(escaped_args, " ") end --- Clear all the elements from a table without reassignment. --- @table t the table to be cleared function util.clearTable(t) local c = #t for i = 0, c do t[i] = nil end end --- Encode URL also known as percent-encoding see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding --- @string text the string to encode --- @treturn encode string --- Taken from https://gist.github.com/liukun/f9ce7d6d14fa45fe9b924a3eed5c3d99 function util.urlEncode(url) local char_to_hex = function(c) return string.format("%%%02X", string.byte(c)) end if url == nil then return end url = url:gsub("\n", "\r\n") url = url:gsub("([^%w%-%.%_%~%!%*%'%(%)])", char_to_hex) return url end --- Decode URL (reverse process to util.urlEncode()) --- @string text the string to decode --- @treturn decode string --- Taken from https://gist.github.com/liukun/f9ce7d6d14fa45fe9b924a3eed5c3d99 function util.urlDecode(url) local hex_to_char = function(x) return string.char(tonumber(x, 16)) end if url == nil then return end url = url:gsub("%%(%x%x)", hex_to_char) return url end --- Check lua syntax of string --- @string text lua code text --- @treturn string with parsing error, nil if syntax ok function util.checkLuaSyntax(lua_text) local lua_code_ok, err = loadstring(lua_text) if lua_code_ok then return nil end -- Replace: [string "blah blah..."]:3: '=' expected near '123' -- with: Line 3: '=' expected near '123' err = err:gsub("%[string \".-%\"]:", "Line ") return err end --- Simple startsWith string helper. -- -- C.f., . -- @string str source string -- @string start string to match -- @treturn bool true on success function util.stringStartsWith(str, start) return str:sub(1, #start) == start end --- Simple endsWith string helper. -- @string str source string -- @string ending string to match -- @treturn bool true on success function util.stringEndsWith(str, ending) return ending == "" or str:sub(-#ending) == ending end local WrappedFunction_mt = { __call = function(self, ...) if self.before_callback then self.before_callback(self.target_table, ...) end if self.func then return self.func(...) end end, } --- Wrap (or replace) a table method with a custom method, in a revertable way. -- This allows you extend the features of an existing module by modifying its -- internal methods, and then revert them back to normal later if necessary. -- -- The most notable use-case for this is VirtualKeyboard's inputbox method -- wrapping to allow keyboards to add more complicated state-machines to modify -- how characters are input. -- -- The returned table is the same table `target_table[target_field_name]` is -- set to. In addition to being callable, the new method has two sub-methods: -- -- * `:revert()` will un-wrap the method and revert it to the original state. -- -- Note that if a method is wrapped multiple times, reverting it will revert -- it to the state of the method when util.wrapMethod was called (and if -- called on the table returned from util.wrapMethod, that is the state when -- that particular util.wrapMethod was called). -- -- * `:raw_call(...)` will call the original method with the given arguments -- and return whatever it returns. -- -- This makes it more ergonomic to use the wrapped table methods in the case -- where you've replaced the regular function with your own implementation -- but you need to call the original functions inside your implementation. -- -- * `:raw_method_call(...)` will call the original method with the arguments -- `(target_table, ...)` and return whatever it returns. Note that the -- target_table used is the one associated with the util.wrapMethod call. -- -- This makes it more ergonomic to use the wrapped table methods in the case -- where you've replaced the regular function with your own implementation -- but you need to call the original functions inside your implementation. -- -- This is effectively short-hand for `:raw_call(target_table, ...)`. -- -- This is loosely based on busted/luassert's spies implementation (MIT). -- -- -- @tparam table target_table The table whose method will be wrapped. -- @tparam string target_field_name The name of the field to wrap. -- @tparam nil|func new_func If non-nil, this function will be called instead of the original function after wrapping. -- @tparam nil|func before_callback If non-nil, this function will be called (with the arguments (target_table, ...)) before the function is called. function util.wrapMethod(target_table, target_field_name, new_func, before_callback) local old_func = target_table[target_field_name] local wrapped = setmetatable({ target_table = target_table, target_field_name = target_field_name, old_func = old_func, before_callback = before_callback, func = new_func or old_func, revert = function(self) if not self.reverted then self.target_table[self.target_field_name] = self.old_func self.reverted = true end end, raw_call = function(self, ...) if self.old_func then return self.old_func(...) end end, raw_method_call = function(self, ...) return self:raw_call(self.target_table, ...) end, }, WrappedFunction_mt) target_table[target_field_name] = wrapped return wrapped end return util