local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local DictQuickLookup = require("ui/widget/dictquicklookup") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local KeyValuePage = require("ui/widget/keyvaluepage") local LuaData = require("luadata") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local ReaderDictionary = require("apps/reader/modules/readerdictionary") local Trapper = require("ui/trapper") local Translator = require("ui/translator") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Wikipedia = require("ui/wikipedia") local filemanagerutil = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local wikipedia_history = nil -- Wikipedia as a special dictionary local ReaderWikipedia = ReaderDictionary:extend{ -- identify itself is_wiki = true, disable_history = G_reader_settings:isTrue("wikipedia_disable_history"), } function ReaderWikipedia:init() self.wiki_languages = {} self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) if not wikipedia_history then wikipedia_history = LuaData:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/wikipedia_history.lua", "WikipediaHistory") end end function ReaderWikipedia:lookupInput() self.input_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Enter a word or phrase to look up"), input = "", input_type = "text", buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(self.input_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Search Wikipedia"), is_enter_default = true, callback = function() if self.input_dialog:getInputText() == "" then return end UIManager:close(self.input_dialog) -- Trust that input text does not need any cleaning (allows querying for "-suffix") self:onLookupWikipedia(self.input_dialog:getInputText(), true) end, }, } }, } UIManager:show(self.input_dialog) self.input_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end function ReaderWikipedia:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.wikipedia_lookup = { text = _("Wikipedia lookup"), callback = function() self:onShowWikipediaLookup() end, } menu_items.wikipedia_history = { text = _("Wikipedia history"), enabled_func = function() return wikipedia_history:has("wikipedia_history") end, callback = function() local wikipedia_history_table = wikipedia_history:readSetting("wikipedia_history") local kv_pairs = {} local previous_title self:initLanguages() -- so current lang is set for i = #wikipedia_history_table, 1, -1 do local value = wikipedia_history_table[i] if value.book_title ~= previous_title then table.insert(kv_pairs, { value.book_title..":", "" }) end previous_title = value.book_title local type_s = "▱ " -- lookup: small white parallelogram if value.page then type_s = "▤ " -- full page: large square with lines end local lang_s = "" if value.lang ~= self.wiki_languages[1]:lower() then -- We show item's lang only when different from current lang lang_s = " ["..value.lang:upper().."]" end local text = type_s .. value.word .. lang_s table.insert(kv_pairs, { os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", value.time), text, callback = function() -- Word had been cleaned before being added to history self:onLookupWikipedia(value.word, true, nil, value.page, value.lang) end }) end UIManager:show(KeyValuePage:new{ title = _("Wikipedia history"), value_overflow_align = "right", kv_pairs = kv_pairs, }) end, } menu_items.wikipedia_settings = { text = _("Wikipedia settings"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Set Wikipedia languages"), keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() local wikilang_input local function save_wikilang() local wiki_languages = {} local langs = wikilang_input:getInputText() for lang in langs:gmatch("%S+") do if not lang:match("^[%a-]+$") then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("%1 does not look like a valid Wikipedia language."), lang) }) return end lang = lang:lower() table.insert(wiki_languages, lang) end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("wikipedia_languages", wiki_languages) -- re-init languages self.wiki_languages = {} self:initLanguages() UIManager:close(wikilang_input) end -- Use the list built by initLanguages (even if made from UI -- and document languages) as the initial value self:initLanguages() local curr_languages = table.concat(self.wiki_languages, " ") wikilang_input = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Wikipedia languages"), input = curr_languages, input_hint = "en fr zh", input_type = "text", description = _("Enter one or more Wikipedia language codes (the 2 or 3 letters before .wikipedia.org), in the order you wish to see them available, separated by a space. For example:\n en fr zh\n\nFull list at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias"), buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(wikilang_input) end, }, { text = _("Save"), is_enter_default = true, callback = save_wikilang, }, } }, } UIManager:show(wikilang_input) wikilang_input:onShowKeyboard() end, }, { -- setting used by dictquicklookup text = _("Set Wikipedia 'Save as EPUB' folder"), keep_menu_open = true, help_text = _([[ Wikipedia articles can be saved as an EPUB for more comfortable reading. You can choose an existing folder, or use a default folder named "Wikipedia" in your reader's home folder.]]), callback = function() local title_header = _("Current Wikipedia 'Save as EPUB' folder:") local current_path = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wikipedia_save_dir") local default_path = DictQuickLookup.getWikiSaveEpubDefaultDir() local caller_callback = function(path) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("wikipedia_save_dir", path) if not util.pathExists(path) then lfs.mkdir(path) end end filemanagerutil.showChooseDialog(title_header, caller_callback, current_path, default_path) end, }, { -- setting used by dictquicklookup text = _("Save Wikipedia EPUB in current book folder"), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:isTrue("wikipedia_save_in_book_dir") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("wikipedia_save_in_book_dir") end, separator = true, }, { text = _("Enable Wikipedia history"), checked_func = function() return not self.disable_history end, callback = function() self.disable_history = not self.disable_history G_reader_settings:saveSetting("wikipedia_disable_history", self.disable_history) end, }, { text = _("Clean Wikipedia history"), enabled_func = function() return wikipedia_history:has("wikipedia_history") end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Clean Wikipedia history?"), ok_text = _("Clean"), ok_callback = function() -- empty data table to replace current one wikipedia_history:reset{} touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }) end, separator = true, }, { -- setting used in wikipedia.lua text = _("Show image in search results"), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_image") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_image") end, }, { -- setting used in wikipedia.lua text = _("Show more images in full article"), enabled_func = function() return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_image") end, checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_more_images") and G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_image") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_more_images") end, }, } } end function ReaderWikipedia:initLanguages(word) if #self.wiki_languages > 0 then -- already done return end -- Fill self.wiki_languages with languages to propose local wikipedia_languages = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wikipedia_languages") if type(wikipedia_languages) == "table" and #wikipedia_languages > 0 then -- use this setting, no need to guess: we reference the setting table, so -- any update to it will have it saved in settings self.wiki_languages = wikipedia_languages else -- guess some languages self.seen_lang = {} local addLanguage = function(lang) if lang and lang ~= "" then -- convert "zh-CN" and "zh-TW" to "zh" lang = lang:match("(.*)-") or lang if lang == "C" then lang="en" end lang = lang:lower() if not self.seen_lang[lang] then table.insert(self.wiki_languages, lang) self.seen_lang[lang] = true end end end -- use book and UI languages if self.view then addLanguage(self.ui.doc_props.language) end addLanguage(G_reader_settings:readSetting("language")) if #self.wiki_languages == 0 and word then -- if no language at all, do a translation of selected word local ok_translator, lang ok_translator, lang = pcall(Translator.detect, Translator, word) if ok_translator then addLanguage(lang) end end -- add english anyway, so we have at least one language addLanguage("en") end end function ReaderWikipedia:onLookupWikipedia(word, is_sane, box, get_fullpage, forced_lang) -- Wrapped through Trapper, as we may be using Trapper:dismissableRunInSubprocess() in it Trapper:wrap(function() self:lookupWikipedia(word, is_sane, box, get_fullpage, forced_lang) end) return true end function ReaderWikipedia:lookupWikipedia(word, is_sane, box, get_fullpage, forced_lang) if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:lookupWikipedia(word, is_sane, box, get_fullpage, forced_lang) end) then -- Not online yet, nothing more to do here, NetworkMgr will forward the callback and run it once connected! return end -- word is the text to query. If get_fullpage is true, it is the -- exact wikipedia page title we want the full page of. self:initLanguages(word) local lang if forced_lang then -- use provided lang (from readerlink when noticing that an external link is a wikipedia url, -- of from Wikipedia lookup history, or when switching to next language in DictQuickLookup) lang = forced_lang else -- use first lang from self.wiki_languages lang = self.wiki_languages[1] end logger.dbg("lookup word:", word, box, get_fullpage) -- no need to clean word if get_fullpage, as it is the exact wikipetia page title if word and not get_fullpage then -- escape quotes and other funny characters in word word = self:cleanSelection(word, is_sane) -- no need to lower() word with wikipedia search end logger.dbg("stripped word:", word) if word == "" then return end local display_word = word:gsub("_", " ") if not self.disable_history then local book_title = self.ui.doc_props and self.ui.doc_props.display_title or _("Wikipedia lookup") wikipedia_history:addTableItem("wikipedia_history", { book_title = book_title, time = os.time(), word = display_word, lang = lang:lower(), page = get_fullpage, }) end -- Fix lookup message to include lang and set appropriate error texts local no_result_text, req_failure_text if get_fullpage then self.lookup_msg = T(_("Retrieving Wikipedia %2 article:\n%1"), "%1", lang:upper()) req_failure_text = _("Failed to retrieve Wikipedia article.") no_result_text = _("Wikipedia article not found.") else self.lookup_msg = T(_("Searching Wikipedia %2 for:\n%1"), "%1", lang:upper()) req_failure_text = _("Failed searching Wikipedia.") no_result_text = _("No results.") end self:showLookupInfo(display_word) local results = {} local ok, pages local lookup_cancelled = false Wikipedia:setTrapWidget(self.lookup_progress_msg) if get_fullpage then ok, pages = pcall(Wikipedia.getFullPage, Wikipedia, word, lang) else ok, pages = pcall(Wikipedia.searchAndGetIntros, Wikipedia, word, lang) end Wikipedia:resetTrapWidget() if not ok and pages and string.find(pages, Wikipedia.dismissed_error_code) then -- So we can display an alternate dummy result lookup_cancelled = true -- Or we could just not show anything with: -- self:dismissLookupInfo() -- return end if ok and pages then -- sort pages according to 'index' attribute if present (not present -- in fullpage results) local sorted_pages = {} local has_indexes = false for pageid, page in pairs(pages) do if page.index ~= nil then sorted_pages[page.index+1] = page has_indexes = true end end if has_indexes then pages = sorted_pages end for pageid, page in pairs(pages) do local definition = page.extract or (page.length and _("No introduction.")) or no_result_text if page.length then -- we get 'length' only for intro results -- let's append it to definition so we know -- how big/valuable the full page is local fullkb = math.ceil(page.length/1024) local more_factor = math.ceil( page.length / (1+definition:len()) ) -- +1 just in case len()=0 definition = definition .. "\n" .. T(_("(full article : %1 kB, = %2 x this intro length)"), fullkb, more_factor) end local result = { dict = T(_("Wikipedia %1"), lang:upper()), word = page.title, definition = definition, is_wiki_fullpage = get_fullpage, lang = lang, rtl_lang = Wikipedia:isWikipediaLanguageRTL(lang), images = page.images, } table.insert(results, result) end -- logger.dbg of results will be done by ReaderDictionary:showDict() else -- dummy results local definition if lookup_cancelled then definition = _("Wikipedia request interrupted.") elseif ok then definition = no_result_text else definition = req_failure_text logger.dbg("error:", pages) end results = { { dict = T(_("Wikipedia %1"), lang:upper()), word = word, definition = definition, is_wiki_fullpage = get_fullpage, lang = lang, } } -- Also put this as a k/v into the results array: if we end up with this -- after lang rotation, DictQuickLookup will not update this lang rotation. results.no_result = true logger.dbg("dummy result table:", word, results) end self:showDict(word, results, box) end function ReaderWikipedia:getWikiLanguages(first_lang) -- Always return a copy of ours local wiki_languages = {unpack(self.wiki_languages)} local is_first_lang = first_lang == wiki_languages[1] if not is_first_lang then -- return a wiki_languages with requested lang at first if util.arrayContains(wiki_languages, first_lang) then -- first_lang in the list: rotate until it is first while wiki_languages[1] ~= first_lang do table.insert(wiki_languages, table.remove(wiki_languages, 1)) end else -- first_lang not in the list: add it first table.insert(wiki_languages, 1, first_lang) end end local update_wiki_languages_on_close = false if DictQuickLookup.rotated_update_wiki_languages_on_close ~= nil then -- Flag set by DictQuickLookup when rotating, forwarding the flag -- of the rotated out DictQuickLookup instance: trust it update_wiki_languages_on_close = DictQuickLookup.rotated_update_wiki_languages_on_close DictQuickLookup.rotated_update_wiki_languages_on_close = nil else -- Not a rotation. Only if it's the first request with the current -- first language, we will have it (and any lang rotation from it) -- update the main ReaderWikipedia.wiki_languages. That is, queries -- from Wikipedia url links for another language, or from Wikipedia -- lookup history with other languages (and any lang rotation made -- from them) won't update it. if is_first_lang then update_wiki_languages_on_close = true for i = #DictQuickLookup.window_list-1, 1, -1 do -- (ignore the last one, which is the one calling this) if DictQuickLookup.window_list[i].is_wiki then -- Another upper Wikipedia result: only this one may update it update_wiki_languages_on_close = false break end end end end return wiki_languages, update_wiki_languages_on_close end function ReaderWikipedia:onUpdateWikiLanguages(wiki_languages) -- Update our self.wiki_languages in-place while table.remove(self.wiki_languages) do end for _, lang in ipairs(wiki_languages) do table.insert(self.wiki_languages, lang) end end -- override onSaveSettings in ReaderDictionary function ReaderWikipedia:onSaveSettings() end function ReaderWikipedia:onShowWikipediaLookup() local connect_callback = function() self:lookupInput() end NetworkMgr:runWhenOnline(connect_callback) return true end return ReaderWikipedia