describe("UIManager spec", function() local Device, UIManager, util local noop = function() end setup(function() require("commonrequire") util = require("ffi/util") UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") Device = require("device") end) it("should consume due tasks", function() local now = { util.gettime() } local future = { now[1] + 60000, now[2] } local future2 = {future[1] + 5, future[2]} UIManager:quit() UIManager._task_queue = { { time = {now[1] - 10, now[2] }, action = noop }, { time = {now[1], now[2] - 5 }, action = noop }, { time = now, action = noop }, { time = future, action = noop }, { time = future2, action = noop }, } UIManager:_checkTasks() assert.are.same(#UIManager._task_queue, 2) assert.are.same(UIManager._task_queue[1].time, future) assert.are.same(UIManager._task_queue[2].time, future2) end) it("should calcualte wait_until properly in checkTasks routine", function() local now = { util.gettime() } local future = { now[1] + 60000, now[2] } UIManager:quit() UIManager._task_queue = { { time = {now[1] - 10, now[2] }, action = noop }, { time = {now[1], now[2] - 5 }, action = noop }, { time = now, action = noop }, { time = future, action = noop }, { time = {future[1] + 5, future[2]}, action = noop }, } wait_until, now = UIManager:_checkTasks() assert.are.same(wait_until, future) end) it("should return nil wait_until properly in checkTasks routine", function() local now = { util.gettime() } UIManager:quit() UIManager._task_queue = { { time = {now[1] - 10, now[2] }, action = noop }, { time = {now[1], now[2] - 5 }, action = noop }, { time = now, action = noop }, } wait_until, now = UIManager:_checkTasks() assert.are.same(wait_until, nil) end) it("should insert new task properly in empty task queue", function() local now = { util.gettime() } UIManager:quit() UIManager._task_queue = {} assert.are.same(0, #UIManager._task_queue) UIManager:scheduleIn(50, 'foo') assert.are.same(1, #UIManager._task_queue) assert.are.same(UIManager._task_queue[1].action, 'foo') end) it("should insert new task properly in single task queue", function() local now = { util.gettime() } local future = { now[1]+10000, now[2] } UIManager:quit() UIManager._task_queue = { { time = future, action = '1' }, } assert.are.same(1, #UIManager._task_queue) UIManager:scheduleIn(150, 'quz') assert.are.same(2, #UIManager._task_queue) assert.are.same(UIManager._task_queue[1].action, 'quz') UIManager:quit() UIManager._task_queue = { { time = now, action = '1' }, } assert.are.same(1, #UIManager._task_queue) UIManager:scheduleIn(150, 'foo') assert.are.same(2, #UIManager._task_queue) assert.are.same(UIManager._task_queue[2].action, 'foo') UIManager:scheduleIn(155, 'bar') assert.are.same(3, #UIManager._task_queue) assert.are.same(UIManager._task_queue[3].action, 'bar') end) it("should insert new task in ascendant order", function() local now = { util.gettime() } local noop1 = function() end UIManager:quit() UIManager._task_queue = { { time = {now[1] - 10, now[2] }, action = '1' }, { time = {now[1], now[2] - 5 }, action = '2' }, { time = now, action = '3' }, } -- insert into the tail slot UIManager:scheduleIn(10, 'foo') assert.are.same('foo', UIManager._task_queue[4].action) -- insert into the second slot UIManager:schedule({now[1]-5, now[2]}, 'bar') assert.are.same('bar', UIManager._task_queue[2].action) -- insert into the head slot UIManager:schedule({now[1]-15, now[2]}, 'baz') assert.are.same('baz', UIManager._task_queue[1].action) -- insert into the last second slot UIManager:scheduleIn(5, 'qux') assert.are.same('qux', UIManager._task_queue[6].action) -- insert into the middle slot UIManager:schedule({now[1], now[2]-1}, 'quux') assert.are.same('quux', UIManager._task_queue[5].action) end) it("should unschedule all the tasks with the same action", function() local now = { util.gettime() } local noop1 = function() end UIManager:quit() UIManager._task_queue = { { time = {now[1] - 15, now[2] }, action = '3' }, { time = {now[1] - 10, now[2] }, action = '1' }, { time = {now[1], now[2] - 6 }, action = '3' }, { time = {now[1], now[2] - 5 }, action = '2' }, { time = now, action = '3' }, } -- insert into the tail slot UIManager:unschedule('3') assert.are.same({ { time = {now[1] - 10, now[2] }, action = '1' }, { time = {now[1], now[2] - 5 }, action = '2' }, }, UIManager._task_queue) end) it("should not have race between unschedule and _checkTasks", function() local now = { util.gettime() } local run_count = 0 local task_to_remove = function() run_count = run_count + 1 end UIManager:quit() UIManager._task_queue = { { time = { now[1], now[2]-5 }, action = task_to_remove }, { time = { now[1]-10, now[2] }, action = function() run_count = run_count + 1 UIManager:unschedule(task_to_remove) end }, { time = now, action = task_to_remove }, } UIManager:_checkTasks() assert.are.same(run_count, 2) end) it("should clear _task_queue_dirty bit before looping", function() UIManager:quit() UIManager:nextTick(function() UIManager:nextTick(noop) end) UIManager:_checkTasks() assert.is_true(UIManager._task_queue_dirty) end) it("should setup auto suspend on kobo", function() local old_reset_timer = UIManager._resetAutoSuspendTimer local noop = old_reset_timer assert.falsy(UIManager._startAutoSuspend) assert.falsy(UIManager._stopAutoSuspend) assert.truthy(old_reset_timer) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("auto_suspend_timeout_seconds", 3600) UIManager:quit() -- should skip on non-kobo devices UIManager:_initAutoSuspend(), UIManager._startAutoSuspend), UIManager._stopAutoSuspend) assert.truthy(old_reset_timer), 0) -- now test kobo devices local old_is_kobo = Device.isKobo Device.isKobo = function() return true end UIManager:_initAutoSuspend() assert.truthy(UIManager._startAutoSuspend) assert.truthy(UIManager._stopAutoSuspend) assert.is_not.same(UIManager._resetAutoSuspendTimer, old_reset_timer), 1)[1].action, UIManager.auto_suspend_action) Device.isKobo = old_is_kobo end) it("should check active widgets in order", function() local call_signals = {false, false, false} UIManager._window_stack = { { widget = { is_always_active = true, handleEvent = function() call_signals[1] = true return true end } }, { widget = { is_always_active = true, handleEvent = function() call_signals[2] = true return true end } }, { widget = { is_always_active = true, handleEvent = function() call_signals[3] = true return true end } }, {widget = {handleEvent = function()end}}, } UIManager:sendEvent("foo") assert.falsy(call_signals[1]) assert.falsy(call_signals[2]) assert.truthy(call_signals[3]) end) it("should handle stack change when checking for active widgets", function() -- senario 1: 2nd widget removes the 3rd widget in the stack local call_signals = {0, 0, 0} UIManager._window_stack = { { widget = { is_always_active = true, handleEvent = function() call_signals[1] = call_signals[1] + 1 end } }, { widget = { is_always_active = true, handleEvent = function() call_signals[2] = call_signals[2] + 1 end } }, { widget = { is_always_active = true, handleEvent = function() call_signals[3] = call_signals[3] + 1 table.remove(UIManager._window_stack, 2) end } }, {widget = {handleEvent = function()end}}, } UIManager:sendEvent("foo")[1], 1)[2], 0)[3], 1) -- senario 2: top widget removes itself call_signals = {0, 0, 0} UIManager._window_stack = { { widget = { is_always_active = true, handleEvent = function() call_signals[1] = call_signals[1] + 1 end } }, { widget = { is_always_active = true, handleEvent = function() call_signals[2] = call_signals[2] + 1 end } }, { widget = { is_always_active = true, handleEvent = function() call_signals[3] = call_signals[3] + 1 table.remove(UIManager._window_stack, 3) end } }, } UIManager:sendEvent("foo")[1], 1)[2], 1)[3], 1) end) it("should handle stack change when broadcasting events", function() UIManager._window_stack = { { widget = { handleEvent = function() UIManager._window_stack[1] = nil end } }, } UIManager:broadcastEvent("foo"), 0) UIManager._window_stack = { { widget = { handleEvent = function() UIManager._window_stack[1] = nil UIManager._window_stack[2] = nil UIManager._window_stack[3] = nil end } }, { widget = { handleEvent = function() assert.falsy(true); end } }, { widget = { handleEvent = function() assert.falsy(true); end } }, } UIManager:broadcastEvent("foo"), 0) end) end)