local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local DEBUG = require("dbg") -- Blitbuffer -- einkfb --[[ Codes for rotation modes: 1 for no rotation, 2 for landscape with bottom on the right side of screen, etc. 2 +--------------+ | +----------+ | | | | | | | Freedom! | | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | | 1 | | | | | | | | | +----------+ | | | | | +--------------+ 0 --]] local Screen = { cur_rotation_mode = 0, native_rotation_mode = nil, bb = nil, saved_bb = nil, fb = einkfb.open("/dev/fb0"), -- will be set upon loading by Device class: device = nil, } function Screen:init() self.bb = self.fb.bb -- asking the framebuffer for orientation is error prone, -- so we do this simple heuristic (for now) if self:getWidth() > self:getHeight() then self.native_rotation_mode = 1 else self.native_rotation_mode = 0 end self.cur_rotation_mode = self.native_rotation_mode end function Screen:refresh(refresh_type, waveform_mode, x, y, w, h) self.fb:refresh(refresh_type, waveform_mode, x, y, w, h) end function Screen:getSize() return Geom:new{w = self.bb:getWidth(), h = self.bb:getHeight()} end function Screen:getWidth() return self.bb:getWidth() end function Screen:getHeight() return self.bb:getHeight() end function Screen:getDPI() if(self.device:getModel() == "KindlePaperWhite") or (self.device:getModel() == "Kobo_kraken") or (self.device:getModel() == "Kobo_phoenix") then return 212 elseif self.device:getModel() == "Kobo_dragon" then return 265 elseif self.device:getModel() == "Kobo_pixie" then return 200 else return 167 end end function Screen:scaleByDPI(px) return math.floor(px * self:getDPI()/167) end function Screen:rescaleByDPI(px) return math.ceil(px * 167/self:getDPI()) end function Screen:getRotationMode() return self.cur_rotation_mode end function Screen:getScreenMode() if self:getWidth() > self:getHeight() then return "landscape" else return "portrait" end end function Screen:setRotationMode(mode) self.fb.bb:rotateAbsolute(-90 * (mode - self.native_rotation_mode)) self.cur_rotation_mode = mode end function Screen:setScreenMode(mode) if mode == "portrait" then if self.cur_rotation_mode ~= 0 then self:setRotationMode(0) end elseif mode == "landscape" then if self.cur_rotation_mode == 0 or self.cur_rotation_mode == 2 then self:setRotationMode(1) elseif self.cur_rotation_mode == 1 or self.cur_rotation_mode == 3 then self:setRotationMode((self.cur_rotation_mode + 2) % 4) end end end function Screen:saveCurrentBB() local width, height = self:getWidth(), self:getHeight() if not self.saved_bb then self.saved_bb = Blitbuffer.new(width, height) end if self.saved_bb:getWidth() ~= width then self.saved_bb:free() self.saved_bb = Blitbuffer.new(width, height) end self.saved_bb:blitFullFrom(self.bb) end function Screen:restoreFromSavedBB() self:restoreFromBB(self.saved_bb) -- free data self.saved_bb = nil end function Screen:getCurrentScreenBB() local bb = Blitbuffer.new(self:getWidth(), self:getHeight()) bb:blitFullFrom(self.bb) return bb end function Screen:restoreFromBB(bb) if bb then self.bb:blitFullFrom(bb) else DEBUG("Got nil bb in restoreFromSavedBB!") end end return Screen