local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local BottomContainer = require("ui/widget/container/bottomcontainer") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local HorizontalSpan = require("ui/widget/horizontalspan") local LeftContainer = require("ui/widget/container/leftcontainer") local LineWidget = require("ui/widget/linewidget") local ProgressWidget = require("ui/widget/progresswidget") local RightContainer = require("ui/widget/container/rightcontainer") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local T = require("ffi/util").template local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local Screen = Device.screen local MODE = { off = 0, page_progress = 1, pages_left_book = 2, time = 3, pages_left = 4, battery = 5, percentage = 6, book_time_to_read = 7, chapter_time_to_read = 8, frontlight = 9, mem_usage = 10, wifi_status = 11, book_title = 12, book_chapter = 13, bookmark_count = 14, } local symbol_prefix = { letters = { time = nil, pages_left = "=>", -- @translators This is the footer letter prefix for battery % remaining. battery = C_("FooterLetterPrefix", "B:"), -- @translators This is the footer letter prefix for the number of bookmarks (bookmark count). bookmark_count = C_("FooterLetterPrefix", "BM:"), -- @translators This is the footer letter prefix for percentage read. percentage = C_("FooterLetterPrefix", "R:"), -- @translators This is the footer letter prefix for book time to read. book_time_to_read = C_("FooterLetterPrefix", "TB:"), -- @translators This is the footer letter prefix for chapter time to read. chapter_time_to_read = C_("FooterLetterPrefix", "TC:"), -- @translators This is the footer letter prefix for frontlight level. frontlight = C_("FooterLetterPrefix", "L:"), -- @translators This is the footer letter prefix for memory usage. mem_usage = C_("FooterLetterPrefix", "M:"), -- @translators This is the footer letter prefix for Wi-Fi status. wifi_status = C_("FooterLetterPrefix", "W:"), }, icons = { time = "⌚", pages_left = BD.mirroredUILayout() and "⇐" or "⇒", battery = "", bookmark_count = "☆", percentage = BD.mirroredUILayout() and "⤟" or "⤠", book_time_to_read = "⏳", chapter_time_to_read = BD.mirroredUILayout() and "⥖" or "⤻", frontlight = "☼", mem_usage = "", wifi_status = "", wifi_status_off = "", }, compact_items = { time = nil, pages_left = "›", battery = "", -- @translators This is the footer compact item prefix for the number of bookmarks (bookmark count). bookmark_count = C_("FooterCompactItemsPrefix", "BM"), percentage = nil, book_time_to_read = nil, chapter_time_to_read = "»", frontlight = "*", -- @translators This is the footer compact item prefix for memory usage. mem_usage = C_("FooterCompactItemsPrefix", "M"), wifi_status = "", wifi_status_off = "", } } if BD.mirroredUILayout() then -- We need to RTL-wrap these letters and symbols for proper layout for k, v in pairs(symbol_prefix.letters) do local colon = v:find(":") local wrapped if colon then local pre = v:sub(1, colon-1) local post = v:sub(colon) wrapped = BD.wrap(pre) .. BD.wrap(post) else wrapped = BD.wrap(v) end symbol_prefix.letters[k] = wrapped end for k, v in pairs(symbol_prefix.icons) do symbol_prefix.icons[k] = BD.wrap(v) end end local PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE_THICK_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 7 local PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE_THIN_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 3 local DMINIBAR_TOC_MARKER_WIDTH = 2 local DMINIBAR_FONT_SIZE = 14 -- android: guidelines for rounded corner margins local material_pixels = 16 * math.floor(Screen:getDPI() / 160) -- functions that generates footer text for each mode local footerTextGeneratorMap = { empty = function() return "" end, frontlight = function(footer) local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].frontlight local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() if powerd:isFrontlightOn() then if Device:isCervantes() or Device:isKobo() then return (prefix .. " %d%%"):format(powerd:frontlightIntensity()) else return (prefix .. " %d"):format(powerd:frontlightIntensity()) end else if footer.settings.hide_empty_generators then return "" else return T(_("%1 Off"), prefix) end end end, battery = function(footer) local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].battery local powerd = Device:getPowerDevice() local batt_lvl = powerd:getCapacity() -- If we're using icons, use fancy variable icons if symbol_type == "icons" or symbol_type == "compact_items" then if powerd:isCharging() then prefix = "" else if batt_lvl >= 100 then prefix = "" elseif batt_lvl >= 90 then prefix = "" elseif batt_lvl >= 80 then prefix = "" elseif batt_lvl >= 70 then prefix = "" elseif batt_lvl >= 60 then prefix = "" elseif batt_lvl >= 50 then prefix = "" elseif batt_lvl >= 40 then prefix = "" elseif batt_lvl >= 30 then prefix = "" elseif batt_lvl >= 20 then prefix = "" elseif batt_lvl >= 10 then prefix = "" else prefix = "" end end if symbol_type == "compact_items" then return BD.wrap(prefix) else return BD.wrap(prefix) .. batt_lvl .. "%" end else return BD.wrap(prefix) .. " " .. (powerd:isCharging() and "+" or "") .. batt_lvl .. "%" end end, bookmark_count = function(footer) local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].bookmark_count local bookmark_count = footer.ui.bookmark:getNumberOfBookmarks() if footer.settings.hide_empty_generators and bookmark_count == 0 then return "" end return prefix .. " " .. tostring(bookmark_count) end, time = function(footer) local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].time local clock = util.secondsToHour(os.time(), G_reader_settings:isTrue("twelve_hour_clock")) if not prefix then return clock else return prefix .. " " .. clock end end, page_progress = function(footer) if footer.pageno then if footer.ui.pagemap and footer.ui.pagemap:wantsPageLabels() then -- (Page labels might not be numbers) return ("%s / %s"):format(footer.ui.pagemap:getCurrentPageLabel(true), footer.ui.pagemap:getLastPageLabel(true)) end if footer.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then -- i.e., if we are hiding non-linear fragments and there's anything to hide, local flow = footer.ui.document:getPageFlow(footer.pageno) local page = footer.ui.document:getPageNumberInFlow(footer.pageno) local pages = footer.ui.document:getTotalPagesInFlow(flow) if flow == 0 then return ("%d // %d"):format(page, pages) else return ("[%d / %d]%d"):format(page, pages, flow) end else return ("%d / %d"):format(footer.pageno, footer.pages) end elseif footer.position then return ("%d / %d"):format(footer.position, footer.doc_height) end end, pages_left_book = function(footer) if footer.pageno then if footer.ui.pagemap and footer.ui.pagemap:wantsPageLabels() then -- (Page labels might not be numbers) return ("%s / %s"):format(footer.ui.pagemap:getCurrentPageLabel(true), footer.ui.pagemap:getLastPageLabel(true)) end if footer.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then -- i.e., if we are hiding non-linear fragments and there's anything to hide, local flow = footer.ui.document:getPageFlow(footer.pageno) local page = footer.ui.document:getPageNumberInFlow(footer.pageno) local pages = footer.ui.document:getTotalPagesInFlow(flow) local remaining = pages - page; if flow == 0 then return ("-%d // %d"):format(remaining, pages) else return ("[-%d / %d]%d"):format(remaining, pages, flow) end else local remaining = footer.pages - footer.pageno return ("-%d / %d"):format(remaining, footer.pages) end elseif footer.position then return ("-%d / %d"):format(footer.doc_height - footer.position, footer.doc_height) end end, pages_left = function(footer) local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].pages_left local left = footer.ui.toc:getChapterPagesLeft(footer.pageno) return prefix .. " " .. (left or footer.ui.document:getTotalPagesLeft(footer.pageno)) end, percentage = function(footer) local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].percentage local digits = footer.settings.progress_pct_format or "0" local string_percentage = "%." .. digits .. "f%%" if footer.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then local flow = footer.ui.document:getPageFlow(footer.pageno) if flow ~= 0 then string_percentage = "[" .. string_percentage .. "]" end end if prefix then string_percentage = prefix .. " " .. string_percentage end return string_percentage:format(footer.progress_bar.percentage * 100) end, book_time_to_read = function(footer) local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].book_time_to_read local left = footer.ui.document:getTotalPagesLeft(footer.pageno) return footer:getDataFromStatistics(prefix and (prefix.." ") or "", left) end, chapter_time_to_read = function(footer) local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].chapter_time_to_read local left = footer.ui.toc:getChapterPagesLeft(footer.pageno) return footer:getDataFromStatistics( prefix .. " ", (left or footer.ui.document:getTotalPagesLeft(footer.pageno))) end, mem_usage = function(footer) local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].mem_usage local statm = io.open("/proc/self/statm", "r") if statm then local dummy, rss = statm:read("*number", "*number") statm:close() -- we got the nb of 4Kb-pages used, that we convert to Mb rss = math.floor(rss * 4096 / 1024 / 1024) return (prefix .. " %d"):format(rss) end return "" end, wifi_status = function(footer) -- NOTE: This one deviates a bit from the mold because, in icons mode, we simply use two different icons and no text. local symbol_type = footer.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") if symbol_type == "icons" or symbol_type == "compact_items" then if NetworkMgr:isWifiOn() then return symbol_prefix.icons.wifi_status else if footer.settings.hide_empty_generators then return "" else return symbol_prefix.icons.wifi_status_off end end else local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].wifi_status if NetworkMgr:isWifiOn() then return T(_("%1 On"), prefix) else if footer.settings.hide_empty_generators then return "" else return T(_("%1 Off"), prefix) end end end end, book_title = function(footer) local doc_info = footer.ui.document:getProps() if doc_info and doc_info.title then local title = doc_info.title:gsub(" ", "\xC2\xA0") -- replace space with no-break-space local title_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = title, max_width = footer._saved_screen_width * footer.settings.book_title_max_width_pct / 100, face = Font:getFace(footer.text_font_face, footer.settings.text_font_size), bold = footer.settings.text_font_bold, } local fitted_title_text, add_ellipsis = title_widget:getFittedText() title_widget:free() if add_ellipsis then fitted_title_text = fitted_title_text .. "…" end return BD.auto(fitted_title_text) else return "" end end, book_chapter = function(footer) local chapter_title = footer.ui.toc:getTocTitleByPage(footer.pageno) if chapter_title and chapter_title ~= "" then chapter_title = chapter_title:gsub(" ", "\xC2\xA0") -- replace space with no-break-space local chapter_widget = TextWidget:new{ text = chapter_title, max_width = footer._saved_screen_width * footer.settings.book_chapter_max_width_pct / 100, face = Font:getFace(footer.text_font_face, footer.settings.text_font_size), bold = footer.settings.text_font_bold, } local fitted_chapter_text, add_ellipsis = chapter_widget:getFittedText() chapter_widget:free() if add_ellipsis then fitted_chapter_text = fitted_chapter_text .. "…" end return BD.auto(fitted_chapter_text) else return "" end end } local ReaderFooter = WidgetContainer:extend{ mode = MODE.page_progress, pageno = nil, pages = nil, progress_percentage = 0.0, footer_text = nil, text_font_face = "ffont", height = Screen:scaleBySize(DMINIBAR_CONTAINER_HEIGHT), horizontal_margin = Size.span.horizontal_default, bottom_padding = Size.padding.tiny, settings = {}, -- added to expose them to unit tests textGeneratorMap = footerTextGeneratorMap, } function ReaderFooter:init() self.settings = G_reader_settings:readSetting("footer", { -- enable progress bar by default -- disable_progress_bar = true, disabled = false, all_at_once = false, reclaim_height = false, toc_markers = true, battery = Device:hasBattery(), bookmark_count = true, time = true, page_progress = true, pages_left_book = false, pages_left = true, percentage = true, book_time_to_read = true, chapter_time_to_read = true, frontlight = false, mem_usage = false, wifi_status = false, book_title = false, book_chapter = false, item_prefix = "icons", toc_markers_width = DMINIBAR_TOC_MARKER_WIDTH, text_font_size = DMINIBAR_FONT_SIZE, text_font_bold = false, container_height = DMINIBAR_CONTAINER_HEIGHT, container_bottom_padding = 1, -- unscaled_size_check: ignore }) -- Remove items not supported by the current device if not Device:hasFastWifiStatusQuery() then MODE.wifi_status = nil end if not Device:hasFrontlight() then MODE.frontlight = nil end if not Device:hasBattery() then MODE.battery = nil end -- self.mode_index will be an array of MODE names, with an additional element -- with key 0 for "off", which feels a bit strange but seems to work... -- (The same is true for self.settings.order which is saved in settings.) self.mode_index = {} self.mode_nb = 0 local handled_modes = {} if self.settings.order then -- Start filling self.mode_index from what's been ordered by the user and saved for i=0, #self.settings.order do local name = self.settings.order[i] -- (if name has been removed from our supported MODEs: ignore it) if MODE[name] then -- this mode still exists self.mode_index[self.mode_nb] = name self.mode_nb = self.mode_nb + 1 handled_modes[name] = true end end -- go on completing it with remaining new modes in MODE end -- If no previous self.settings.order, fill mode_index with what's in MODE -- in the original indices order local orig_indexes = {} local orig_indexes_to_name = {} for name, orig_index in pairs(MODE) do if not handled_modes[name] then table.insert(orig_indexes, orig_index) orig_indexes_to_name[orig_index] = name end end table.sort(orig_indexes) for i = 1, #orig_indexes do self.mode_index[self.mode_nb] = orig_indexes_to_name[orig_indexes[i]] self.mode_nb = self.mode_nb + 1 end -- require("logger").dbg(self.mode_nb, self.mode_index) -- Container settings if not self.settings.container_height then self.settings.container_height = DMINIBAR_CONTAINER_HEIGHT end self.height = Screen:scaleBySize(self.settings.container_height) if not self.settings.container_bottom_padding then self.settings.container_bottom_padding = 1 -- unscaled_size_check: ignore end self.bottom_padding = Screen:scaleBySize(self.settings.container_bottom_padding) -- default margin (like self.horizontal_margin) if not self.settings.progress_margin_width then local defaults = Device:isAndroid() and material_pixels or 10 self.settings.progress_margin_width = Screen:scaleBySize(defaults) end if not self.settings.toc_markers_width then self.settings.toc_markers_width = DMINIBAR_TOC_MARKER_WIDTH end if not self.settings.progress_bar_min_width_pct then self.settings.progress_bar_min_width_pct = 20 end if not self.settings.book_title_max_width_pct then self.settings.book_title_max_width_pct = 30 end if not self.settings.book_chapter_max_width_pct then self.settings.book_chapter_max_width_pct = 30 end if self.settings.skim_widget_on_hold == nil then self.settings.skim_widget_on_hold = true end self.mode_list = {} for i = 0, #self.mode_index do self.mode_list[self.mode_index[i]] = i end if self.settings.disabled then -- footer feature is completely disabled, stop initialization now self:disableFooter() return end self.pageno = self.view.state.page self.has_no_mode = true self.reclaim_height = self.settings.reclaim_height or false for _, m in ipairs(self.mode_index) do if self.settings[m] then self.has_no_mode = false break end end if not self.settings.text_font_size then self.settings.text_font_size = DMINIBAR_FONT_SIZE end if not self.settings.text_font_bold then self.settings.text_font_bold = false end self.footer_text = TextWidget:new{ text = '', face = Font:getFace(self.text_font_face, self.settings.text_font_size), bold = self.settings.text_font_bold, } -- all width related values will be initialized in self:resetLayout() self.text_width = 0 self.footer_text.height = 0 self.progress_bar = ProgressWidget:new{ width = nil, height = nil, percentage = self.progress_percentage, tick_width = Screen:scaleBySize(self.settings.toc_markers_width), ticks = nil, -- ticks will be populated in self:updateFooterText last = nil, -- last will be initialized in self:updateFooterText } if self.settings.progress_style_thin then self.progress_bar:updateStyle(false, nil) end self.text_container = RightContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = 0, h = self.height }, self.footer_text, } self:updateFooterContainer() self.mode = G_reader_settings:readSetting("reader_footer_mode") or self.mode if self.has_no_mode and self.settings.disable_progress_bar then self.mode = self.mode_list.off self.view.footer_visible = false self:resetLayout() self.footer_text.height = 0 end if self.settings.all_at_once then self.view.footer_visible = (self.mode ~= self.mode_list.off) self:updateFooterTextGenerator() if self.settings.progress_bar_position and self.has_no_mode then self.footer_text.height = 0 end else self:applyFooterMode() end self.visibility_change = nil end function ReaderFooter:updateFooterContainer() local margin_span = HorizontalSpan:new{ width = self.horizontal_margin } self.vertical_frame = VerticalGroup:new{} if self.settings.bottom_horizontal_separator then self.separator_line = LineWidget:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = 0, h = Size.line.medium, } } local vertical_span = VerticalSpan:new{width = Size.span.vertical_default} table.insert(self.vertical_frame, self.separator_line) table.insert(self.vertical_frame, vertical_span) end if self.settings.progress_bar_position and not self.settings.disable_progress_bar then self.horizontal_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ margin_span, self.text_container, margin_span, } else self.horizontal_group = HorizontalGroup:new{ margin_span, self.progress_bar, self.text_container, margin_span, } end if self.settings.align == "left" then self.footer_container = LeftContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = 0, h = self.height }, self.horizontal_group } elseif self.settings.align == "right" then self.footer_container = RightContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = 0, h = self.height }, self.horizontal_group } else self.footer_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = 0, h = self.height }, self.horizontal_group } end local vertical_span = VerticalSpan:new{width = Size.span.vertical_default} if self.settings.progress_bar_position == "above" and not self.settings.disable_progress_bar then table.insert(self.vertical_frame, self.progress_bar) table.insert(self.vertical_frame, vertical_span) table.insert(self.vertical_frame, self.footer_container) elseif self.settings.progress_bar_position == "below" and not self.settings.disable_progress_bar then table.insert(self.vertical_frame, self.footer_container) table.insert(self.vertical_frame, vertical_span) table.insert(self.vertical_frame, self.progress_bar) else table.insert(self.vertical_frame, self.footer_container) end self.footer_content = FrameContainer:new{ self.vertical_frame, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, bordersize = 0, padding = 0, padding_bottom = self.bottom_padding, } self.footer_positioner = BottomContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{}, self.footer_content, } self[1] = self.footer_positioner end function ReaderFooter:unscheduleFooterAutoRefresh() if not self.autoRefreshFooter then return end -- not yet set up UIManager:unschedule(self.autoRefreshFooter) logger.dbg("ReaderFooter.autoRefreshFooter unscheduled") end function ReaderFooter:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() if not self.autoRefreshFooter then -- Create this function the first time we're called self.autoRefreshFooter = function() -- Only actually repaint the footer if nothing's being shown over ReaderUI (#6616) -- (We want to avoid the footer to be painted over a widget covering it - we would -- be fine refreshing it if the widget is not covering it, but this is hard to -- guess from here.) if UIManager:getTopWidget() == "ReaderUI" then self:onUpdateFooter(self.view.footer_visible) else logger.dbg("Skipping ReaderFooter repaint, because ReaderUI is not the top-level widget") -- NOTE: We *do* keep its content up-to-date, though self:onUpdateFooter() end self:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() -- schedule (or not) next refresh end end local unscheduled = UIManager:unschedule(self.autoRefreshFooter) -- unschedule if already scheduled -- Only schedule an update if the footer has items that may change -- As self.view.footer_visible may be temporarily toggled off by other modules, -- we can't trust it for not scheduling auto refresh local schedule = false if self.settings.auto_refresh_time then if self.settings.all_at_once then if self.settings.time or self.settings.battery or self.settings.wifi_status or self.settings.mem_usage then schedule = true end else if self.mode == self.mode_list.time or self.mode == self.mode_list.battery or self.mode == self.mode_list.wifi_status or self.mode == self.mode_list.mem_usage then schedule = true end end end if schedule then UIManager:scheduleIn(61 - tonumber(os.date("%S")), self.autoRefreshFooter) if not unscheduled then logger.dbg("ReaderFooter.autoRefreshFooter scheduled") else logger.dbg("ReaderFooter.autoRefreshFooter rescheduled") end elseif unscheduled then logger.dbg("ReaderFooter.autoRefreshFooter unscheduled") end end function ReaderFooter:setupTouchZones() if not Device:isTouchDevice() then return end local footer_screen_zone = { ratio_x = DTAP_ZONE_MINIBAR.x, ratio_y = DTAP_ZONE_MINIBAR.y, ratio_w = DTAP_ZONE_MINIBAR.w, ratio_h = DTAP_ZONE_MINIBAR.h, } self.ui:registerTouchZones({ { id = "readerfooter_tap", ges = "tap", screen_zone = footer_screen_zone, handler = function(ges) return self:onTapFooter(ges) end, overrides = { "readerconfigmenu_ext_tap", "readerconfigmenu_tap", "tap_forward", "tap_backward", }, -- (Low priority: tap on existing highlights -- or links have priority) }, { id = "readerfooter_hold", ges = "hold", screen_zone = footer_screen_zone, handler = function() return self:onHoldFooter() end, -- (Low priority: word lookup and text selection -- have priority - SkimTo widget can be more easily -- brought up via some other gestures) }, }) end -- call this method whenever the screen size changes function ReaderFooter:resetLayout(force_reset) local new_screen_width = Screen:getWidth() local new_screen_height = Screen:getHeight() if new_screen_width == self._saved_screen_width and new_screen_height == self._saved_screen_height and not force_reset then return end if self.settings.disable_progress_bar then self.progress_bar.width = 0 elseif self.settings.progress_bar_position then self.progress_bar.width = math.floor(new_screen_width - 2 * self.settings.progress_margin_width) else self.progress_bar.width = math.floor( new_screen_width - 2 * self.settings.progress_margin_width - self.text_width) end if self.separator_line then self.separator_line.dimen.w = new_screen_width - 2 * self.horizontal_margin end if self.settings.disable_progress_bar then self.progress_bar.height = 0 else local bar_height if self.settings.progress_style_thin then bar_height = self.settings.progress_style_thin_height or PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE_THIN_DEFAULT_HEIGHT else bar_height = self.settings.progress_style_thick_height or PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE_THICK_DEFAULT_HEIGHT end self.progress_bar:setHeight(bar_height) end self.horizontal_group:resetLayout() self.footer_positioner.dimen.w = new_screen_width self.footer_positioner.dimen.h = new_screen_height self.footer_container.dimen.w = new_screen_width self.dimen = self.footer_positioner:getSize() self._saved_screen_width = new_screen_width self._saved_screen_height = new_screen_height end function ReaderFooter:getHeight() if self.footer_content then -- NOTE: self.footer_content is self.vertical_frame + self.bottom_padding, -- self.vertical_frame includes self.text_container (which includes self.footer_text) return self.footer_content:getSize().h else return 0 end end function ReaderFooter:disableFooter() self.onReaderReady = function() end self.resetLayout = function() end self.updateFooterPage = function() end self.updateFooterPos = function() end self.onUpdatePos = function() end self.mode = self.mode_list.off self.view.footer_visible = false end function ReaderFooter:updateFooterTextGenerator() local footerTextGenerators = {} for i, m in pairs(self.mode_index) do if self.settings[m] then table.insert(footerTextGenerators, footerTextGeneratorMap[m]) if not self.settings.all_at_once then -- if not show all at once, then one is enough self.mode = i break end end end if #footerTextGenerators == 0 then -- all modes are disabled self.genFooterText = footerTextGeneratorMap.empty elseif #footerTextGenerators == 1 then -- there is only one mode enabled, simplify the generator -- function to that one self.genFooterText = footerTextGenerators[1] else self.genFooterText = self.genAllFooterText end -- Even if there's no or a single mode enabled, all_at_once requires this to be set self.footerTextGenerators = footerTextGenerators -- notify caller that UI needs update return true end function ReaderFooter:progressPercentage(digits) local symbol_type = self.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local prefix = symbol_prefix[symbol_type].percentage local string_percentage if not prefix then string_percentage = "%." .. digits .. "f%%" else string_percentage = prefix .. " %." .. digits .. "f%%" end return string_percentage:format(self.progress_bar.percentage * 100) end function ReaderFooter:textOptionTitles(option) local symbol = self.settings.item_prefix or "icons" local option_titles = { all_at_once = _("Show all at once"), reclaim_height = _("Reclaim bar height from bottom margin"), bookmark_count = T(_("Bookmark count (%1)"), symbol_prefix[symbol].bookmark_count), page_progress = T(_("Current page (%1)"), "/"), pages_left_book = T(_("Pages left in book (%1)"), "-"), time = symbol_prefix[symbol].time and T(_("Current time (%1)"), symbol_prefix[symbol].time) or _("Current time"), pages_left = T(_("Pages left in chapter (%1)"), symbol_prefix[symbol].pages_left), battery = T(_("Battery status (%1)"), symbol_prefix[symbol].battery), percentage = symbol_prefix[symbol].percentage and T(_("Progress percentage (%1)"), symbol_prefix[symbol].percentage) or _("Progress percentage"), book_time_to_read = symbol_prefix[symbol].book_time_to_read and T(_("Book time to read (%1)"),symbol_prefix[symbol].book_time_to_read) or _("Book time to read"), chapter_time_to_read = T(_("Chapter time to read (%1)"), symbol_prefix[symbol].chapter_time_to_read), frontlight = T(_("Frontlight level (%1)"), symbol_prefix[symbol].frontlight), mem_usage = T(_("KOReader memory usage (%1)"), symbol_prefix[symbol].mem_usage), wifi_status = T(_("Wi-Fi status (%1)"), symbol_prefix[symbol].wifi_status), book_title = _("Book title"), book_chapter = _("Current chapter"), } return option_titles[option] end function ReaderFooter:addToMainMenu(menu_items) local sub_items = {} menu_items.status_bar = { text = _("Status bar"), sub_item_table = sub_items, } -- menu item to fake footer tapping when touch area is disabled if Geom:new{ x = DTAP_ZONE_MINIBAR.x, y = DTAP_ZONE_MINIBAR.y, w = DTAP_ZONE_MINIBAR.w, h = DTAP_ZONE_MINIBAR.h }:area() == 0 then table.insert(sub_items, { text = _("Toggle mode"), enabled_func = function() return not self.view.flipping_visible end, callback = function() self:onTapFooter(true) end, }) end local getMinibarOption = function(option, callback) return { text_func = function() return self:textOptionTitles(option) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings[option] == true end, callback = function() self.settings[option] = not self.settings[option] -- We only need to send a SetPageBottomMargin event when we truly affect the margin local should_signal = false -- only case that we don't need a UI update is enable/disable -- non-current mode when all_at_once is disabled. local should_update = false local first_enabled_mode_num local prev_has_no_mode = self.has_no_mode local prev_reclaim_height = self.reclaim_height self.has_no_mode = true for mode_num, m in pairs(self.mode_index) do if self.settings[m] then first_enabled_mode_num = mode_num self.has_no_mode = false break end end self.reclaim_height = self.settings.reclaim_height or false -- refresh margins position if self.has_no_mode then self.footer_text.height = 0 should_signal = true self.genFooterText = footerTextGeneratorMap.empty self.mode = self.mode_list.off elseif prev_has_no_mode then if self.settings.all_at_once then self.mode = self.mode_list.page_progress self:applyFooterMode() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("reader_footer_mode", self.mode) else G_reader_settings:saveSetting("reader_footer_mode", first_enabled_mode_num) end should_signal = true elseif self.reclaim_height ~= prev_reclaim_height then should_signal = true should_update = true end if callback then should_update = callback(self) elseif self.settings.all_at_once then should_update = self:updateFooterTextGenerator() elseif (self.mode_list[option] == self.mode and self.settings[option] == false) or (prev_has_no_mode ~= self.has_no_mode) then -- current mode got disabled, redraw footer with other -- enabled modes. if all modes are disabled, then only show -- progress bar if not self.has_no_mode then self.mode = first_enabled_mode_num else -- If we've just disabled our last mode, first_enabled_mode_num is nil -- If the progress bar is enabled, -- fake an innocuous mode so that we switch to showing the progress bar alone, instead of nothing, -- This is exactly what the "Show progress bar" toggle does. self.mode = self.settings.disable_progress_bar and self.mode_list.off or self.mode_list.page_progress end should_update = true self:applyFooterMode() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("reader_footer_mode", self.mode) end if should_update or should_signal then self:refreshFooter(should_update, should_signal) end -- The absence or presence of some items may change whether auto-refresh should be ensured self:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() end, } end table.insert(sub_items, { text = _("Settings"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Sort items"), callback = function() local item_table = {} for i=1, #self.mode_index do table.insert(item_table, {text = self:textOptionTitles(self.mode_index[i]), label = self.mode_index[i]}) end local SortWidget = require("ui/widget/sortwidget") local sort_item sort_item = SortWidget:new{ title = _("Sort footer items"), item_table = item_table, callback = function() for i=1, #sort_item.item_table do self.mode_index[i] = sort_item.item_table[i].label end self.settings.order = self.mode_index self:updateFooterTextGenerator() self:onUpdateFooter() UIManager:setDirty(nil, "ui") end } UIManager:show(sort_item) end, }, getMinibarOption("all_at_once", self.updateFooterTextGenerator), getMinibarOption("reclaim_height"), { text = _("Auto refresh"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.auto_refresh_time == true end, callback = function() self.settings.auto_refresh_time = not self.settings.auto_refresh_time self:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() end }, { text = _("Show footer separator"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.bottom_horizontal_separator end, callback = function() self.settings.bottom_horizontal_separator = not self.settings.bottom_horizontal_separator self:refreshFooter(true, true) end, }, { text = _("Hide empty items"), help_text = _([[This will hide values like 0 or off.]]), checked_func = function() return self.settings.hide_empty_generators end, callback = function() self.settings.hide_empty_generators = not self.settings.hide_empty_generators self:refreshFooter(true, true) end, }, { text = _("Lock status bar"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.lock_tap end, callback = function() self.settings.lock_tap = not self.settings.lock_tap end, }, { text = _("Hold footer to skim"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.skim_widget_on_hold end, callback = function() self.settings.skim_widget_on_hold = not self.settings.skim_widget_on_hold end, }, { text = _("Font"), separator = true, sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() return T(_("Font size (%1)"), self.settings.text_font_size) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local font_size = self.settings.text_font_size local items_font = SpinWidget:new{ width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = font_size, value_min = 8, value_max = 36, default_value = 14, ok_text = _("Set size"), title_text = _("Footer font size"), keep_shown_on_apply = true, callback = function(spin) self.settings.text_font_size = spin.value self.footer_text:free() self.footer_text = TextWidget:new{ text = self.footer_text.text, face = Font:getFace(self.text_font_face, self.settings.text_font_size), bold = self.settings.text_font_bold, } self.text_container[1] = self.footer_text self:refreshFooter(true, true) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, } UIManager:show(items_font) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text = _("Use bold font"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.text_font_bold == true end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self.settings.text_font_bold = not self.settings.text_font_bold self.footer_text:free() self.footer_text = TextWidget:new{ text = self.footer_text.text, face = Font:getFace(self.text_font_face, self.settings.text_font_size), bold = self.settings.text_font_bold, } self.text_container[1] = self.footer_text self:refreshFooter(true, true) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, keep_menu_open = true, }, } }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Container height (%1)"), self.settings.container_height) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local container_height = self.settings.container_height local items_font = SpinWidget:new{ width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = container_height, value_min = 7, value_max = 98, default_value = DMINIBAR_CONTAINER_HEIGHT, ok_text = _("Set height"), title_text = _("Container height"), keep_shown_on_apply = true, callback = function(spin) self.settings.container_height = spin.value self.height = Screen:scaleBySize(self.settings.container_height) self:refreshFooter(true, true) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, } UIManager:show(items_font) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Container bottom margin (%1)"), self.settings.container_bottom_padding) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local container_bottom_padding = self.settings.container_bottom_padding local items_font = SpinWidget:new{ width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = container_bottom_padding, value_min = 0, value_max = 49, default_value = 1, ok_text = _("Set margin"), title_text = _("Container bottom margin"), keep_shown_on_apply = true, callback = function(spin) self.settings.container_bottom_padding = spin.value self.bottom_padding = Screen:scaleBySize(self.settings.container_bottom_padding) self:refreshFooter(true, true) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, } UIManager:show(items_font) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text = _("Maximum width of items"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() return T(_("Book title (%1%)"), self.settings.book_title_max_width_pct) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local items = SpinWidget:new{ width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = self.settings.book_title_max_width_pct, value_min = 10, value_step = 5, value_hold_step = 20, value_max = 100, title_text = _("Maximum width"), info_text = _("Maximum book title width in percentage of screen width"), keep_shown_on_apply = true, callback = function(spin) self.settings.book_title_max_width_pct = spin.value self:refreshFooter(true, true) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end } UIManager:show(items) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Current chapter (%1%)"), self.settings.book_chapter_max_width_pct) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local items = SpinWidget:new{ width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = self.settings.book_chapter_max_width_pct, value_min = 10, value_step = 5, value_hold_step = 20, value_max = 100, title_text = _("Maximum width"), info_text = _("Maximum chapter width in percentage of screen width"), keep_shown_on_apply = true, callback = function(spin) self.settings.book_chapter_max_width_pct = spin.value self:refreshFooter(true, true) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end } UIManager:show(items) end, keep_menu_open = true, } }, }, { text = _("Alignment"), separator = true, enabled_func = function() return self.settings.disable_progress_bar or self.settings.progress_bar_position ~= nil end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Center"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.align == "center" or self.settings.align == nil end, callback = function() self.settings.align = "center" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text = _("Left"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.align == "left" end, callback = function() self.settings.align = "left" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text = _("Right"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.align == "right" end, callback = function() self.settings.align = "right" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, } }, { text = _("Prefix"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() local sym_tbl = {} for _, letter in pairs(symbol_prefix.icons) do table.insert(sym_tbl, letter) end return T(_("Icons (%1)"), table.concat(sym_tbl, " ")) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings.item_prefix == "icons" or self.settings.item_prefix == nil end, callback = function() self.settings.item_prefix = "icons" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text_func = function() local sym_tbl = {} for _, letter in pairs(symbol_prefix.compact_items) do table.insert(sym_tbl, letter) end return T(_("Compact Items (%1)"), table.concat(sym_tbl, " ")) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings.item_prefix == "compact_items" end, callback = function() self.settings.item_prefix = "compact_items" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text_func = function() local sym_tbl = {} for _, letter in pairs(symbol_prefix.letters) do table.insert(sym_tbl, letter) end return T(_("Letters (%1)"), table.concat(sym_tbl, " ")) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings.item_prefix == "letters" end, callback = function() self.settings.item_prefix = "letters" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, }, }, { text = _("Item separator"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Vertical line (|)"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.items_separator == "bar" or self.settings.items_separator == nil end, callback = function() self.settings.items_separator = "bar" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text = _("Bullet (•)"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.items_separator == "bullet" end, callback = function() self.settings.items_separator = "bullet" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text = _("No separator"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.items_separator == "none" end, callback = function() self.settings.items_separator = "none" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, }, }, { text = _("Progress percentage format"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() return T(_("No decimal point (%1)"), self:progressPercentage(0)) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings.progress_pct_format == "0" or self.settings.progress_pct_format == nil end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_pct_format = "0" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("1 digit after decimal point (%1)"), self:progressPercentage(1)) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings.progress_pct_format == "1" end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_pct_format = "1" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("2 digits after decimal point (%1)"), self:progressPercentage(2)) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings.progress_pct_format == "2" end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_pct_format = "2" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, }, }, { text = _("Duration format"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() local current_duration_format = self.settings.duration_format local return_text self.settings.duration_format = "modern" return_text = footerTextGeneratorMap.book_time_to_read(self) self.settings.duration_format = current_duration_format return T(_("Modern (%1)"), return_text) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings.duration_format == "modern" or self.settings.duration_format == nil end, callback = function() self.settings.duration_format = "modern" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text_func = function() local current_duration_format = self.settings.duration_format local return_text self.settings.duration_format = "classic" return_text = footerTextGeneratorMap.book_time_to_read(self) self.settings.duration_format = current_duration_format return T(_("Classic (%1)"), return_text) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings.duration_format == "classic" end, callback = function() self.settings.duration_format = "classic" self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, } }, } }) table.insert(sub_items, { text = _("Progress bar"), separator = true, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Show progress bar"), checked_func = function() return not self.settings.disable_progress_bar end, callback = function() self.settings.disable_progress_bar = not self.settings.disable_progress_bar if not self.settings.disable_progress_bar then self:setTocMarkers() end -- If the status bar is currently disabled, switch to an innocuous mode to display it if not self.view.footer_visible then self.mode = self.mode_list.page_progress self:applyFooterMode() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("reader_footer_mode", self.mode) end self:refreshFooter(true, true) end, }, { text_func = function() local text = _("alongside items") if self.settings.progress_bar_position == "above" then text = _("above items") elseif self.settings.progress_bar_position == "below" then text = _("below items") end return T(_("Position: %1"), text) end, enabled_func = function() return not self.settings.disable_progress_bar end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Above items"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.progress_bar_position == "above" end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_bar_position = "above" self:refreshFooter(true, true) end, }, { text = _("Below items"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.progress_bar_position == "below" end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_bar_position = "below" self:refreshFooter(true, true) end, }, { text = _("Alongside items"), checked_func = function() return not self.settings.progress_bar_position end, callback = function() -- "Same as book" is disabled in this mode, and we enforce the defaults. if self.settings.progress_margin then self.settings.progress_margin = false self.settings.progress_margin_width = self.horizontal_margin end -- Text alignment is also disabled self.settings.align = "center" self.settings.progress_bar_position = nil self:refreshFooter(true, true) end }, }, }, { text_func = function() if self.settings.progress_style_thin then return _("Style: thin") else return _("Style: thick") end end, enabled_func = function() return not self.settings.disable_progress_bar end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Thick"), checked_func = function() return not self.settings.progress_style_thin end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_style_thin = nil local bar_height = self.settings.progress_style_thick_height or PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE_THICK_DEFAULT_HEIGHT self.progress_bar:updateStyle(true, bar_height) self:setTocMarkers() self:refreshFooter(true, true) end, }, { text = _("Thin"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.progress_style_thin end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_style_thin = true local bar_height = self.settings.progress_style_thin_height or PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE_THIN_DEFAULT_HEIGHT self.progress_bar:updateStyle(false, bar_height) self:refreshFooter(true, true) end, }, { text = _("Set size"), callback = function() local value, value_min, value_max, default_value if self.settings.progress_style_thin then default_value = PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE_THIN_DEFAULT_HEIGHT value = self.settings.progress_style_thin_height or default_value value_min = 1 value_max = 12 else default_value = PROGRESS_BAR_STYLE_THICK_DEFAULT_HEIGHT value = self.settings.progress_style_thick_height or default_value value_min = 5 value_max = 28 end local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local items = SpinWidget:new{ width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = value, value_min = value_min, value_step = 1, value_hold_step = 2, value_max = value_max, default_value = default_value, title_text = _("Progress bar size"), keep_shown_on_apply = true, callback = function(spin) if self.settings.progress_style_thin then self.settings.progress_style_thin_height = spin.value else self.settings.progress_style_thick_height = spin.value end self:refreshFooter(true, true) end } UIManager:show(items) end, separator = true, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text = _("Show chapter markers"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.toc_markers end, enabled_func = function() return not self.settings.progress_style_thin end, callback = function() self.settings.toc_markers = not self.settings.toc_markers self:setTocMarkers() self:refreshFooter(true) end }, { text_func = function() local markers_width_text = _("thick") if self.settings.toc_markers_width == 1 then markers_width_text = _("thin") elseif self.settings.toc_markers_width == 2 then markers_width_text = _("medium") end return T(_("Chapter marker width (%1)"), markers_width_text) end, enabled_func = function() return not self.settings.progress_style_thin and self.settings.toc_markers end, sub_item_table = { { text = _("Thin"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.toc_markers_width == 1 end, callback = function() self.settings.toc_markers_width = 1 -- unscaled_size_check: ignore self:setTocMarkers() self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text = _("Medium"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.toc_markers_width == 2 end, callback = function() self.settings.toc_markers_width = 2 -- unscaled_size_check: ignore self:setTocMarkers() self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text = _("Thick"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.toc_markers_width == 3 end, callback = function() self.settings.toc_markers_width = 3 -- unscaled_size_check: ignore self:setTocMarkers() self:refreshFooter(true) end }, }, }, }, }, { text_func = function() local text = _("static margins (10)") local cur_width = self.settings.progress_margin_width if cur_width == 0 then text = _("no margins (0)") elseif cur_width == Screen:scaleBySize(material_pixels) then text = T(_("static margins (%1)"), material_pixels) end if self.settings.progress_margin and not self.ui.document.info.has_pages then text = T(_("same as book margins (%1)"), self.book_margins_footer_width) end return T(_("Margins: %1"), text) end, enabled_func = function() return not self.settings.disable_progress_bar end, sub_item_table_func = function() local common = { { text = _("No margins (0)"), checked_func = function() return self.settings.progress_margin_width == 0 and not self.settings.progress_margin end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_margin_width = 0 self.settings.progress_margin = false self:refreshFooter(true) end, }, { text_func = function() if self.ui.document.info.has_pages then return _("Same as book margins") end return T(_("Same as book margins (%1)"), self.book_margins_footer_width) end, checked_func = function() return self.settings.progress_margin and not self.ui.document.info.has_pages end, enabled_func = function() return not self.ui.document.info.has_pages and self.settings.progress_bar_position ~= nil end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_margin = true self.settings.progress_margin_width = Screen:scaleBySize(self.book_margins_footer_width) self:refreshFooter(true) end }, } local function customMargin(px) return { text = T(_("Static margins (%1)"), px), checked_func = function() return self.settings.progress_margin_width == Screen:scaleBySize(px) and not self.settings.progress_margin -- if same as book margins is selected in document with pages (pdf) we enforce static margins or (self.ui.document.info.has_pages and self.settings.progress_margin) end, callback = function() self.settings.progress_margin_width = Screen:scaleBySize(px) self.settings.progress_margin = false self:refreshFooter(true) end, } end local device_defaults if Device:isAndroid() then device_defaults = customMargin(material_pixels) else device_defaults = customMargin(10) end table.insert(common, 2, device_defaults) return common end, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Minimal width (%1%)"), self.settings.progress_bar_min_width_pct) end, enabled_func = function() return not self.settings.progress_bar_position and not self.settings.disable_progress_bar and self.settings.all_at_once end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local items = SpinWidget:new{ width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.6), value = self.settings.progress_bar_min_width_pct, value_min = 5, value_step = 5, value_hold_step = 20, value_max = 50, title_text = _("Minimal width"), text = _("Minimal progress bar width in percentage of screen width"), keep_shown_on_apply = true, callback = function(spin) self.settings.progress_bar_min_width_pct = spin.value self:refreshFooter(true, true) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end } UIManager:show(items) end, keep_menu_open = true, } } }) table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("page_progress")) table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("pages_left_book")) table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("time")) table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("pages_left")) if Device:hasBattery() then table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("battery")) end table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("bookmark_count")) table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("percentage")) table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("book_time_to_read")) table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("chapter_time_to_read")) if Device:hasFrontlight() then table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("frontlight")) end table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("mem_usage")) if Device:hasFastWifiStatusQuery() then table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("wifi_status")) end table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("book_title")) table.insert(sub_items, getMinibarOption("book_chapter")) -- If using crengine, add Alt status bar items at top if self.ui.crelistener then table.insert(sub_items, 1, self.ui.crelistener:getAltStatusBarMenu()) end end -- this method will be updated at runtime based on user setting function ReaderFooter:genFooterText() end function ReaderFooter:genAllFooterText() local info = {} local separator = " " if self.settings.item_prefix == "compact_items" then separator = " " end if self.settings.items_separator == "bar" or self.settings.items_separator == nil then separator = " | " elseif self.settings.items_separator == "bullet" then separator = " • " end -- We need to BD.wrap() all items and separators, so we're -- sure they are laid out in our order (reversed in RTL), -- without ordering by the RTL Bidi algorithm. for _, gen in ipairs(self.footerTextGenerators) do -- Skip empty generators, so they don't generate bogus separators local text = gen(self) if text and text ~= "" then if self.settings.item_prefix == "compact_items" then -- remove whitespace from footer items if symbol_type is compact_items -- use a hair-space to avoid issues with RTL display text = text:gsub("%s", "\xE2\x80\x8A") end table.insert(info, BD.wrap(text)) end end return table.concat(info, BD.wrap(separator)) end function ReaderFooter:setTocMarkers(reset) if self.settings.disable_progress_bar or self.settings.progress_style_thin then return end if reset then self.progress_bar.ticks = nil self.pages = self.ui.document:getPageCount() end if self.settings.toc_markers then self.progress_bar.tick_width = Screen:scaleBySize(self.settings.toc_markers_width) if self.progress_bar.ticks ~= nil then -- already computed return end if self.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() and self.pageno then local flow = self.ui.document:getPageFlow(self.pageno) self.progress_bar.ticks = {} if self.ui.toc then -- filter the ticks to show only those in the current flow for n, pageno in ipairs(self.ui.toc:getTocTicksFlattened()) do if self.ui.document:getPageFlow(pageno) == flow then table.insert(self.progress_bar.ticks, self.ui.document:getPageNumberInFlow(pageno)) end end end self.progress_bar.last = self.ui.document:getTotalPagesInFlow(flow) else if self.ui.toc then self.progress_bar.ticks = self.ui.toc:getTocTicksFlattened() end if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self.progress_bar.last = self.pages or self.ui.document:getPageCount() else -- in scroll mode, convert pages to positions if self.ui.toc then self.progress_bar.ticks = {} for n, pageno in ipairs(self.ui.toc:getTocTicksFlattened()) do local idx = self.ui.toc:getTocIndexByPage(pageno) local pos = self.ui.document:getPosFromXPointer(self.ui.toc.toc[idx].xpointer) table.insert(self.progress_bar.ticks, pos) end end self.progress_bar.last = self.doc_height or self.ui.document.info.doc_height end end else self.progress_bar.ticks = nil end -- notify caller that UI needs update return true end function ReaderFooter:getAvgTimePerPage() return end function ReaderFooter:getDataFromStatistics(title, pages) local sec = _("N/A") local average_time_per_page = self:getAvgTimePerPage() if average_time_per_page then if self.settings.duration_format == "classic" then sec = util.secondsToClock(pages * average_time_per_page, true) else sec = util.secondsToHClock(pages * average_time_per_page, true) end end return title .. sec end function ReaderFooter:onUpdateFooter(force_repaint, force_recompute) if self.pageno then self:updateFooterPage(force_repaint, force_recompute) else self:updateFooterPos(force_repaint, force_recompute) end end function ReaderFooter:onCharging() self:onUpdateFooter(self.view.footer_visible) end function ReaderFooter:onNotCharging() self:onUpdateFooter(self.view.footer_visible) end function ReaderFooter:updateFooterPage(force_repaint, force_recompute) if type(self.pageno) ~= "number" then return end if self.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then local flow = self.ui.document:getPageFlow(self.pageno) local page = self.ui.document:getPageNumberInFlow(self.pageno) local pages = self.ui.document:getTotalPagesInFlow(flow) self.progress_bar.percentage = page / pages else self.progress_bar.percentage = self.pageno / self.pages end self:updateFooterText(force_repaint, force_recompute) end function ReaderFooter:updateFooterPos(force_repaint, force_recompute) if type(self.position) ~= "number" then return end self.progress_bar.percentage = self.position / self.doc_height self:updateFooterText(force_repaint, force_recompute) end -- updateFooterText will start as a noop. After onReaderReady event is -- received, it will initialized as _updateFooterText below function ReaderFooter:updateFooterText(force_repaint, force_recompute) end -- only call this function after document is fully loaded function ReaderFooter:_updateFooterText(force_repaint, force_recompute) -- footer is invisible, we need neither a repaint nor a recompute, go away. if not self.view.footer_visible and not force_repaint and not force_recompute then return end local text = self:genFooterText() if not text then text = "" end self.footer_text:setText(text) if self.settings.disable_progress_bar then if self.has_no_mode or text == "" then self.text_width = 0 self.footer_text.height = 0 else -- No progress bar, we're only constrained to fit inside self.footer_container self.footer_text:setMaxWidth(math.floor(self._saved_screen_width - 2 * self.horizontal_margin)) self.text_width = self.footer_text:getSize().w self.footer_text.height = self.footer_text:getSize().h end self.progress_bar.height = 0 self.progress_bar.width = 0 elseif self.settings.progress_bar_position then if self.has_no_mode or text == "" then self.text_width = 0 self.footer_text.height = 0 else -- With a progress bar above or below us, we want to align ourselves to the bar's margins... iff text is centered. if self.settings.align == "center" then self.footer_text:setMaxWidth(math.floor(self._saved_screen_width - 2 * self.settings.progress_margin_width)) else -- Otherwise, we have to constrain ourselves to the container, or weird shit happens. self.footer_text:setMaxWidth(math.floor(self._saved_screen_width - 2 * self.horizontal_margin)) end self.text_width = self.footer_text:getSize().w self.footer_text.height = self.footer_text:getSize().h end self.progress_bar.width = math.floor(self._saved_screen_width - 2 * self.settings.progress_margin_width) else if self.has_no_mode or text == "" then self.text_width = 0 self.footer_text.height = 0 else -- Alongside a progress bar, it's the bar's width plus whatever's left. local text_max_available_ratio = (100 - self.settings.progress_bar_min_width_pct) / 100 self.footer_text:setMaxWidth(math.floor(text_max_available_ratio * self._saved_screen_width - 2 * self.settings.progress_margin_width - self.horizontal_margin)) -- Add some spacing between the text and the bar self.text_width = self.footer_text:getSize().w + self.horizontal_margin self.footer_text.height = self.footer_text:getSize().h end self.progress_bar.width = math.floor( self._saved_screen_width - 2 * self.settings.progress_margin_width - self.text_width) end if self.separator_line then self.separator_line.dimen.w = self._saved_screen_width - 2 * self.horizontal_margin end self.text_container.dimen.w = self.text_width self.horizontal_group:resetLayout() -- NOTE: This is essentially preventing us from truly using "fast" for panning, -- since it'll get coalesced in the "fast" panning update, upgrading it to "ui". -- NOTE: That's assuming using "fast" for pans was a good idea, which, it turned out, not so much ;). -- NOTE: We skip repaints on page turns/pos update, as that's redundant (and slow). if force_repaint then -- If there was a visibility change, notify ReaderView if self.visibility_change then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ReaderFooterVisibilityChange")) self.visibility_change = nil end -- NOTE: Getting the dimensions of the widget is impossible without having drawn it first, -- so, we'll fudge it if need be... -- i.e., when it's no longer visible, because there's nothing to draw ;). local refresh_dim = self.footer_content.dimen -- No more content... if not self.view.footer_visible and not refresh_dim then -- So, instead, rely on self:getHeight to compute self.footer_content's height early... refresh_dim = self.dimen refresh_dim.h = self:getHeight() refresh_dim.y = self._saved_screen_height - refresh_dim.h end -- If we're making the footer visible (or it already is), we don't need to repaint ReaderUI behind it if self.view.footer_visible then -- Unfortunately, it's not a modal (we never show() it), so it's not in the window stack, -- instead, it's baked inside ReaderUI, so it gets slightly trickier... -- NOTE: self.view.footer -> self ;). -- c.f., ReaderView:paintTo() UIManager:widgetRepaint(self.view.footer, 0, 0) -- We've painted it first to ensure self.footer_content.dimen is sane UIManager:setDirty(self.view.footer, function() return "ui", self.footer_content.dimen end) else UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, function() return "ui", refresh_dim end) end end end function ReaderFooter:onTocReset() self:setTocMarkers(true) if self.view.view_mode == "page" then self:updateFooterPage() else self:updateFooterPos() end end function ReaderFooter:onPageUpdate(pageno) local toc_markers_update = false if self.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() then local flow = self.pageno and self.ui.document:getPageFlow(self.pageno) local new_flow = pageno and self.ui.document:getPageFlow(pageno) if pageno and new_flow ~= flow then toc_markers_update = true end end self.pageno = pageno self.pages = self.ui.document:getPageCount() if toc_markers_update then self:setTocMarkers(true) end self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("doc_pages", self.pages) -- for Book information self:updateFooterPage() end function ReaderFooter:onPosUpdate(pos, pageno) self.position = pos self.doc_height = self.ui.document.info.doc_height if pageno then self.pageno = pageno self.pages = self.ui.document:getPageCount() self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("doc_pages", self.pages) -- for Book information end self:updateFooterPos() end -- recalculate footer sizes when document page count is updated -- see documentation for more info about this event. ReaderFooter.onUpdatePos = ReaderFooter.onUpdateFooter function ReaderFooter:onReaderReady() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self:setupTouchZones() -- if same as book margins is selected in document with pages (pdf) we enforce static margins if self.ui.document.info.has_pages and self.settings.progress_margin then self.settings.progress_margin_width = Size.span.horizontal_default self:updateFooterContainer() -- set progress bar margins for current book elseif self.settings.progress_margin then local margins = self.ui.document:getPageMargins() self.settings.progress_margin_width = math.floor((margins.left + margins.right)/2) self:updateFooterContainer() end self:resetLayout(self.settings.progress_margin_width) -- set widget dimen self:setTocMarkers() self.updateFooterText = self._updateFooterText self:onUpdateFooter() self:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() end function ReaderFooter:onReadSettings(config) if not self.ui.document.info.has_pages then local h_margins = config:readSetting("copt_h_page_margins") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("copt_h_page_margins") or DCREREADER_CONFIG_H_MARGIN_SIZES_MEDIUM self.book_margins_footer_width = math.floor((h_margins[1] + h_margins[2])/2) end end function ReaderFooter:applyFooterMode(mode) if mode ~= nil then self.mode = mode end local prev_visible_state = self.view.footer_visible self.view.footer_visible = (self.mode ~= self.mode_list.off) -- NOTE: _updateFooterText won't actually run the text generator(s) when hidden ;). -- We're hidden, disable text generation entirely if not self.view.footer_visible then self.genFooterText = footerTextGeneratorMap.empty else if self.settings.all_at_once then -- If all-at-once is enabled, we only have toggle from empty to All. self.genFooterText = self.genAllFooterText else -- Otherwise, switch to the right text generator for the new mode local mode_name = self.mode_index[self.mode] if not self.settings[mode_name] or self.has_no_mode then -- all modes disabled, only show progress bar mode_name = "empty" end self.genFooterText = footerTextGeneratorMap[mode_name] end end -- If we changed visibility state at runtime (as opposed to during init), better make sure the layout has been reset... if prev_visible_state ~= nil and self.view.footer_visible ~= prev_visible_state then self:updateFooterContainer() -- NOTE: _updateFooterText does a resetLayout, but not a forced one! self:resetLayout(true) -- Flag _updateFooterText to notify ReaderView to recalculate the visible_area! self.visibility_change = true end end function ReaderFooter:onEnterFlippingMode() self.orig_mode = self.mode self:applyFooterMode(self.mode_list.page_progress) self:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() end function ReaderFooter:onExitFlippingMode() self:applyFooterMode(self.orig_mode) self:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() end function ReaderFooter:onTapFooter(ges) local ignore_lock = false if ges == true then ignore_lock = true ges = nil end if self.view.flipping_visible and ges then local pos = ges.pos local dimen = self.progress_bar.dimen -- if reader footer is not drawn before the dimen value should be nil if dimen then local percentage = (pos.x - dimen.x)/dimen.w self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPercentage", percentage)) end self:onUpdateFooter(true) return true end if self.has_no_mode or (self.settings.lock_tap and not ignore_lock) then return end if self.settings.all_at_once or self.has_no_mode then if self.mode >= 1 then self.mode = self.mode_list.off else self.mode = self.mode_list.page_progress end else self.mode = (self.mode + 1) % self.mode_nb for i, m in ipairs(self.mode_index) do if self.mode == self.mode_list.off then break end if self.mode == i then if self.settings[m] then break else self.mode = (self.mode + 1) % self.mode_nb end end end end self:applyFooterMode() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("reader_footer_mode", self.mode) self:onUpdateFooter(true) self:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() return true end function ReaderFooter:onHoldFooter() -- We're lower priority than readerhighlight_hold, which means it's already been tripped by the time we got here. -- If it actually had something to do, ReaderHighlight would have stopped propagating the event, -- so we can safely clear ReaderHighlight state here, otherwise it'll get confused on the next tap... -- (c.f., #7464) self.ui.highlight:clear() if self.mode == self.mode_list.off then return end if self.settings.skim_widget_on_hold then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("ShowSkimtoDialog")) return true end end function ReaderFooter:refreshFooter(refresh, signal) self:updateFooterContainer() self:resetLayout(true) -- If we signal, the event we send will trigger a full repaint anyway, so we should be able to skip this one. -- We *do* need to ensure we at least re-compute the footer layout, though, especially when going from visible to invisible... self:onUpdateFooter(refresh and not signal, refresh and signal) if signal then if self.ui.document.provider == "crengine" then -- This will ultimately trigger an UpdatePos, hence a ReaderUI repaint. self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("SetPageBottomMargin", self.ui.document.configurable.b_page_margin)) else -- No fancy chain of events outside of CRe, just ask for a ReaderUI repaint ourselves ;). UIManager:setDirty(self.view.dialog, "partial") end end end function ReaderFooter:onResume() -- Don't repaint the footer until OutOfScreenSaver if screensaver_delay is enabled... local screensaver_delay = G_reader_settings:readSetting("screensaver_delay") if screensaver_delay and screensaver_delay ~= "disable" then self._delayed_screensaver = true return end -- Force a footer repaint on resume if it was visible self:onUpdateFooter(self.view.footer_visible) self:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() end function ReaderFooter:onOutOfScreenSaver() if not self._delayed_screensaver then return end self._delayed_screensaver = nil -- Force a footer repaint on resume if it was visible self:onUpdateFooter(self.view.footer_visible) self:rescheduleFooterAutoRefreshIfNeeded() end function ReaderFooter:onSuspend() self:unscheduleFooterAutoRefresh() end function ReaderFooter:onCloseDocument() self:unscheduleFooterAutoRefresh() end function ReaderFooter:onFrontlightStateChanged() if self.settings.frontlight then self:onUpdateFooter(true) end end function ReaderFooter:onNetworkConnected() if self.settings.wifi_status then self:onUpdateFooter(true) end end function ReaderFooter:onNetworkDisconnected() if self.settings.wifi_status then self:onUpdateFooter(true) end end function ReaderFooter:onSetRotationMode() self:updateFooterContainer() self:resetLayout(true) end function ReaderFooter:onSetPageHorizMargins(h_margins) self.book_margins_footer_width = math.floor((h_margins[1] + h_margins[2])/2) if self.settings.progress_margin then self.settings.progress_margin_width = Screen:scaleBySize(self.book_margins_footer_width) self:refreshFooter(true) end end function ReaderFooter:onScreenResize() self:updateFooterContainer() self:resetLayout(true) end return ReaderFooter