--[[-- @module koplugin.autowarmth Plugin for setting screen warmth based on the sun position and/or a time schedule ]] local Device = require("device") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DoubleSpinWidget = require("/ui/widget/doublespinwidget") local DeviceListener = require("device/devicelistener") local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local Font = require("ui/font") local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification") local SpinWidget = require("ui/widget/spinwidget") local SunTime = require("suntime") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local _ = require("gettext") local T = FFIUtil.template local Screen = require("device").screen local util = require("util") local activate_sun = 1 local activate_schedule = 2 local activate_closer_noon = 3 local activate_closer_midnight =4 local midnight_index = 11 local device_max_warmth = Device:hasNaturalLight() and Device.powerd.fl_warmth_max or 100 local device_warmth_fit_scale = device_max_warmth / 100 local function frac(x) return x - math.floor(x) end local AutoWarmth = WidgetContainer:new{ name = "autowarmth", sched_times = {}, sched_funcs = {}, -- necessary for unschedule, function, warmth } -- get timezone offset in hours (including dst) function AutoWarmth:getTimezoneOffset() local utcdate = os.date("!*t") local localdate = os.date("*t") return os.difftime(os.time(localdate), os.time(utcdate))/3600 end function AutoWarmth:init() self:onDispatcherRegisterActions() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) self.easy_mode = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("autowarmth_easy_mode") self.activate = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autowarmth_activate") or 0 self.location = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autowarmth_location") or "Geysir" self.latitude = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autowarmth_latitude") or 64.31 --great Geysir in Iceland self.longitude = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autowarmth_longitude") or -20.30 self.altitude = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autowarmth_altitude") or 200 self.timezone = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autowarmth_timezone") or 0 self.scheduler_times = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autowarmth_scheduler_times") or {0.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 13.0, 21.5, 22.0, 22.5, 23.0, 24.0} self.warmth = G_reader_settings:readSetting("autowarmth_warmth") or { 90, 90, 80, 60, 20, 20, 20, 60, 80, 90, 90} -- schedule recalculation shortly afer midnight self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() end function AutoWarmth:onDispatcherRegisterActions() Dispatcher:registerAction("show_ephemeris", {category="none", event="ShowEphemeris", title=_("Show ephemeris"), general=true}) Dispatcher:registerAction("auto_warmth_off", {category="none", event="AutoWarmthOff", title=_("Auto warmth off"), screen=true}) Dispatcher:registerAction("auto_warmth_cycle_trough", {category="none", event="AutoWarmthMode", title=_("Auto warmth cycle through modes"), screen=true}) end function AutoWarmth:onShowEphemeris() self:showTimesInfo(_("Information about the sun in"), true, activate_sun, false) end function AutoWarmth:onAutoWarmthOff() self.activate = 0 G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_activate", self.activate) Notification:notify(_("Auto warmth turned off")) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() end function AutoWarmth:onAutoWarmthMode() if self.activate > 0 then self.activate = self.activate - 1 else self.activate = activate_closer_midnight end local notify_text if self.activate == 0 then notify_text = _("Auto warmth turned off") elseif self.activate == activate_sun then notify_text = _("Auto warmth use sun position") elseif self.activate == activate_schedule then notify_text = _("Auto warmth use schedule") elseif self.activate == activate_closer_midnight then notify_text = _("Auto warmth use whatever is closer to midnight") elseif self.activate == activate_closer_noon then notify_text = _("Auto warmth use whatever is closer to noon") end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_activate", self.activate) Notification:notify(notify_text) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() end function AutoWarmth:onResume() if self.activate == 0 then return end local resume_date = os.date("*t") -- check if resume and suspend are done on the same day if resume_date.day == SunTime.date.day and resume_date.month == SunTime.date.month and resume_date.year == SunTime.date.year then local now = SunTime:getTimeInSec(resume_date) self:scheduleWarmthChanges(now) else self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() -- resume is on the other day, do all calcs again end end -- wrapper for unscheduling, so that only our setWarmth gets unscheduled function AutoWarmth.setWarmth(val) if val then if val > 100 then DeviceListener:onSetNightMode(true) else DeviceListener:onSetNightMode(false) end if Device:hasNaturalLight() then val = math.min(val, 100) Device.powerd:setWarmth(val) end end end function AutoWarmth:scheduleMidnightUpdate() -- first unschedule all old functions UIManager:unschedule(self.scheduleMidnightUpdate) -- when called from menu or resume local toRad = math.pi / 180 SunTime:setPosition(self.location, self.latitude * toRad, self.longitude * toRad, self.timezone, self.altitude) SunTime:setAdvanced() SunTime:setDate() -- today SunTime:calculateTimes() self.sched_times = {} self.sched_funcs = {} local function prepareSchedule(times, index1, index2) local time1 = times[index1] if not time1 then return end local time = SunTime:getTimeInSec(time1) table.insert(self.sched_times, time) table.insert(self.sched_funcs, {AutoWarmth.setWarmth, self.warmth[index1]}) local time2 = times[index2] if not time2 then return end -- to near to the pole local warmth_diff = math.min(self.warmth[index2], 100) - math.min(self.warmth[index1], 100) if warmth_diff ~= 0 then local time_diff = SunTime:getTimeInSec(time2) - time local delta_t = time_diff / math.abs(warmth_diff) -- can be inf, no problem local delta_w = warmth_diff > 0 and 1 or -1 for i = 1, math.abs(warmth_diff)-1 do local next_warmth = math.min(self.warmth[index1], 100) + delta_w * i -- only apply warmth for steps the hardware has (e.g. Tolino has 0-10 hw steps -- which map to warmth 0, 10, 20, 30 ... 100) if frac(next_warmth * device_warmth_fit_scale) == 0 then table.insert(self.sched_times, time + delta_t * i) table.insert(self.sched_funcs, {self.setWarmth, math.floor(math.min(self.warmth[index1], 100) + delta_w * i)}) end end end end if self.activate == activate_sun then self.current_times = {unpack(SunTime.times, 1, midnight_index)} elseif self.activate == activate_schedule then self.current_times = {unpack(self.scheduler_times, 1, midnight_index)} else self.current_times = {unpack(SunTime.times, 1, midnight_index)} if self.activate == activate_closer_noon then for i = 1, midnight_index do if not self.current_times[i] then self.current_times[i] = self.scheduler_times[i] elseif self.scheduler_times[i] and math.abs(self.current_times[i]%24 - 12) > math.abs(self.scheduler_times[i]%24 - 12) then self.current_times[i] = self.scheduler_times[i] end end else -- activate_closer_midnight for i = 1, midnight_index do if not self.current_times[i] then self.current_times[i] = self.scheduler_times[i] elseif self.scheduler_times[i] and math.abs(self.current_times[i]%24 - 12) < math.abs(self.scheduler_times[i]%24 - 12) then self.current_times[i] = self.scheduler_times[i] end end end end if self.easy_mode then self.current_times[1] = nil self.current_times[2] = nil self.current_times[3] = nil self.current_times[6] = nil self.current_times[9] = nil self.current_times[10] = nil self.current_times[11] = nil end -- here are dragons local i = 1 -- find first valid entry while not self.current_times[i] and i <= midnight_index do i = i + 1 end local next while i <= midnight_index do next = i + 1 -- find next valid entry while not self.current_times[next] and next <= midnight_index do next = next + 1 end prepareSchedule(self.current_times, i, next) i = next end local now = SunTime:getTimeInSec() -- reschedule 5sec after midnight UIManager:scheduleIn(24*3600 + 5 - now, self.scheduleMidnightUpdate, self ) self:scheduleWarmthChanges(now) end function AutoWarmth:scheduleWarmthChanges(time) for i = 1, #self.sched_funcs do -- loop not essential, as unschedule unschedules all functions at once if not UIManager:unschedule(self.sched_funcs[i][1]) then break end end if self.activate == 0 then return end local actual_warmth for i = 1, #self.sched_funcs do if self.sched_times[i] > time then UIManager:scheduleIn( self.sched_times[i] - time, self.sched_funcs[i][1], self.sched_funcs[i][2]) else actual_warmth = self.sched_funcs[i][2] or actual_warmth end end -- update current warmth directly self.setWarmth(actual_warmth) end function AutoWarmth:hoursToClock(hours) if hours then hours = hours % 24 * 3600 + 0.01 -- round up, due to reduced precision in settings.reader.lua end return util.secondsToClock(hours, self.easy_mode) end function AutoWarmth:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.autowarmth = { text = Device:hasNaturalLight() and _("Auto warmth and night mode") or _("Auto night mode"), checked_func = function() return self.activate ~= 0 end, sub_item_table_func = function() return self:getSubMenuItems() end, } end local function tidy_menu(menu, request) for i = #menu, 1, -1 do if menu[i].mode ~=nil then if menu[i].mode ~= request then table.remove(menu,i) else menu[i].mode = nil end end end return menu end local about_text = _([[Set the frontlight warmth (if available) and night mode based on a time schedule or the sun's position. There are three types of twilight: • Civil: You can read a newspaper • Nautical: You can see the first stars • Astronomical: It is really dark Custom warmth values can be set for every kind of twilight and sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight. The screen warmth is continuously adjusted to the current time. To use the sun's position, a geographical location must be entered. The calculations are very precise, with a deviation less than minute and a half.]]) function AutoWarmth:getSubMenuItems() return { { text = Device:hasNaturalLight() and _("About auto warmth and night mode") or _("About auto night mode"), callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = about_text, width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.9), }) end, keep_menu_open = true, separator = true, }, { text = _("Activate"), checked_func = function() return self.activate ~= 0 end, sub_item_table = self:getActivateMenu(), }, { text = _("Expert mode"), checked_func = function() return not self.easy_mode end, help_text = _("In the expert mode, different types of twilight can be used in addition to civil twilight."), callback = function(touchmenu_instance) self.easy_mode = not self.easy_mode G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_easy_mode", self.easy_mode) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() touchmenu_instance.item_table = self:getSubMenuItems() touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text = _("Location settings"), sub_item_table = self:getLocationMenu(), }, { text = _("Fixed schedule settings"), enabled_func = function() return self.activate ~= activate_sun and self.activate ~=0 end, sub_item_table = self:getScheduleMenu(), }, { enabled_func = function() return self.activate ~=0 end, text = Device:hasNaturalLight() and _("Warmth and night mode settings") or _("Night mode settings"), sub_item_table = self:getWarmthMenu(), separator = true, }, self:getTimesMenu(_("Currently active parameters")), self:getTimesMenu(_("Sun position information for"), true, activate_sun), self:getTimesMenu(_("Fixed schedule information"), false, activate_schedule), } end function AutoWarmth:getActivateMenu() local function getActivateMenuEntry(text, help_text, activator) return { text = text, help_text = help_text, checked_func = function() return self.activate == activator end, callback = function() if self.activate ~= activator then self.activate = activator else self.activate = 0 end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_activate", self.activate) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() end, } end return { getActivateMenuEntry(_("According to the sun's position"), _("Only use the times calculated from the position of the sun."), activate_sun), getActivateMenuEntry(_("According to the fixed schedule"), _("Only use the times from the fixed schedule."), activate_schedule), getActivateMenuEntry(_("Whatever is closer to noon"), _("Use the times from the sun position or schedule that are closer to noon."), activate_closer_noon), getActivateMenuEntry(_("Whatever is closer to midnight"), _("Use the times from the sun position or schedule that are closer to midnight."), activate_closer_midnight), } end function AutoWarmth:getLocationMenu() return {{ text_func = function() if self.location ~= "" then return T(_("Location: %1"), self.location) else return _("Location") end end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local location_name_dialog location_name_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Location name"), input = self.location, buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), callback = function() UIManager:close(location_name_dialog) end, }, { text = _("OK"), callback = function() self.location = location_name_dialog:getInputText() G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_location", self.location) UIManager:close(location_name_dialog) if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, }, }} } UIManager:show(location_name_dialog) location_name_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Coordinates: (%1, %2)"), self.latitude, self.longitude) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local location_widget = DoubleSpinWidget:new{ title_text = _("Set location"), info_text = _("Enter decimal degrees, northern hemisphere and eastern length are '+'."), left_text = _("Latitude"), left_value = self.latitude, left_default = 0, left_min = -90, left_max = 90, left_step = 0.1, precision = "%0.2f", left_hold_step = 5, right_text = _("Longitude"), right_value = self.longitude, right_default = 0, right_min = -180, right_max = 180, right_step = 0.1, right_hold_step = 5, callback = function(lat, long) self.latitude = lat self.longitude = long self.timezone = self:getTimezoneOffset() -- use timezone of device G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_latitude", self.latitude) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_longitude", self.longitude) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_timezone", self.timezone) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, } UIManager:show(location_widget) end, keep_menu_open = true, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Altitude: %1m"), self.altitude) end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) UIManager:show(SpinWidget:new{ title_text = _("Altitude"), value = self.altitude, value_min = -100, value_max = 15000, -- intercontinental flight wrap = false, value_step = 10, value_hold_step = 100, ok_text = _("Set"), callback = function(spin) self.altitude = spin.value G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_altitude", self.altitude) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, extra_text = _("Default"), extra_callback = function() self.altitude = 200 G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_altitude", self.altitude) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, }) end, keep_menu_open = true, }} end function AutoWarmth:getScheduleMenu() local function store_times(touchmenu_instance, new_time, num) self.scheduler_times[num] = new_time if num == 1 then if new_time then self.scheduler_times[midnight_index] = new_time + 24 -- next day else self.scheduler_times[midnight_index] = nil end end G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_scheduler_times", self.scheduler_times) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end -- mode == nil ... show alway -- == true ... easy mode -- == false ... expert mode local function getScheduleMenuEntry(text, num, mode) return { mode = mode, text_func = function() return T(_"%1: %2", text, self:hoursToClock(self.scheduler_times[num])) end, checked_func = function() return self.scheduler_times[num] ~= nil end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local hh = 12 local mm = 0 if self.scheduler_times[num] then hh = math.floor(self.scheduler_times[num]) mm = math.floor(frac(self.scheduler_times[num]) * 60 + 0.5) end UIManager:show(DoubleSpinWidget:new{ title_text = _("Set time"), left_text = _("HH"), left_value = hh, left_default = 0, left_min = 0, left_max = 23, left_step = 1, left_hold_step = 3, left_wrap = true, right_text = _("MM"), right_value = mm, right_default = 0, right_min = 0, right_max = 59, right_step = 1, right_hold_step = 5, right_wrap = true, callback = function(left, right) local new_time = left + right / 60 local function get_valid_time(n, dir) for i = n+dir, dir > 0 and midnight_index or 1, dir do if self.scheduler_times[i] then return self.scheduler_times[i] end end return dir > 0 and 0 or 26 end if num > 1 and new_time < get_valid_time(num, -1) then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("This time is before the previous time.\nAdjust the previous time?"), ok_callback = function() for i = num-1, 1, -1 do if self.scheduler_times[i] then if new_time < self.scheduler_times[i] then self.scheduler_times[i] = new_time else break end end end store_times(touchmenu_instance, new_time, num) end, }) elseif num < 10 and new_time > get_valid_time(num, 1) then UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("This time is after the subsequent time.\nAdjust the subsequent time?"), ok_callback = function() for i = num + 1, midnight_index - 1 do if self.scheduler_times[i] then if new_time > self.scheduler_times[i] then self.scheduler_times[i] = new_time else break end end end store_times(touchmenu_instance, new_time, num) end, }) else store_times(touchmenu_instance, new_time, num) end end, extra_text = _("Invalidate"), extra_callback = function() store_times(touchmenu_instance, nil, num) end, }) end, keep_menu_open = true, } end local retval = { getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Solar midnight"), 1, false ), getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Astronomical dawn"), 2, false), getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Nautical dawn"), 3, false), getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Civil dawn"), 4), getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Sunrise"), 5), getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Solar noon"), 6, false), getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Sunset"), 7), getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Civil dusk"), 8), getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Nautical dusk"), 9, false), getScheduleMenuEntry(_("Astronomical dusk"), 10, false), } return tidy_menu(retval, self.easy_mode) end function AutoWarmth:getWarmthMenu() -- mode == nil ... show alway -- == true ... easy mode -- == false ... expert mode local function getWarmthMenuEntry(text, num, mode) return { mode = mode, text_func = function() if Device:hasNaturalLight() then if self.warmth[num] <= 100 then return T(_("%1: %2%"), text, self.warmth[num]) else return T(_("%1: 100% + ☾"), text) end else if self.warmth[num] <= 100 then return T(_("%1: ☼"), text) else return T(_("%1: ☾"), text) end end end, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if Device:hasNaturalLight() then UIManager:show(SpinWidget:new{ title_text = text, value = self.warmth[num], value_min = 0, value_max = 100, wrap = false, value_step = math.floor(100 / device_max_warmth), value_hold_step = 10, ok_text = _("Set"), callback = function(spin) self.warmth[num] = spin.value self.warmth[#self.warmth - num + 1] = spin.value G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_warmth", self.warmth) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, extra_text = _("Use night mode"), extra_callback = function() self.warmth[num] = 110 self.warmth[#self.warmth - num + 1] = 110 G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_warmth", self.warmth) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, }) else UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Nightmode"), ok_text = _("Set"), ok_callback = function() self.warmth[num] = 110 self.warmth[#self.warmth - num + 1] = 110 G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_warmth", self.warmth) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, cancel_text = _("Unset"), cancel_callback = function() self.warmth[num] = 0 self.warmth[#self.warmth - num + 1] = 0 G_reader_settings:saveSetting("autowarmth_warmth", self.warmth) self:scheduleMidnightUpdate() if touchmenu_instance then touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end end, other_buttons = {{ { text = _("Cancel"), } }}, }) end end, keep_menu_open = true, } end local retval = { { text = Device:hasNaturalLight() and _("Set warmth and night mode for:") or _("Set night mode for:"), enabled_func = function() return false end, }, getWarmthMenuEntry(_("Solar noon"), 6, false), getWarmthMenuEntry(_("Sunset and sunrise"), 5), getWarmthMenuEntry(_("Darkest time of civil twilight"), 4), getWarmthMenuEntry(_("Darkest time of nautical twilight"), 3, false), getWarmthMenuEntry(_("Darkest time of astronomical twilight"), 2, false), getWarmthMenuEntry(_("Solar midnight"), 1, false), } return tidy_menu(retval, self.easy_mode) end -- title -- location: add a location string -- activator: nil .. current_times, -- activate_sun .. sun times -- activate_schedule .. scheduler times -- request_easy: true if easy_mode should be used function AutoWarmth:showTimesInfo(title, location, activator, request_easy) local times if not activator then times = self.current_times elseif activator == activate_sun then times = SunTime.times elseif activator == activate_schedule then times = self.scheduler_times end -- text to show -- t .. times -- num .. index in times local function info_line(indent, text, t, num, face, easy) -- get width of space local unit = " " local tmp = TextWidget:new{ text = unit, face = face, } local space_w = tmp:getSize().w -- get width of text unit = text tmp = TextWidget:new{ text = unit, face = face, } local text_w = tmp:getSize().w tmp:free() -- width of text in spaces local str_len = math.floor(text_w / space_w + 0.5) local tab_width = 18 - indent local retval = string.rep(" ", indent) .. text .. string.rep(" ", tab_width - str_len) .. self:hoursToClock(t[num]) if easy then if t[num] and self.current_times[num] and self.current_times[num] ~= t[num] then return text .. "\n" else return "" end end if not t[num] then -- entry deactivated return retval .. "\n" elseif Device:hasNaturalLight() then if self.current_times[num] == t[num] then if self.warmth[num] <= 100 then return retval .. " (💡" .. self.warmth[num] .."%)\n" else return retval .. " (💡100% + ☾)\n" end else return retval .. "\n" end else if self.current_times[num] == t[num] then if self.warmth[num] <= 100 then return retval .. " (☼)\n" else return retval .. " (☾)\n" end else return retval .. "\n" end end end local location_string = "" if location then location_string = " " .. self:getLocationString() end local function add_line(text, easy) return easy and "" or (" " .. text .. "\n") end local face = Font:getFace("scfont") UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ face = face, width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * (self.easy_mode and 0.75 or 0.90)), text = title .. location_string .. ":\n\n" .. info_line(0, _("Solar midnight:"), times, 1, face, request_easy) .. add_line(_("Dawn"), request_easy) .. info_line(4, _("Astronomic:"), times, 2, face, request_easy) .. info_line(4, _("Nautical:"), times, 3, face, request_easy).. info_line(request_easy and 0 or 4, request_easy and _("Twilight:") or _("Civil:"), times, 4, face) .. add_line(_("Dawn"), request_easy) .. info_line(0, _("Sunrise:"), times, 5, face) .. "\n" .. info_line(0, _("Solar noon:"), times, 6, face, request_easy) .. add_line("", request_easy) .. info_line(0, _("Sunset:"), times, 7, face) .. add_line(_("Dusk"), request_easy) .. info_line(request_easy and 0 or 4, request_easy and _("Twilight:") or _("Civil:"), times, 8, face) .. info_line(4, _("Nautical:"), times, 9, face, request_easy) .. info_line(4, _("Astronomic:"), times, 10, face, request_easy) .. add_line(_("Dusk"), request_easy) .. info_line(0, _("Solar midnight:"), times, midnight_index, face, request_easy) }) end -- title -- location: add a location string -- activator: nil .. current_times, -- activate_sun .. sun times -- activate_schedule .. scheduler times function AutoWarmth:getTimesMenu(title, location, activator) return { enabled_func = function() -- always show sun position times so you can see ephemeris return self.activate ~= 0 and (self.activate ~= activate_sun or activator == nil) or activator == activate_sun end, text_func = function() if location then return title .. " " .. self:getLocationString() end return title end, callback = function() self:showTimesInfo(title, location, activator, self.easy_mode) end, keep_menu_open = true, } end function AutoWarmth:getLocationString() if self.location ~= "" then return self.location else return "(" .. self.latitude .. "," .. self.longitude .. ")" end end return AutoWarmth