local BD = require("ui/bidi") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local Font = require("ui/font") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local ImageWidget = require("ui/widget/imagewidget") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local OverlapGroup = require("ui/widget/overlapgroup") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextBoxWidget = require("ui/widget/textboxwidget") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local TitleBar = require("ui/widget/titlebar") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan") local Input = Device.input local Screen = Device.screen local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") -- We use the BookMapRow widget, a local widget defined in bookmapwidget.lua, -- that we made available via BookMapWidget itself local BookMapWidget = require("ui/widget/bookmapwidget") local BookMapRow = BookMapWidget.BookMapRow -- PageBrowserWidget: shows thumbnails of pages local PageBrowserWidget = InputContainer:extend{ title = _("Page browser"), -- Focus page: will be put at the best place in the thumbnail grid -- (that is, the grid will pick thumbnails from pages before and -- after it, and more pages after than before) focus_page = nil, -- Should only be nil on the first launch via ReaderThumbnail launcher = nil, } function PageBrowserWidget:init() if self.ui.view:shouldInvertBiDiLayoutMirroring() then BD.invert() end -- Compute non-settings-dependant sizes and options self.dimen = Geom:new{ w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), } self.covers_fullscreen = true -- hint for UIManager:_repaint() if Device:hasKeys() then self.key_events = { Close = { { Device.input.group.Back } }, ScrollRowUp = { { "Up" } }, ScrollRowDown = { { "Down" } }, ScrollPageUp = { { Input.group.PgBack } }, ScrollPageDown = { { Input.group.PgFwd } }, } end if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { Swipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "swipe", range = self.dimen, } }, MultiSwipe = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "multiswipe", range = self.dimen, } }, Tap = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, } }, Hold = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = self.dimen, } }, Pinch = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "pinch", range = self.dimen, } }, Spread = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "spread", range = self.dimen, } }, } end -- Put the BookMapRow left and right border outside of screen self.row_width = self.dimen.w + 2*BookMapRow.pages_frame_border self.title_bar = TitleBar:new{ fullscreen = true, title = self.title, left_icon = "appbar.menu", left_icon_tap_callback = function() self:showMenu() end, left_icon_hold_callback = function() -- Cycle nb of toc span levels shown in bottom row if self:updateNbTocSpans(-1, true, true) then self:updateLayout() end end, close_callback = function() self:onClose() end, close_hold_callback = function() self:onClose(true) end, show_parent = self, } self.title_bar_h = self.title_bar:getHeight() -- Guess grid TOC span height from its font size -- (it feels this font size does not need to be configurable: too large and -- titles will be too easily truncated, too small and they will be unreadable) self.toc_span_font_name = "infofont" self.toc_span_font_size = 14 self.toc_span_face = Font:getFace(self.toc_span_font_name, self.toc_span_font_size) local test_w = TextWidget:new{ text = "z", face = self.toc_span_face, } self.span_height = test_w:getSize().h + BookMapRow.toc_span_border test_w:free() -- For page numbers alongside thumbnails, use the same font size -- we use for them in the ribbon self.page_num_font_face = Font:getFace("infofont", 10) if not self.page_num_width then -- We'll be displaying the number vertically, so get the width we'd need -- to display some wide single char (this will influence side and inter -- thumbnails margins). test_w = TextWidget:new{ text = "W", face = self.page_num_font_face, } self.page_num_width = test_w:getWidth() test_w:free() end self.min_nb_rows = 1 self.max_nb_rows = 6 self.min_nb_cols = 1 self.max_nb_cols = 6 -- Get some info that shouldn't change across calls to update() and updateLayout() self.ui.toc:fillToc() self.max_toc_depth = self.ui.toc.toc_depth self.nb_pages = self.ui.document:getPageCount() self.cur_page = self.ui.toc.pageno -- Get bookmarks and highlights from ReaderBookmark self.bookmarked_pages = self.ui.bookmark:getBookmarkedPages() -- Get read page from the statistics plugin if enabled self.read_pages = self.ui.statistics and self.ui.statistics:getCurrentBookReadPages() self.current_session_duration = self.ui.statistics and (os.time() - self.ui.statistics.start_current_period) -- Hidden flows, for first page display, and to draw them gray self.has_hidden_flows = self.ui.document:hasHiddenFlows() if self.has_hidden_flows and #self.ui.document.flows > 0 then self.hidden_flows = {} -- Pick into credocument internal data to build a table -- of {first_page_number, last_page_number) for each flow for flow, tab in ipairs(self.ui.document.flows) do table.insert(self.hidden_flows, { tab[1], tab[1]+tab[2]-1 }) end end -- Reference page numbers, for first row page display self.page_labels = nil if self.ui.pagemap and self.ui.pagemap:wantsPageLabels() then self.page_labels = self.ui.document:getPageMap() end -- Location stack self.previous_locations = self.ui.link:getPreviousLocationPages() -- Compute settings-dependant sizes and options, and build the inner widgets -- (this will call self:update()) self:updateLayout() end function PageBrowserWidget:updateLayout() -- We start with showing all toc levels (we could use book_map_toc_depth, -- but we might want to have it different here). self.nb_toc_spans = self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("page_browser_toc_depth") or self.max_toc_depth -- Row will contain: nb_toc_spans + page slots + spacing (+ some borders) local statistics_enabled = self.ui.statistics and self.ui.statistics:isEnabled() local page_slots_height_ratio = 1 -- default to 1 * span_height if not statistics_enabled and self.nb_toc_spans > 0 then -- Just enough to show page separators below toc spans page_slots_height_ratio = 0.2 end self.row_height = math.ceil((self.nb_toc_spans + page_slots_height_ratio + 1) * self.span_height + 2*BookMapRow.pages_frame_border) self.grid_width = self.dimen.w self.grid_height = self.dimen.h - self.title_bar_h - self.row_height -- We'll draw some kind of static transparent glass over the BookMapRow, -- which should span over the page slots that get their thumbnails shown. self.view_finder_r = Size.radius.window self.view_finder_bw = Size.border.default -- Have its top border noticable above the BookMapRow top border self.view_finder_y = self.dimen.h - self.row_height - 2*self.view_finder_bw -- And put its bottom rounded corner outside of screen self.view_finder_h = self.row_height + 2*self.view_finder_bw + Size.radius.window if self.grid then self.grid:free() end self.grid = OverlapGroup:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.grid_width, h = self.grid_height, }, allow_mirroring = false, } if self.row then self.row:free() end self.row = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.dimen.w, h = self.row_height, }, -- Will contain a BookMapRow wider, with l/r borders outside screen } self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ width = self.dimen.w, height = self.dimen.h, padding = 0, margin = 0, bordersize = 0, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, VerticalGroup:new{ align = "center", self.title_bar, self.grid, self.row, } } self.nb_rows = self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("page_browser_nb_rows") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("page_browser_nb_rows") self.nb_cols = self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("page_browser_nb_cols") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("page_browser_nb_cols") if not self.nb_rows or not self.nb_cols then -- 3 x 2 seems like a good default, in both portrait or landscape mode self.nb_cols = 3 self.nb_rows = 2 end self.nb_grid_items = self.nb_rows * self.nb_cols self.thumbnails_pagenums = self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("page_browser_thumbnails_pagenums") or G_reader_settings:readSetting("page_browser_thumbnails_pagenums") or 2 -- Set our items target size -- Borders may eat into the margin, and the horizontal margin should be able to contain the page number local grid_item_default_margin = Screen:scaleBySize(10) local grid_item_pagenum_margin = self.page_num_width + Size.padding.small + Size.border.thick + Size.border.thin local grid_item_inner_h_margin = grid_item_default_margin local grid_item_outer_h_margin = grid_item_default_margin if self.thumbnails_pagenums == 1 then grid_item_outer_h_margin = grid_item_pagenum_margin elseif self.thumbnails_pagenums == 2 then grid_item_outer_h_margin = grid_item_pagenum_margin grid_item_inner_h_margin = grid_item_pagenum_margin end self.grid_item_height = math.floor((self.grid_height - self.nb_rows*grid_item_default_margin) / self.nb_rows) -- no need for top margin, title bottom padding is enough self.grid_item_width = math.floor((self.grid_width - 2*grid_item_outer_h_margin - (self.nb_cols-1)*grid_item_inner_h_margin) / self.nb_cols) self.grid_item_dimen = Geom:new{ w = self.grid_item_width, h = self.grid_item_height } -- Put any pixel left ouf by the flooring into grid_item_outer_h_margin, so everything looks balanced horizontally grid_item_outer_h_margin = math.floor((self.grid_width - self.nb_cols * self.grid_item_width - (self.nb_cols-1)*grid_item_inner_h_margin) / 2) self.grid:clear() for idx = 1, self.nb_grid_items do local row = math.floor((idx-1)/self.nb_cols) -- start from 0 local col = (idx-1) % self.nb_cols local show_pagenum -- no page number shown on the left side of a thumbnail, unless: if self.thumbnails_pagenums == 1 then -- only for the first thumbnail of each row show_pagenum = col == 0 elseif self.thumbnails_pagenums == 2 then -- for all thumnbnails show_pagenum = true end if BD.mirroredUILayout() then col = self.nb_cols - col - 1 end local offset_x = grid_item_outer_h_margin + grid_item_inner_h_margin*col + self.grid_item_width*col local offset_y = grid_item_default_margin*row + self.grid_item_height*row -- no need for 1st margin local grid_item = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = self.grid_item_dimen:copy(), } table.insert(self.grid, FrameContainer:new{ show_pagenum = show_pagenum, overlap_offset = {offset_x, offset_y}, margin = 0, padding = 0, bordersize = 0, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, grid_item, }) end -- Put the focused (requested) page at some appropriate place in the grid if self.nb_rows > 1 then -- Multiple rows -- Show the focus page at the rightmost position in the first row self.focus_page_shift = self.nb_cols - 1 else -- Single row if self.nb_cols > 2 then -- 3+ columns: show one page behind only self.focus_page_shift = 1 else -- 1 or 2 columns: show it first self.focus_page_shift = 0 end end -- Don't go with too small page slots self.pages_per_row = math.max(self.nb_grid_items*3, 20) -- We want our view finder centered over the BookMapRow if self.pages_per_row % 2 ~= self.nb_grid_items % 2 then self.pages_per_row = self.pages_per_row + 1 end -- Update the BookMapRow and page thumbnails for the current view self:update() end function PageBrowserWidget:update() if self.requests_batch_id then self.ui.thumbnail:cancelPageThumbnailRequests(self.requests_batch_id) end self.requests_batch_id = "PageBrowserWidget"..tostring(os.time()) for i=#self.grid, 1, -1 do if self.grid[i].is_page_num_widget then -- Remove page_num_widgets, as we'll be recreating them local widget = table.remove(self.grid, i) widget:free() end end if not self.focus_page then self.focus_page = self.cur_page or 1 end local grid_page_start = self.focus_page - self.focus_page_shift local grid_page_end = grid_page_start + self.nb_grid_items - 1 -- Get p_start so that our viewfinder is centered local p_start = math.ceil(grid_page_start + self.nb_grid_items/2 - self.pages_per_row/2) local p_end = p_start + self.pages_per_row - 1 local blank_page_slots_before_start = 0 local blank_page_slots_after_end = 0 -- used only when _mirroredUI if p_end > self.nb_pages then blank_page_slots_after_end = p_end - self.nb_pages p_end = self.nb_pages end if p_start < 1 then blank_page_slots_before_start = 1 - p_start p_start = 1 end -- Extended separators below the baseline for pages starting thumbnail rows local extended_sep_pages = {} for p=grid_page_start+self.nb_cols, grid_page_end, self.nb_cols do extended_sep_pages[p] = BookMapRow.extended_marker.LARGE end -- Show the page number or label at the bottom page slot every N slots, with N -- the nb of thumbnails so we get at least one page label in our viewport. local page_texts_cycle = math.min(self.nb_grid_items, 10) -- but max 10 local next_p = p_start local cur_page_label_idx = 1 local page_texts = {} -- to be provided to the bottom ribbon BookMapRow self.pagenum_page_texts = {} -- to be displayed alongside thumbnails for p=p_start, p_end do -- This may be expensive, so compute only the ones we need for display local show_at_bottom if p >= next_p then -- Only show a page text if there is no indicator on that slot if p ~= self.cur_page and not self.bookmarked_pages[p] and not self.previous_locations[p] then show_at_bottom = true end end local show_near_thumbnail if p >= grid_page_start and p <= grid_page_end then show_near_thumbnail = self.grid[p - grid_page_start + 1].show_pagenum end if show_at_bottom or show_near_thumbnail then local page_text, thumbnail_page_text if self.page_labels then local page_label for idx=cur_page_label_idx, #self.page_labels do local item = self.page_labels[idx] if item.page >= p then if item.page == p then page_label = item.label end break end cur_page_label_idx = idx end if page_label then page_text = self.ui.pagemap:cleanPageLabel(page_label) elseif show_near_thumbnail then -- When reference pages may span multiple screen pages, the above may not get -- a page_text for some pages, which is fine for the bottom ribbon: it will -- display it for the next slot where a new reference page starts. -- But for thumbnails, we want to show some page number text, so fetch -- the previous one (that started on a previous screen page). thumbnail_page_text = self.ui.pagemap:cleanPageLabel(self.page_labels[cur_page_label_idx].label) end elseif self.has_hidden_flows then local flow = self.ui.document:getPageFlow(p) if flow == 0 then page_text = tostring(self.ui.document:getPageNumberInFlow(p)) else local page_number_in_flow = self.ui.document:getPageNumberInFlow(p) local page_flow = self.ui.document:getPageFlow(p) page_text = string.format("[%d]%d", page_number_in_flow, page_flow) -- Use something that will feel alike brackets when vertically -- (Harfbuzz will properly mirror these if the UI is RTL) thumbnail_page_text = string.format("\u{2E1D}%d\u{2E0C}%d", page_number_in_flow, page_flow) end else page_text = tostring(p) end if page_text and show_at_bottom then local page_block, page_block_dx -- centered by default if p == p_start or p == grid_page_start or p == grid_page_end+1 then page_block = "left" page_block_dx = Size.padding.tiny if p == grid_page_start then page_block_dx = page_block_dx + self.view_finder_bw + 1 end elseif p == p_end or p == grid_page_end or p == grid_page_start-1 then page_block = "right" page_block_dx = Size.padding.tiny if p == grid_page_end then page_block_dx = page_block_dx + self.view_finder_bw + 1 end end page_texts[p] = { text = page_text, block = page_block, block_dx = page_block_dx, } next_p = p + page_texts_cycle end if show_near_thumbnail then -- Dedicated thumbnail_page_text, or the default one self.pagenum_page_texts[p] = thumbnail_page_text or page_text end end end -- We need to rebuilt the full set of toc spans that will be shown -- Similar (but simplified) to what is done in BookMapWidget. self.toc_depth = self.nb_toc_spans local toc = self.ui.toc.toc local cur_toc_items = {} local row_toc_items = {} local toc_idx = 1 while toc_idx <= #toc do -- Find out the toc items that can be shown on this row local item = toc[toc_idx] if item.page > p_end then break end if item.depth <= self.toc_depth then -- ignore lower levels we won't show -- An item at level N closes all previous items at level >= N for lvl = item.depth, self.toc_depth do local done_toc_item = cur_toc_items[lvl] cur_toc_items[lvl] = nil if done_toc_item then done_toc_item.p_end = math.max(item.page - 1, done_toc_item.p_start) if done_toc_item.p_end >= p_start then -- Can go into row_toc_items[lvl] if done_toc_item.p_start < p_start then done_toc_item.p_start = p_start done_toc_item.started_before = true -- no left margin end if not row_toc_items[lvl] then row_toc_items[lvl] = {} end -- We're done with it, we can just move it table.insert(row_toc_items[lvl], done_toc_item) end end end cur_toc_items[item.depth] = { title = item.title, p_start = item.page, p_end = nil, } end toc_idx = toc_idx + 1 end local is_last_row = p_end >= self.nb_pages for lvl = 1, self.nb_toc_spans do -- (no-op/no-loop if flat_map) local active_toc_item = cur_toc_items[lvl] if active_toc_item then if active_toc_item.p_start < p_start then active_toc_item.p_start = p_start active_toc_item.started_before = true -- no left margin end active_toc_item.p_end = p_end active_toc_item.continues_after = not is_last_row -- no right margin (except if last row) -- Look at next TOC item to see if it would close this one local coming_up_toc_item = toc[toc_idx] if coming_up_toc_item and coming_up_toc_item.page == p_end+1 and coming_up_toc_item.depth <= lvl then active_toc_item.continues_after = false -- right margin end if not row_toc_items[lvl] then row_toc_items[lvl] = {} end table.insert(row_toc_items[lvl], active_toc_item) end end local left_spacing = 0 if blank_page_slots_before_start > 0 then left_spacing = BookMapRow:getLeftSpacingForNumberOfPageSlots(blank_page_slots_before_start, self.pages_per_row, self.row_width) end local row = BookMapRow:new{ height = self.row_height, width = self.row_width, show_parent = self, left_spacing = left_spacing, nb_toc_spans = self.nb_toc_spans, span_height = self.span_height, font_face = self.toc_span_face, start_page_text = "", start_page = p_start, end_page = p_end, pages_per_row = self.pages_per_row - blank_page_slots_before_start, cur_page = self.cur_page, with_page_sep = true, toc_items = row_toc_items, bookmarked_pages = self.bookmarked_pages, previous_locations = self.previous_locations, hidden_flows = self.hidden_flows, read_pages = self.read_pages, current_session_duration = self.current_session_duration, page_texts = page_texts, extended_sep_pages = extended_sep_pages, } self.row[1] = row if BD.mirroredUILayout() then self.view_finder_x = row:getPageX(grid_page_end) self.view_finder_w = row:getPageX(grid_page_start, true) - self.view_finder_x if blank_page_slots_after_end > 0 then self.view_finder_x = self.view_finder_x + BookMapRow:getLeftSpacingForNumberOfPageSlots(blank_page_slots_after_end, self.pages_per_row, self.row_width) + row.pages_frame_border -- (needed, but not sure why it is needed...) end else self.view_finder_x = row:getPageX(grid_page_start) self.view_finder_w = row:getPageX(grid_page_end, true) - self.view_finder_x self.view_finder_x = self.view_finder_x + left_spacing end -- we requested with_page_sep, so leave these blank spaces between page slots outside the viewfinder self.view_finder_x = self.view_finder_x + 1 self.view_finder_w = self.view_finder_w - 1 for idx=1, self.nb_grid_items do local p = grid_page_start + idx - 1 if p < 1 or p > self.nb_pages then self.grid[idx].page_idx = nil -- no action on Tap self:clearTile(idx) else self.grid[idx].page_idx = p -- go there on Tap local delayed = self.ui.thumbnail:getPageThumbnail(p, self.grid_item_width, self.grid_item_height, self.requests_batch_id, function(tile, batch_id, async_response) if batch_id ~= self.requests_batch_id then -- Response from an obsolete request return end if not tile then -- failure notification return end -- If tile was in the cache, we get this immediately called with async_response=false, -- and we don't need to do any setDirty as a full one will be done below. self:showTile(idx, p, tile, async_response) end) if delayed then self:clearTile(idx, true) self.wait_for_refresh_on_show_tile = true end end end UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", self.dimen end) end function PageBrowserWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y) -- Paint regular sub widgets the classic way InputContainer.paintTo(self, bb, x, y) -- If we would prefer to see the BookMapRow top border always take the full width -- so it acts as a separator from the thumbnail grid, add this: -- bb:paintRect(0, self.dimen.h - self.row_height, self.dimen.w, BookMapRow.pages_frame_border, Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK) -- And explicitely paint our viewfinder over the BookMapRow bb:paintBorder(self.view_finder_x, self.view_finder_y, self.view_finder_w, self.view_finder_h, self.view_finder_bw, Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, self.view_finder_r) end function PageBrowserWidget:clearTile(grid_idx, in_progress, do_refresh) local item_frame = self.grid[grid_idx] -- FrameContainer local item_container = item_frame[1] -- CenterContainer local dimen = item_frame.dimen if item_container[1] then -- TextWidget or FrameContainer if item_container[1].dimen then dimen = item_container[1].dimen:copy() end if item_container[1].free then item_container[1]:free() end end -- Quickly showing the first tile while the whole page is still being refreshed -- can cause some papercut-like refresh glitch on this first tile, with even more -- chances if we put gray things in the initial page (as gray is painted black -- and then becomes gray, making it 2 steps and longer). -- This seems to be mitigated with our self.wait_for_refresh_on_show_tile trick. if in_progress then item_container[1] = TextWidget:new{ text = "♲", -- gray symbol (which initially caused refresh glitches) -- Alternatives (mostly from Nerdfont): -- text = "\u{26F6}", -- square with four corners -- text = "\u{ED36}", -- text = "\u{F196}", -- square with plus inside -- text = "\u{ED5F}", -- square with plus at top right -- text = "\u{F141}", -- text = "\u{EB52}", -- text = "\u{EB4F}", -- text = "\u{F021}", face = Font:getFace("cfont", 20), } else item_container[1] = VerticalSpan:new{ width = 0, } end if do_refresh then UIManager:setDirty(self, function() return "ui", dimen end) end end function PageBrowserWidget:showTile(grid_idx, page, tile, do_refresh) local item_frame = self.grid[grid_idx] -- FrameContainer local item_container = item_frame[1] -- CenterContainer if item_container[1] and item_container[1].free then -- TextWidget item_container[1]:free() end local border = page == self.cur_page and Size.border.thick or Size.border.thin local thumb_frame = FrameContainer:new{ is_page_thumbnail = true, -- for tap handler margin = 0, padding = 0, bordersize = border, background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, ImageWidget:new{ image = tile.bb, image_disposable = false, }, } item_container[1] = thumb_frame -- thumb_frame will overflow its CenterContainer because of the added borders, -- but CenterContainer handles that well. We will refresh the outer dimensions. local page_num_widget if item_frame.show_pagenum and self.pagenum_page_texts[page] then local page_text = table.concat(util.splitToChars(self.pagenum_page_texts[page]), "\n") page_num_widget = TextBoxWidget:new{ text = page_text, width = self.page_num_width, face = self.page_num_font_face, line_height = 0, -- no additional line height alignment = BD.mirroredUILayout() and "left" or "right", alignment_strict = true, is_page_num_widget = true, -- so we can clear them in :update() } -- Only now that we know the thumbnail size, we can position this vertical -- page number widget alongside and at the top of the thumbnail left edge local thumb_frame_dimen = thumb_frame:getSize() local dw = self.grid_item_width - thumb_frame_dimen.w local dh = self.grid_item_height - thumb_frame_dimen.h local dx = math.floor(dw/2) local dy = math.floor(dh/2) local offset_y = item_frame.overlap_offset[2] + dy local offset_x if BD.mirroredUILayout() then offset_x = item_frame.overlap_offset[1] + self.grid_item_width - dx + Size.padding.small else offset_x = item_frame.overlap_offset[1] + dx - page_num_widget:getSize().w - Size.padding.small end page_num_widget.overlap_offset = {offset_x, offset_y} table.insert(self.grid, page_num_widget) end if do_refresh then if self.wait_for_refresh_on_show_tile then self.wait_for_refresh_on_show_tile = nil -- Be sure the main view initial refresh has ended before refreshing -- this first thumbnail, to avoid papercut refresh glitches. UIManager:waitForVSync() end UIManager:setDirty(self, function() if page_num_widget then return "ui", thumb_frame.dimen:combine(page_num_widget.dimen) end return "ui", thumb_frame.dimen end) end end function PageBrowserWidget:showMenu() local button_dialog -- Width of our -/+ buttons, so it looks fine with Button's default font size of 20 local plus_minus_width = Screen:scaleBySize(60) local buttons = { {{ text = _("About page browser"), align = "left", callback = function() self:showAbout() end, }}, {{ text = _("Available gestures"), align = "left", callback = function() self:showGestures() end, }}, { { text = _("Thumbnail columns"), callback = function() end, align = "left", }, { text = "\u{2796}", -- Heavy minus sign enabled_func = function() return self.nb_cols > self.min_nb_cols end, callback = function() if self:updateNbCols(-1, true) then self:updateLayout() end end, width = plus_minus_width, }, { text = "\u{2795}", -- Heavy plus sign enabled_func = function() return self.nb_cols < self.max_nb_cols end, callback = function() if self:updateNbCols(1, true) then self:updateLayout() end end, width = plus_minus_width, } }, { { text = _("Thumbnail rows"), callback = function() end, align = "left", }, { text = "\u{2796}", -- Heavy minus sign enabled_func = function() return self.nb_rows > self.min_nb_rows end, callback = function() if self:updateNbRows(-1, true) then self:updateLayout() end end, width = plus_minus_width, }, { text = "\u{2795}", -- Heavy plus sign enabled_func = function() return self.nb_rows < self.max_nb_rows end, callback = function() if self:updateNbRows(1, true) then self:updateLayout() end end, width = plus_minus_width, } }, { { text = _("Thumbnail page numbers"), callback = function() end, align = "left", }, { text = "\u{2796}", -- Heavy minus sign enabled_func = function() return self.thumbnails_pagenums > 0 end, callback = function() if self:updateThumbnailPageNumsDisplayType(-1, true) then self:updateLayout() end end, width = plus_minus_width, }, { text = "\u{2795}", -- Heavy plus sign enabled_func = function() return self.thumbnails_pagenums < 2 end, callback = function() if self:updateThumbnailPageNumsDisplayType(1, true) then self:updateLayout() end end, width = plus_minus_width, } }, { { text = _("Chapters in bottom ribbon"), callback = function() end, align = "left", }, { text = "\u{2796}", -- Heavy minus sign enabled_func = function() return self.nb_toc_spans > 0 end, callback = function() if self:updateNbTocSpans(-1, true) then self:updateLayout() end end, width = plus_minus_width, }, { text = "\u{2795}", -- Heavy plus sign enabled_func = function() return self.nb_toc_spans < self.max_toc_depth end, callback = function() if self:updateNbTocSpans(1, true) then self:updateLayout() end end, width = plus_minus_width, } }, } button_dialog = ButtonDialog:new{ -- width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() / 2), width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.9), -- max width, will get smaller shrink_unneeded_width = true, buttons = buttons, anchor = function() return self.title_bar.left_button.image.dimen end, } UIManager:show(button_dialog) end function PageBrowserWidget:showAbout() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _([[ Page browser shows thumbnails of pages. The bottom ribbon displays an extract of the book map around the pages displayed: If statistics are enabled, black bars are shown for already read pages (gray for pages read in the current reading session). Their heights vary depending on the time spent reading the page. Chapters are shown above the pages they encompass. Under the pages, these indicators may be shown: ▲ current page ❶ ❷ … previous locations ▒ highlighted text  highlighted text with notes  bookmarked page]]), }) end function PageBrowserWidget:showGestures() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _([[ Swipe along the top or left screen edge to change the number of columns or rows of thumbnails. Swipe vertically to move one row, horizontally to move one screen. Swipe horizontally in the bottom ribbon to move by the full stripe. Tap in the bottom ribbon on a page to focus thumbnails on this page. Tap on a thumbnail to read this page. Long-press on ≡ to decrease or reset the number of chapter levels shown in the bottom ribbon. Any multiswipe will close the page browser.]]), }) end function PageBrowserWidget:onClose(close_all_parents) if self.requests_batch_id then self.ui.thumbnail:cancelPageThumbnailRequests(self.requests_batch_id) end -- Close this widget logger.dbg("closing PageBrowserWidget") UIManager:close(self) if self.launcher then -- We were launched by a BookMapWidget, don't do any cleanup. if close_all_parents then -- The last one of these (which has no launcher attribute) -- will do the cleanup below. self.launcher:onClose(true) else UIManager:setDirty(self.launcher, "ui") end else BD.resetInvert() -- Remove all thumbnails generated for a different target size than -- the last one used (no need to keep old sizes if the user played -- with nb_cols/nb_rows, as on next opening, we just need the ones -- with the current size to be available) self.ui.thumbnail:tidyCache() -- Force a GC to free the memory used by the widgets and tiles -- (delay it a bit so this pause is less noticable) UIManager:scheduleIn(0.5, function() collectgarbage() collectgarbage() end) -- As we're getting back to Reader, do a full flashing refresh to remove -- any ghost trace of thumbnails or black page slots UIManager:setDirty(self.ui.dialog, "full") end return true end function PageBrowserWidget:saveSettings(reset) if reset then self.nb_toc_spans = nil self.nb_rows = nil self.nb_cols = nil end self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("page_browser_toc_depth", self.nb_toc_spans) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("page_browser_nb_rows", self.nb_rows) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("page_browser_nb_cols", self.nb_cols) self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("page_browser_thumbnails_pagenums", self.thumbnails_pagenums) -- We also save nb_rows/nb_cols as global settings, so they will apply on other books -- where they were not already set G_reader_settings:saveSetting("page_browser_nb_rows", self.nb_rows) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("page_browser_nb_cols", self.nb_cols) G_reader_settings:saveSetting("page_browser_thumbnails_pagenums", self.thumbnails_pagenums) end function PageBrowserWidget:updateNbTocSpans(value, relative, rollover) local new_nb_toc_spans if relative then new_nb_toc_spans = self.nb_toc_spans + value else new_nb_toc_spans = value end if new_nb_toc_spans < 0 then if rollover then new_nb_toc_spans = self.max_toc_depth else new_nb_toc_spans = 0 end end if new_nb_toc_spans > self.max_toc_depth then if rollover then new_nb_toc_spans = 0 else new_nb_toc_spans = self.max_toc_depth end end if new_nb_toc_spans == self.nb_toc_spans then return false end self.nb_toc_spans = new_nb_toc_spans self:saveSettings() return true end function PageBrowserWidget:updateNbCols(value, relative) local new_nb_cols if relative then new_nb_cols = self.nb_cols + value else new_nb_cols = value end if new_nb_cols < self.min_nb_cols then new_nb_cols = self.min_nb_cols end if new_nb_cols > self.max_nb_cols then new_nb_cols = self.max_nb_cols end if new_nb_cols == self.nb_cols then return false end self.nb_cols = new_nb_cols self:saveSettings() return true end function PageBrowserWidget:updateNbRows(value, relative) local new_nb_rows if relative then new_nb_rows = self.nb_rows + value else new_nb_rows = value end if new_nb_rows < self.min_nb_rows then new_nb_rows = self.min_nb_rows end if new_nb_rows > self.max_nb_rows then new_nb_rows = self.max_nb_rows end if new_nb_rows == self.nb_rows then return false end self.nb_rows = new_nb_rows self:saveSettings() return true end function PageBrowserWidget:updateThumbnailPageNumsDisplayType(value, relative) local new_thumbnails_pagenums if relative then new_thumbnails_pagenums = self.thumbnails_pagenums + value else new_thumbnails_pagenums = value end if new_thumbnails_pagenums < 0 then new_thumbnails_pagenums = 0 end if new_thumbnails_pagenums > 2 then new_thumbnails_pagenums = 2 end if new_thumbnails_pagenums == self.thumbnails_pagenums then return false end self.thumbnails_pagenums = new_thumbnails_pagenums self:saveSettings() return true end function PageBrowserWidget:updateFocusPage(value, relative) local new_focus_page if relative then new_focus_page = self.focus_page + value else new_focus_page = value end -- Handle scroll by row or page a bit differently, so we dont constrain and -- readjust the focus page: when later scrolling in the other direction, -- we'll find exactly the view as it was (this means that we allow a single -- thumbnail in the view, but it's less confusing this way). if relative and (value == -self.nb_grid_items or value == -self.nb_cols) then -- Going back one page or row. If first thumbnail is page 1 (or less if -- blank), don't move. Otherwise, go ahead without any check as we'll -- have something to display. if self.focus_page - self.focus_page_shift <= 1 then return end elseif relative and (value == self.nb_grid_items or value == self.nb_cols) then -- Going forward one page or row. If last thumbnail is last page (or more if -- blank), don't move. Otherwise, go ahead without any check as we'll -- have something to display. if self.focus_page - self.focus_page_shift + self.nb_grid_items - 1 >= self.nb_pages then return end else if new_focus_page < 1 then new_focus_page = 1 end if new_focus_page > self.nb_pages then new_focus_page = self.nb_pages end end if new_focus_page == self.focus_page then return false end self.focus_page = new_focus_page return true end function PageBrowserWidget:onScrollPageUp() if self:updateFocusPage(-self.nb_grid_items, true) then self:update() end return true end function PageBrowserWidget:onScrollPageDown() if self:updateFocusPage(self.nb_grid_items, true) then self:update() end return true end function PageBrowserWidget:onScrollRowUp() if self:updateFocusPage(-self.nb_cols, true) then self:update() end return true end function PageBrowserWidget:onScrollRowDown() if self:updateFocusPage(self.nb_cols, true) then self:update() end return true end function PageBrowserWidget:onSwipe(arg, ges) local direction = BD.flipDirectionIfMirroredUILayout(ges.direction) if direction == "north" or direction == "south" then -- Swipe along the screen left edge: increase/decrease nb of thumbnail rows -- (Should this be mirrored if RTL UI? It would be consistent with how it -- happens in BookMapWidget - but here, having it on the left is to have it -- less accessible to right handed people so they can scroll up/down more -- easily.) if ges.pos.x < Screen:getWidth() * 1/8 then local rel = direction == "north" and 1 or -1 if self:updateNbRows(rel, true) then self:updateLayout() end return true else -- As onScrollRowUp/Down() local rel = direction == "north" and 1 or -1 if self:updateFocusPage(rel*self.nb_cols, true) then self:update() end return true end elseif direction == "west" or direction == "east" then if ges.pos.y < Screen:getHeight() * 1/8 then -- Swipe along the screen top edge: increase/decrease nb of thumbnail cols local rel = direction == "west" and 1 or -1 if self:updateNbCols(rel, true) then self:updateLayout() end return true elseif ges.pos.y > Screen:getHeight() - self.row_height then -- Inside BookMapRow at bottom: scroll by a full pages_per_row -- (Handling pan and hold/pan/release when started on view finder -- would be nice, as it might be an intuitive naive action on -- this area... but well...) local rel = direction == "west" and 1 or -1 if self:updateFocusPage(rel*self.pages_per_row, true) then self:update() end return true else -- As onScrollPageUp/Down() local rel = direction == "west" and 1 or -1 if self:updateFocusPage(rel*self.nb_grid_items, true) then self:update() end return true end else -- diagonal swipe -- trigger full refresh UIManager:setDirty(nil, "full") -- a long diagonal swipe may also be used for taking a screenshot, -- so let it propagate return false end end function PageBrowserWidget:onPinch(arg, ges) if ges.direction == "horizontal" then if self:updateNbCols(1, true) then self:updateLayout() end elseif ges.direction == "vertical" then if self:updateNbRows(1, true) then self:updateLayout() end elseif ges.direction == "diagonal" then local updated = self:updateNbCols(1, true) updated = self:updateNbRows(1, true) or updated if updated then self:updateLayout() end end return true end function PageBrowserWidget:onSpread(arg, ges) if ges.direction == "horizontal" then if self:updateNbCols(-1, true) then self:updateLayout() end elseif ges.direction == "vertical" then if self:updateNbRows(-1, true) then self:updateLayout() end elseif ges.direction == "diagonal" then local updated = self:updateNbCols(-1, true) updated = self:updateNbRows(-1, true) or updated if updated then self:updateLayout() end end return true end function PageBrowserWidget:onMultiSwipe(arg, ges) -- All swipes gestures are used for navigation. -- Allow for quick closing with any multiswipe. self:onClose() return true end function PageBrowserWidget:onTap(arg, ges) -- If tap in the bottom BookMapRow, put page at tap position -- as focus page, so it goes into our viewfinder if ges.pos.y > Screen:getHeight() - self.row_height then local page = self.row[1]:getPageAtX(ges.pos.x) if page then -- Have it in the middle of viewfinder, and not where -- the self.focus_page_shift would put it page = page - math.floor(self.nb_grid_items/2) + self.focus_page_shift if self:updateFocusPage(page, false) then self:update() end end return true end -- Tap on title: do nothing if ges.pos.y < self.title_bar_h then return true end -- If tap on a thumbnail, close widget and go to that page for idx=1, self.nb_grid_items do if ges.pos:intersectWith(self.grid[idx].dimen) then local page = self.grid[idx].page_idx if page and self.grid[idx][1][1].is_page_thumbnail then -- Only allow tap on fully displayed thumbnails. -- Also, a thumbnail might be smaller than the original grid -- item dimension. Be sure the tap is on it (otherwise, it's -- a tap in the inter thumbnail margin, that we'd rather not -- handle) local thumb_frame = self.grid[idx][1][1] if ges.pos:intersectWith(thumb_frame.dimen) then -- On PDF documents, jumping to a page may block for a few -- seconds while the page is rendered. So, make the border -- bigger so the user knows his tap is being processed. local orig_bordersize = thumb_frame.bordersize thumb_frame.bordersize = Size.border.thick * 2 local b_inc = thumb_frame.bordersize - orig_bordersize UIManager:widgetRepaint(thumb_frame, thumb_frame.dimen.x-b_inc, thumb_frame.dimen.y-b_inc) Screen:refreshFast(thumb_frame.dimen.x, thumb_frame.dimen.y, thumb_frame.dimen.w, thumb_frame.dimen.h) -- (refresh "fast" will make gray drawn black and may make the -- thumbnail a little uglier - but this enhances the effect -- of "being processed"!) -- Close the BookMapWidget that launched this PageBrowser -- and all their ancestors up to Reader self:onClose(true) self.ui.link:addCurrentLocationToStack() self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPage", page)) -- Note: with ReaderPaging, if we tap on the thumbnail for the current -- page, nothing would be refreshed. Our :onClose(true) will have the -- last ancestor issue a full refresh that will ensure it is painted. return true end end break end end -- If tap on a blank area, handle as prev/next page, so people -- not friend with swipe can still move around if BD.flipIfMirroredUILayout(ges.pos.x < Screen:getWidth()/2) then self:onScrollPageUp() else self:onScrollPageDown() end return true end function PageBrowserWidget:onHold(arg, ges) -- If hold in the bottom BookMapRow, open a new BookMapWidget -- and focus on this page. We'll show a rounded square below -- our current focus_page to help locating where we were (it's -- quite more complicated to draw a rounded rectangle around -- multiple pages to figure our view finder, as these pages -- may be splitted onto multiple BookMapRows...) if ges.pos.y > Screen:getHeight() - self.row_height then local page = self.row[1]:getPageAtX(ges.pos.x) if page then local extra_symbols_pages = {} extra_symbols_pages[self.focus_page] = 0x25A2 -- white square with rounder corners UIManager:show(BookMapWidget:new{ launcher = self, ui = self.ui, focus_page = page, extra_symbols_pages = extra_symbols_pages, }) end return true end -- Hold on title: do nothing if ges.pos.y < self.title_bar_h then return true end -- If hold on a thumbnail, toggle bookmark on that page for idx=1, self.nb_grid_items do if ges.pos:intersectWith(self.grid[idx].dimen) then local page = self.grid[idx].page_idx if page and self.grid[idx][1][1].is_page_thumbnail then -- Only allow hold on fully displayed thumbnails. -- Also, a thumbnail might be smaller than the original grid -- item dimension. Be sure the hold is on it (otherwise, it's -- a hold in the inter thumbnail margin, that we'd rather not -- handle) local thumb_frame = self.grid[idx][1][1] if ges.pos:intersectWith(thumb_frame.dimen) then self.ui.bookmark:toggleBookmark(page) -- Update our cached bookmarks info and ensure the bottom ribbon is redrawn self.bookmarked_pages = self.ui.bookmark:getBookmarkedPages() self:updateLayout() return true end end break end end return true end return PageBrowserWidget