local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local logger = require("logger") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local ReaderAnnotation = WidgetContainer:extend{ annotations = nil, -- array sorted by annotation position order, ascending } -- build, read, save function ReaderAnnotation:buildAnnotation(bm, highlights, init) -- bm: associated single bookmark ; highlights: tables with all highlights local note = bm.text if note == "" then note = nil end local chapter = bm.chapter local hl, pageno = self:getHighlightByDatetime(highlights, bm.datetime) if init then if note and self.ui.bookmark:isBookmarkAutoText(bm) then note = nil end if chapter == nil then chapter = self.ui.toc:getTocTitleByPage(bm.page) end pageno = self.ui.paging and bm.page or self.document:getPageFromXPointer(bm.page) end if self.ui.paging and bm.pos0 and not bm.pos0.page then -- old single-page reflow highlights do not have page in position bm.pos0.page = bm.page bm.pos1.page = bm.page end if not hl then -- page bookmark or orphaned bookmark hl = {} if bm.highlighted then -- orphaned bookmark hl.drawer = self.view.highlight.saved_drawer hl.color = self.view.highlight.saved_color if self.ui.paging then if bm.pos0.page == bm.pos1.page then hl.pboxes = self.document:getPageBoxesFromPositions(bm.page, bm.pos0, bm.pos1) else -- multi-page highlight, restore the first box only hl.pboxes = self.document:getPageBoxesFromPositions(bm.page, bm.pos0, bm.pos0) end end end end return { -- annotation datetime = bm.datetime, -- creation time, not changeable drawer = hl.drawer, -- highlight drawer color = hl.color, -- highlight color text = bm.notes, -- highlighted text, editable text_edited = hl.edited, -- true if highlighted text has been edited note = note, -- user's note, editable chapter = chapter, -- book chapter title pageno = pageno, -- book page number page = bm.page, -- highlight location, xPointer or number (pdf) pos0 = bm.pos0, -- highlight start position, xPointer (== page) or table (pdf) pos1 = bm.pos1, -- highlight end position, xPointer or table (pdf) pboxes = hl.pboxes, -- pdf pboxes, used only and changeable by addMarkupAnnotation ext = hl.ext, -- pdf multi-page highlight } end function ReaderAnnotation:getHighlightByDatetime(highlights, datetime) for pageno, page_highlights in pairs(highlights) do for _, highlight in ipairs(page_highlights) do if highlight.datetime == datetime then return highlight, pageno end end end end function ReaderAnnotation:getAnnotationsFromBookmarksHighlights(bookmarks, highlights, init) local annotations = {} for i = #bookmarks, 1, -1 do table.insert(annotations, self:buildAnnotation(bookmarks[i], highlights, init)) end if init then self:sortItems(annotations) end return annotations end function ReaderAnnotation:onReadSettings(config) local annotations = config:readSetting("annotations") if annotations then -- KOHighlights may set this key when it has merged annotations from different sources: -- we want to make sure they are updated and sorted local needs_update = config:isTrue("annotations_externally_modified") local needs_sort -- if incompatible annotations were built of old highlights/bookmarks -- Annotation formats in crengine and mupdf are incompatible. local has_annotations = #annotations > 0 local annotations_type = has_annotations and type(annotations[1].page) if self.ui.rolling and annotations_type ~= "string" then -- incompatible format loaded, or empty if has_annotations then -- backup incompatible format if not empty config:saveSetting("annotations_paging", annotations) end -- load compatible format annotations = config:readSetting("annotations_rolling") or {} config:delSetting("annotations_rolling") needs_sort = true elseif self.ui.paging and annotations_type ~= "number" then if has_annotations then config:saveSetting("annotations_rolling", annotations) end annotations = config:readSetting("annotations_paging") or {} config:delSetting("annotations_paging") needs_sort = true end self.annotations = annotations if needs_update or needs_sort then if self.ui.rolling then self.ui:registerPostInitCallback(function() self:updatedAnnotations(needs_update, needs_sort) end) else self:updatedAnnotations(needs_update, needs_sort) end config:delSetting("annotations_externally_modified") end else -- first run if self.ui.rolling then self.ui:registerPostInitCallback(function() self:migrateToAnnotations(config) end) else self:migrateToAnnotations(config) end end end function ReaderAnnotation:migrateToAnnotations(config) local bookmarks = config:readSetting("bookmarks") or {} local highlights = config:readSetting("highlight") or {} if config:hasNot("highlights_imported") then -- before 2014, saved highlights were not added to bookmarks when they were created. for page, hls in pairs(highlights) do for _, hl in ipairs(hls) do local hl_page = self.ui.paging and page or hl.pos0 -- highlights saved by some old versions don't have pos0 field -- we just ignore those highlights if hl_page then local item = { datetime = hl.datetime, highlighted = true, notes = hl.text, page = hl_page, pos0 = hl.pos0, pos1 = hl.pos1, } if self.ui.paging then item.pos0.page = page item.pos1.page = page end table.insert(bookmarks, item) end end end end -- Bookmarks/highlights formats in crengine and mupdf are incompatible. local has_bookmarks = #bookmarks > 0 local bookmarks_type = has_bookmarks and type(bookmarks[1].page) if self.ui.rolling then if bookmarks_type == "string" then -- compatible format loaded, check for incompatible old backup if config:has("bookmarks_paging") then -- save incompatible old backup local bookmarks_paging = config:readSetting("bookmarks_paging") local highlights_paging = config:readSetting("highlight_paging") local annotations = self:getAnnotationsFromBookmarksHighlights(bookmarks_paging, highlights_paging) config:saveSetting("annotations_paging", annotations) config:delSetting("bookmarks_paging") config:delSetting("highlight_paging") end else -- incompatible format loaded, or empty if has_bookmarks then -- save incompatible format if not empty local annotations = self:getAnnotationsFromBookmarksHighlights(bookmarks, highlights) config:saveSetting("annotations_paging", annotations) end -- load compatible format bookmarks = config:readSetting("bookmarks_rolling") or {} highlights = config:readSetting("highlight_rolling") or {} config:delSetting("bookmarks_rolling") config:delSetting("highlight_rolling") end else -- self.ui.paging if bookmarks_type == "number" then if config:has("bookmarks_rolling") then local bookmarks_rolling = config:readSetting("bookmarks_rolling") local highlights_rolling = config:readSetting("highlight_rolling") local annotations = self:getAnnotationsFromBookmarksHighlights(bookmarks_rolling, highlights_rolling) config:saveSetting("annotations_rolling", annotations) config:delSetting("bookmarks_rolling") config:delSetting("highlight_rolling") end else if has_bookmarks then local annotations = self:getAnnotationsFromBookmarksHighlights(bookmarks, highlights) config:saveSetting("annotations_rolling", annotations) end bookmarks = config:readSetting("bookmarks_paging") or {} highlights = config:readSetting("highlight_paging") or {} config:delSetting("bookmarks_paging") config:delSetting("highlight_paging") end end self.annotations = self:getAnnotationsFromBookmarksHighlights(bookmarks, highlights, true) end function ReaderAnnotation:onDocumentRerendered() self.needs_update = true end function ReaderAnnotation:onCloseDocument() self:updatePageNumbers() end function ReaderAnnotation:onSaveSettings() self:updatePageNumbers() self.ui.doc_settings:saveSetting("annotations", self.annotations) end -- items handling function ReaderAnnotation:updatePageNumbers() if self.needs_update and self.ui.rolling then -- triggered by ReaderRolling on document layout change for _, item in ipairs(self.annotations) do item.pageno = self.document:getPageFromXPointer(item.page) end end self.needs_update = nil end function ReaderAnnotation:sortItems(items) if #items > 1 then local sort_func = self.ui.rolling and function(a, b) return self:isItemInPositionOrderRolling(a, b) end or function(a, b) return self:isItemInPositionOrderPaging(a, b) end table.sort(items, sort_func) end end function ReaderAnnotation:updatedAnnotations(needs_update, needs_sort) if needs_update then self.needs_update = true self:updatePageNumbers() needs_sort = true end if needs_sort then self:sortItems(self.annotations) end end function ReaderAnnotation:updateItemByXPointer(item) -- called by ReaderRolling:checkXPointersAndProposeDOMVersionUpgrade() local chapter = self.ui.toc:getTocTitleByPage(item.page) if chapter == "" then chapter = nil end if not item.drawer then -- page bookmark item.text = chapter and T(_("in %1"), chapter) or nil end item.chapter = chapter item.pageno = self.document:getPageFromXPointer(item.page) end function ReaderAnnotation:isItemInPositionOrderRolling(a, b) local a_page = self.document:getPageFromXPointer(a.page) local b_page = self.document:getPageFromXPointer(b.page) if a_page == b_page then -- both items in the same page if a.drawer and b.drawer then -- both items are highlights, compare positions local compare_xp = self.document:compareXPointers(a.page, b.page) if compare_xp then if compare_xp == 0 then -- both highlights with the same start, compare ends compare_xp = self.document:compareXPointers(a.pos1, b.pos1) if compare_xp then return compare_xp > 0 end logger.warn("Invalid xpointer in highlight:", a.pos1, b.pos1) return true end return compare_xp > 0 end -- if compare_xp is nil, some xpointer is invalid and "a" will be sorted first to page 1 logger.warn("Invalid xpointer in highlight:", a.page, b.page) return true end return not a.drawer -- have page bookmarks before highlights end return a_page < b_page end function ReaderAnnotation:isItemInPositionOrderPaging(a, b) if a.page == b.page then -- both items in the same page if a.drawer and b.drawer then -- both items are highlights, compare positions local is_reflow = self.document.configurable.text_wrap -- save reflow mode self.document.configurable.text_wrap = 0 -- native positions -- sort start and end positions of each highlight local a_start, a_end, b_start, b_end, result if self.document:comparePositions(a.pos0, a.pos1) > 0 then a_start, a_end = a.pos0, a.pos1 else a_start, a_end = a.pos1, a.pos0 end if self.document:comparePositions(b.pos0, b.pos1) > 0 then b_start, b_end = b.pos0, b.pos1 else b_start, b_end = b.pos1, b.pos0 end -- compare start positions local compare_pos = self.document:comparePositions(a_start, b_start) if compare_pos == 0 then -- both highlights with the same start, compare ends result = self.document:comparePositions(a_end, b_end) > 0 else result = compare_pos > 0 end self.document.configurable.text_wrap = is_reflow -- restore reflow mode return result end return not a.drawer -- have page bookmarks before highlights end return a.page < b.page end function ReaderAnnotation:getItemIndex(item, no_binary) local doesMatch if item.datetime then doesMatch = function(a, b) return a.datetime == b.datetime end else if self.ui.rolling then doesMatch = function(a, b) if a.text ~= b.text or a.pos0 ~= b.pos0 or a.pos1 ~= b.pos1 then return false end return true end else doesMatch = function(a, b) if a.text ~= b.text or a.pos0.page ~= b.pos0.page or a.pos0.x ~= b.pos0.x or a.pos1.x ~= b.pos1.x or a.pos0.y ~= b.pos0.y or a.pos1.y ~= b.pos1.y then return false end return true end end end if not no_binary then local isInOrder = self.ui.rolling and self.isItemInPositionOrderRolling or self.isItemInPositionOrderPaging local _start, _end, _middle = 1, #self.annotations while _start <= _end do _middle = bit.rshift(_start + _end, 1) local v = self.annotations[_middle] if doesMatch(item, v) then return _middle elseif isInOrder(self, item, v) then _end = _middle - 1 else _start = _middle + 1 end end end for i, v in ipairs(self.annotations) do if doesMatch(item, v) then return i end end end function ReaderAnnotation:getInsertionIndex(item) local isInOrder = self.ui.rolling and self.isItemInPositionOrderRolling or self.isItemInPositionOrderPaging local _start, _end, _middle, direction = 1, #self.annotations, 1, 0 while _start <= _end do _middle = bit.rshift(_start + _end, 1) if isInOrder(self, item, self.annotations[_middle]) then _end, direction = _middle - 1, 0 else _start, direction = _middle + 1, 1 end end return _middle + direction end function ReaderAnnotation:addItem(item) item.datetime = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") item.pageno = self.ui.paging and item.page or self.document:getPageFromXPointer(item.page) local index = self:getInsertionIndex(item) table.insert(self.annotations, index, item) return index end -- info function ReaderAnnotation:hasAnnotations() return #self.annotations > 0 end function ReaderAnnotation:getNumberOfAnnotations() return #self.annotations end function ReaderAnnotation:getNumberOfHighlightsAndNotes() -- for Statistics plugin local highlights = 0 local notes = 0 for _, item in ipairs(self.annotations) do if item.drawer then if item.note then notes = notes + 1 else highlights = highlights + 1 end end end return highlights, notes end return ReaderAnnotation