local Device = require("device") local Event = require("ui/event") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local logger = require("logger") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") --[[ Wrapper Widget that manages focus for a whole dialog supports a 2D model of active elements e.g.: layout = { { textinput, textinput, item }, { okbutton, cancelbutton, item }, { nil, item, nil }, { nil, item, nil }, { nil, item, nil }, } Navigate the layout by trying to avoid not set or nil value. Provide a simple wrap around in the vertical direction. The first element of the first table must be valid to ensure to not get stuck in an invalid position. but notice that this does _not_ do the layout for you, it rather defines an abstract layout. ]] local FocusManager = InputContainer:new{ selected = nil, -- defaults to x=1, y=1 layout = nil, -- mandatory movement_allowed = { x = true, y = true } } function FocusManager:init() if not self.selected then self.selected = { x = 1, y = 1 } end if Device:hasDPad() then self.key_events = { -- these will all generate the same event, just with different arguments FocusUp = { {"Up"}, doc = "move focus up", event = "FocusMove", args = {0, -1} }, FocusDown = { {"Down"}, doc = "move focus down", event = "FocusMove", args = {0, 1} }, FocusLeft = { {"Left"}, doc = "move focus left", event = "FocusMove", args = {-1, 0} }, FocusRight = { {"Right"}, doc = "move focus right", event = "FocusMove", args = {1, 0} }, } if Device:hasFewKeys() then self.key_events.FocusLeft = nil end end end function FocusManager:onFocusMove(args) local dx, dy = unpack(args) if (dx ~= 0 and not self.movement_allowed.x) or (dy ~= 0 and not self.movement_allowed.y) then return true end if not self.layout or not self.layout[self.selected.y] or not self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] then return true end local current_item = self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] while true do if not self.layout[self.selected.y + dy] then --horizontal border, try to wraparound if not self:_wrapAround(dy) then break end elseif not self.layout[self.selected.y + dy][self.selected.x] then --inner horizontal border, trying to be clever and step down if not self:_verticalStep(dy) then break end elseif not self.layout[self.selected.y + dy][self.selected.x + dx] then --vertical border, no wraparound break else self.selected.y = self.selected.y + dy self.selected.x = self.selected.x + dx end logger.dbg("Cursor position : ".. self.selected.y .." : "..self.selected.x) if self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] ~= current_item or not self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x].is_inactive then -- we found a different object to focus current_item:handleEvent(Event:new("Unfocus")) self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x]:handleEvent(Event:new("Focus")) -- Trigger a fast repaint, this does not count toward a flashing eink refresh -- NOTE: Ideally, we'd only have to repaint the specific subwidget we're highlighting, -- but we may not know its exact coordinates, so, redraw the parent widget instead. UIManager:setDirty(self.show_parent or self, "fast") break end end return true end function FocusManager:_wrapAround(dy) --go to the last valid item directly above or below the current item --return false if none could be found local y = self.selected.y while self.layout[y - dy] do y = y - dy end if y ~= self.selected.y then self.selected.y = y if not self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] then --call verticalStep on the current line to perform the search return self:_verticalStep(0) end return true else return false end end function FocusManager:_verticalStep(dy) local x = self.selected.x if type(self.layout[self.selected.y + dy]) ~= "table" or self.layout[self.selected.y + dy] == {} then logger.err("[FocusManager] : Malformed layout") return false end --looking for the item on the line below, the closest on the left side while not self.layout[self.selected.y + dy][x] do x = x - 1 if x == 0 then --if he is not on the left, must be on the right x = self.selected.x while not self.layout[self.selected.y + dy][x] do x = x + 1 end end end self.selected.x = x self.selected.y = self.selected.y + dy return true end function FocusManager:getFocusItem() return self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] end return FocusManager