local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local CreOptions = require("ui/data/creoptions") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Document = require("document/document") local Font = require("ui/font") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local RenderImage = require("ui/renderimage") local Screen = require("device").screen local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") -- engine can be initialized only once, on first document opened local engine_initialized = false local CreDocument = Document:new{ -- this is defined in kpvcrlib/crengine/crengine/include/lvdocview.h SCROLL_VIEW_MODE = 0, PAGE_VIEW_MODE = 1, _document = false, _loaded = false, _view_mode = nil, line_space_percent = 100, default_font = "Noto Serif", header_font = "Noto Sans", fallback_font = "Noto Sans CJK SC", default_css = "./data/cr3.css", options = CreOptions, provider = "crengine", provider_name = "Cool Reader Engine", } -- NuPogodi, 20.05.12: inspect the zipfile content function CreDocument:zipContentExt(fname) local std_out = io.popen("unzip ".."-qql \""..fname.."\"") if std_out then for line in std_out:lines() do local size, ext = string.match(line, "%s+(%d+)%s+.+%.([^.]+)") -- return the extention if size and ext then return string.lower(ext) end end end end function CreDocument:cacheInit() -- remove legacy cr3cache directory if lfs.attributes("./cr3cache", "mode") == "directory" then os.execute("rm -r ./cr3cache") end -- crengine saves caches on disk for faster re-openings, and cleans -- the less recently used ones when this limit is reached local default_cre_disk_cache_max_size = 64 -- in MB units -- crengine various in-memory caches max-sizes are rather small -- (2.5 / 4.5 / 1.5 / 1 MB), and we can avoid some bugs if we -- increase them. Let's multiply them by 20 (each cache would -- grow only when needed, depending on book characteristics). -- People who would get out of memory crashes with big books on -- older devices can decrease that with setting: -- "cre_storage_size_factor"=1 (or 2, or 5) local default_cre_storage_size_factor = 20 cre.initCache(DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/cache/cr3cache", (G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_disk_cache_max_size") or default_cre_disk_cache_max_size)*1024*1024, G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("cre_compress_cached_data"), G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_storage_size_factor") or default_cre_storage_size_factor) end function CreDocument:engineInit() if not engine_initialized then require "libs/libkoreader-cre" -- initialize cache self:cacheInit() -- initialize hyph dictionaries cre.initHyphDict("./data/hyph/") -- we need to initialize the CRE font list local fonts = Font:getFontList() for _k, _v in ipairs(fonts) do if not _v:find("/urw/") then local ok, err = pcall(cre.registerFont, _v) if not ok then logger.err("failed to register crengine font:", err) end end end engine_initialized = true end end function CreDocument:init() self:updateColorRendering() self:engineInit() self.configurable:loadDefaults(self.options) local file_type = string.lower(string.match(self.file, ".+%.([^.]+)")) if file_type == "zip" then -- NuPogodi, 20.05.12: read the content of zip-file -- and return extention of the 1st file file_type = self:zipContentExt(self.file) or "unknown" end -- June 2018: epub.css has been cleaned to be more conforming to HTML specs -- and to not include class name based styles (with conditional compatiblity -- styles for previously opened documents). It should be usable on all -- HTML based documents, except FB2 which has some incompatible specs. -- The other css files (htm.css, rtf.css...) have not been updated in the -- same way, and are kept as-is for when a previously opened document -- requests one of them. self.default_css = "./data/epub.css" if file_type == "fb2" then self.default_css = "./data/fb2.css" end -- This mode must be the same as the default one set as ReaderView.view_mode self._view_mode = DCREREADER_VIEW_MODE == "scroll" and self.SCROLL_VIEW_MODE or self.PAGE_VIEW_MODE local ok ok, self._document = pcall(cre.newDocView, Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight(), self._view_mode) if not ok then error(self._document) -- will contain error message end -- We would have liked to call self._document:loadDocument(self.file) -- here, to detect early if file is a supported document, but we -- need to delay it till after some crengine settings are set for a -- consistent behaviour. self.is_open = true self.info.has_pages = false self:_readMetadata() self.info.configurable = true end function CreDocument:getLatestDomVersion() return cre.getLatestDomVersion() end function CreDocument:getOldestDomVersion() return 20171225 -- arbitrary day in the past end function CreDocument:requestDomVersion(version) logger.dbg("CreDocument: requesting DOM version:", version) cre.requestDomVersion(version) end function CreDocument:setupDefaultView() if self.loaded then -- Don't apply defaults if the document has already been loaded -- as this must be done before calling loadDocument() return end -- have crengine load defaults from cr3.ini self._document:readDefaults() logger.dbg("CreDocument: applied cr3.ini default settings.") -- set fallback font face (this was formerly done in :init(), but it -- affects crengine calcGlobalSettingsHash() and would invalidate the -- cache from the main currently being read document when we just -- loadDocument(only_metadata) another document go get its metadata -- or cover image, eg. from History hold menu). self._document:setStringProperty("crengine.font.fallback.face", G_reader_settings:readSetting("fallback_font") or self.fallback_font) -- adjust font sizes according to screen dpi self._document:adjustFontSizes(Screen:getDPI()) -- set top status bar font size if G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_status_font_size") then self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.page.header.font.size", G_reader_settings:readSetting("cre_header_status_font_size")) end end function CreDocument:loadDocument(full_document) if not self._loaded then local only_metadata = full_document == false logger.dbg("CreDocument: loading document...") if self._document:loadDocument(self.file, only_metadata) then self._loaded = true logger.dbg("CreDocument: loading done.") else logger.dbg("CreDocument: loading failed.") end end return self._loaded end function CreDocument:render() -- load document before rendering self:loadDocument() -- set visible page count in landscape if math.max(Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight()) / Screen:getDPI() < DCREREADER_TWO_PAGE_THRESHOLD then self:setVisiblePageCount(1) end logger.dbg("CreDocument: rendering document...") self._document:renderDocument() self.info.doc_height = self._document:getFullHeight() self.been_rendered = true logger.dbg("CreDocument: rendering done.") end function CreDocument:_readMetadata() Document._readMetadata(self) -- will grab/update self.info.number_of_pages if self.been_rendered then -- getFullHeight() would crash if the document is not -- yet rendered self.info.doc_height = self._document:getFullHeight() end return true end function CreDocument:close() Document.close(self) if self.buffer then self.buffer:free() self.buffer = nil end end function CreDocument:updateColorRendering() Document.updateColorRendering(self) -- will set self.render_color -- Delete current buffer, a new one will be created according -- to self.render_color if self.buffer then self.buffer:free() self.buffer = nil end end function CreDocument:getPageCount() return self._document:getPages() end function CreDocument:getCoverPageImage() -- no need to render document in order to get cover image if not self:loadDocument() then return nil -- not recognized by crengine end local data, size = self._document:getCoverPageImageData() if data and size then local image = RenderImage:renderImageData(data, size) C.free(data) -- free the userdata we got from crengine return image end end function CreDocument:getImageFromPosition(pos, want_frames) local data, size = self._document:getImageDataFromPosition(pos.x, pos.y) if data and size then logger.dbg("CreDocument: got image data from position", data, size) local image = RenderImage:renderImageData(data, size, want_frames) C.free(data) -- free the userdata we got from crengine return image end end function CreDocument:getWordFromPosition(pos) local word_box = self._document:getWordFromPosition(pos.x, pos.y) logger.dbg("CreDocument: get word box", word_box) local text_range = self._document:getTextFromPositions(pos.x, pos.y, pos.x, pos.y) logger.dbg("CreDocument: get text range", text_range) local wordbox = { word = text_range.text == "" and word_box.word or text_range.text, page = self._document:getCurrentPage(), } if word_box.word then wordbox.sbox = Geom:new{ x = word_box.x0, y = word_box.y0, w = word_box.x1 - word_box.x0, h = word_box.y1 - word_box.y0, } else -- dummy word box wordbox.sbox = Geom:new{ x = pos.x, y = pos.y, w = 20, h = 20, } end return wordbox end function CreDocument:getTextFromPositions(pos0, pos1) local text_range = self._document:getTextFromPositions(pos0.x, pos0.y, pos1.x, pos1.y) logger.dbg("CreDocument: get text range", text_range) if text_range then -- local line_boxes = self:getScreenBoxesFromPositions(text_range.pos0, text_range.pos1) return { text = text_range.text, pos0 = text_range.pos0, pos1 = text_range.pos1, --sboxes = line_boxes, -- boxes on screen } end end function CreDocument:getScreenBoxesFromPositions(pos0, pos1, get_segments) local line_boxes = {} if pos0 and pos1 then local word_boxes = self._document:getWordBoxesFromPositions(pos0, pos1, get_segments) for i = 1, #word_boxes do local line_box = word_boxes[i] table.insert(line_boxes, Geom:new{ x = line_box.x0, y = line_box.y0, w = line_box.x1 - line_box.x0, h = line_box.y1 - line_box.y0, }) end end return line_boxes end function CreDocument:compareXPointers(xp1, xp2) -- Returns 1 if XPointers are ordered (if xp2 is after xp1), -1 if not, 0 if same return self._document:compareXPointers(xp1, xp2) end function CreDocument:getNextVisibleWordStart(xp) return self._document:getNextVisibleWordStart(xp) end function CreDocument:getNextVisibleWordEnd(xp) return self._document:getNextVisibleWordEnd(xp) end function CreDocument:getPrevVisibleWordStart(xp) return self._document:getPrevVisibleWordStart(xp) end function CreDocument:getPrevVisibleWordEnd(xp) return self._document:getPrevVisibleWordEnd(xp) end function CreDocument:getPrevVisibleChar(xp) return self._document:getPrevVisibleChar(xp) end function CreDocument:getNextVisibleChar(xp) return self._document:getNextVisibleChar(xp) end function CreDocument:drawCurrentView(target, x, y, rect, pos) if self.buffer and (self.buffer.w ~= rect.w or self.buffer.h ~= rect.h) then self.buffer:free() self.buffer = nil end if not self.buffer then -- Note about color rendering: -- If we use TYPE_BBRGB32 (and LVColorDrawBuf drawBuf(..., 32) in cre.cpp), -- we get inverted Red and Blue in the blitbuffer (could be that -- crengine/src/lvdrawbuf.cpp treats our 32bits not as RGBA). -- But it is all fine if we use TYPE_BBRGB16. self.buffer = Blitbuffer.new(rect.w, rect.h, self.render_color and Blitbuffer.TYPE_BBRGB16 or nil) end -- TODO: self.buffer could be re-used when no page/layout/highlights -- change has been made, to avoid having crengine redraw the exact -- same buffer. -- And it could only change when some other methods from here are called self._drawn_images_count, self._drawn_images_surface_ratio = self._document:drawCurrentPage(self.buffer, self.render_color) target:blitFrom(self.buffer, x, y, 0, 0, rect.w, rect.h) end function CreDocument:drawCurrentViewByPos(target, x, y, rect, pos) self._document:gotoPos(pos) self:drawCurrentView(target, x, y, rect) end function CreDocument:drawCurrentViewByPage(target, x, y, rect, page) self._document:gotoPage(page) self:drawCurrentView(target, x, y, rect) end function CreDocument:hintPage(pageno, zoom, rotation) end function CreDocument:drawPage(target, x, y, rect, pageno, zoom, rotation) end function CreDocument:renderPage(pageno, rect, zoom, rotation) end function CreDocument:getPageMargins() return self._document:getPageMargins() end function CreDocument:getHeaderHeight() return self._document:getHeaderHeight() end function CreDocument:gotoXPointer(xpointer) logger.dbg("CreDocument: goto xpointer", xpointer) self._document:gotoXPointer(xpointer) end function CreDocument:getXPointer() return self._document:getXPointer() end function CreDocument:isXPointerInDocument(xp) return self._document:isXPointerInDocument(xp) end function CreDocument:getPosFromXPointer(xp) return self._document:getPosFromXPointer(xp) end function CreDocument:getPageFromXPointer(xp) return self._document:getPageFromXPointer(xp) end function CreDocument:getScreenPositionFromXPointer(xp) -- We do not ensure xp is in the current page: we may return -- a negative screen_y, which could be useful in some contexts local doc_margins = self:getPageMargins() local doc_y, doc_x = self:getPosFromXPointer(xp) local top_y = self:getCurrentPos() local screen_y = doc_y - top_y if self._view_mode == self.PAGE_VIEW_MODE then screen_y = screen_y + doc_margins["top"] + self:getHeaderHeight() end local screen_x = doc_x + doc_margins["left"] -- Just as getPosFromXPointer() does, we return y first and x second, -- as callers most often just need the y return screen_y, screen_x end function CreDocument:getFontFace() return self._document:getFontFace() end function CreDocument:getCurrentPos() return self._document:getCurrentPos() end function CreDocument:getPageLinks(internal_links_only) return self._document:getPageLinks(internal_links_only) end function CreDocument:getLinkFromPosition(pos) return self._document:getLinkFromPosition(pos.x, pos.y) end function CreDocument:isLinkToFootnote(source_xpointer, target_xpointer, flags, max_text_size) return self._document:isLinkToFootnote(source_xpointer, target_xpointer, flags, max_text_size) end function CreDocument:highlightXPointer(xp) -- with xp=nil, clears previous highlight(s) return self._document:highlightXPointer(xp) end function CreDocument:getDocumentFileContent(filepath) if filepath then return self._document:getDocumentFileContent(filepath) end end function CreDocument:getTextFromXPointer(xp) if xp then return self._document:getTextFromXPointer(xp) end end function CreDocument:getTextFromXPointers(pos0, pos1) return self._document:getTextFromXPointers(pos0, pos1) end function CreDocument:getHTMLFromXPointer(xp, flags, from_final_parent) if xp then return self._document:getHTMLFromXPointer(xp, flags, from_final_parent) end end function CreDocument:getHTMLFromXPointers(xp0, xp1, flags, from_root_node) if xp0 and xp1 then return self._document:getHTMLFromXPointers(xp0, xp1, flags, from_root_node) end end function CreDocument:gotoPos(pos) logger.dbg("CreDocument: goto position", pos) self._document:gotoPos(pos) end function CreDocument:gotoPage(page) logger.dbg("CreDocument: goto page", page) self._document:gotoPage(page) end function CreDocument:gotoLink(link) logger.dbg("CreDocument: goto link", link) self._document:gotoLink(link) end function CreDocument:goBack() logger.dbg("CreDocument: go back") self._document:goBack() end function CreDocument:goForward(link) logger.dbg("CreDocument: go forward") self._document:goForward() end function CreDocument:getCurrentPage() return self._document:getCurrentPage() end function CreDocument:setFontFace(new_font_face) if new_font_face then logger.dbg("CreDocument: set font face", new_font_face) self._document:setStringProperty("font.face.default", new_font_face) -- The following makes FontManager prefer this font in its match -- algorithm, with the bias given (applies only to rendering of -- elements with css font-family) -- See: crengine/src/lvfntman.cpp LVFontDef::CalcMatch(): -- it will compute a score for each font, where it adds: -- + 25600 if standard font family matches (inherit serif sans-serif -- cursive fantasy monospace) (note that crengine registers all fonts as -- "sans-serif", except if their name is "Times" or "Times New Roman") -- + 6400 if they don't and none are monospace (ie:serif vs sans-serif, -- prefer a sans-serif to a monospace if looking for a serif) -- +256000 if font names match -- So, here, we can bump the score of our default font, and we could use: -- +1: uses existing real font-family, but use our font for -- font-family: serif, sans-serif..., and fonts not found (or -- embedded fonts disabled) -- +25601: uses existing real font-family, but use our font even -- for font-family: monospace -- +256001: prefer our font to any existing font-family font self._document:setAsPreferredFontWithBias(new_font_face, 1) end end function CreDocument:setFallbackFontFace(new_fallback_font_face) if new_fallback_font_face then logger.dbg("CreDocument: set fallback font face", new_fallback_font_face) self._document:setStringProperty("crengine.font.fallback.face", new_fallback_font_face) -- crengine may not accept our fallback font, we need to check local set_fallback_font_face = self._document:getStringProperty("crengine.font.fallback.face") logger.dbg("CreDocument: crengine fallback font face", set_fallback_font_face) if set_fallback_font_face ~= new_fallback_font_face then logger.info("CreDocument:", new_fallback_font_face, "is not usable as a fallback font") return false end self.fallback_font = new_fallback_font_face return true end end function CreDocument:setHyphDictionary(new_hyph_dictionary) if new_hyph_dictionary then logger.dbg("CreDocument: set hyphenation dictionary", new_hyph_dictionary) self._document:setStringProperty("crengine.hyphenation.directory", new_hyph_dictionary) end end function CreDocument:setHyphLeftHyphenMin(value) -- default crengine value is 2: reset it if no value provided logger.dbg("CreDocument: set hyphenation left hyphen min", value or 2) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.hyphenation.left.hyphen.min", value or 2) end function CreDocument:setHyphRightHyphenMin(value) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set hyphenation right hyphen min", value or 2) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.hyphenation.right.hyphen.min", value or 2) end function CreDocument:setTrustSoftHyphens(toggle) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set hyphenation trust soft hyphens", toggle and 1 or 0) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.hyphenation.trust.soft.hyphens", toggle and 1 or 0) end function CreDocument:setRenderDPI(value) -- set DPI used for scaling css units (with 96, 1 css px = 1 screen px) -- it can be different from KOReader screen DPI -- it has no relation to the default fontsize (which is already -- scaleBySize()'d when provided to crengine) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set render dpi", value or 96) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.render.dpi", value or 96) end function CreDocument:setRenderScaleFontWithDPI(toggle) -- wheter to scale font with DPI, or keep the current size logger.dbg("CreDocument: set render scale font with dpi", toggle) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.render.scale.font.with.dpi", toggle) end function CreDocument:clearSelection() logger.dbg("clear selection") self._document:clearSelection() end function CreDocument:getFontSize() return self._document:getFontSize() end function CreDocument:setFontSize(new_font_size) if new_font_size then logger.dbg("CreDocument: set font size", new_font_size) self._document:setFontSize(new_font_size) end end function CreDocument:setViewMode(new_mode) if new_mode then logger.dbg("CreDocument: set view mode", new_mode) if new_mode == "scroll" then self._view_mode = self.SCROLL_VIEW_MODE else self._view_mode = self.PAGE_VIEW_MODE end self._document:setViewMode(self._view_mode) end end function CreDocument:setViewDimen(dimen) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set view dimen", dimen) self._document:setViewDimen(dimen.w, dimen.h) end function CreDocument:setHeaderFont(new_font) if new_font then logger.dbg("CreDocument: set header font", new_font) self._document:setHeaderFont(new_font) end end function CreDocument:zoomFont(delta) logger.dbg("CreDocument: zoom font", delta) self._document:zoomFont(delta) end function CreDocument:setInterlineSpacePercent(percent) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set interline space", percent) self._document:setDefaultInterlineSpace(percent) end function CreDocument:toggleFontBolder(toggle) logger.dbg("CreDocument: toggle font bolder", toggle) self._document:setIntProperty("font.face.weight.embolden", toggle) end function CreDocument:getGammaLevel() return cre.getGammaLevel() end function CreDocument:setGammaIndex(index) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set gamma index", index) cre.setGammaIndex(index) end function CreDocument:setFontHinting(mode) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set font hinting mode", mode) self._document:setIntProperty("font.hinting.mode", mode) end function CreDocument:setFontKerning(mode) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set font kerning mode", mode) self._document:setIntProperty("font.kerning.mode", mode) end -- min space condensing percent (how much we can decrease a space width to -- make text fit on a line) 25...100% function CreDocument:setSpaceCondensing(value) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set space condensing", value) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.style.space.condensing.percent", value) end function CreDocument:setStyleSheet(new_css_file, appended_css_content ) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set style sheet:", new_css_file and new_css_file or "no file", appended_css_content and "and appended content ("..#appended_css_content.." bytes)" or "(no appended content)") self._document:setStyleSheet(new_css_file, appended_css_content) end function CreDocument:setEmbeddedStyleSheet(toggle) -- FIXME: occasional segmentation fault when switching embedded style sheet logger.dbg("CreDocument: set embedded style sheet", toggle) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.doc.embedded.styles.enabled", toggle) end function CreDocument:setEmbeddedFonts(toggle) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set embedded fonts", toggle) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.doc.embedded.fonts.enabled", toggle) end function CreDocument:setPageMargins(left, top, right, bottom) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set page margins", left, top, right, bottom) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.page.margin.left", left) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.page.margin.top", top) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.page.margin.right", right) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.page.margin.bottom", bottom) end function CreDocument:setFloatingPunctuation(enabled) -- FIXME: occasional segmentation fault when toggling floating punctuation logger.dbg("CreDocument: set floating punctuation", enabled) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.style.floating.punctuation.enabled", enabled) end function CreDocument:setTxtPreFormatted(enabled) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set txt preformatted", enabled) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.file.txt.preformatted", enabled) end function CreDocument:getVisiblePageCount() return self._document:getVisiblePageCount() end function CreDocument:setVisiblePageCount(new_count) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set visible page count", new_count) self._document:setVisiblePageCount(new_count) end function CreDocument:setBatteryState(state) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set battery state", state) self._document:setBatteryState(state) end function CreDocument:isXPointerInCurrentPage(xp) logger.dbg("CreDocument: check xpointer in current page", xp) return self._document:isXPointerInCurrentPage(xp) end function CreDocument:setStatusLineProp(prop) logger.dbg("CreDocument: set status line property", prop) self._document:setStringProperty("window.status.line", prop) end function CreDocument:findText(pattern, origin, reverse, caseInsensitive) logger.dbg("CreDocument: find text", pattern, origin, reverse, caseInsensitive) return self._document:findText( pattern, origin, reverse, caseInsensitive and 1 or 0) end function CreDocument:enableInternalHistory(toggle) -- Setting this to 0 unsets crengine internal bookmarks highlighting, -- and as a side effect, disable internal history and the need to build -- a bookmark at each page turn: this speeds up a lot page turning -- and menu opening on big books. -- It has to be called late in the document opening process, and setting -- it to false needs to be followed by a redraw. -- It needs to be temporarily re-enabled on page resize for crengine to -- keep track of position in page and restore it after resize. logger.dbg("CreDocument: set bookmarks highlight and internal history", toggle) self._document:setIntProperty("crengine.highlight.bookmarks", toggle and 2 or 0) end function CreDocument:isBuiltDomStale() return self._document:isBuiltDomStale() end function CreDocument:hasCacheFile() return self._document:hasCacheFile() end function CreDocument:invalidateCacheFile() self._document:invalidateCacheFile() end function CreDocument:getCacheFilePath() return self._document:getCacheFilePath() end function CreDocument:canHaveAlternativeToc() return true end function CreDocument:isTocAlternativeToc() return self._document:isTocAlternativeToc() end function CreDocument:buildAlternativeToc() self._document:buildAlternativeToc() end function CreDocument:register(registry) registry:addProvider("azw", "application/vnd.amazon.mobi8-ebook", self, 90) registry:addProvider("chm", "application/vnd.ms-htmlhelp", self, 90) registry:addProvider("doc", "application/msword", self, 90) registry:addProvider("epub", "application/epub+zip", self, 100) registry:addProvider("fb2", "application/fb2", self, 90) registry:addProvider("fb2.zip", "application/zip", self, 90) registry:addProvider("htm", "text/html", self, 100) registry:addProvider("html", "text/html", self, 100) registry:addProvider("htm.zip", "application/zip", self, 100) registry:addProvider("html.zip", "application/zip", self, 100) registry:addProvider("log", "text/plain", self) registry:addProvider("log.zip", "application/zip", self) registry:addProvider("md", "text/plain", self) registry:addProvider("md.zip", "application/zip", self) registry:addProvider("mobi", "application/x-mobipocket-ebook", self, 90) -- Palmpilot Document File registry:addProvider("pdb", "application/vnd.palm", self, 90) -- Palmpilot Resource File registry:addProvider("prc", "application/vnd.palm", self) registry:addProvider("tcr", "application/tcr", self) registry:addProvider("txt", "text/plain", self, 90) registry:addProvider("txt.zip", "application/zip", self, 90) registry:addProvider("rtf", "application/rtf", self, 90) registry:addProvider("xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml", self, 90) registry:addProvider("zip", "application/zip", self, 10) end return CreDocument