require "keys" require "settings" PDFReader = { -- "constants": ZOOM_BY_VALUE = 0, ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE = -1, ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_WIDTH = -2, ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_HEIGHT = -3, ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT = -4, ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH = -5, ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHT = -6, GAMMA_NO_GAMMA = 1.0, -- framebuffer update policy state: rcount = 5, rcountmax = 5, -- zoom state: globalzoom = 1.0, globalzoommode = -1, -- ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE -- gamma setting: globalgamma = 1.0, -- GAMMA_NO_GAMMA -- size of current page for current zoom level in pixels fullwidth = 0, fullheight = 0, offset_x = 0, offset_y = 0, -- set panning distance shift_x = 100, shift_y = 50, pan_by_page = false, -- using shift_[xy] or width/height -- keep track of input state: shiftmode = false, -- shift pressed altmode = false, -- alt pressed -- the pdf document: doc = nil, -- the document's setting store: settings = nil, -- we will use this one often, so keep it "static": nulldc = pdf.newDC(), -- tile cache configuration: cache_max_memsize = 1024*1024*5, -- 5MB tile cache cache_item_max_pixels = 1024*1024*2, -- max. size of rendered tiles cache_max_ttl = 20, -- time to live -- tile cache state: cache_current_memsize = 0, cache = {}, } -- guarantee that we have enough memory in cache function PDFReader:cacheclaim(size) if(size > self.cache_max_memsize) then -- we're not allowed to claim this much at all error("too much memory claimed") return false end while self.cache_current_memsize + size > self.cache_max_memsize do -- repeat this until we have enough free memory for k, _ in pairs(self.cache) do if self.cache[k].ttl > 0 then -- reduce ttl self.cache[k].ttl = self.cache[k].ttl - 1 else -- cache slot is at end of life, so kick it out self.cache_current_memsize = self.cache_current_memsize - self.cache[k].size self.cache[k] = nil end end end self.cache_current_memsize = self.cache_current_memsize + size return true end function PDFReader:draworcache(no, zoom, offset_x, offset_y, width, height, gamma) -- hash draw state local hash = self:cachehash(no, zoom, offset_x, offset_y, width, height, gamma) if self.cache[hash] == nil then -- not in cache, so prepare cache slot... self:cacheclaim(width * height / 2); self.cache[hash] = { ttl = self.cache_max_ttl, size = width * height / 2, bb =, height) } -- and draw the page local page = self.doc:openPage(no) local dc = self:setzoom(page, hash) page:draw(dc, self.cache[hash].bb, 0, 0) page:close() else -- we have the page in our cache, -- so give it more ttl. self.cache[hash].ttl = self.cache_max_ttl end return hash end -- calculate a hash for our current state function PDFReader:cachehash(no, zoom, offset_x, offset_y, width, height, gamma) -- TODO (?): make this a "real" hash... return no..'_'..zoom..'_'..offset_x..','..offset_y..'-'..width..'x'..height..'_'..gamma; end -- blank the cache function PDFReader:clearcache() self.cache = {} end -- open a PDF file and its settings store function PDFReader:open(filename, password) self.doc = pdf.openDocument(filename, password or "") if self.doc ~= nil then self.settings = DocSettings:open(filename) return true end return false end -- set viewer state according to zoom state function PDFReader:setzoom(page) local dc = pdf.newDC() local pwidth, pheight = page:getSize(self.nulldc) if self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE then self.globalzoom = width / pwidth ---------- self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = (height - (self.globalzoom * pheight)) / 2 if height / pheight < self.globalzoom then self.globalzoom = height / pheight self.offset_x = (width - (self.globalzoom * pwidth)) / 2 self.offset_y = 0 end elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_WIDTH then self.globalzoom = width / pwidth self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = (height - (self.globalzoom * pheight)) / 2 elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_HEIGHT then self.globalzoom = height / pheight self.offset_x = (width - (self.globalzoom * pwidth)) / 2 self.offset_y = 0 elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT then local x0, y0, x1, y1 = page:getUsedBBox() self.globalzoom = width / (x1 - x0) self.offset_x = -1 * x0 * self.globalzoom self.offset_y = -1 * y0 * self.globalzoom + (height - (self.globalzoom * (y1 - y0))) / 2 if height / (y1 - y0) < self.globalzoom then self.globalzoom = height / (y1 - y0) self.offset_x = -1 * x0 * self.globalzoom + (width - (self.globalzoom * (x1 - x0))) / 2 self.offset_y = -1 * y0 * self.globalzoom end elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH then local x0, y0, x1, y1 = page:getUsedBBox() self.globalzoom = width / (x1 - x0) self.offset_x = -1 * x0 * self.globalzoom self.offset_y = -1 * y0 * self.globalzoom + (height - (self.globalzoom * (y1 - y0))) / 2 elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHT then local x0, y0, x1, y1 = page:getUsedBBox() self.globalzoom = height / (y1 - y0) self.offset_x = -1 * x0 * self.globalzoom + (width - (self.globalzoom * (x1 - x0))) / 2 self.offset_y = -1 * y0 * self.globalzoom end dc:setZoom(self.globalzoom) dc:setOffset(self.offset_x, self.offset_y) self.fullwidth, self.fullheight = page:getSize(dc) -- set gamma here, we don't have any other good place for this right now: if self.globalgamma ~= self.GAMMA_NO_GAMMA then print("gamma correction: "..self.globalgamma) dc:setGamma(self.globalgamma) end return dc end -- render and blit a page function PDFReader:show(no) local slot if self.globalzoommode ~= self.ZOOM_BY_VALUE then slot = self:draworcache(no,self.globalzoommode,self.offset_x,self.offset_y,width,height,self.globalgamma) else slot = self:draworcache(no,self.globalzoom,self.offset_x,self.offset_y,width,height,self.globalgamma) end[slot].bb) if self.rcount == self.rcountmax then print("full refresh") self.rcount = 1 fb:refresh(0) else print("partial refresh") self.rcount = self.rcount + 1 fb:refresh(1) end self.slot_visible = slot; end -- change current page and cache next page after rendering function PDFReader:goto(no) if no < 1 or no > self.doc:getPages() then return end self.pageno = no self:show(no) if no < self.doc:getPages() then if self.globalzoommode ~= self.ZOOM_BY_VALUE then -- pre-cache next page self:draworcache(no+1,self.globalzoommode,self.offset_x,self.offset_y,width,height,self.globalgamma) else self:draworcache(no,self.globalzoom,self.offset_x,self.offset_y,width,height,self.globalgamma) end end end -- adjust global gamma setting function PDFReader:modify_gamma(factor) print("modify_gamma, gamma="..self.globalgamma.." factor="..factor) self.globalgamma = self.globalgamma * factor; self:goto(self.pageno) end -- adjust zoom state and trigger re-rendering function PDFReader:setglobalzoommode(newzoommode) if self.globalzoommode ~= newzoommode then self.globalzoommode = newzoommode self:goto(self.pageno) end end -- adjust zoom state and trigger re-rendering function PDFReader:setglobalzoom(zoom) if self.globalzoom ~= zoom then self.globalzoommode = self.ZOOM_BY_VALUE self.globalzoom = zoom self:goto(self.pageno) end end -- wait for input and handle it function PDFReader:inputloop() while 1 do local ev = input.waitForEvent() if ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then local secs, usecs = util.gettime() if ev.code == KEY_SHIFT then self.shiftmode = true elseif ev.code == KEY_ALT then self.altmode = true elseif ev.code == KEY_PGFWD then if self.shiftmode then self:setglobalzoom(self.globalzoom*1.2) elseif altmode then self:setglobalzoom(self.globalzoom*1.1) else self:goto(self.pageno + 1) end elseif ev.code == KEY_PGBCK then if self.shiftmode then self:setglobalzoom(self.globalzoom*0.8) elseif altmode then self:setglobalzoom(self.globalzoom*0.9) else self:goto(self.pageno - 1) end elseif ev.code == KEY_BACK then self:clearcache() if self.doc ~= nil then self.doc:close() end if self.settings ~= nil then self.settings:savesetting("last_page", self.pageno) self.settings:close() end return elseif ev.code == KEY_VPLUS then self:modify_gamma( 1.25 ) elseif ev.code == KEY_VMINUS then self:modify_gamma( 0.8 ) elseif ev.code == KEY_A then if self.shiftmode then self:setglobalzoommode(self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT) else self:setglobalzoommode(self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE) end elseif ev.code == KEY_S then if self.shiftmode then self:setglobalzoommode(self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH) else self:setglobalzoommode(self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_WIDTH) end elseif ev.code == KEY_D then if self.shiftmode then self:setglobalzoommode(self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHT) else self:setglobalzoommode(self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_HEIGHT) end end if self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_BY_VALUE then local x local y if self.shiftmode then -- shift always moves in small steps x = self.shift_x / 2 y = self.shift_y / 2 elseif self.altmode then x = self.shift_x / 5 y = self.shift_y / 5 elseif self.pan_by_page then x = self.width - 5; -- small overlap when moving by page y = self.height - 5; else x = self.shift_x y = self.shift_y end print("offset "..self.offset_x.."*"..self.offset_x.." shift "..x.."*"..y.." globalzoom="..self.globalzoom) if ev.code == KEY_FW_LEFT then self.offset_x = self.offset_x + x self:goto(self.pageno) elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_RIGHT then self.offset_x = self.offset_x - x self:goto(self.pageno) elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_UP then self.offset_y = self.offset_y + y self:goto(self.pageno) elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_DOWN then self.offset_y = self.offset_y - y self:goto(self.pageno) elseif ev.code == KEY_FW_PRESS then if self.shiftmode then self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = 0 self:goto(pageno) else self.pan_by_page = not self.pan_by_page end end end local nsecs, nusecs = util.gettime() local dur = (nsecs - secs) * 1000000 + nusecs - usecs print("E: T="..ev.type.." V="..ev.value.." C="..ev.code.." DUR="..dur) elseif ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_RELEASE and ev.code == KEY_SHIFT then self.shiftmode = false elseif ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_RELEASE and ev.code == KEY_ALT then self.altmode = false end end end