local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local Font = require("ui/font") local FontList = require("fontlist") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = FFIUtil.template -- Some "Noto Sans *" fonts are already in ui/font.lua Font.fallbacks, -- because they are required to display supported UI languages. -- Don't allow them to be disabled. -- Duplicated from (and should be kept in sync with) ui/font.lua, but here -- by face name and there by font file/path name. local hardcoded_fallbacks = { "Noto Sans CJK SC", "Noto Sans Arabic UI", "Noto Sans Devanagari UI", "Noto Sans Bengali UI", } -- Add any user font after Noto Sans CJK SC in the menu local additional_fallback_insert_indice = 2 -- (indice in the above list) local alt_name = { -- Make it clear this "CJK SC" font actually supports all other CJK variant ["Noto Sans CJK SC"] = "Noto Sans CJK SC (TC, JA, KO)" } local fallback_candidates = nil local fallback_candidates_path_to_name = nil local genFallbackCandidates = function() if fallback_candidates then return end fallback_candidates = {} fallback_candidates_path_to_name = {} for _, font_path in ipairs(FontList:getFontList()) do local fontinfo = FontList.fontinfo[font_path] -- (NotoColorEmoji.tff happens to get no fontinfo) if fontinfo and #fontinfo == 1 then -- Ignore font files with multiple faces fontinfo = fontinfo[1] if (util.stringStartsWith(fontinfo.name, "Noto Sans ") or fontinfo.name == "Noto Emoji") and not fontinfo.bold and not fontinfo.italic and not fontinfo.serif and not fontinfo.mono then fallback_candidates[fontinfo.name] = fontinfo fallback_candidates_path_to_name[font_path] = fontinfo.name end end end end local more_info_text = _([[ If some book titles, dictionary entries and such are not displayed well but shown as ￾￾ or ��, it may be necessary to download the required fonts for those languages. They can then be enabled as additional UI fallback fonts. Fonts for many languages can be downloaded at: https://fonts.google.com/noto Only fonts named "Noto Sans xyz" or "Noto Sans xyz UI" (regular, not bold nor italic, not Serif) will be available in this menu. However, bold fonts will be used if their corresponding regular fonts exist.]]) local getSubMenuItems = function() genFallbackCandidates() -- Order the menu items in the order the fallback fonts are used local seen_names = {} local ordered_names = {} local checked_names = {} local enabled_names = {} for _, name in ipairs(hardcoded_fallbacks) do table.insert(ordered_names, name) seen_names[name] = true checked_names[name] = true enabled_names[name] = false end if G_reader_settings:has("font_ui_fallbacks") then local additional_fallbacks = G_reader_settings:readSetting("font_ui_fallbacks") for i=#additional_fallbacks, 1, -1 do local path = additional_fallbacks[i] local name = fallback_candidates_path_to_name[path] if not name or seen_names[name] then -- No longer found, or made hardcoded: remove it table.remove(additional_fallbacks, i) else table.insert(ordered_names, additional_fallback_insert_indice, name) seen_names[name] = true checked_names[name] = true enabled_names[name] = true end end if #additional_fallbacks == 0 then -- all removed G_reader_settings:delSetting("font_ui_fallbacks") end end local add_separator_idx = #ordered_names for name, fontinfo in FFIUtil.orderedPairs(fallback_candidates) do if not seen_names[name] then table.insert(ordered_names, name) checked_names[name] = false enabled_names[name] = true end end local menu_items = { { text = _("About additional UI fallback fonts"), callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = more_info_text, }) end, keep_menu_open = true, separator = true, } } for idx, name in ipairs(ordered_names) do local fontinfo = fallback_candidates[name] local item = { text = alt_name[name] or name, separator = idx == add_separator_idx, checked_func = function() return checked_names[name] end, enabled_func = function() return enabled_names[name] end, callback = function() local additional_fallbacks = G_reader_settings:readSetting("font_ui_fallbacks", {}) if checked_names[name] then -- enabled: remove it for i=#additional_fallbacks, 1, -1 do if additional_fallbacks[i] == fontinfo.path then table.remove(additional_fallbacks, i) if #additional_fallbacks == 0 then G_reader_settings:delSetting("font_ui_fallbacks") end break end end checked_names[name] = false else -- disabled: add it if #additional_fallbacks < Font.additional_fallback_max_nb then table.insert(additional_fallbacks, 1, fontinfo.path) checked_names[name] = true else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("The number of allowed additional fallback fonts is limited to %1.\nUncheck some of them if you want to add this one."), Font.additional_fallback_max_nb), }) return end end UIManager:askForRestart() end, } table.insert(menu_items, item) end return menu_items end return { text = _("Additional UI fallback fonts"), sub_item_table_func = getSubMenuItems, }