local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local Screen = require("ui/screen") local Device = require("ui/device") local Event = require("ui/event") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local ButtonTable = require("ui/widget/buttontable") local Input = require("ui/input") local DEBUG = require("dbg") local _ = require("gettext") local HighlightDialog = InputContainer:new{ buttons = nil, tap_close_callback = nil, } function HighlightDialog:init() if Device:hasKeyboard() then self.key_events = { AnyKeyPressed = { { Input.group.Any }, seqtext = "any key", doc = _("close dialog") } } else self.ges_events.TapClose = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight(), } } } end self[1] = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), FrameContainer:new{ ButtonTable:new{ width = Screen:getWidth()*0.9, buttons = self.buttons, }, background = 0, bordersize = 2, radius = 7, padding = 2, } } end function HighlightDialog:onTapClose() UIManager:close(self) if self.tap_close_callback then self.tap_close_callback() end return true end local ReaderHighlight = InputContainer:new{} function ReaderHighlight:init() if Device:hasKeyboard() then self.key_events = { ShowToc = { { "." }, doc = _("highlight text") }, } end end function ReaderHighlight:initGesListener() self.ges_events = { Tap = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight() } } }, Hold = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight() } } }, HoldRelease = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_release", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight() } } }, HoldPan = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold_pan", range = Geom:new{ x = 0, y = 0, w = Screen:getWidth(), h = Screen:getHeight() }, rate = 2.0, } }, } end function ReaderHighlight:onSetDimensions(dimen) -- update listening according to new screen dimen if Device:isTouchDevice() then self:initGesListener() end end function ReaderHighlight:onTap(arg, ges) local function inside_box(ges, box) local pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) if pos then local x, y = pos.x, pos.y if box.x <= x and box.y <= y and box.x + box.w >= x and box.y + box.h >= y then return true end end end if self.hold_pos then self.view.highlight.temp[self.hold_pos.page] = nil UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "partial") self.hold_pos = nil return true end local pages = self.view:getCurrentPageList() for key, page in pairs(pages) do local items = self.view.highlight.saved[page] if not items then items = {} end for i = 1, #items do local pos0, pos1 = items[i].pos0, items[i].pos1 local boxes = self.ui.document:getPageBoxesFromPositions(page, pos0, pos1) if boxes then for index, box in pairs(boxes) do if inside_box(ges, box) then DEBUG("Tap on hightlight") self.edit_highlight_dialog = HighlightDialog:new{ buttons = { { { text = _("Delete"), callback = function() self:deleteHighlight(page, i) UIManager:close(self.edit_highlight_dialog) end, }, { text = _("Edit"), enabled = false, callback = function() self:editHighlight() UIManager:close(self.edit_highlight_dialog) end, }, }, }, } UIManager:show(self.edit_highlight_dialog) return true end end end end end end function ReaderHighlight:onHold(arg, ges) self.hold_pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) DEBUG("hold position in page", self.hold_pos) if not self.hold_pos then DEBUG("not inside page area") return true end self.selected_word = self.ui.document:getWordFromPosition(self.hold_pos) DEBUG("selected word:", self.selected_word) if self.selected_word then local boxes = {} table.insert(boxes, self.selected_word.sbox) self.view.highlight.temp[self.hold_pos.page] = boxes UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "partial") end return true end function ReaderHighlight:onHoldPan(arg, ges) if self.hold_pos == nil then DEBUG("no previous hold position") return true end self.holdpan_pos = self.view:screenToPageTransform(ges.pos) DEBUG("holdpan position in page", self.holdpan_pos) self.selected_text = self.ui.document:getTextFromPositions(self.hold_pos, self.holdpan_pos) DEBUG("selected text:", self.selected_text) if self.selected_text then self.view.highlight.temp[self.hold_pos.page] = self.selected_text.sboxes -- remove selected word if hold moves out of word box if self.selected_word and not self.selected_word.sbox:contains(self.selected_text.sboxes[1]) or #self.selected_text.sboxes > 1 then self.selected_word = nil end UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "partial") end end function ReaderHighlight:lookup(selected_word) -- if we extracted text directly if selected_word.word then local word_box = self.view:pageToScreenTransform(selected_word.page, selected_word.sbox) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", self, selected_word.word, word_box)) -- or we will do OCR else local word = self.ui.document:getOCRWord(self.hold_pos.page, selected_word) DEBUG("OCRed word:", word) local word_box = self.view:pageToScreenTransform(selected_word.page, selected_word.sbox) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", self, word, word_box)) end end function ReaderHighlight:translate(selected_text) if selected_text.text ~= "" then self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("TranslateText", self, selected_text.text)) -- or we will do OCR else local text = self.ui.document:getOCRText(self.hold_pos.page, selected_text) DEBUG("OCRed text:", text) self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("TranslateText", self, text)) end end function ReaderHighlight:onHoldRelease(arg, ges) if self.selected_word then self:lookup(self.selected_word) self.selected_word = nil elseif self.selected_text then DEBUG("show highlight dialog") self.highlight_dialog = HighlightDialog:new{ buttons = { { { text = _("Highlight"), callback = function() self:saveHighlight() UIManager:close(self.highlight_dialog) self:handleEvent(Event:new("Tap")) end, }, { text = _("Add Note"), enabled = false, callback = function() self:addNote() UIManager:close(self.highlight_dialog) self:handleEvent(Event:new("Tap")) end, }, }, { { text = _("Translate"), callback = function() self:translate(self.selected_text) UIManager:close(self.highlight_dialog) self:handleEvent(Event:new("Tap")) end, }, { text = _("Share"), enabled = false, callback = function() self:shareHighlight() UIManager:close(self.highlight_dialog) self:handleEvent(Event:new("Tap")) end, }, }, { { text = _("More"), enabled = false, callback = function() self:moreAction() UIManager:close(self.highlight_dialog) self:handleEvent(Event:new("Tap")) end, }, }, }, tap_close_callback = function() self:handleEvent(Event:new("Tap")) end, } UIManager:show(self.highlight_dialog) end return true end function ReaderHighlight:saveHighlight() DEBUG("save highlight") local page = self.hold_pos.page if self.hold_pos and self.selected_text then if not self.view.highlight.saved[page] then self.view.highlight.saved[page] = {} end local hl_item = {} hl_item["text"] = self.selected_text.text hl_item["pos0"] = self.selected_text.pos0 hl_item["pos1"] = self.selected_text.pos1 hl_item["datetime"] = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") table.insert(self.view.highlight.saved[page], hl_item) if self.selected_text.text ~= "" then self:exportToClippings(page, hl_item) end end --DEBUG("saved hightlights", self.view.highlight.saved[page]) end function ReaderHighlight:exportToClippings(page, item) DEBUG("export highlight", item) local clippings = io.open("/mnt/us/documents/My Clippings.txt", "a+") if clippings and item.text then local current_locale = os.setlocale() os.setlocale("C") clippings:write(self.document.file:gsub("(.*/)(.*)", "%2").."\n") clippings:write("- Koreader Highlight Page "..page.." ") clippings:write("| Added on "..os.date("%A, %b %d, %Y %I:%M:%S %p\n\n")) clippings:write(item["text"].."\n") clippings:write("==========\n") clippings:close() os.setlocale(current_locale) end end function ReaderHighlight:addNote() DEBUG("add Note") end function ReaderHighlight:shareHighlight() DEBUG("share highlight") end function ReaderHighlight:moreAction() DEBUG("more action") end function ReaderHighlight:deleteHighlight(page, i) DEBUG("delete highlight") table.remove(self.view.highlight.saved[page], i) end function ReaderHighlight:editHighlight() DEBUG("edit highlight") end return ReaderHighlight