#!/bin/sh export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" # working directory of koreader KOREADER_DIR="/mnt/ext1/applications/koreader" # load our own shared libraries if possible, solely because we don't control InkView, and we'd rather not it have load duplicate system libs... # (We handle this via DT_RPATH for our own stuff). export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${KOREADER_DIR}/libs${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" # file through which we communicate instanced opens export KO_PATH_OPEN_BOOK="/tmp/.koreader.open" # check for and notify a running instance INSTANCE_PID=$(cat /tmp/koreader.pid 2>/dev/null) if [ "${INSTANCE_PID}" != "" ] && [ -e "/proc/${INSTANCE_PID}" ]; then echo "$@" >"${KO_PATH_OPEN_BOOK}" exec $(if [ -f "/usr/bin/iv2sh" ]; then echo /usr/bin/iv2sh; else echo /ebrmain/bin/iv2sh; fi) SetActiveTask "${INSTANCE_PID}" 0 fi # try to bring in raw device input (on rooted devices) /mnt/secure/su /bin/chmod 644 /dev/input/* # we're first, so publish our instance echo $$ >/tmp/koreader.pid # update to new version from OTA directory ko_update_check() { NEWUPDATE="${KOREADER_DIR}/ota/koreader.updated.tar" INSTALLED="${KOREADER_DIR}/ota/koreader.installed.tar" if [ -f "${NEWUPDATE}" ]; then "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -q -y -7 -pmh "Updating KOReader" # Setup the FBInk daemon export FBINK_NAMED_PIPE="/tmp/.koreader.fbink" rm -f "${FBINK_NAMED_PIPE}" FBINK_PID="$("${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" --daemon 1 %KOREADER% -q -y -6 -P 0)" # NOTE: See frontend/ui/otamanager.lua for a few more details on how we squeeze a percentage out of tar's checkpoint feature # NOTE: %B should always be 512 in our case, so let stat do part of the maths for us instead of using %s ;). FILESIZE="$(stat -c %b "${NEWUPDATE}")" # shellcheck disable=SC2003 BLOCKS="$(expr "${FILESIZE}" / 20)" # shellcheck disable=SC2003 CPOINTS="$(expr "${BLOCKS}" / 100)" export CPOINTS # NOTE: We don't run as root, but folders created over USBMS are owned by root, which yields fun permission shenanigans... # c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/7581 KO_PB_TARLOG="/tmp/.koreader.tar" # shellcheck disable=SC2016 "${KOREADER_DIR}/tar" --no-same-permissions --no-same-owner --checkpoint="${CPOINTS}" --checkpoint-action=exec='printf "%s" $(expr ${TAR_CHECKPOINT} / ${CPOINTS}) > ${FBINK_NAMED_PIPE}' -C "/mnt/ext1" -xf "${NEWUPDATE}" 2>"${KO_PB_TARLOG}" fail=$? kill -TERM "${FBINK_PID}" # As mentioned above, filter out potential chmod & utime failures... if [ "${fail}" -ne 0 ]; then if [ "$(grep -Evc '(Cannot utime|Cannot change mode|Exiting with failure status due to previous errors)' "${KO_PB_TARLOG}")" -eq "0" ]; then # No other errors, we're good! fail=0 fi fi rm -f "${KO_PB_TARLOG}" # Cleanup behind us... if [ "${fail}" -eq 0 ]; then mv "${NEWUPDATE}" "${INSTALLED}" "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -q -y -6 -pm "Update successful :)" "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -q -y -5 -pm "KOReader will start momentarily . . ." else # Uh oh... "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -q -y -6 -pmh "Update failed :(" "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -q -y -5 -pm "KOReader may fail to function properly!" fi rm -f "${NEWUPDATE}" # always purge newupdate to prevent update loops unset CPOINTS FBINK_NAMED_PIPE unset BLOCKS FILESIZE FBINK_PID # Ensure everything is flushed to disk before we restart. This *will* stall for a while on slow storage! sync fi } # we're always starting from our working directory cd ${KOREADER_DIR} || exit # export dict directory export STARDICT_DATA_DIR="data/dict" # we keep at maximum 500K worth of crash log if [ -e crash.log ]; then tail -c 500000 crash.log >crash.log.new mv -f crash.log.new crash.log fi export KO_EXIT_CODE="/tmp/.koreader.exit" CRASH_COUNT=0 CRASH_TS=0 CRASH_PREV_TS=0 # List of supported special return codes KO_RC_RESTART=85 #KO_RC_USBMS=86 # Ensure a clean slate on startup rm -f "${KO_EXIT_CODE}" RETURN_VALUE=${KO_RC_RESTART} while [ "${RETURN_VALUE}" -ne 0 ]; do if [ "${RETURN_VALUE}" -eq ${KO_RC_RESTART} ]; then # Do an update check now, so we can actually update KOReader via the "Restart KOReader" menu entry ;). ko_update_check fi ./reader.lua "$@" >>crash.log 2>&1 # Account for the fact a hard crash may have prevented the KO_EXIT_CODE file from being written to... if [ -f "${KO_EXIT_CODE}" ]; then RETURN_VALUE="$(cat ${KO_EXIT_CODE})" rm -f "${KO_EXIT_CODE}" else # If we couldn't find it, something went horribly wrong ;). RETURN_VALUE=42 fi # Did we crash? if [ "${RETURN_VALUE}" -ne 0 ] && [ "${RETURN_VALUE}" -ne ${KO_RC_RESTART} ]; then # Increment the crash counter # shellcheck disable=SC2003 CRASH_COUNT="$(expr "${CRASH_COUNT}" + 1)" CRASH_TS="$(date +'%s')" # Reset it to a first crash if it's been a while since our last crash... # shellcheck disable=SC2003 if [ "$(expr "${CRASH_TS}" - "${CRASH_PREV_TS}")" -ge 20 ]; then CRASH_COUNT=1 fi # Check if the user requested to always abort on crash if grep -q '\["dev_abort_on_crash"\] = true' 'settings.reader.lua' 2>/dev/null; then ALWAYS_ABORT="true" # In which case, make sure we pause on *every* crash CRASH_COUNT=1 else ALWAYS_ABORT="false" fi # Show a fancy bomb on screen viewWidth=600 viewHeight=800 FONTH=16 eval "$("${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -e | tr ';' '\n' | grep -e viewWidth -e viewHeight -e FONTH | tr '\n' ';')" # Compute margins & sizes relative to the screen's resolution, so we end up with a similar layout, no matter the device. # Height @ ~56.7%, w/ a margin worth 1.5 lines # shellcheck disable=SC2003 bombHeight="$(expr ${viewHeight} / 2 + ${viewHeight} / 15)" # shellcheck disable=SC2003 bombMargin="$(expr ${FONTH} + ${FONTH} / 2)" # With a little notice at the top of the screen, on a big gray screen of death ;). "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -q -b -c -B GRAY9 -m -y 1 "Don't Panic! (Crash n°${CRASH_COUNT} -> ${RETURN_VALUE})" if [ "${CRASH_COUNT}" -eq 1 ]; then # Warn that we're sleeping for a bit... "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -q -b -O -m -y 2 "KOReader will restart in 15 sec." fi # U+1F4A3, the hard way, because we can't use \u or \U escape sequences... # shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC3003 "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -q -b -O -m -t regular=${KOREADER_DIR}/fonts/freefont/FreeSerif.ttf,px="${bombHeight}",top="${bombMargin}" -- $'\xf0\x9f\x92\xa3' # And then print the tail end of the log on the bottom of the screen... crashLog="$(tail -n 25 crash.log | sed -e 's/\t/ /g')" # The idea for the margins being to leave enough room for an fbink -Z bar, small horizontal margins, and a font size based on what 6pt looked like @ 265dpi # shellcheck disable=SC2003 "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" -q -b -O -t regular=${KOREADER_DIR}/fonts/droid/DroidSansMono.ttf,top="$(expr ${viewHeight} / 2 + ${FONTH} '*' 2 + ${FONTH} / 2)",left="$(expr ${viewWidth} / 60)",right="$(expr ${viewWidth} / 60)",px="$(expr ${viewHeight} / 64)" -- "${crashLog}" # So far, we hadn't triggered an actual screen refresh, do that now, to make sure everything is bundled in a single flashing refresh. ${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink -q -f -s # Cue a lemming's faceplant sound effect! { echo "!!!!" echo "Uh oh, something went awry... (Crash n°${CRASH_COUNT}: $(date +'%x @ %X'))" } >>crash.log 2>&1 if [ "${CRASH_COUNT}" -lt 5 ] && [ "${ALWAYS_ABORT}" = "false" ]; then echo "Attempting to restart KOReader . . ." >>crash.log 2>&1 echo "!!!!" >>crash.log 2>&1 fi # Pause a bit if it's the first crash in a while, so that it actually has a chance of getting noticed ;). if [ "${CRASH_COUNT}" -eq 1 ]; then sleep 15 fi # Cycle the last crash timestamp CRASH_PREV_TS=${CRASH_TS} # But if we've crashed more than 5 consecutive times, exit, because we wouldn't want to be stuck in a loop... # NOTE: No need to check for ALWAYS_ABORT, CRASH_COUNT will always be 1 when it's true ;). if [ "${CRASH_COUNT}" -ge 5 ]; then echo "Too many consecutive crashes, aborting . . ." >>crash.log 2>&1 echo "!!!! ! !!!!" >>crash.log 2>&1 break fi # If the user requested to always abort on crash, do so. if [ "${ALWAYS_ABORT}" = "true" ]; then echo "Aborting . . ." >>crash.log 2>&1 echo "!!!! ! !!!!" >>crash.log 2>&1 break fi else # Reset the crash counter if that was a sane exit/restart CRASH_COUNT=0 fi done rm -f "/tmp/koreader.pid" if pidof reader.lua >/dev/null 2>&1; then killall -TERM reader.lua fi exit "${RETURN_VALUE}"