# Travis-CI Build for koreader # see travis-ci.org for details language: c sudo: false compiler: - gcc env: - EMULATE_READER=1 cache: apt: true directories: - $HOME/.ccache addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - g++-4.8 - libsdl1.2-dev # for luasec - libssl1.0.0 - nasm # OpenSSL likes this (package contains makedepend) - xutils-dev before_install: # don't do this for clang - if [ "$CXX" = "g++" ]; then export CXX="g++-4.8" CC="gcc-4.8"; fi # in case anything ignores the environment variables, override through PATH - mkdir bin - ln -s $(which gcc-4.8) bin/cc - ln -s $(which gcc-4.8) bin/gcc - ln -s $(which c++-4.8) bin/c++ - ln -s $(which g++-4.8) bin/g++ - export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH install: # install our own updated luarocks - git clone https://github.com/torch/luajit-rocks.git - pushd luajit-rocks - git checkout 6529891 - cmake . -DWITH_LUAJIT21=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/install - make install - popd - export PATH=$PATH:${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/install/bin - mkdir $HOME/.luarocks - cp ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/install/etc/luarocks/config.lua $HOME/.luarocks/config.lua - echo "wrap_bin_scripts = false" >> $HOME/.luarocks/config.lua - travis_retry luarocks --local install luafilesystem - travis_retry luarocks --local install ansicolors - travis_retry luarocks --local install busted 2.0.rc11-0 #- travis_retry luarocks --local install busted 1.11.1-1 #- mv -f $HOME/.luarocks/bin/busted_bootstrap $HOME/.luarocks/bin/busted - travis_retry luarocks --local install luacov # luasec doesn't automatically detect 64-bit libs - travis_retry luarocks --local install luasec OPENSSL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu - travis_retry luarocks --local install luacov-coveralls --server=http://rocks.moonscript.org/dev - travis_retry luarocks --local install luacheck - travis_retry luarocks --local install lanes # for parallel luacheck # add local rocks to $PATH - eval $(luarocks path --bin) script: - travis_retry make fetchthirdparty - make all - travis_retry make testfront - luajit $(which luacheck) --no-color -q frontend | tee ./luacheck.out - test $(grep Total ./luacheck.out | awk '{print $2}') -le 220 after_success: - make coverage - cd koreader-*/koreader && luacov-coveralls -v