local Generic = require("device/generic/device") -- <= look at this file! local UIManager local logger = require("logger") local ffi = require("ffi") local C = ffi.C local inkview = ffi.load("inkview") local band = require("bit").band local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") require("ffi/posix_h") require("ffi/linux_input_h") require("ffi/inkview_h") local function yes() return true end local function no() return false end local ext_path = "/mnt/ext1/system/config/extensions.cfg" local app_name = "koreader.app" local PocketBook = Generic:extend{ model = "PocketBook", isPocketBook = yes, hasOTAUpdates = yes, hasWifiToggle = yes, isTouchDevice = yes, hasKeys = yes, hasFrontlight = yes, hasSystemFonts = yes, canSuspend = no, canReboot = yes, canPowerOff = yes, needsScreenRefreshAfterResume = no, home_dir = "/mnt/ext1", canAssociateFileExtensions = yes, -- all devices that have warmth lights use inkview api hasNaturalLightApi = yes, -- NOTE: Apparently, HW inversion is a pipedream on PB (#6669), ... well, on sunxi chipsets anyway. -- For which we now probe in fbinfoOverride() and tweak the flag to "no". -- NTX chipsets *should* work (PB631), but in case it doesn't on your device, set this to "no" in here. -- -- The above comment applied to rendering without inkview. With the inkview library HW inverting the -- screen is not possible. For now disable HWInvert for all devices. canHWInvert = no, -- If we can access the necessary devices, input events can be handled directly. -- This improves latency (~40ms), as well as power usage - we can spend more time asleep, -- instead of busy looping at 50Hz the way inkview insists on doing. -- In case this method fails (no root), we fallback to classic inkview api. raw_input = nil, --[[{ -- value or function to adjust touch matrix orientiation. touch_rotation = -3+4, -- Works same as input.event_map, but for raw input EV_KEY translation keymap = { [scan] = event }, }]] -- Runtime state: whether raw input is actually used --- @fixme: Never actually set anywhere? is_using_raw_input = nil, -- InkView may have started translating button codes based on rotation on newer devices... -- That historically wasn't the case, hence this defaulting to false. inkview_translates_buttons = false, -- Will be set appropriately at init isB288SoC = no, -- Private per-model kludges _fb_init = function() end, _model_init = function() end, } -- Helper to try load externally signalled book whenever we're brought to foreground local function tryOpenBook() local path = os.getenv("KO_PATH_OPEN_BOOK") if not path then return end local fi = io.open(path, "r") if not fi then return end local fn = fi:read("*line") fi:close() os.remove(path) if fn and util.pathExists(fn) then require("apps/reader/readerui"):showReader(fn) end end -- A couple helper functions to compute/check aligned values... -- c.f., local function ALIGN(x, a) -- (x + (a-1)) & ~(a-1) local mask = a - 1 return bit.band(x + mask, bit.bnot(mask)) end local function IS_ALIGNED(x, a) -- (x & (a-1)) == 0 if bit.band(x, a - 1) == 0 then return true else return false end end function PocketBook:init() local raw_input = self.raw_input local touch_rotation = raw_input and raw_input.touch_rotation or 0 self.screen = require("ffi/framebuffer_pocketbook"):new { device = self, debug = logger.dbg, wf_level = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wf_level") or 0, fbinfoOverride = function(fb, finfo, vinfo) -- Device model caps *can* set both to indicate that either will work to get correct orientation. -- But for FB backend, the flags are mutually exclusive, so we nuke one of em later. fb.is_always_portrait = self.isAlwaysPortrait() fb.forced_rotation = self.usingForcedRotation() -- Tweak combination of alwaysPortrait/hwRot/hwInvert flags depending on probed HW and wf settings. if fb:isB288() then self.isB288SoC = yes -- Allow bypassing the bans for debugging purposes... if G_reader_settings:nilOrFalse("pb_ignore_b288_quirks") then logger.dbg("mxcfb: Disabling hwinvert on B288 chipset") self.canHWInvert = no -- GL16 glitches with hwrot. And apparently with more stuff on newer FW (#7663) logger.dbg("mxcfb: Disabling hwrot on B288 chipset") fb.forced_rotation = nil end end -- If hwrot is still on, nuke swrot if fb.forced_rotation then fb.is_always_portrait = false end -- Legacy devices return incomplete/broken data, fix it without breaking saner devices. -- c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader-base/blob/50a965c28fd5ea2100257aa9ce2e62c9c301155c/ffi/framebuffer_linux.lua#L119-L189 if string.byte(ffi.string(finfo.id, 16), 1, 1) == 0 then local xres_virtual = vinfo.xres_virtual if not IS_ALIGNED(vinfo.xres_virtual, 32) then vinfo.xres_virtual = ALIGN(vinfo.xres, 32) end local yres_virtual = vinfo.yres_virtual if not IS_ALIGNED(vinfo.yres_virtual, 128) then vinfo.yres_virtual = ALIGN(vinfo.yres, 128) end local line_length = finfo.line_length finfo.line_length = vinfo.xres_virtual * bit.rshift(vinfo.bits_per_pixel, 3) local fb_size = finfo.line_length * vinfo.yres_virtual if fb_size > finfo.smem_len then if not IS_ALIGNED(yres_virtual, 32) then vinfo.yres_virtual = ALIGN(vinfo.yres, 32) else vinfo.yres_virtual = yres_virtual end fb_size = finfo.line_length * vinfo.yres_virtual if fb_size > finfo.smem_len then --fb_size = finfo.smem_len finfo.line_length = line_length vinfo.xres_virtual = xres_virtual vinfo.yres_virtual = yres_virtual vinfo.xres_virtual = bit.lshift(finfo.line_length, 3) / vinfo.bits_per_pixel end end end return self._fb_init(fb, finfo, vinfo) end, -- raw touch input orientiation is different from the screen getTouchRotation = function(fb) if type(touch_rotation) == "function" then return touch_rotation(self, fb:getRotationMode()) end return (4 + fb:getRotationMode() + touch_rotation) % 4 end, } -- Whenever we lose focus, but also get suspended for real (we can't reliably tell atm), -- plugins need to be notified to stop doing foreground stuff, and vice versa. To this end, -- we maintain pseudo suspended state just to keep plugins happy, even though it's not -- related real to suspend states. local quasiSuspended self.input = require("device/input"):new{ device = self, raw_input = raw_input, event_map = setmetatable({ [C.KEY_HOME] = "Home", [C.KEY_MENU] = "Menu", [C.KEY_PREV] = "LPgBack", [C.KEY_NEXT] = "LPgFwd", [C.KEY_UP] = "Up", [C.KEY_DOWN] = "Down", [C.KEY_LEFT] = "Left", [C.KEY_RIGHT] = "Right", [C.KEY_OK] = "Press", }, {__index=raw_input and raw_input.keymap or {}}), handleMiscEv = function(this, ev) local ui = require("ui/uimanager") if ev.code == C.EVT_HIDE or ev.code == C.EVT_BACKGROUND then ui:flushSettings() if not quasiSuspended then quasiSuspended = true return "Suspend" end elseif ev.code == C.EVT_FOREGROUND or ev.code == C.EVT_SHOW then tryOpenBook() ui:setDirty('all', 'ui') if quasiSuspended then quasiSuspended = false return "Resume" end elseif ev.code == C.EVT_EXIT then -- Auto shutdown event from inkview framework, -- gracefully close everything and let the framework shutdown the device. return "Exit" elseif ev.code == C.MSC_GYRO then return this:handleGyroEv(ev) end end, } -- If InkView translates buttons for us, disable our own translation map if self.inkview_translates_buttons then self.input:disableRotationMap() end -- If InkView tells us this device has a gsensor enable the event based functionality if inkview.QueryGSensor() ~= 0 then self.hasGSensor = yes end -- In contrast to kobo/kindle, pocketbook-devices do not use linux/input events directly. -- To be able to use input.lua nevertheless, -- we make inkview-events look like linux/input events or handle them directly here. -- Unhandled events will leave Input:waitEvent() as "GenericInput" -- NOTE: This all happens in ffi/input_pocketbook.lua self._model_init() if (not self.input.raw_input) or (not pcall(self.input.open, self.input, self.raw_input)) then inkview.OpenScreen() -- Raw mode open failed (no permissions?), so we'll run the usual way. -- Disable touch coordinate translation as inkview will do that. self.input.raw_input = nil self.input:open() touch_rotation = 0 else self.canSuspend = yes end self.powerd = require("device/pocketbook/powerd"):new{device = self} self:setAutoStandby(true) Generic.init(self) end function PocketBook:exit() -- Exit code can be shoddy on some devices due to broken library dtors calling _exit(0) from os.exit(N) local ko_exit = os.getenv("KO_EXIT_CODE") if ko_exit then local f = io.open(ko_exit, "w+") if f then -- As returned by UIManager:run() in reader.lua f:write(tostring(UIManager._exit_code)) f:close() end end Generic.exit(self) end function PocketBook:notifyBookState(title, document) local fn = document and document.file logger.dbg("Notify book state", title, fn) os.remove("/tmp/.current") if fn then local fo = io.open("/tmp/.current", "w+") if fo then fo:write(fn) fo:close() end end inkview.SetSubtaskInfo(inkview.GetCurrentTask(), 0, title and (title .. " - koreader") or "koreader", fn or _("N/A")) end function PocketBook:setDateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec) if hour == nil or min == nil then return true end -- If the device is rooted, we might actually have a fighting chance to change os clock. local su = "/mnt/secure/su" su = util.pathExists(su) and (su .. " ") or "" local command if year and month and day then command = string.format(su .. "/bin/date -s '%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d'", year, month, day, hour, min, sec) else command = string.format(su .. "/bin/date -s '%d:%d'",hour, min) end if os.execute(command) == 0 then os.execute(su .. '/sbin/hwclock -u -w') return true else return false end end function PocketBook:associateFileExtensions(assoc) -- First load the system-wide table, from which we'll snoop file types and icons local info = {} for l in io.lines("/ebrmain/config/extensions.cfg") do local m = { l:match("^([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):(.*)") } if #m > 0 then info[m[1]] = m end end local res = {"#koreader"} for k,v in pairs(assoc) do local t = info[k] if t then -- A system entry exists, so just change app, and reuse the rest t[4] = app_name .. "," .. t[4] else -- Doesn't exist, so hallucinate up something -- TBD: We have document opener in 'v', maybe consult mime in there? local bn = k:match("%a+"):upper() t = { k, '@' .. bn .. '_file', "1", app_name, "ICON_" .. bn } end table.insert(res, table.concat(t, ":")) end local out = io.open(ext_path, "w+") out:write(table.concat(res, "\n")) out:close() end function PocketBook:setAutoStandby(isAllowed) inkview.iv_sleepmode(isAllowed and 1 or 0) end function PocketBook:powerOff() inkview.PowerOff() end function PocketBook:suspend() inkview.SendGlobalRequest(C.REQ_KEYLOCK) end function PocketBook:reboot() inkview.iv_ipc_request(C.MSG_REBOOT, 1, nil, 0, 0) end function PocketBook:initNetworkManager(NetworkMgr) local function keepWifiAlive() -- Make sure only one wifiKeepAlive is scheduled UIManager:unschedule(keepWifiAlive) if NetworkMgr:isWifiOn() then logger.dbg("ping wifi keep alive and reschedule") inkview.NetMgrPing() UIManager:scheduleIn(30, keepWifiAlive) else logger.dbg("wifi is disabled do not reschedule") end end function NetworkMgr:turnOnWifi(complete_callback) inkview.WiFiPower(1) if inkview.NetConnect(nil) == C.NET_OK then keepWifiAlive() else logger.info("NetConnect failed") end if complete_callback then complete_callback() end end function NetworkMgr:turnOffWifi(complete_callback) inkview.NetDisconnect() if complete_callback then complete_callback() end end function NetworkMgr:isConnected() return band(inkview.QueryNetwork(), C.NET_CONNECTED) ~= 0 end NetworkMgr.isWifiOn = NetworkMgr.isConnected end function PocketBook:getSoftwareVersion() return ffi.string(inkview.GetSoftwareVersion()) end function PocketBook:getDeviceModel() return ffi.string(inkview.GetDeviceModel()) end function PocketBook:getDefaultCoverPath() return "/mnt/ext1/system/logo/offlogo/cover.bmp" end function PocketBook:UIManagerReady(uimgr) UIManager = uimgr end function PocketBook:setEventHandlers(uimgr) -- Only fg/bg state plugin notifiers, not real power event. UIManager.event_handlers.Suspend = function() self.powerd:beforeSuspend() end UIManager.event_handlers.Resume = function() self.powerd:afterResume() end UIManager.event_handlers.Exit = function() local Event = require("ui/event") UIManager:broadcastEvent(Event:new("Close")) UIManager:quit(0) end end -- Pocketbook HW rotation modes start from landsape, CCW local function landscape_ccw() return { 1, 0, 3, 2, -- PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, PORTRAIT_180, LANDSCAPE_180 every_paint = true, -- inkview will try to steal the rot mode frequently restore = false, -- no need, because everything using inkview forces 3 on focus default = nil, -- usually 3 } end -- PocketBook Mini (515) local PocketBook515 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB515", display_dpi = 200, isTouchDevice = no, hasFrontlight = no, hasDPad = yes, hasFewKeys = yes, } -- PocketBook Basic 4 (606) local PocketBook606 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB606", display_dpi = 212, isTouchDevice = no, hasFrontlight = no, hasDPad = yes, hasFewKeys = yes, } -- PocketBook Basic (611) local PocketBook611 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB611", display_dpi = 167, isTouchDevice = no, hasFrontlight = no, hasDPad = yes, hasFewKeys = yes, } -- PocketBook Basic (613) local PocketBook613 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB613B", display_dpi = 167, isTouchDevice = no, hasWifiToggle = no, hasFrontlight = no, hasDPad = yes, hasFewKeys = yes, } -- PocketBook Basic 2 / Basic 3 (614/614W) local PocketBook614W = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB614W", display_dpi = 167, isTouchDevice = no, hasFrontlight = no, hasDPad = yes, hasFewKeys = yes, } -- PocketBook Basic Lux / 615 Plus (615/615W) local PocketBook615 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBBLux", display_dpi = 212, isTouchDevice = no, hasDPad = yes, hasFewKeys = yes, } -- PocketBook Basic Lux 2 (616/616W) local PocketBook616 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBBLux2", display_dpi = 212, isTouchDevice = no, hasDPad = yes, hasFewKeys = yes, } -- PocketBook Basic Lux 3 (617) local PocketBook617 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBBLux3", display_dpi = 212, isTouchDevice = no, hasDPad = yes, hasFewKeys = yes, hasNaturalLight = yes, } -- PocketBook Touch (622) local PocketBook622 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBTouch", display_dpi = 167, hasFrontlight = no, } -- PocketBook Touch Lux (623) local PocketBook623 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBTouchLux", display_dpi = 212, } -- PocketBook Basic Touch (624) local PocketBook624 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBBasicTouch", display_dpi = 167, hasFrontlight = no, } -- PocketBook Basic Touch 2 (625) local PocketBook625 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBBasicTouch2", display_dpi = 167, hasFrontlight = no, } -- PocketBook Touch Lux 2 / Touch Lux 3 (626) local PocketBook626 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBLux3", display_dpi = 212, } -- PocketBook Touch Lux 4 (627) local PocketBook627 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBLux4", display_dpi = 212, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, } -- PocketBook Touch Lux 5 (628) local PocketBook628 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBTouchLux5", display_dpi = 212, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw, hasNaturalLight = yes, } -- PocketBook Verse (629) local PocketBook629 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB629", display_dpi = 212, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, hasNaturalLight = yes, } -- PocketBook Sense / Sense 2 (630) local PocketBook630 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBSense", display_dpi = 212, } -- PocketBook Touch HD / Touch HD 2 (631) local PocketBook631 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBTouchHD", display_dpi = 300, -- see https://github.com/koreader/koreader/pull/6531#issuecomment-676629182 hasNaturalLight = function() return inkview.GetFrontlightColor() >= 0 end, } -- PocketBook Touch HD Plus / Touch HD 3 (632) local PocketBook632 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBTouchHDPlus", display_dpi = 300, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw, hasNaturalLight = yes, } -- PocketBook Color (633) local PocketBook633 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBColor", display_dpi = 300, color_saturation = 1.5, hasColorScreen = yes, canHWDither = yes, -- Adjust color saturation with inkview canUseCBB = no, -- 24bpp isAlwaysPortrait = yes, usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw, } -- PocketBook Verse Pro (634) local PocketBook634 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB634", display_dpi = 300, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, hasNaturalLight = yes, } -- PocketBook Aqua (640) local PocketBook640 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBAqua", display_dpi = 167, } -- PocketBook Aqua 2 (641) local PocketBook641 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBAqua2", display_dpi = 212, } -- PocketBook Ultra (650) local PocketBook650 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBUltra", display_dpi = 212, } -- PocketBook Era (700) local PocketBook700 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB700", display_dpi = 300, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, hasNaturalLight = yes, -- c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader/issues/9556 inkview_translates_buttons = true, } -- PocketBook InkPad 3 (740) local PocketBook740 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBInkPad3", display_dpi = 300, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw, hasNaturalLight = yes, } -- PocketBook InkPad 3 Pro (740_2) local PocketBook740_2 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBInkPad3Pro", display_dpi = 300, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw, hasNaturalLight = yes, raw_input = { touch_rotation = -1, keymap = { [115] = "Menu", [109] = "LPgFwd", [104] = "LPgBack", } } } -- PocketBook InkPad Color (741) local PocketBook741 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBInkPadColor", display_dpi = 300, color_saturation = 1.5, hasColorScreen = yes, canHWDither = yes, -- Adjust color saturation with inkview canUseCBB = no, -- 24bpp isAlwaysPortrait = yes, usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw, } function PocketBook741._fb_init(fb, finfo, vinfo) -- Pocketbook Color Lux reports bits_per_pixel = 8, but actually uses an RGB24 framebuffer vinfo.bits_per_pixel = 24 end -- PocketBook InkPad Color 2 (743C) local PocketBook743C = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBInkPadColor2", display_dpi = 300, color_saturation = 1.5, hasColorScreen = yes, canHWDither = yes, -- Adjust color saturation with inkview canUseCBB = no, -- 24bpp isAlwaysPortrait = yes, usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw, hasNaturalLight = yes, } function PocketBook743C._fb_init(fb, finfo, vinfo) -- Pocketbook Color Lux reports bits_per_pixel = 8, but actually uses an RGB24 framebuffer vinfo.bits_per_pixel = 24 end -- PocketBook InkPad 4 (743G/743g) local PocketBook743G = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBInkPad4", display_dpi = 300, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw, hasNaturalLight = yes, } -- PocketBook Color Lux (801) local PocketBookColorLux = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBColorLux", display_dpi = 125, color_saturation = 1.5, hasColorScreen = yes, canHWDither = yes, -- Adjust color saturation with inkview canUseCBB = no, -- 24bpp } function PocketBookColorLux:_model_init() self.screen.blitbuffer_rotation_mode = self.screen.DEVICE_ROTATED_UPRIGHT self.screen.native_rotation_mode = self.screen.DEVICE_ROTATED_UPRIGHT end function PocketBookColorLux._fb_init(fb, finfo, vinfo) -- Pocketbook Color Lux reports bits_per_pixel = 8, but actually uses an RGB24 framebuffer vinfo.bits_per_pixel = 24 vinfo.xres = vinfo.xres / 3 fb.refresh_pixel_size = 3 end -- PocketBook InkPad / InkPad 2 (840) local PocketBook840 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PBInkPad", display_dpi = 250, } -- PocketBook InkPad Lite (970) local PocketBook970 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB970", display_dpi = 150, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, hasNaturalLight = yes, } -- PocketBook InkPad X (1040) local PocketBook1040 = PocketBook:extend{ model = "PB1040", display_dpi = 227, isAlwaysPortrait = yes, usingForcedRotation = landscape_ccw, hasNaturalLight = yes, } logger.info('SoftwareVersion: ', PocketBook:getSoftwareVersion()) local codename = PocketBook:getDeviceModel() if codename == "PocketBook 515" then return PocketBook515 elseif codename == "PB606" or codename == "PocketBook 606" then return PocketBook606 elseif codename == "PocketBook 611" then return PocketBook611 elseif codename == "PocketBook 613" then return PocketBook613 elseif codename == "PocketBook 614" or codename == "PocketBook 614W" then return PocketBook614W elseif codename == "PB615" or codename == "PB615W" or codename == "PocketBook 615" or codename == "PocketBook 615W" then return PocketBook615 elseif codename == "PB616" or codename == "PB616W" or codename == "PocketBook 616" or codename == "PocketBook 616W" then return PocketBook616 elseif codename == "PB617" or codename == "PocketBook 617" then return PocketBook617 elseif codename == "PocketBook 622" then return PocketBook622 elseif codename == "PocketBook 623" then return PocketBook623 elseif codename == "PocketBook 624" then return PocketBook624 elseif codename == "PB625" then return PocketBook625 elseif codename == "PB626" or codename == "PB626(2)-TL3" or codename == "PocketBook 626" then return PocketBook626 elseif codename == "PB627" then return PocketBook627 elseif codename == "PB628" then return PocketBook628 elseif codename == "PB629" then return PocketBook629 elseif codename == "PocketBook 630" then return PocketBook630 elseif codename == "PB631" or codename == "PocketBook 631" then return PocketBook631 elseif codename == "PB632" then return PocketBook632 elseif codename == "PB633" then return PocketBook633 elseif codename == "PB634" then return PocketBook634 elseif codename == "PB640" or codename == "PocketBook 640" then return PocketBook640 elseif codename == "PB641" then return PocketBook641 elseif codename == "PB650" or codename == "PocketBook 650" then return PocketBook650 elseif codename == "PB700" or codename == "PocketBook 700" then return PocketBook700 elseif codename == "PB740" then return PocketBook740 elseif codename == "PB740-2" or codename == "PB740-3" then return PocketBook740_2 elseif codename == "PB741" then return PocketBook741 elseif codename == "PB743C" then return PocketBook743C elseif codename == "PB743G" or codename == "PB743g" or codename == "PocketBook 743G" or codename == "PocketBook 743g" then return PocketBook743G elseif codename == "PocketBook 840" or codename == "Reader InkPad" then return PocketBook840 elseif codename == "PB970" then return PocketBook970 elseif codename == "PB1040" then return PocketBook1040 elseif codename == "PocketBook Color Lux" then return PocketBookColorLux else error("unrecognized PocketBook model " .. codename) end