local BasePowerD = require("device/generic/powerd") -- liblipclua, see require below local KindlePowerD = BasePowerD:new{ fl_min = 0, fl_max = 24, lipc_handle = nil, } function KindlePowerD:init() local haslipc, lipc = pcall(require, "liblipclua") if haslipc and lipc then self.lipc_handle = lipc.init("com.github.koreader.kindlepowerd") end end function KindlePowerD:frontlightIntensityHW() if not self.device.hasFrontlight() then return 0 end -- Kindle stock software does not use intensity file directly, so we need to read from its -- lipc property first. if self.lipc_handle ~= nil then return self.lipc_handle:get_int_property("com.lab126.powerd", "flIntensity") else -- NOTE: This fallback is of dubious use, as it will NOT match our expected [fl_min..fl_max] range, -- each model has a specific curve. return self:_readFLIntensity() end end function KindlePowerD:setIntensityHW(intensity) -- NOTE: This means we *require* a working lipc handle to set the FL: -- it knows what the UI values should map to for the specific hardware much better than us. if self.lipc_handle ~= nil then -- NOTE: We want to bypass setIntensity's shenanigans and simply restore the light as-is self.lipc_handle:set_int_property( "com.lab126.powerd", "flIntensity", intensity) end if intensity == 0 then -- NOTE: when intensity is 0, we want to *really* kill the light, so do it manually -- (asking lipc to set it to 0 would in fact set it to 1 on most Kindles). -- We do *both* to make the fl restore on resume less jarring on devices where lipc 0 != off. os.execute("echo -n ".. intensity .." > " .. self.fl_intensity_file) end end function KindlePowerD:getCapacityHW() if self.lipc_handle ~= nil then return self.lipc_handle:get_int_property("com.lab126.powerd", "battLevel") else return self:read_int_file(self.batt_capacity_file) end end function KindlePowerD:isChargingHW() local is_charging if self.lipc_handle ~= nil then is_charging = self.lipc_handle:get_int_property("com.lab126.powerd", "isCharging") else is_charging = self:read_int_file(self.is_charging_file) end return is_charging == 1 end function KindlePowerD:__gc() if self.lipc_handle then self.lipc_handle:close() self.lipc_handle = nil end end function KindlePowerD:_readFLIntensity() return self:read_int_file(self.fl_intensity_file) end function KindlePowerD:afterResume() if not self.device.hasFrontlight() then return end local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") if self:isFrontlightOn() then -- The Kindle framework should turn the front light back on automatically. -- The following statement ensures consistency of intensity, but should basically always be redundant, -- since we set intensity via lipc and not sysfs ;). -- NOTE: This is race-y, and we want to *lose* the race, hence the use of the scheduler (c.f., #4392) UIManager:tickAfterNext(function() self:turnOnFrontlightHW() end) else -- But in the off case, we *do* use sysfs, so this one actually matters. UIManager:tickAfterNext(function() self:turnOffFrontlightHW() end) end end return KindlePowerD