local BD = require("ui/bidi") local ButtonDialogTitle = require("ui/widget/buttondialogtitle") local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox") local DocSettings = require("docsettings") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local FileManagerBookInfo = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerbookinfo") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Screen = require("device").screen local filemanagerutil = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil") local _ = require("gettext") local C_ = _.pgettext local T = FFIUtil.template local FileManagerHistory = InputContainer:extend{ hist_menu_title = _("History"), } local status_text = { all = C_("Book status filter", "All"), reading = C_("Book status filter", "Reading"), abandoned = C_("Book status filter", "On hold"), complete = C_("Book status filter", "Finished"), deleted = C_("Book status filter", "Deleted"), new = C_("Book status filter", "New"), } function FileManagerHistory:init() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function FileManagerHistory:addToMainMenu(menu_items) -- insert table to main tab of filemanager menu menu_items.history = { text = self.hist_menu_title, callback = function() self:onShowHist() end, } end function FileManagerHistory:updateItemTable() -- try to stay on current page local select_number = nil if self.hist_menu.page and self.hist_menu.perpage and self.hist_menu.page > 0 then select_number = (self.hist_menu.page - 1) * self.hist_menu.perpage + 1 end self.count = { all = #require("readhistory").hist, reading = 0, abandoned = 0, complete = 0, deleted = 0, new = 0, } local item_table = {} for _, v in ipairs(require("readhistory").hist) do if not self.filter or v.status == self.filter then table.insert(item_table, v) end if self.statuses_fetched then self.count[v.status] = self.count[v.status] + 1 end end local title = self.hist_menu_title if self.filter then title = title .. " (" .. status_text[self.filter] .. ")" end self.hist_menu:switchItemTable(title, item_table, select_number) end function FileManagerHistory:onSetDimensions(dimen) self.dimen = dimen end function FileManagerHistory:onMenuHold(item) local readerui_instance = require("apps/reader/readerui"):_getRunningInstance() local currently_opened_file = readerui_instance and readerui_instance.document and readerui_instance.document.file self.histfile_dialog = nil local buttons = { { { text = _("Reset settings"), enabled = item.file ~= currently_opened_file and DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(FFIUtil.realpath(item.file)), callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Reset settings for this document?\n\n%1\n\nAny highlights or bookmarks will be permanently lost."), BD.filepath(item.file)), ok_text = _("Reset"), ok_callback = function() filemanagerutil.purgeSettings(item.file) require("readhistory"):fileSettingsPurged(item.file) self._manager:updateItemTable() UIManager:close(self.histfile_dialog) end, }) end, }, { text = _("Remove from history"), callback = function() require("readhistory"):removeItem(item) self._manager:updateItemTable() UIManager:close(self.histfile_dialog) end, }, }, { { text = _("Delete"), enabled = (item.file ~= currently_opened_file and lfs.attributes(item.file, "mode")) and true or false, callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = T(_("Are you sure that you want to delete this document?\n\n%1\n\nIf you delete a file, it is permanently lost."), BD.filepath(item.file)), ok_text = _("Delete"), ok_callback = function() local FileManager = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager") FileManager:deleteFile(item.file) require("readhistory"):fileDeleted(item.file) -- (will update "lastfile" if needed) self._manager:updateItemTable() UIManager:close(self.histfile_dialog) end, }) end, }, { text = _("Book information"), enabled = FileManagerBookInfo:isSupported(item.file), callback = function() FileManagerBookInfo:show(item.file) UIManager:close(self.histfile_dialog) end, }, }, } self.histfile_dialog = ButtonDialogTitle:new{ title = BD.filename(item.text:match("([^/]+)$")), title_align = "center", buttons = buttons, } UIManager:show(self.histfile_dialog) return true end -- Can't *actually* name it onSetRotationMode, or it also fires in FM itself ;). function FileManagerHistory:MenuSetRotationModeHandler(rotation) if rotation ~= nil and rotation ~= Screen:getRotationMode() then UIManager:close(self._manager.hist_menu) -- Also re-layout ReaderView or FileManager itself if self._manager.ui.view and self._manager.ui.view.onSetRotationMode then self._manager.ui.view:onSetRotationMode(rotation) elseif self._manager.ui.onSetRotationMode then self._manager.ui:onSetRotationMode(rotation) else Screen:setRotationMode(rotation) end self._manager:onShowHist() end return true end function FileManagerHistory:onShowHist() self.hist_menu = Menu:new{ ui = self.ui, width = Screen:getWidth(), height = Screen:getHeight(), covers_fullscreen = true, -- hint for UIManager:_repaint() is_borderless = true, is_popout = false, title_bar_left_icon = "appbar.menu", onLeftButtonTap = function() self:showHistDialog() end, onMenuHold = self.onMenuHold, onSetRotationMode = self.MenuSetRotationModeHandler, _manager = self, } self:updateItemTable() self.hist_menu.close_callback = function() self.statuses_fetched = nil self.filter = nil UIManager:close(self.hist_menu) end UIManager:show(self.hist_menu) return true end function FileManagerHistory:showHistDialog() if not self.statuses_fetched then local status for _, v in ipairs(require("readhistory").hist) do if v.dim then status = "deleted" else if DocSettings:hasSidecarFile(v.file) then local docinfo = DocSettings:open(v.file) -- no io handles created, do not close if docinfo.data.summary and docinfo.data.summary.status and docinfo.data.summary.status ~= "" then status = docinfo.data.summary.status else status = "reading" end else status = "new" end end v.status = status self.count[status] = self.count[status] + 1 end self.statuses_fetched = true end local hist_dialog local buttons = {} local function genFilterButton(status) return { text = T(_("%1 (%2)"), status_text[status], self.count[status]), callback = function() UIManager:close(hist_dialog) self.filter = status ~= "all" and status self:updateItemTable() end, } end table.insert(buttons, { genFilterButton("reading"), genFilterButton("abandoned"), }) table.insert(buttons, { genFilterButton("complete"), genFilterButton("deleted"), }) table.insert(buttons, { genFilterButton("all"), genFilterButton("new"), }) if self.count.deleted > 0 then table.insert(buttons, {}) table.insert(buttons, { { text = _("Clear history of deleted files"), callback = function() UIManager:show(ConfirmBox:new{ text = _("Clear history of deleted files?"), ok_text = _("Clear"), ok_callback = function() UIManager:close(hist_dialog) require("readhistory"):clearMissing() self:updateItemTable() end, }) end, }, }) end hist_dialog = ButtonDialogTitle:new{ title = _("Filter by book status"), title_align = "center", buttons = buttons, } UIManager:show(hist_dialog) end return FileManagerHistory