local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local DownloadBackend = require("internaldownloadbackend") --local DownloadBackend = require("luahttpdownloadbackend") local ReadHistory = require("readhistory") local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local LuaSettings = require("frontend/luasettings") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local dateparser = require("lib.dateparser") local ffi = require("ffi") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = FFIUtil.template local NewsDownloader = WidgetContainer:new{} local initialized = false local wifi_enabled_before_action = true local feed_config_file = "feed_config.lua" local news_downloader_config_file = "news_downloader_settings.lua" local config_key_custom_dl_dir = "custom_dl_dir"; local file_extension = ".html" local news_download_dir_name = "news" local news_download_dir_path, feed_config_path -- if a title looks like blabla it'll just be feed.title -- if a title looks like blabla then we get a table -- where [1] is the title string and the attributes are also available local function getFeedTitle(possible_title) if type(possible_title) == "string" then return possible_title elseif possible_title[1] and type(possible_title[1]) == "string" then return possible_title[1] end end -- there can be multiple links -- for now we just assume the first link is probably the right one -- @todo write unit tests -- some feeds that can be used for unit test -- http://fransdejonge.com/feed/ for multiple links -- https://github.com/koreader/koreader/commits/master.atom for single link with attributes local function getFeedLink(possible_link) local E = {} if type(possible_link) == "string" then return possible_link elseif (possible_link._attr or E).href then return possible_link._attr.href elseif ((possible_link[1] or E)._attr or E).href then return possible_link[1]._attr.href end end -- TODO: implement as NetworkMgr:afterWifiAction with configuration options function NewsDownloader:afterWifiAction() if not wifi_enabled_before_action then NetworkMgr:promptWifiOff() end end function NewsDownloader:init() self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function NewsDownloader:addToMainMenu(menu_items) self:lazyInitialization() menu_items.news_downloader = { text = _("News (RSS/Atom) downloader"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Download news"), callback = function() if not NetworkMgr:isOnline() then wifi_enabled_before_action = false NetworkMgr:beforeWifiAction(self.loadConfigAndProcessFeeds) else self:loadConfigAndProcessFeeds() end end, }, { text = _("Go to news folder"), callback = function() local FileManager = require("apps/filemanager/filemanager") if FileManager.instance then FileManager.instance:reinit(news_download_dir_path) else FileManager:showFiles(news_download_dir_path) end end, }, { text = _("Remove news"), callback = function() self:removeNewsButKeepFeedConfig() end, }, { text = _("Set custom download directory"), callback = function() self:setCustomDownloadDirectory() end, }, { text = _("Settings"), sub_item_table = { { text = _("Change feeds configuration"), callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("To change feed (Atom/RSS) sources please manually edit the configuration file:\n%1\n\nIt is very simple and contains comments as well as sample configuration."), feed_config_path) }) end, }, }, }, { text = _("Help"), callback = function() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("News downloader retrieves RSS and Atom news entries and stores them to:\n%1\n\nEach entry is a separate html file, that can be browsed by KOReader file manager.\nItems download limit can be configured in Settings."), news_download_dir_path) }) end, }, }, } end function NewsDownloader:lazyInitialization() if not initialized then logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: obtaining news folder") local news_downloader_settings = LuaSettings:open(("%s/%s"):format(DataStorage:getSettingsDir(), news_downloader_config_file)) if news_downloader_settings:has(config_key_custom_dl_dir) then news_download_dir_path = news_downloader_settings:readSetting(config_key_custom_dl_dir) else news_download_dir_path = ("%s/%s/"):format(DataStorage:getFullDataDir(), news_download_dir_name) end if not lfs.attributes(news_download_dir_path, "mode") then logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: Creating initial directory") lfs.mkdir(news_download_dir_path) end feed_config_path = news_download_dir_path .. feed_config_file if not lfs.attributes(feed_config_path, "mode") then logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: Creating initial feed config.") FFIUtil.copyFile(FFIUtil.joinPath(self.path, feed_config_file), feed_config_path) end initialized = true end end function NewsDownloader:loadConfigAndProcessFeeds() local info = InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Loading news feed config…") } UIManager:show(info) logger.dbg("force repaint due to upcoming blocking calls") UIManager:forceRePaint() UIManager:close(info) local ok, feed_config = pcall(dofile, feed_config_path) if not ok or not feed_config then info = InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Invalid configuration file. Detailed error message:\n%1"), feed_config) } UIManager:show(info) return end if #feed_config <= 0 then logger.err('NewsDownloader: empty feed list.', feed_config_path) return end local unsupported_feeds_urls = {} local total_feed_entries = table.getn(feed_config) for idx, feed in ipairs(feed_config) do local url = feed[1] local limit = feed.limit local download_full_article = feed.download_full_article == nil or feed.download_full_article if url and limit then info = InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Processing %1/%2:\n%3"), idx, total_feed_entries, url) } UIManager:show(info) -- processFeedSource is a blocking call, so manually force a UI refresh beforehand UIManager:forceRePaint() NewsDownloader:processFeedSource(url, tonumber(limit), unsupported_feeds_urls, download_full_article) UIManager:close(info) else logger.warn('NewsDownloader: invalid feed config entry', feed) end end if #unsupported_feeds_urls <= 0 then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("Downloading news finished."), timeout = 1, }) else local unsupported_urls = "" for k,url in pairs(unsupported_feeds_urls) do unsupported_urls = unsupported_urls .. url if k ~= #unsupported_feeds_urls then unsupported_urls = unsupported_urls .. ", " end end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = T(_("Downloading news finished. Could not process some feeds. Unsupported format in: %1"), unsupported_urls) }) end NewsDownloader:afterWifiAction() end function NewsDownloader:processFeedSource(url, limit, unsupported_feeds_urls, download_full_article) local ok, response = pcall(function() return DownloadBackend:getResponseAsString(url) end) local feeds if ok then feeds = self:deserializeXMLString(response) end if not ok or not feeds then table.insert(unsupported_feeds_urls, url) return end local is_rss = feeds.rss and feeds.rss.channel and feeds.rss.channel.title and feeds.rss.channel.item and feeds.rss.channel.item[1] and feeds.rss.channel.item[1].title and feeds.rss.channel.item[1].link local is_atom = feeds.feed and feeds.feed.title and feeds.feed.entry[1] and feeds.feed.entry[1].title and feeds.feed.entry[1].link if is_atom then ok = pcall(function() return self:processAtom(feeds, limit, download_full_article) end) elseif is_rss then ok = pcall(function() return self:processRSS(feeds, limit, download_full_article) end) end if not ok or (not is_rss and not is_atom) then table.insert(unsupported_feeds_urls, url) end end function NewsDownloader:deserializeXMLString(xml_str) -- uses LuaXML https://github.com/manoelcampos/LuaXML -- The MIT License (MIT) -- Copyright (c) 2016 Manoel Campos da Silva Filho -- see: koreader/plugins/newsdownloader.koplugin/lib/LICENSE_LuaXML local treehdl = require("lib/handler") local libxml = require("lib/xml") --Instantiate the object the states the XML file as a Lua table local xmlhandler = treehdl.simpleTreeHandler() --Instantiate the object that parses the XML to a Lua table local ok = pcall(function() libxml.xmlParser(xmlhandler):parse(xml_str) end) if not ok then return end return xmlhandler.root end function NewsDownloader:processAtom(feeds, limit, download_full_article) local feed_output_dir = string.format("%s%s/", news_download_dir_path, util.replaceInvalidChars(getFeedTitle(feeds.feed.title))) if not lfs.attributes(feed_output_dir, "mode") then lfs.mkdir(feed_output_dir) end for index, feed in pairs(feeds.feed.entry) do if limit ~= 0 and index - 1 == limit then break end if download_full_article then self:downloadFeed(feed, feed_output_dir) else self:createFromDescription(feed, feed.context, feed_output_dir) end end end function NewsDownloader:processRSS(feeds, limit, download_full_article) local feed_output_dir = ("%s%s/"):format( news_download_dir_path, util.replaceInvalidChars(feeds.rss.channel.title)) if not lfs.attributes(feed_output_dir, "mode") then lfs.mkdir(feed_output_dir) end for index, feed in pairs(feeds.rss.channel.item) do if limit ~= 0 and index - 1 == limit then break end if download_full_article then self:downloadFeed(feed, feed_output_dir) else self:createFromDescription(feed, feed.description, feed_output_dir) end end end local function parseDate(dateTime) -- uses lua-feedparser https://github.com/slact/lua-feedparser -- feedparser is available under the (new) BSD license. -- see: koreader/plugins/newsdownloader.koplugin/lib/LICENCE_lua-feedparser local date = dateparser.parse(dateTime) return os.date("%y-%m-%d_%H-%M_", date) end local function getTitleWithDate(feed) local title = util.replaceInvalidChars(getFeedTitle(feed.title)) if feed.updated then title = parseDate(feed.updated) .. title elseif feed.pubDate then title = parseDate(feed.pubDate) .. title elseif feed.published then title = parseDate(feed.published) .. title end return title end function NewsDownloader:downloadFeed(feed, feed_output_dir) local link = getFeedLink(feed.link) local news_dl_path = ("%s%s%s"):format(feed_output_dir, getTitleWithDate(feed), file_extension) logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: News file will be stored to :", news_dl_path) DownloadBackend:download(link, news_dl_path) end function NewsDownloader:createFromDescription(feed, context, feed_output_dir) local news_file_path = ("%s%s%s"):format(feed_output_dir, getTitleWithDate(feed), file_extension) logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: News file will be created :", news_file_path) local file = io.open(news_file_path, "w") local footer = _("This is just description of the feed. To download full article go to News Downloader settings and change 'download_full_article' to 'true'") local html = string.format([[ %s



]], feed.title, feed.title, context, footer) file:write(html) file:close() end function NewsDownloader:removeNewsButKeepFeedConfig() logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: Removing news from :", news_download_dir_path) for entry in lfs.dir(news_download_dir_path) do if entry ~= "." and entry ~= ".." and entry ~= feed_config_file then local entry_path = news_download_dir_path .. "/" .. entry local entry_mode = lfs.attributes(entry_path, "mode") if entry_mode == "file" then ffi.C.remove(entry_path) elseif entry_mode == "directory" then FFIUtil.purgeDir(entry_path) end end end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("All news removed.") }) end function NewsDownloader:setCustomDownloadDirectory() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = _("To select a folder press down and hold it for 1 second.") }) require("ui/downloadmgr"):new{ title = _("Choose download directory"), onConfirm = function(path) logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: set download directory to: ", path) local news_downloader_settings = LuaSettings:open(("%s/%s"):format(DataStorage:getSettingsDir(), news_downloader_config_file)) news_downloader_settings:saveSetting(config_key_custom_dl_dir, ("%s/"):format(path)) news_downloader_settings:flush() logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: Coping to new download folder previous feed_config_file from: ", feed_config_path) FFIUtil.copyFile(feed_config_path, ("%s/%s"):format(path, feed_config_file)) initialized = false self:lazyInitialization() end, }:chooseDir() end function NewsDownloader:onCloseDocument() local document_full_path = self.ui.document.file if document_full_path and news_download_dir_path and news_download_dir_path == string.sub(document_full_path, 1, string.len(news_download_dir_path)) then logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: document_full_path:", document_full_path) logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: news_download_dir_path:", news_download_dir_path) logger.dbg("NewsDownloader: removing NewsDownloader file from history.") ReadHistory:removeItemByPath(document_full_path) end end return NewsDownloader