-- This plugin allows for inspecting KOReader's internal objects, -- calling methods, sending events... over HTTP. local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local Device = require("device") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local Event = require("ui/event") local ffiUtil = require("ffi/util") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template local HttpInspector = WidgetContainer:extend{ name = "httpinspector", } -- A plugin gets instantiated on each document load and reader/FM switch. -- Ensure autostart only on KOReader startup, and keep the running state -- across document load and reader/FM switch. local should_run = G_reader_settings:isTrue("httpinspector_autostart") function HttpInspector:init() self.port = G_reader_settings:readSetting("httpinspector_port", "8080") if should_run then -- Delay this until after all plugins are loaded UIManager:nextTick(function() self:start() end) end self.ui.menu:registerToMainMenu(self) end function HttpInspector:isRunning() return self.http_socket ~= nil end function HttpInspector:onEnterStandby() logger.dbg("HttpInspector: onEnterStandby") if self:isRunning() then self:stop() end end function HttpInspector:onSuspend() logger.dbg("HttpInspector: onSuspend") if self:isRunning() then self:stop() end end function HttpInspector:onExit() logger.dbg("HttpInspector: onExit") if self:isRunning() then self:stop() end end function HttpInspector:onCloseWidget() logger.dbg("HttpInspector: onCloseWidget") if self:isRunning() then self:stop() end end function HttpInspector:onLeaveStandby() logger.dbg("HttpInspector: onLeaveStandby") if should_run and not self:isRunning() then self:start() end end function HttpInspector:onResume() logger.dbg("HttpInspector: onResume") if should_run and not self:isRunning() then self:start() end end function HttpInspector:start() logger.dbg("HttpInspector: Starting server...") -- Make a hole in the Kindle's firewall if Device:isKindle() then os.execute(string.format("%s %s %s", "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport", self.port, "-m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT")) os.execute(string.format("%s %s %s", "iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport", self.port, "-m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT")) end -- Using a simple LuaSocket based TCP server instead of a ZeroMQ based one -- seems to solve strange issues with Chrome. -- local ServerClass = require("ui/message/streammessagequeueserver") local ServerClass = require("ui/message/simpletcpserver") self.http_socket = ServerClass:new{ host = "*", port = self.port, receiveCallback = function(data, id) return self:onRequest(data, id) end, } self.http_socket:start() self.http_messagequeue = UIManager:insertZMQ(self.http_socket) logger.dbg("HttpInspector: Server listening on port " .. self.port) end function HttpInspector:stop() logger.dbg("HttpInspector: Stopping server...") -- Plug the hole in the Kindle's firewall if Device:isKindle() then os.execute(string.format("%s %s %s", "iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport", self.port, "-m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT")) os.execute(string.format("%s %s %s", "iptables -D OUTPUT -p tcp --sport", self.port, "-m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT")) end if self.http_socket then self.http_socket:stop() self.http_socket = nil end if self.http_messagequeue then UIManager:removeZMQ(self.http_messagequeue) self.http_messagequeue = nil end logger.dbg("HttpInspector: Server stopped.") end function HttpInspector:addToMainMenu(menu_items) menu_items.httpremote = { text = _("KOReader HTTP inspector"), sorting_hint = ("more_tools"), sub_item_table = { { text_func = function() if self:isRunning() then return _("Stop HTTP server") else return _("Start HTTP server") end end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) if self:isRunning() then should_run = false self:stop() else should_run = true self:start() end touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }, { text_func = function() if self:isRunning() then return T(_("Listening on port %1"), self.port) else return _("Not running") end end, enabled_func = function() return self:isRunning() end, separator = true, }, { text = _("Auto start HTTP server"), checked_func = function() return G_reader_settings:isTrue("httpinspector_autostart") end, callback = function() G_reader_settings:flipNilOrFalse("httpinspector_autostart") end, }, { text_func = function() return T(_("Port: %1"), self.port) end, keep_menu_open = true, callback = function(touchmenu_instance) local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local port_dialog port_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Set custom port"), input = self.port, input_type = "number", input_hint = _("Port number (default is 8080)"), buttons = { { { text = _("Cancel"), id = "close", callback = function() UIManager:close(port_dialog) end, }, { text = _("OK"), -- keep_menu_open = true, callback = function() local port = port_dialog:getInputValue() logger.warn("port", port) if port and port >= 1 and port <= 65535 then self.port = port G_reader_settings:saveSetting("httpinspector_port", port) if self:isRunning() then self:stop() self:start() end end UIManager:close(port_dialog) touchmenu_instance:updateItems() end, }, }, }, } UIManager:show(port_dialog) port_dialog:onShowKeyboard() end, } }, } end local HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE = { [200] = 'OK', [201] = 'Created', [202] = 'Accepted', [204] = 'No Content', [301] = 'Moved Permanently', [302] = 'Found', [304] = 'Not Modified', [400] = 'Bad Request', [401] = 'Unauthorized', [403] = 'Forbidden', [404] = 'Not Found', [405] = 'Method Not Allowed', [406] = 'Not Acceptable', [408] = 'Request Timeout', [410] = 'Gone', [500] = 'Internal Server Error', [501] = 'Not Implemented', [503] = 'Service Unavailable', } local CTYPE = { CSS = "text/css", HTML = "text/html", JS = "application/javascript", JSON = "application/json", PNG = "image/png", TEXT = "text/plain", } function HttpInspector:sendResponse(reqinfo, http_code, content_type, body) if not http_code then http_code = 400 end if not body then body = "" end if type(body) ~= "string" then body = tostring(body) end local response = {} -- StreamMessageQueueServer:send() closes the connection, so announce -- that with HTTP/1.0 and a "Connection: close" header. table.insert(response, T("HTTP/1.0 %1 %2", http_code, HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE[http_code] or "Unspecified")) -- If no content type provided, let the browser sniff it if content_type then -- Advertize all our text as being UTF-8 local charset = "" if util.stringStartsWith(content_type, "text/") then charset = "; charset=utf-8" end table.insert(response, T("Content-Type: %1%2", content_type, charset)) end if http_code == 302 then table.insert(response, T("Location: %1", body)) body = "" end table.insert(response, T("Content-Length: %1", #body)) table.insert(response, "Connection: close") table.insert(response, "") table.insert(response, body) response = table.concat(response, "\r\n") logger.dbg("HttpInspector: Sending response: " .. response:sub(1, 200)) if self.http_socket then -- in case the plugin is gone... self.http_socket:send(response, reqinfo.request_id) end end -- Process a uri, stepping one fragment (consider ? / = as separators) local stepUriFragment = function(uri) local ftype, fragment, remain = uri:match("^([/=?]*)([^/=?]+)(.*)$") if ftype then return ftype, fragment, remain end -- it ends with a separator: return it return uri, nil, nil end -- Parse multiple variables from uri, guessing their Lua type -- ie with uri: nil/true/false/"true"/-1.2/"/"/abc/""/'d"/ef'/ -- Nb args: 9 -- 1: nil: nil -- 2: boolean: true -- 3: boolean: false -- 4: string: true -- 5: number: -1.2 -- 6: string: / -- 7: string: abc -- 8: string: -- 9: string: d"/ef local getVariablesFromUri = function(uri) local vars = {} local nb_vars = 0 if not uri then return vars, nb_vars end local stop_char local var_start_idx local var_end_idx local end_idx = #uri local quoted for i = 1, end_idx do local c = uri:sub(i,i) local skip = false if not stop_char then if c == "'" or c == '"' then stop_char = c var_start_idx = i + 1 quoted = true skip = true elseif c == "/" then skip = true else stop_char = "/" var_start_idx = i quoted = false end end if not skip then if c == stop_char or i == end_idx then var_end_idx = c == stop_char and i-1 or i local text = uri:sub(var_start_idx, var_end_idx) -- (We properly get an empty string if var_end_idx= firstline then if not lines then lines = {} end table.insert(lines, line) end if num >= lastline then break end num = num + 1 end f:close() end end info = { source = path, firstline = firstline, lastline = lastline, } if lines then local signature = util.trim(lines[1]) info.signature = signature -- Try to guess (possibly wrongly) a few info from the signature string local dummy, cnt dummy, cnt = signature:gsub("%(%)","") -- check for "()", no arg if cnt > 0 then info.nb_args = 0 else dummy, cnt = signature:gsub(",","") -- check for nb of commas info.nb_args = cnt and cnt + 1 or 1 end dummy, cnt = signature:gsub("%.%.%.","") -- check for "...", varargs if cnt > 0 then info.nb_args = -1 end dummy, cnt = signature:gsub("^[^(]*:","") info.is_method = cnt > 0 info.classname = signature:gsub(".-(%w+):.*","%1") end _function_info_cache[hash] = info if not full_code then return info end info = util.tableDeepCopy(info) info.lines = lines return info end -- Guess class name of an object local guessClassName = function(obj) -- Look for some common methods we could infer a class from (add more as needed) local classic_method_names = { "init", "new", "getSize", "paintTo", "onReadSettings", "onResume", "onSuspend", "onMenuHold", "beforeSuspend", "initNetworkManager", "free", "clear", } -- For an instance, we won't probably find them in the table itself, so we'll have to look -- into its first metatable local meta_table = getmetatable(obj) local test_method, meta_test_method for _, method_name in ipairs(classic_method_names) do test_method = rawget(obj, method_name) if test_method then break end if meta_table and not meta_test_method then meta_test_method = rawget(meta_table, method_name) end end if not test_method then test_method = meta_test_method end if test_method then local func_info = getFunctionInfo(test_method) return func_info.classname end end -- Nothing below is made available to translators: we output technical details -- in HTML, for power users and developers, who should be fine with english. local HOME_CONTENT = [[ KOReader inspector
Welcome to KOReader inspector HTTP server!

This service is aimed at developers, use at your own risk.

Browse core objects:
  • ui the current application (ReaderUI or FileManager).
  • device the Device object (get a screenshot: device/screen/bb).
  • UIManager and its window stack.
  • g_settings your global settings saved as settings.reader.lua. Send an event:
  • list of dispatcher/gestures actions.
  • (or broadcast an event if you know what you are doing.)
  • ]] -- Other ideas for entry points: -- - Browse filesystem, koreader and library, allow upload of books -- - Stream live crash.log -- Process HTTP request function HttpInspector:onRequest(data, request_id) -- Keep track of request info so nested calls can send the response local reqinfo = { request_id = request_id, fragments = {}, } local method, uri = data:match("^(%u+) ([^\n]*) HTTP/%d%.%d\r?\n.*") -- We only need to support GET, with our special simple URI syntax/grammar if method ~= "GET" then return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 405, CTYPE.TEXT, "Only GET supported") end reqinfo.uri = uri -- Decode any %-encoded stuff (should be ok to do it that early) uri = util.urlDecode(uri) logger.dbg("HttpInspector: Received request:", method, uri) if not util.stringStartsWith(uri, "/koreader/") then -- Anything else is static content. -- We allow the user to put anything he'd like to in /koreder/web/ and have -- this content served as the main content, which can allow building a web -- app with HTML/CSS/JS to interact with the API exposed under /koreader/. if uri == "/" then uri = "/index.html" end -- No security/sanity check for now local filepath = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/web" .. uri if uri == "/favicon.ico" then -- hijack this one to return our icon filepath = "resources/koreader.png" end local f = io.open(filepath, "rb") if f then data = f:read("*all") f:close() return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, nil, data) -- let content-type be sniffed end if uri == "/index.html" then -- / but no /web/index.html created by the user: redirect to our /koreader/ return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 302, nil, "/koreader/") end return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 404, CTYPE.TEXT, "Static file not found: koreader/web" .. uri) end -- Request starts with /koreader/, followed by some predefined entry point local ftype, fragment ftype, fragment, uri = stepUriFragment(uri) -- skip "/koreader" reqinfo.parsed_uri = ftype .. fragment table.insert(reqinfo.fragments, 1, fragment) ftype, fragment, uri = stepUriFragment(uri) if not fragment then return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.HTML, HOME_CONTENT) -- return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 400, CTYPE.TEXT, "Missing entry point.") end reqinfo.prev_parsed_uri = reqinfo.parsed_uri reqinfo.parsed_uri = reqinfo.parsed_uri .. ftype .. fragment table.insert(reqinfo.fragments, 1, fragment) -- We allow browsing a few of our core objects if fragment == "ui" then return self:exposeObject(self.ui, uri, reqinfo) elseif fragment == "device" then return self:exposeObject(Device, uri, reqinfo) elseif fragment == "g_settings" then return self:exposeObject(G_reader_settings, uri, reqinfo) elseif fragment == "UIManager" then return self:exposeObject(UIManager, uri, reqinfo) elseif fragment == "event" then return self:exposeEvent(uri, reqinfo) elseif fragment == "broadcast" then return self:exposeBroadcastEvent(uri, reqinfo) end return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 404, CTYPE.TEXT, "Unknown entry point.") end -- Navigate object and its children according to uri, reach the -- final object and act depending on its type and what's requested function HttpInspector:exposeObject(obj, uri, reqinfo) local ftype, fragment local parent = obj local current_key while true do -- process URI local obj_type = type(obj) if ftype and fragment then reqinfo.prev_parsed_uri = reqinfo.parsed_uri reqinfo.parsed_uri = reqinfo.parsed_uri .. ftype .. fragment table.insert(reqinfo.fragments, 1, fragment) end ftype, fragment, uri = stepUriFragment(uri) if obj_type == "table" then if ftype == "/" then if not fragment then -- URI ends with 'object/': send a HTML page describing all this object's key/values return self:browseObject(obj, reqinfo) else -- URI continues with 'object/key' parent = obj local as_number = tonumber(fragment) fragment = as_number or fragment current_key = fragment obj = obj[fragment] if obj == nil then return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 404, CTYPE.TEXT, "No such table/object key: "..fragment) end -- continue loop to process this children of our object end elseif ftype == "" then -- URI ends with 'object' (without a trailing /): output it as JSON if possible local ok, json = pcall(getAsJsonString, obj) if ok then return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.JSON, json) else -- Probably nested/recursive data structures (ie. a widget with self.dialog pointing to a parent) return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 500, CTYPE.TEXT, json) end else return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 400, CTYPE.TEXT, "Invalid request: unexepected token after "..reqinfo.parsed_uri) end elseif obj_type == "function" then if ftype == "?" and not fragment then -- URI ends with 'function?' : output some documentation about that function return self:showFunctionDetails(obj, reqinfo) elseif ftype == "/" or ftype == "?/" then -- URI ends or continues with 'function/': call function, output return values as JSON -- If 'function?/': do the same but output HTML, helpful for debugging if fragment and uri then -- put back first argument into uri uri = fragment .. uri end return self:callFunction(obj, parent, uri, ftype == "?/", reqinfo) else -- Nothing else accepted return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 400, CTYPE.TEXT, "Invalid request on function: use a trailing / to call, or ? to get details") end elseif obj_type == "cdata" or obj_type == "userdata" or obj_type == "thread" then -- We can't do much on these Lua types. -- But try to guess if it's a BlitBuffer, that we can render as PNG ! local ok, is_bb = pcall(function() return obj.writePNG ~= nil end) if ok and is_bb then local tmpfile = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/cache/tmp_bb.png" ok = pcall(obj.writePNG, obj, tmpfile) if ok then local f = io.open(tmpfile, "rb") if f then local data = f:read("*all") f:close() os.remove(tmpfile) return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.PNG, data) end end end return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 403, CTYPE.TEXT, "Can't act on object of type: "..obj_type) else -- Simple Lua types: string, number, boolean, nil if ftype == "" then -- Return it as text return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.TEXT, tostring(obj)) elseif (ftype == "=" or ftype == "?=") and fragment and uri then -- 'property=value': assign value to property -- 'property?=value': same, but output HTML allowing to get back to the parent uri = fragment .. uri -- put back first frament into uri local args, nb_args = getVariablesFromUri(uri) if nb_args ~= 1 then return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 400, CTYPE.TEXT, "Variable assignment needs a single value") end local value = args[1] parent[current_key] = value -- do what is asked: assign it if ftype == "=" then return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.TEXT, T("Variable '%1' assigned with: %2", reqinfo.parsed_uri, tostring(value))) else value = tostring(value) local html = {} local add_html = function(h) table.insert(html, h) end local html_quoted_value = value:gsub("&", "&"):gsub(">", ">"):gsub("<", "<") add_html(T("%1.%2=%3", reqinfo.fragments[2], reqinfo.fragments[1], html_quoted_value)) add_html(T("
    Variable '%1' assigned with: %2", reqinfo.parsed_uri, value))
                        add_html(T("Browse back to container object.", reqinfo.prev_parsed_uri))
                        html = table.concat(html, "\n")
                        return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.HTML, html)
                elseif ftype == "?" then
                    return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 400, CTYPE.TEXT, "No documentation available on simple types.")
                    -- Nothing else accepted
                    return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 400, CTYPE.TEXT, "Invalid request on variable")
        return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 400, CTYPE.TEXT, "Unexepected request") -- luacheck: ignore 511
    -- Send a HTML page describing all this object's key/values
    function HttpInspector:browseObject(obj, reqinfo)
        local html = {}
        local add_html = function(h) table.insert(html, h) end
        -- We want to display keys sorted by value kind
        local KIND_OTHER    = 1 -- string/number/boolean/nil/cdata...
        local KIND_TABLE    = 2 -- table/object
        local KIND_FUNCTION = 3 -- function/method
        local html_by_obj_kind
        local reset_html_by_obj_kind = function() html_by_obj_kind = { {}, {}, {} } end
        local add_html_to_obj_kind = function(kind, h) table.insert(html_by_obj_kind[kind], h) end
        local get_html_snippet = function(key, value, uri)
            local href = uri .. key
            local value_type = type(value)
            if value_type == "table" then
                local pad = ""
                local classinfo = guessClassName(value)
                if classinfo then
                    pad = (" "):rep(32 - #(tostring(key)))
                return T("J  %3 %4%5", href, href, key, pad, classinfo or ""), KIND_TABLE
            elseif value_type == "function" then
                local pad = (" "):rep(30 - #key)
                local func_info = getFunctionInfo(value)
                local siginfo = (func_info.is_method and "M" or "f") .. " " .. (func_info.nb_args >= 0 and func_info.nb_args or "*")
                return T("   %2() %3%4 %5", href, key, pad, siginfo, func_info.signature), KIND_FUNCTION
            elseif value_type == "string" or value_type == "number" or value_type == "boolean" or value_type == "nil" then
                -- This is not totally fullproof (\n will be eaten by Javascript prompt(), other stuff may fail or get corrupted),
                -- but it should be ok for simple strings.
                local quoted_value
                local html_value
                if value_type == "string" then
                    quoted_value = '\\"' .. value:gsub('\\', '\\\\'):gsub('"', '"'):gsub("'", "'"):gsub('\n', '\\n'):gsub('<', '<'):gsub('>', '>') .. '\\"'
                    html_value = value:gsub("&", "&"):gsub('"', """):gsub(">", ">"):gsub("<", "<")
                    if html_value:match("\n") then
                        -- Newline in string: make it stand out
                        html_value = T("%1", html_value)
                    quoted_value = tostring(value)
                    html_value = tostring(value)
                local ondblclick = T([[ondblclick='(function(){
                        var t=prompt("Update value of property: %1", "%2");
                        if (t!=null) {document.location.href="%3?="+t}
                        else {return false;}
                      })(); return false;']], key, quoted_value, href)
                return T("   %1: %3", key, ondblclick, html_value), KIND_OTHER
                if value_type == "cdata" then
                    local ok, is_bb = pcall(function() return value.writePNG ~= nil end)
                    if ok and is_bb then
                        return T("   %2  BlitBuffer %3bpp %4x%5", href, key, value.getBpp(), value.w, value.h), KIND_OTHER
                return T("   %1: %2", key, value_type), KIND_OTHER
        -- add_html("")
        -- A little header may help noticing the page is updated (the browser url bar
        -- just above is usually updates before the page is loaded)
        add_html(T("%1", reqinfo.parsed_uri))
    %1/", reqinfo.parsed_uri))
        local classinfo = guessClassName(obj)
        if classinfo then
            add_html(T("  %1 instance", classinfo))
        -- Keep track of names seen, so we can show these same names
        -- in super classes lighter, as they are then overriden.
        local seen_names = {}
        local seen_prefix = ""
        local seen_suffix = ""
        local prelude = ""
        while obj do
            local has_items = false
            for key, value in ffiUtil.orderedPairs(obj) do
                local ignore = key == "__index"
                if not ignore then
                    local snippet, kind = get_html_snippet(key, value, reqinfo.uri)
                    if seen_names[key] then
                        add_html_to_obj_kind(kind, prelude .. seen_prefix .. snippet .. seen_suffix)
                        add_html_to_obj_kind(kind, prelude .. snippet)
                    seen_names[key] = true
                    prelude = ""
                    has_items = true
            for _, kind in ipairs(KINDS) do
                for _, htm in ipairs(html_by_obj_kind[kind]) do
            if not has_items then
                add_html("(empty table/object)")
            obj = getmetatable(obj)
            if obj then
                prelude = "
    " classinfo = guessClassName(obj) if classinfo then add_html(prelude .. T(" %1", classinfo)) prelude = "" end end end add_html("
    ") html = table.concat(html, "\n") return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.HTML, html) end -- Send a HTML page describing a function or method function HttpInspector:showFunctionDetails(obj, reqinfo) local html = {} local add_html = function(h) table.insert(html, h) end local base_uri = reqinfo.parsed_uri local func_info = getFunctionInfo(obj, true) add_html(T("%1?", reqinfo.fragments[1])) add_html(T("
    %1", reqinfo.parsed_uri))
        add_html(T("  %1", func_info.signature))
        add_html(T("This is a %1, accepting or requiring up to %2 arguments.", (func_info.is_method and "method" or "function"), func_info.nb_args >= 0 and func_info.nb_args or "many"))
        add_html("We can't tell you more, neither what type of arguments it expects, and what it will do (it may crash or let KOReader in an unusable state).")
        add_html("Only values of simple type (string, number, boolean, nil) can be provided as arguments and returned as results. Functions expecting tables or objects will most probably fail. Call at your own risk!")
        local output_sample_uris = function(token)
            local some_uri = base_uri .. token
            local pad = (" "):rep(#base_uri + 25 - #some_uri)
            add_html(T("%2 %3 without args", some_uri, some_uri, pad))
            local nb_args = func_info.nb_args >= 0 and func_info.nb_args or 4 -- limit to 4 if varargs
            for i=1, nb_args do
                if i > 1 then
                    some_uri = some_uri .. "/"
                some_uri = some_uri .. "arg" .. tostring(i)
                pad = (" "):rep(#base_uri + 25 - #some_uri)
                add_html(T("%1 %2 with %3 args", some_uri, pad, i))
        add_html("It may be called, to get results as HTML, with:")
        add_html("It may be called, to get results as JSON, with:")
        local dummy, git_commit = require("version"):getNormalizedCurrentVersion()
        local github_uri = T("https://github.com/koreader/koreader/blob/%1/%2#L%3", git_commit, func_info.source, func_info.firstline)
        add_html(T("Here's a snippet of the function code (it can be viewed with syntax coloring and line numbers on Github):", github_uri))
    ") for _, line in ipairs(func_info.lines) do add_html(line) end add_html("\n
    ") add_html("
    ") html = table.concat(html, "\n") return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.HTML, html) end -- Call a function or method, send results as JSON or HTML function HttpInspector:callFunction(func, instance, args_as_uri, output_html, reqinfo) local html = {} local add_html = function(h) table.insert(html, h) end local args, nb_args = getVariablesFromUri(args_as_uri) local func_info = getFunctionInfo(func) if output_html then add_html(T("%1(%2)", reqinfo.fragments[1], args_as_uri or "")) add_html(T("
    %1 (%2)", reqinfo.parsed_uri, args_as_uri or ""))
            add_html(T("  %1", func_info.signature))
            add_html(T("Nb args: %1", nb_args))
            for i=1, nb_args do
                local arg = args[i]
                add_html(T("  %1: %2: %3", i, type(arg), tostring(arg)))
        local res, nbr, http_code, json, ok, ok2, err, trace
        if func_info.is_method then
            res = table.pack(xpcall(func, debug.traceback, instance, unpack(args, 1, nb_args)))
            res = table.pack(xpcall(func, debug.traceback, unpack(args, 1, nb_args)))
        ok = res[1]
        if ok then
            http_code = 200
            table.remove(res, 1) -- remove pcall's ok
            -- table.pack and JSON.encode may use this "n" key value to set the nb
            -- of element and guess it is an array. Keep it updated.
            nbr = res["n"]
            if nbr then
                nbr = nbr - 1
                res["n"] = nbr
                if nbr == 0 then
                    res = nil
            if res == nil then
                -- getAsJsonString would return "null", let's return an empty array instead
                json = "[]"
                ok2, json = pcall(getAsJsonString, res)
                if not ok2 then
                    json = "[ 'can't be reprensented as json' ]"
            http_code = 500
            -- On error, instead of the array on success, let's return an object,
            -- with keys 'error' and "stacktrace"
            err, trace = res[2]:match("^(.-)\n(.*)$")
            json = getAsJsonString({["error"] = err, ["stacktrace"] = trace})
        if output_html then
            local bgcolor = ok and "#bbffbb" or "#ffbbbb"
            local status = ok and "Success" or "Failure"
            add_html(T("%2", bgcolor, status))
            if ok then
                add_html(T("Nb returned values: %1", nbr))
                for i=1, nbr do
                    local r = res[i]
                    add_html(T("  %1: %2: %3", i, type(r), tostring(r)))
                add_html("Returned values as JSON:")
    ") html = table.concat(html, "\n") return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, http_code, CTYPE.HTML, html) else return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, http_code, CTYPE.JSON, json) end end -- Handy function for testing the above, to be called with: -- /koreader/ui/httpinspector/someFunctionForInteractiveTesting?/ function HttpInspector:someFunctionForInteractiveTesting(...) if select(1, ...) then HttpInspector.foo.bar = true -- error end return self and self.name or "no self", #(table.pack(...)), "original args follow", ... -- Copy and append this as args to the url, to get an error: -- /true/nil/true/false/"true"/-1.2/"/"/abc/'d"/ef'/ -- and to get a success: -- /false/nil/true/false/"true"/-1.2/"/"/abc/'d"/ef'/ end local _dispatcher_actions local getOrderedDispatcherActions = function() if _dispatcher_actions then return _dispatcher_actions end local Dispatcher = require("dispatcher") local settings, order local n = 1 while true do local name, value = debug.getupvalue(Dispatcher.init, n) if not name then break end if name == "settingsList" then settings = value break end n = n + 1 end while true do local name, value = debug.getupvalue(Dispatcher.registerAction, n) if not name then break end if name == "dispatcher_menu_order" then order = value break end n = n + 1 end -- Copied and pasted from Dispatcher (we can't reach that the same way as above) local section_list = { {"general", _("General")}, {"device", _("Device")}, {"screen", _("Screen and lights")}, {"filemanager", _("File browser")}, {"reader", _("Reader")}, {"rolling", _("Reflowable documents (epub, fb2, txt…)")}, {"paging", _("Fixed layout documents (pdf, djvu, pics…)")}, } _dispatcher_actions = {} for _, section in ipairs(section_list) do table.insert(_dispatcher_actions, section[2]) local section_key = section[1] for _, k in ipairs(order) do if settings[k][section_key] == true then local t = util.tableDeepCopy(settings[k]) t.dispatcher_id = k table.insert(_dispatcher_actions, t) end end end -- Add a useful one table.insert(_dispatcher_actions, 2, { general=true, separator=true, event="Close", category="none", title="Close top most widget"}) return _dispatcher_actions end function HttpInspector:exposeEvent(uri, reqinfo) local ftype, fragment -- luacheck: no unused ftype, fragment, uri = stepUriFragment(uri) -- luacheck: no unused if fragment then -- Event name and args provided. -- We may get multiple events, separated by a dummy arg /&/ local events = {} local ev_names = {fragment} local cur_ev_args = {fragment} local args, nb_args = getVariablesFromUri(uri) for i=1, nb_args do local arg = args[i] if arg ~= "&" then if #cur_ev_args == 0 then table.insert(ev_names, arg) end table.insert(cur_ev_args, arg) else table.insert(events, Event:new(table.unpack(cur_ev_args))) cur_ev_args = {} end end if #cur_ev_args > 0 then table.insert(events, Event:new(table.unpack(cur_ev_args))) end -- As events may switch/reload the document, or exit/restart KOReader, -- we delay them a bit so we can send the HTTP response and properly -- shutdown the HTTP server UIManager:nextTick(function() for _, ev in ipairs(events) do UIManager:sendEvent(ev) end end) return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.TEXT, T("Event sent: %1", table.concat(ev_names, ", "))) end -- No event provided. -- We want to show the list of actions exposed by Dispatcher (that are all handled as Events). local actions = getOrderedDispatcherActions() -- if true then return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.JSON, getAsJsonString(actions)) end local html = {} local add_html = function(h) table.insert(html, h) end add_html(T("High-level KOReader events")) add_html(T("
    List of high-level KOReader events\n(all those available as actions for gestures and profiles)"))
        for _, action in ipairs(actions) do
            if type(action) == "string" then
    %1", action)) elseif action.condition == false then -- Some bottom menu are just disabled on all devices, -- so just don't show any disabled action do end -- luacheck: ignore 541 else local active = false if action.general or action.device or action.screen then active = true elseif action.reader and self.ui.view then active = true elseif action.rolling and self.ui.rolling then active = true elseif action.paging and self.ui.paging then active = true elseif action.filemanager and self.ui.onSwipeFM then active = true end local title = action.title if not active then title = T("%1 (no effect on current application/document)", title) end add_html(T("%1", title)) -- Same messy logic as in Dispatcher:execute() (not everything has been tested). local get_base_href = function() return reqinfo.parsed_uri .. (action.event and "/"..action.event or "") end if action.configurable then -- Such actions sends a first (possibly single with KOpt settings) event -- to update the setting value for the bottom menu -- We'll have to insert it in our single URL which may then carry 2 events get_base_href = function(v, is_indice, single) return T("%1/%2/%3/%4%5", reqinfo.parsed_uri, "ConfigChange", action.configurable.name, is_indice and action.configurable.values[v] or v, single and "" or (action.event and "/&/"..action.event or "")) end end if action.category == "none" then -- Shouldn't have any 'configurable' local href if action.arg ~= nil then href = T("%1/%2", get_base_href(), tostring(action.arg)) else href = get_base_href() end add_html(T(" %1", href)) elseif action.category == "string" then -- Multiple values, can have a 'configurable' local args, toggle if not action.args and action.args_func then args, toggle = action.args_func() else args, toggle = action.args, action.toggle end if type(args[1]) == "table" then add_html(T(" %1/... unsupported (table arguments)", get_base_href("..."))) else for i=1, #args do local href = T("%1/%2", get_base_href(i, true), tostring(args[i])) local unit = action.unit and " "..action.unit or "" local default = args[i] == action.default and " (default)" or "" add_html(T(" %1 \t%2%3%4", href, toggle[i], unit, default)) end end elseif action.category == "absolutenumber" then local suggestions = {} if action.configurable and action.configurable.values then for num, val in ipairs(action.configurable.values) do local unit = action.unit and " "..action.unit or "" local default = val == action.default and " (default)" or "" table.insert(suggestions, { val, T("%1%2%3", val, unit, default) }) end else local min, max = action.min, action.max if min == -1 and max > 1 then table.insert(suggestions, { min, "off / none" }) min = 0 end table.insert(suggestions, { min, "min" }) -- Add interesting values for specific actions if action.dispatcher_id == "page_jmp" then table.insert(suggestions, { -1, "-1 page" }) end table.insert(suggestions, { (min + max)/2, "" }) if action.dispatcher_id == "page_jmp" then table.insert(suggestions, { 1, "+1 page" }) end table.insert(suggestions, { max, "max" }) end for _, suggestion in ipairs(suggestions) do local href = T("%1/%2", get_base_href(suggestion[1]), tostring(suggestion[1])) add_html(T(" %1 \t%2", href, suggestion[2])) end elseif action.category == "incrementalnumber" then -- Shouldn't have any 'configurable' local suggestions = {} local min, max = action.min, action.max table.insert(suggestions, { min, "min" }) if action.step then for i=1, 5 do min = min + action.step table.insert(suggestions, { min, "" }) end else table.insert(suggestions, { (min + max)/2, "" }) end table.insert(suggestions, { max, "max" }) for _, suggestion in ipairs(suggestions) do local href = T("%1/%2", get_base_href(suggestion[1]), tostring(suggestion[1])) add_html(T(" %1 \t%2", href, suggestion[2])) end elseif action.category == "arg" then add_html(T(" %1/... unsupported (gesture arguments)", get_base_href("..."))) elseif action.category == "configurable" then -- No other action event to send for i=1, #action.configurable.values do local href = T("%1", get_base_href(i, true)) add_html(T(" %1 \t%2", href, action.toggle[i])) end else -- Should not happen add_html(T(" %1/... not implemented", get_base_href("..."))) add_html(getAsJsonString(action)) end if action.separator then add_html("") end end end add_html("
    ") html = table.concat(html, "\n") return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.HTML, html) end function HttpInspector:exposeBroadcastEvent(uri, reqinfo) -- Similar to previous one, without any list. local ftype, fragment -- luacheck: no unused ftype, fragment, uri = stepUriFragment(uri) -- luacheck: no unused if fragment then -- Event name and args provided. -- We may get multiple events, separated by a dummy arg /&/ local events = {} local ev_names = {fragment} local cur_ev_args = {fragment} local args, nb_args = getVariablesFromUri(uri) for i=1, nb_args do local arg = args[i] if arg ~= "&" then if #cur_ev_args == 0 then table.insert(ev_names, arg) end table.insert(cur_ev_args, arg) else table.insert(events, Event:new(table.unpack(cur_ev_args))) cur_ev_args = {} end end if #cur_ev_args > 0 then table.insert(events, Event:new(table.unpack(cur_ev_args))) end -- As events may switch/reload the document, or exit/restart KOReader, -- we delay them a bit so we can send the HTTP response and properly -- shutdown the HTTP server UIManager:nextTick(function() for _, ev in ipairs(events) do UIManager:broadcastEvent(ev) end end) return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.TEXT, T("Event broadcasted: %1", table.concat(ev_names, ", "))) end -- No event provided. local html = {} local add_html = function(h) table.insert(html, h) end add_html(T("Broadcast event")) add_html(T("
    No suggestion, use at your own risk."))
        add_html(T("Usage: %1", "/koreader/broadcast/EventName/arg1/arg2"))
    ") html = table.concat(html, "\n") return self:sendResponse(reqinfo, 200, CTYPE.HTML, html) end return HttpInspector