local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local DataStorage = require("datastorage") local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry") local SQ3 = require("lua-ljsqlite3/init") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local logger = require("logger") local util = require("ffi/util") local splitFilePathName = require("util").splitFilePathName local _ = require("gettext") local T = require("ffi/util").template -- Util functions needed by this plugin, but that may be added to existing base/ffi/ files local xutil = require("xutil") -- Database definition local BOOKINFO_DB_VERSION = "2-20170701" local BOOKINFO_DB_SCHEMA = [[ -- For caching book cover and metadata CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bookinfo ( -- Internal book cache id -- (not to be used to identify a book, it may change for a same book) bcid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, -- File location and filename directory TEXT NOT NULL, -- split by dir/name so we can get all files in a directory filename TEXT NOT NULL, -- and can implement pruning of no more existing files -- Extraction status and result in_progress INTEGER, -- 0 (done), >0 : nb of tries (to avoid re-doing extractions that crashed us) unsupported TEXT, -- NULL if supported / reason for being unsupported cover_fetched TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = action of fetching cover was made (whether we got one or not) has_meta TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = has metadata (title, authors...) has_cover TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = has cover image (cover_*) cover_sizetag TEXT, -- 'M' (Medium, MosaicMenuItem) / 's' (small, ListMenuItem) -- Other properties that can be set and returned as is (not used here) -- If user doesn't want to see these (wrong metadata, offending cover...) ignore_meta TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = ignore these metadata ignore_cover TEXT, -- NULL / 'Y' = ignore this cover -- Book info pages INTEGER, -- Metadata (only these are returned by the engines) title TEXT, authors TEXT, series TEXT, language TEXT, keywords TEXT, description TEXT, -- Cover image cover_w INTEGER, -- blitbuffer width cover_h INTEGER, -- blitbuffer height cover_btype INTEGER, -- blitbuffer type (internal) cover_bpitch INTEGER, -- blitbuffer pitch (internal) cover_datalen INTEGER, -- blitbuffer uncompressed data length cover_dataz BLOB -- blitbuffer data compressed with zlib ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS dir_filename ON bookinfo(directory, filename); -- For keeping track of DB schema version CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS config ( key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT ); -- this will not override previous version value, so we'll get the old one if old schema INSERT OR IGNORE INTO config VALUES ('version', ']] .. BOOKINFO_DB_VERSION .. [['); ]] local BOOKINFO_COLS_SET = { "directory", "filename", "in_progress", "unsupported", "cover_fetched", "has_meta", "has_cover", "cover_sizetag", "ignore_meta", "ignore_cover", "pages", "title", "authors", "series", "language", "keywords", "description", "cover_w", "cover_h", "cover_btype", "cover_bpitch", "cover_datalen", "cover_dataz", } local bookinfo_values_sql = {} -- for "VALUES (?, ?, ?,...)" insert sql part for i=1, #BOOKINFO_COLS_SET do table.insert(bookinfo_values_sql, "?") end -- Build our most often used SQL queries according to columns local BOOKINFO_INSERT_SQL = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO bookinfo " .. "(" .. table.concat(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET, ",") .. ") " .. "VALUES (" .. table.concat(bookinfo_values_sql, ",") .. ")" local BOOKINFO_SELECT_SQL = "SELECT " .. table.concat(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET, ",") .. " FROM bookinfo " .. "WHERE directory=? and filename=? and in_progress=0" local BOOKINFO_IN_PROGRESS_SQL = "SELECT in_progress, filename, unsupported FROM bookinfo WHERE directory=? and filename=?" local BookInfoManager = {} function BookInfoManager:init() self.db_location = DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/bookinfo_cache.sqlite3" self.db_created = false self.db_conn = nil self.max_extract_tries = 3 -- don't try more than that to extract info from a same book self.subprocesses_collector = nil self.subprocesses_collect_interval = 10 -- do that every 10 seconds self.subprocesses_pids = {} self.subprocesses_last_added_ts = nil self.subprocesses_killall_timeout_seconds = 300 -- cleanup timeout for stuck subprocesses -- 300 seconds should be enough to open and get info from 9-10 books end -- DB management function BookInfoManager:getDbSize() local file_size = lfs.attributes(self.db_location, "size") or 0 local sstr if file_size > 1024*1024 then sstr = string.format("%4.1f MB", file_size/1024/1024) elseif file_size > 1024 then sstr = string.format("%4.1f KB", file_size/1024) else sstr = string.format("%d B", file_size) end return sstr end function BookInfoManager:createDB() local db_conn = SQ3.open(self.db_location) -- Less error cases to check if we do it that way -- Create it (noop if already there) db_conn:exec(BOOKINFO_DB_SCHEMA) -- Check version (not updated by previous exec if already there) local res = db_conn:exec("SELECT value FROM config where key='version';") if res[1][1] ~= BOOKINFO_DB_VERSION then logger.warn("BookInfo cache DB schema updated from version ", res[1][1], "to version", BOOKINFO_DB_VERSION) logger.warn("Deleting existing", self.db_location, "to recreate it") db_conn:close() os.remove(self.db_location) -- Re-create it db_conn = SQ3.open(self.db_location) db_conn:exec(BOOKINFO_DB_SCHEMA) end db_conn:close() self.db_created = true end function BookInfoManager:openDbConnection() if self.db_conn then return end if not self.db_created then self:createDB() end self.db_conn = SQ3.open(self.db_location) xutil.sqlite_set_timeout(self.db_conn, 5000) -- 5 seconds -- Prepare our most often used SQL statements self.set_stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(BOOKINFO_INSERT_SQL) self.get_stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(BOOKINFO_SELECT_SQL) self.in_progress_stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(BOOKINFO_IN_PROGRESS_SQL) end function BookInfoManager:closeDbConnection() if self.db_conn then self.db_conn:close() self.db_conn = nil end end function BookInfoManager:deleteDb() self:closeDbConnection() os.remove(self.db_location) self.db_created = false end function BookInfoManager:compactDb() -- Reduce db size (note: "when VACUUMing a database, as much as twice the -- size of the original database file is required in free disk space") -- By default, sqlite will use a temporary file in /tmp/ . On Kobo, /tmp/ -- is 16 Mb, and this will crash if DB is > 16Mb. For now, it's safer to -- use memory for temp files (which will also cause a crash when DB size -- is bigger than available memory...) local prev_size = self:getDbSize() self:openDbConnection() self.db_conn:exec("PRAGMA temp_store = 2") -- use memory for temp files -- self.db_conn:exec("VACUUM") -- Catch possible "memory or disk is full" error local ok, errmsg = pcall(self.db_conn.exec, self.db_conn, "VACUUM") -- this may take some time self:closeDbConnection() if not ok then return T(_("Failed compacting database: %1"), errmsg) end local cur_size = self:getDbSize() return T(_("Cache database size reduced from %1 to %2."), prev_size, cur_size) end -- Settings management, stored in 'config' table function BookInfoManager:loadSettings() if lfs.attributes(self.db_location, "mode") ~= "file" then -- no db, empty config self.settings = {} return end self.settings = {} self:openDbConnection() local res = self.db_conn:exec("SELECT key, value FROM config") local keys = res[1] local values = res[2] for i, key in ipairs(keys) do self.settings[key] = values[i] end end function BookInfoManager:getSetting(key) if not self.settings then self:loadSettings() end return self.settings[key] end function BookInfoManager:saveSetting(key, value) if not value or value == false or value == "" then if lfs.attributes(self.db_location, "mode") ~= "file" then -- If no db created, no need to save (and create db) an empty value return end end self:openDbConnection() local query = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)" local stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(query) if value == false then -- convert false to NULL value = nil elseif value == true then -- convert true to "Y" value = "Y" end stmt:bind(key, value) stmt:step() -- commited stmt:clearbind():reset() -- cleanup -- Reload settings, so we may get (or not if it failed) what we just saved self:loadSettings() end -- Bookinfo management function BookInfoManager:getBookInfo(filepath, get_cover) local directory, filename = splitFilePathName(filepath) self:openDbConnection() local row = self.get_stmt:bind(directory, filename):step() self.get_stmt:clearbind():reset() -- get ready for next query if not row then -- filepath not in db return nil end local bookinfo = {} for num, col in ipairs(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET) do if col == "pages" then -- See http://scilua.org/ljsqlite3.html "SQLite Type Mappings" bookinfo[col] = tonumber(row[num]) -- convert cdata to lua number else bookinfo[col] = row[num] -- as is end -- specific processing for cover columns if col == "cover_w" then if not get_cover then -- don't bother making a blitbuffer break end bookinfo["cover_bb"] = nil if bookinfo["has_cover"] then bookinfo["cover_w"] = tonumber(row[num]) bookinfo["cover_h"] = tonumber(row[num+1]) local cover_data = xutil.zlib_uncompress(row[num+5], row[num+4]) row[num+5] = nil -- release memory used by cover_dataz -- Blitbuffer.fromstring() expects : w, h, bb_type, bb_data, pitch bookinfo["cover_bb"] = Blitbuffer.fromstring(row[num], row[num+1], row[num+2], cover_data, row[num+3]) -- release memory used by uncompressed data: cover_data = nil -- luacheck: no unused end break end end return bookinfo end function BookInfoManager:extractBookInfo(filepath, cover_specs) -- This will be run in a subprocess -- Disable cre cache (that will not affect parent process), so we don't -- fill it with books we're not actually reading if not self.cre_cache_disabled then require "libs/libkoreader-cre" cre.initCache("", 1024*1024*32) -- empty path = no cache self.cre_cache_disabled = true end local directory, filename = splitFilePathName(filepath) -- Initialize the new row that we will INSERT local dbrow = { } -- Actually no need to initialize with nil values: -- for dummy, col in ipairs(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET) do -- dbrow[col] = nil -- end dbrow.directory = directory dbrow.filename = filename -- To be able to catch a BAD book we have already tried to process but -- that made us crash, and that we would try to re-process again, we first -- insert a nearly empty row with in_progress = 1 (incremented if previously set) -- (This will also flag a book being processed when the user changed paged and -- kill the previous page background process, but well...) local tried_enough = false local prev_tries = 0 -- Get nb of previous tries if record already there self:openDbConnection() self.in_progress_stmt:bind(directory, filename) local cur_in_progress = self.in_progress_stmt:step() self.in_progress_stmt:clearbind():reset() -- get ready for next query if cur_in_progress then prev_tries = tonumber(cur_in_progress[1]) end -- Increment it and check if we have already tried enough if prev_tries < self.max_extract_tries then if prev_tries > 0 then logger.dbg("Seen", prev_tries, "previous attempts at info extraction", filepath , ", trying again") end dbrow.in_progress = prev_tries + 1 -- extraction not yet successful else logger.info("Seen", prev_tries, "previous attempts at info extraction", filepath, ", too many, ignoring it.") tried_enough = true dbrow.in_progress = 0 -- row will exist, we'll never be called again dbrow.unsupported = _("too many interruptions or crashes") -- but caller will now it failed dbrow.cover_fetched = 'Y' -- so we don't try again if we're called later with cover_specs end -- Insert the temporary "in progress" record (or the definitive "unsupported" record) for num, col in ipairs(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET) do self.set_stmt:bind1(num, dbrow[col]) end self.set_stmt:step() -- commited self.set_stmt:clearbind():reset() -- get ready for next query if tried_enough then return -- Last insert done for this book, we're giving up end -- Proceed with extracting info local document = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(filepath) if document then if document.loadDocument then -- needed for crengine document:loadDocument() -- Not needed for getting props: -- document:render() -- It would be needed to get nb of pages, but the nb obtained -- by simply calling here document:getPageCount() is wrong, -- often 2 to 3 times the nb of pages we see when opening -- the document (may be some other cre settings should be applied -- before calling render() ?) else -- for all others than crengine, we seem to get an accurate nb of pages local pages = document:getPageCount() dbrow.pages = pages end local props = document:getProps() if next(props) then -- there's at least one item dbrow.has_meta = 'Y' end if props.title and props.title ~= "" then dbrow.title = props.title end if props.authors and props.authors ~= "" then dbrow.authors = props.authors end if props.series and props.series ~= "" then dbrow.series = props.series end if props.language and props.language ~= "" then dbrow.language = props.language end if props.keywords and props.keywords ~= "" then dbrow.keywords = props.keywords end if props.description and props.description ~= "" then dbrow.description = props.description end if cover_specs then local spec_sizetag = cover_specs.sizetag local spec_max_cover_w = cover_specs.max_cover_w local spec_max_cover_h = cover_specs.max_cover_h dbrow.cover_fetched = 'Y' -- we had a try at getting a cover -- XXX make picdocument return a blitbuffer of the image local cover_bb = document:getCoverPageImage() if cover_bb then dbrow.has_cover = 'Y' dbrow.cover_sizetag = spec_sizetag -- we should scale down the cover to our max size local cbb_w, cbb_h = cover_bb:getWidth(), cover_bb:getHeight() local scale_factor = 1 if cbb_w > spec_max_cover_w or cbb_h > spec_max_cover_h then -- scale down if bigger than what we will display scale_factor = math.min(spec_max_cover_w / cbb_w, spec_max_cover_h / cbb_h) cbb_w = math.min(math.floor(cbb_w * scale_factor)+1, spec_max_cover_w) cbb_h = math.min(math.floor(cbb_h * scale_factor)+1, spec_max_cover_h) local new_bb = cover_bb:scale(cbb_w, cbb_h) cover_bb:free() cover_bb = new_bb end dbrow.cover_w = cbb_w dbrow.cover_h = cbb_h dbrow.cover_btype = cover_bb:getType() dbrow.cover_bpitch = cover_bb.pitch local cover_data = Blitbuffer.tostring(cover_bb) cover_bb:free() -- free bb before compressing to save memory dbrow.cover_datalen = cover_data:len() local cover_dataz = xutil.zlib_compress(cover_data) -- release memory used by uncompressed data: cover_data = nil -- luacheck: no unused dbrow.cover_dataz = SQ3.blob(cover_dataz) -- cast to blob for sqlite logger.dbg("cover for", filename, "scaled by", scale_factor, "=>", cbb_w, "x", cbb_h, "(compressed from ", dbrow.cover_datalen, " to ", cover_dataz:len()) end end DocumentRegistry:closeDocument(filepath) else dbrow.unsupported = _("not readable by engine") dbrow.cover_fetched = 'Y' -- so we don't try again if we're called later if cover_specs end dbrow.in_progress = 0 -- extraction completed (successful or definitive failure) for num, col in ipairs(BOOKINFO_COLS_SET) do self.set_stmt:bind1(num, dbrow[col]) end self.set_stmt:step() self.set_stmt:clearbind():reset() -- get ready for next query end function BookInfoManager:setBookInfoProperties(filepath, props) -- If we need to set column=NULL, use props[column] = false (as -- props[column] = nil would make column disappear from props) local directory, filename = splitFilePathName(filepath) self:openDbConnection() -- Let's do multiple one-column UPDATE (easier than building -- a multiple columns UPDATE) local base_query = "UPDATE bookinfo SET %s=? WHERE directory=? AND filename=?" for k, v in pairs(props) do local this_prop_query = string.format(base_query, k) -- add column name to query local stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(this_prop_query) if v == false then -- convert false to nil (NULL) v = nil end stmt:bind(v, directory, filename) stmt:step() -- commited stmt:clearbind():reset() -- cleanup end end function BookInfoManager:deleteBookInfo(filepath) local directory, filename = splitFilePathName(filepath) self:openDbConnection() local query = "DELETE FROM bookinfo WHERE directory=? AND filename=?" local stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(query) stmt:bind(directory, filename) stmt:step() -- commited stmt:clearbind():reset() -- cleanup end function BookInfoManager:removeNonExistantEntries() self:openDbConnection() local res = self.db_conn:exec("SELECT bcid, directory || filename FROM bookinfo") local bcids = res[1] local filepaths = res[2] local bcids_to_remove = {} for i, filepath in ipairs(filepaths) do if lfs.attributes(filepath, "mode") ~= "file" then table.insert(bcids_to_remove, tonumber(bcids[i])) end end local query = "DELETE FROM bookinfo WHERE bcid=?" local stmt = self.db_conn:prepare(query) for i=1, #bcids_to_remove do stmt:bind(bcids_to_remove[i]) stmt:step() -- commited stmt:clearbind():reset() -- cleanup end return T(_("Removed %1 / %2 entries from cache."), #bcids_to_remove, #bcids) end -- Background extraction management function BookInfoManager:collectSubprocesses() -- We need to regularly watch if a sub-process has terminated by -- calling waitpid() so this process does not become a zombie hanging -- around till we exit. if #self.subprocesses_pids > 0 then local i = 1 while i <= #self.subprocesses_pids do -- clean in-place local pid = self.subprocesses_pids[i] if xutil.isSubProcessDone(pid) then table.remove(self.subprocesses_pids, i) else i = i + 1 end end if #self.subprocesses_pids > 0 then -- still some pids around, we'll need to collect again self.subprocesses_collector = UIManager:scheduleIn( self.subprocesses_collect_interval, function() self:collectSubprocesses() end ) -- If we're still waiting for some subprocess, and none have -- been submitted for some time, it's that one is stuck (and that -- the user has not left FileManager or changed page - that would -- have caused a terminateBackgroundJobs() - if we're here, it's -- that user has left reader in FileBrower and went away) if util.gettime() > self.subprocesses_last_added_ts + self.subprocesses_killall_timeout_seconds then logger.warn("Some subprocess were running for too long, killing them") self:terminateBackgroundJobs() -- we'll collect them next time we're run end else self.subprocesses_collector = nil end end end function BookInfoManager:terminateBackgroundJobs() logger.dbg("terminating", #self.subprocesses_pids, "subprocesses") for i=1, #self.subprocesses_pids do xutil.terminateSubProcess(self.subprocesses_pids[i]) end end function BookInfoManager:isExtractingInBackground() return #self.subprocesses_pids > 0 end function BookInfoManager:extractInBackground(files) if #files == 0 then return end -- Terminate any previous extraction background task that would be still running self:terminateBackgroundJobs() -- Close current handle on sqlite, so it's not shared by both processes -- (both processes will re-open one when needed) BookInfoManager:closeDbConnection() -- Define task that will be run in subprocess local task = function() logger.dbg(" BG extraction started") for idx = 1, #files do local filepath = files[idx].filepath local cover_specs = files[idx].cover_specs logger.dbg(" BG extracting:", filepath) self:extractBookInfo(filepath, cover_specs) util.usleep(100000) -- give main process 100ms of free cpu to do its processing end logger.dbg(" BG extraction done") end -- Run task in sub-process, and remember its pid local task_pid = xutil.runInSubProcess(task) if not task_pid then logger.warn("Failed lauching background extraction sub-process (fork failed)") return false -- let caller know it failed end table.insert(self.subprocesses_pids, task_pid) self.subprocesses_last_added_ts = util.gettime() -- We need to collect terminated jobs pids (so they do not stay "zombies" -- and fill linux processes table) -- We set a single scheduled action for that if not self.subprocesses_collector then -- there's not one already scheduled self.subprocesses_collector = UIManager:scheduleIn( self.subprocesses_collect_interval, function() self:collectSubprocesses() end ) end return true end BookInfoManager:init() return BookInfoManager