local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog") local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage") local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu") local Screen = require("ui/screen") local _ = require("gettext") local Font = require("ui/font") local calibre = "metadata.calibre" local Search = InputContainer:new{ calibrefile = nil, search_dialog = nil, authors = 1, title = 2, path = 3, tags = 4, series = 5, authors2 = 6, series_index = 7, tags2 = 8, count = 0, data = {}, results = {}, libraries = {}, browse_tags = {}, browse_series = {}, error = nil, use_previous_search_results = false } local function unichar (value) -- this function is taken from dkjson -- http://dkolf.de/src/dkjson-lua.fsl/ local floor = math.floor local strchar = string.char if value < 0 then return nil elseif value <= 0x007f then return string.char (value) elseif value <= 0x07ff then return string.char (0xc0 + floor(value/0x40),0x80 + (floor(value) % 0x40)) elseif value <= 0xffff then return string.char (0xe0 + floor(value/0x1000), 0x80 + (floor(value/0x40) % 0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value) % 0x40)) elseif value <= 0x10ffff then return string.char (0xf0 + floor(value/0x40000), 0x80 + (floor(value/0x1000) % 0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value/0x40) % 0x40), 0x80 + (floor(value) % 0x40)) else return nil end end local function fillbrowse() if _browse_tags + _browse_series == 0 then end end local function findcalibre(root) local t = nil for entity in lfs.dir(root) do if t then break else if entity ~= "." and entity ~= ".." then local fullPath=root .. "/" .. entity local mode = lfs.attributes(fullPath,"mode") if mode == "file" then if entity == calibre or entity == "." .. calibre then t = root .. "/" .. entity end elseif mode == "directory" then t = findcalibre(fullPath) end end end end return t end function Search:getCalibre(number) -- check if we find the calibre file if number == 1 then if SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH == nil then self.calibrefile = findcalibre("/mnt") if not self.calibrefile then self.error = "SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH in DEFAULTS.LUA is not set!" else settings_changed = true end else if string.sub(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH,string.len(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH)) ~= "/" then SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH .. "/" end if io.open(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH .. calibre,"r") == nil then if io.open(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH .. "." .. calibre,"r") == nil then self.error = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH .. calibre .. " not found!" else self.calibrefile = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH .. "." .. calibre end else self.calibrefile = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH .. calibre end if not (SEARCH_AUTHORS or SEARCH_TITLE or SEARCH_PATH or SEARCH_SERIES or SEARCH_TAGS) then self.calibrefile = nil UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = _("You must specify at least one field to search at! (SEARCH_XXX = true in defaults.lua)")}) elseif self.calibrefile == nil then self.calibrefile = findcalibre("/mnt") if self.calibrefile then settings_changed = true end end end else local dummy if string.sub(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH2,string.len(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH2)) ~= "/" then SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH2 = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH2 .. "/" end if io.open(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH2 .. calibre,"r") == nil then if io.open(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH2 .. "." .. calibre,"r") ~= nil then dummy = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH2 .. "." .. calibre end else dummy = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH2 .. calibre end if dummy and dummy ~= self.calibrefile then self.calibrefile = dummy else self.calibrefile = nil end end end function Search:ShowSearch() if self.calibrefile ~= nil then SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH = string.gsub(self.calibrefile,"/[^/]*$","") if string.sub(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH,string.len(SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH)) ~= "/" then SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH .. "/" end GLOBAL_INPUT_VALUE = self.search_value local dummy = GLOBAL_INPUT_VALUE self.search_dialog = InputDialog:new{ title = _("Search Books"), buttons = { { { text = _("Find"), enabled = true, callback = function() self.search_value = self.search_dialog:getInputText() if not settings_changed and self.search_value == dummy then self.use_previous_search_results = true else self.use_previous_search_results = false end self:close() end, }, }, }, width = Screen:getWidth() * 0.8, height = Screen:getHeight() * 0.2, } GLOBAL_INPUT_VALUE = nil self.search_dialog:onShowKeyboard() UIManager:show(self.search_dialog) else if self.error then UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = self.error .. _( " A search for a " .. calibre .. " file was not successful!"),}) end end end function Search:init() self.error = nil self.data = {} self.results = {} end function Search:close() self.search_dialog:onClose() UIManager:close(self.search_dialog) if string.len(self.search_value) > 0 then self:find() end end function Search:find() local f = io.open(self.calibrefile) local line = f:read() local i = 1 local upsearch local dummy local firstrun -- removes leading and closing characters and converts hex-unicodes local ReplaceHexChars = function(s,n,j) local l=string.len(s) if string.sub(s,l,l) == "\"" then s=string.sub(s,n,string.len(s)-1) else s=string.sub(s,n,string.len(s)-j) end s=string.gsub(s,"\\u([a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9])",function(w) return unichar(tonumber(w, 16)) end) return s end -- ready entries with multiple lines from calibre local ReadMultipleLines = function(s) self.data[i][s] = "" if s == self.authors then self.data[i][self.authors2] = "" elseif s == self.tags then self.data[i][self.tags2] = "" end while line ~= " ], " do line = f:read() if line ~= " ], " then self.data[i][s] = self.data[i][s] .. "," .. ReplaceHexChars(line,8,3) if s == self.authors then self.data[i][self.authors2] = self.data[i][self.authors2] .. " & " .. ReplaceHexChars(line,8,3) elseif s == self.tags then self.data[i][self.tags2] = self.data[i][self.tags2] .. " & " .. ReplaceHexChars(line,8,3) end end end self.data[i][s] = string.sub(self.data[i][s],2) if s == self.authors then self.data[i][self.authors2] = string.sub(self.data[i][self.authors2],4) elseif s == self.tags then self.data[i][self.tags2] = string.sub(self.data[i][self.tags2],4) end end if not self.use_previous_search_results then self.reults = {} self.data = {} if SEARCH_CASESENSITIVE then upsearch = self.search_value else upsearch = string.upper(self.search_value) end firstrun = true self.data[i] = {"-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"} self.libraries[i] = 1 while line do if line == " }, " or line == " }" then -- new calibre data set dummy = "" if SEARCH_AUTHORS then dummy = dummy .. self.data[i][self.authors] .. "\n" end if SEARCH_TITLE then dummy = dummy .. self.data[i][self.title] .. "\n" end if SEARCH_PATH then dummy = dummy .. self.data[i][self.path] .. "\n" end if SEARCH_SERIES then dummy = dummy .. self.data[i][self.series] .. "\n" self.browse_series[self.data[i][self.series]] = true end if SEARCH_TAGS then dummy = dummy .. self.data[i][self.tags] .. "\n" self.browse_tags[self.data[i][self.tags]] = true end if not SEARCH_CASESENSITIVE then dummy = string.upper(dummy) end if string.find(dummy,upsearch,nil,true) then i = i + 1 end self.data[i] = {"-","-","-","-","-","-","-","-"} if firstrun then self.libraries[i] = 1 else self.libraries[i] = 2 end elseif line == " \"authors\": [" then -- AUTHORS ReadMultipleLines(self.authors) elseif line == " \"tags\": [" then -- TAGS ReadMultipleLines(self.tags) elseif string.sub(line,1,11) == " \"title\"" then -- TITLE self.data[i][self.title] = ReplaceHexChars(line,15,3) elseif string.sub(line,1,11) == " \"lpath\"" then -- LPATH self.data[i][self.path] = ReplaceHexChars(line,15,3) elseif string.sub(line,1,12) == " \"series\"" and line ~= " \"series\": null, " then -- SERIES self.data[i][self.series] = ReplaceHexChars(line,16,3) elseif string.sub(line,1,18) == " \"series_index\"" and line ~= " \"series_index\": null, " then -- SERIES_INDEX self.data[i][self.series_index] = ReplaceHexChars(line,21,2) end line = f:read() if not line and firstrun then if f ~= nil then f:close() end firstrun = false self:getCalibre(2) if self.calibrefile then f = io.open(self.calibrefile) line = f:read() end end end i = i - 1 self.count = i end if self.count > 0 then self.data[self.count + 1] = nil self:showresults() else UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = _("No match for " .. self.search_value)}) end end function Search:onMenuHold(item) if item.notchecked then item.info = item.info .. item.path local f = io.open(item.path) if f == nil then item.info = item.info .. "\nFile not found!" else item.info = item.info .. "\n" .. string.format("%4.1fM",lfs.attributes(item.path, "size")/1024/1024) f:close() end item.notchecked = false end UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{text = item.info}) end function Search:showresults() local menu_container = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = Screen:getSize(), } self.search_menu = Menu:new{ width = Screen:getWidth()-15, height = Screen:getHeight()-15, show_parent = menu_container, onMenuHold = self.onMenuHold, cface = Font:getFace("cfont", 22), _manager = self, } table.insert(menu_container, self.search_menu) self.search_menu.close_callback = function() UIManager:close(menu_container) end if not self.use_previous_search_results then self.results = {} local i = 1 while i <= self.count do local dummy = _("Title: ") .. (self.data[i][self.title] or "-") .. "\n \n" .. _("Author(s): ") .. (self.data[i][self.authors2] or "-") .. "\n \n" .. _("Tags: ") .. (self.data[i][self.tags2] or "-") .. "\n \n" .. _("Series: ") .. (self.data[i][self.series] or "-") if self.data[i][self.series] ~= "-" then dummy = dummy .. " (" .. tostring(self.data[i][self.series_index]):gsub(".0$","") .. ")" end dummy = dummy .. "\n \n" .. _("Path: ") local libpath if self.libraries[i] == 1 then libpath = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH else libpath = SEARCH_LIBRARY_PATH2 end local book = libpath .. self.data[i][self.path] table.insert(self.results, { info = dummy, notchecked = true, path = libpath .. self.data[i][self.path], text = self.data[i][self.authors] .. ": " .. self.data[i][self.title], callback = function() if book then showReaderUI(book) end end }) i = i + 1 end end self.search_menu:swithItemTable("Search Results", self.results) UIManager:show(menu_container) end return Search