local CommandRunner = require("commandrunner") local PluginShare = require("pluginshare") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local WidgetContainer = require("ui/widget/container/widgetcontainer") local logger = require("logger") -- BackgroundRunner is an experimental feature to execute non-critical jobs in -- background. A job is defined as a table in PluginShare.backgroundJobs table. -- It contains at least following items: -- when: number, string or function -- number: the delay in seconds -- string: "best-effort" - the job will be started when there is no other jobs -- to be executed. -- "idle" - the job will be started when the device is idle. -- function: if the return value of the function is true, the job will be -- executed immediately. -- -- repeated: boolean or function or nil or number -- boolean: true to repeated the job once it finished. -- function: if the return value of the function is true, repeated the job -- once it finished. If the function throws an error, it equals to -- return false. -- nil: same as false. -- number: times to repeat. -- -- executable: string or function -- string: the command line to be executed. The command or binary will be -- executed in the lowest priority. Command or binary will be killed -- if it executes for over 1 hour. -- function: the action to be executed. The execution cannot be killed, but it -- will be considered as timeout if it executes for more than 1 -- second. -- If the executable times out, the job will be blocked, i.e. the repeated -- field will be ignored. -- -- environment: table or function or nil -- table: the key-value pairs of all environments set for string executable. -- function: the function to return a table of environments. -- nil: ignore. -- -- callback: function or nil -- function: the action to be executed when executable has been finished. -- Errors thrown from this function will be ignored. -- nil: ignore. -- -- If a job does not contain enough information, it will be ignored. -- -- Once the job is finished, several items will be added to the table: -- result: number, the return value of the command. In general, 0 means -- succeeded. -- For function executable, 1 if the function throws an error. -- For string executable, several predefined values indicate the -- internal errors. E.g. 223: the binary crashes. 222: the output is -- invalid. 127: the command is invalid. 255: the command timed out. -- Typically, consumers can use following states instead of hardcodeing -- the error codes. -- exception: error, the error returned from function executable. Not available -- for string executable. -- timeout: boolean, whether the command times out. -- bad_command: boolean, whether the command is not found. Not available for -- function executable. -- blocked: boolean, whether the job is blocked. -- start_sec: number, the os.time() when the job was started. -- end_sec: number, the os.time() when the job was stopped. -- insert_sec: number, the os.time() when the job was inserted into queue. local BackgroundRunner = { jobs = PluginShare.backgroundJobs, running = false, } --- Copies required fields from |job|. -- @return a new table with required fields of a valid job. function BackgroundRunner:_clone(job) assert(job ~= nil) local result = {} result.when = job.when result.repeated = job.repeated result.executable = job.executable result.callback = job.callback result.environment = job.environment return result end function BackgroundRunner:_shouldRepeat(job) if type(job.repeated) == "nil" then return false end if type(job.repeated) == "boolean" then return job.repeated end if type(job.repeated) == "function" then local status, result = pcall(job.repeated) if status then return result else return false end end if type(job.repeated) == "number" then job.repeated = job.repeated - 1 return job.repeated > 0 end return false end function BackgroundRunner:_finishJob(job) assert(self ~= nil) if type(job.executable) == "function" then job.timeout = ((job.end_sec - job.start_sec) > 1) end job.blocked = job.timeout if not job.blocked and self:_shouldRepeat(job) then self:_insert(self:_clone(job)) end if type(job.callback) == "function" then pcall(job.callback) end end --- Executes |job|. -- @treturn boolean true if job is valid. function BackgroundRunner:_executeJob(job) assert(not CommandRunner:pending()) if job == nil then return false end if job.executable == nil then return false end if type(job.executable) == "string" then CommandRunner:start(job) return true elseif type(job.executable) == "function" then job.start_sec = os.time() local status, err = pcall(job.executable) if status then job.result = 0 else job.result = 1 job.exception = err end job.end_sec = os.time() self:_finishJob(job) return true else return false end end --- Polls the status of the pending CommandRunner. function BackgroundRunner:_poll() assert(self ~= nil) assert(CommandRunner:pending()) local result = CommandRunner:poll() if result == nil then return end self:_finishJob(result) end function BackgroundRunner:_execute() logger.dbg("BackgroundRunner: _execute() @ ", os.time()) assert(self ~= nil) if CommandRunner:pending() then self:_poll() else local round = 0 while #self.jobs > 0 do local job = table.remove(self.jobs, 1) logger.dbg("BackgroundRunner: run job ", job, " @ ", os.time()) if job.insert_sec == nil then -- Jobs are first inserted to jobs table from external users. So -- they may not have insert_sec field. job.insert_sec = os.time() end local should_execute = false local should_ignore = false if type(job.when) == "function" then local status, result = pcall(job.when) if status then should_execute = result else should_ignore = true end elseif type(job.when) == "number" then if job.when >= 0 then should_execute = ((os.time() - job.insert_sec) >= job.when) else should_ignore = true end elseif type(job.when) == "string" then -- TODO(Hzj_jie): Implement "idle" mode if job.when == "best-effort" then should_execute = (round > 0) elseif job.when == "idle" then should_execute = (round > 1) else should_ignore = true end else should_ignore = true end if should_execute then assert(not should_ignore) self:_executeJob(job) break elseif not should_ignore then table.insert(self.jobs, job) end round = round + 1 if round > 2 then break end end end self.running = false if PluginShare.stopBackgroundRunner == nil then self:_schedule() else logger.dbg("BackgroundRunnerWidget: stop running @ ", os.time()) end end function BackgroundRunner:_schedule() assert(self ~= nil) if self.running == false then logger.dbg("BackgroundRunnerWidget: start running @ ", os.time()) self.running = true UIManager:scheduleIn(2, function() self:_execute() end) else logger.dbg("BackgroundRunnerWidget: a schedule is pending @ ", os.time()) end end function BackgroundRunner:_insert(job) assert(self ~= nil) job.insert_sec = os.time() table.insert(self.jobs, job) end BackgroundRunner:_schedule() local BackgroundRunnerWidget = WidgetContainer:new{ name = "backgroundrunner", runner = BackgroundRunner, } function BackgroundRunnerWidget:onSuspend() logger.dbg("BackgroundRunnerWidget:onSuspend() @ ", os.time()) PluginShare.stopBackgroundRunner = true end function BackgroundRunnerWidget:onResume() logger.dbg("BackgroundRunnerWidget:onResume() @ ", os.time()) PluginShare.stopBackgroundRunner = nil BackgroundRunner:_schedule() end return BackgroundRunnerWidget