--[[-- Displays a button that toggles between states. Used in bottom configuration panel. @usage local ToggleSwitch = require("ui/widget/toggleswitch") ]] local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer") local Device = require("device") local Font = require("ui/font") local Geom = require("ui/geometry") local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange") local HorizontalGroup = require("ui/widget/horizontalgroup") local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer") local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer") local RenderText = require("ui/rendertext") local Size = require("ui/size") local TextWidget = require("ui/widget/textwidget") local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager") local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup") local _ = require("gettext") local Screen = Device.screen local ToggleLabel = TextWidget:new{ bold = true, bgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK, } function ToggleLabel:paintTo(bb, x, y) RenderText:renderUtf8Text(bb, x, y+self._baseline_h, self.face, self.text, true, self.bold, self.fgcolor) end local ToggleSwitch = InputContainer:new{ width = Screen:scaleBySize(216), height = Size.item.height_default, bgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, -- unfocused item color fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, -- focused item color font_face = "cfont", font_size = 16, enabled = true, row_count = 1, } function ToggleSwitch:init() -- Item count per row self.n_pos = math.ceil(#self.toggle / self.row_count) self.position = nil self.toggle_frame = FrameContainer:new{ background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, radius = Size.radius.window, bordersize = Size.border.thin, padding = Size.padding.small, dim = not self.enabled, } self.toggle_content = VerticalGroup:new{} for i = 1, self.row_count do table.insert(self.toggle_content, HorizontalGroup:new{}) end local item_padding = Size.padding.default -- only used to check if text truncate needed local item_border_size = Size.border.thin local frame_inner_width = self.width - 2*self.toggle_frame.padding - 2* self.toggle_frame.bordersize local item_width = math.ceil(frame_inner_width / self.n_pos - 2*item_border_size) local item_height = self.height / self.row_count -- Note: the height provided by ConfigDialog might be smaller than needed, -- it gets too thin if we account for padding & border local center_dimen = Geom:new{ w = item_width, h = item_height, } for i = 1, #self.toggle do local text = self.toggle[i] local face = Font:getFace(self.font_face, self.font_size) local txt_width = RenderText:sizeUtf8Text(0, Screen:getWidth(), face, text, true, true).x if txt_width > item_width - item_padding then text = RenderText:truncateTextByWidth(text, face, item_width - item_padding, true, true) end local label = ToggleLabel:new{ text = text, face = face, } local content = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = center_dimen, label, } local button = FrameContainer:new{ background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE, color = Blitbuffer.COLOR_DARK_GRAY, margin = 0, radius = Size.radius.window, bordersize = item_border_size, padding = 0, content, } table.insert(self.toggle_content[math.ceil(i / self.n_pos)], button) end self.toggle_frame[1] = self.toggle_content self[1] = self.toggle_frame self.dimen = Geom:new(self.toggle_frame:getSize()) if Device:isTouchDevice() then self.ges_events = { TapSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "tap", range = self.dimen, }, doc = "Toggle switch", }, HoldSelect = { GestureRange:new{ ges = "hold", range = self.dimen, }, doc = "Hold switch", }, } end end function ToggleSwitch:update() local pos = self.position for i = 1, #self.toggle_content do local row = self.toggle_content[i] for j = 1, #row do local cell = row[j] if pos == (i - 1) * self.n_pos + j then cell.color = self.fgcolor cell.background = self.fgcolor cell[1][1].fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE else cell.color = self.bgcolor cell.background = self.bgcolor cell[1][1].fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK end end end end function ToggleSwitch:setPosition(position) self.position = position self:update() end function ToggleSwitch:togglePosition(position) if self.n_pos == 2 and self.alternate ~= false then self.position = (self.position+1)%self.n_pos self.position = self.position == 0 and self.n_pos or self.position elseif self.n_pos == 1 then self.position = self.position == 1 and 0 or 1 else self.position = position end self:update() end function ToggleSwitch:circlePosition() if self.position then self.position = (self.position+1)%self.n_pos self.position = self.position == 0 and self.n_pos or self.position self:update() end end function ToggleSwitch:calculatePosition(gev) local x = (gev.pos.x - self.dimen.x) / self.dimen.w * self.n_pos local y = (gev.pos.y - self.dimen.y) / self.dimen.h * self.row_count return math.max(1, math.ceil(x)) + math.min(self.row_count-1, math.floor(y)) * self.n_pos end function ToggleSwitch:onTapSelect(arg, gev) if not self.enabled then if self.readonly ~= true then return true else return end end if gev then local position = self:calculatePosition(gev) self:togglePosition(position) else self:circlePosition() end --[[ if self.values then self.values = self.values or {} self.config:onConfigChoice(self.name, self.values[self.position]) end if self.event then self.args = self.args or {} self.config:onConfigEvent(self.event, self.args[self.position]) end if self.events then self.config:onConfigEvents(self.events, self.position) end --]] self.config:onConfigChoose(self.values, self.name, self.event, self.args, self.events, self.position, self.delay_repaint) UIManager:setDirty(self.config, function() return "ui", self.dimen end) return true end function ToggleSwitch:onHoldSelect(arg, gev) local position = self:calculatePosition(gev) self.config:onMakeDefault(self.name, self.name_text, self.values or self.args, self.toggle, position) return true end function ToggleSwitch:onFocus() self.toggle_frame.background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK return true end function ToggleSwitch:onUnfocus() self.toggle_frame.background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE return true end return ToggleSwitch