--[[-- # Hangul-input-method Kit for Lua/KOReader ## Input method implemented: 2-beolsik (for simplicity, can retrieve many articles for implementation) ## Classes and their features * HgSylbls (= Hangul Syllables) - Determine if a character is in Hangul consonnant, vowel, initial, medial, or final character - Combine initial, medial[, and final] character into a complete syllables - Determine if a medial (or final) character can be a double one (can combine another medial (or final) one) * HgFSM (= Hangul Finite State Machine) - Process Hangul syllabus combination if the character that user inputs are valid one to be combined * UIHandler - To communicate with the actual UI text input box ## References :: Hangul syllables combination formula, Hangul unicode composition, FSM reference --]] local BaseUtil = require("ffi/util") local logger = require("logger") -- Hangul Syllables local HgSylbls = { -- Hangul character ranges in Unicode UNI_HG_BASE = 0xac00, UNI_HG_UPPER = 0xd7af, UNI_HG_CONSONNANT_BASE = 0x1100, UNI_HG_CONSONNANT_UPPER = 0x1112, UNI_HG_VOWEL_BASE = 0x1161, UNI_HG_VOWEL_UPPER = 0x1175, UNI_HG_COMPAT_CONSONNANT_BASE = 0x3131, UNI_HG_COMPAT_CONSONNANT_UPPER = 0x314e, UNI_HG_COMPAT_VOWEL_BASE = 0x314f, UNI_HG_COMPAT_VOWEL_UPPER = 0x3163, -- Initial, medial, and final characters to be combined CHARS_INITIAL = {"ㄱ", "ㄲ", "ㄴ", "ㄷ", "ㄸ", "ㄹ", "ㅁ", "ㅂ", "ㅃ", "ㅅ", "ㅆ", "ㅇ", "ㅈ", "ㅉ", "ㅊ", "ㅋ", "ㅌ", "ㅍ", "ㅎ"}, CHARS_MEDIAL = {"ㅏ", "ㅐ", "ㅑ", "ㅒ", "ㅓ", "ㅔ", "ㅕ", "ㅖ", "ㅗ", "ㅗㅏ", "ㅗㅐ", "ㅗㅣ", "ㅛ", "ㅜ", "ㅜㅓ", "ㅜㅔ", "ㅜㅣ", "ㅠ", "ㅡ", "ㅡㅣ", "ㅣ"}, CHARS_MEDIAL_COMBINABLE = {"ㅗ", "ㅜ", "ㅡ"}, CHARS_FINAL = {nil, "ㄱ", "ㄲ", "ㄱㅅ", "ㄴ", "ㄴㅈ", "ㄴㅎ", "ㄷ", "ㄹ", "ㄹㄱ", "ㄹㅁ", "ㄹㅂ", "ㄹㅅ", "ㄹㅌ", "ㄹㅍ", "ㄹㅎ", "ㅁ", "ㅂ", "ㅂㅅ", "ㅅ", "ㅆ", "ㅇ", "ㅈ", "ㅊ", "ㅋ", "ㅌ", "ㅍ", "ㅎ"}, CHARS_FINAL_COMBINABLE = {"ㄴ", "ㄹ", "ㅂ"}, -- For faster search, inverse index tables will be constructed in runtime IDX_INITIAL = nil, IDX_MEDIAL = nil, IDX_MEDIAL_COMBINABLE = nil, IDX_FINAL = nil, IDX_FINAL_COMBINABLE = nil, } function HgSylbls:create_inverse_tbl() HgSylbls:_create_inverse_tbl_impl("CHARS", "IDX", "INITIAL") HgSylbls:_create_inverse_tbl_impl("CHARS", "IDX", "MEDIAL") HgSylbls:_create_inverse_tbl_impl("CHARS", "IDX", "MEDIAL_COMBINABLE") HgSylbls:_create_inverse_tbl_impl("CHARS", "IDX", "FINAL") HgSylbls:_create_inverse_tbl_impl("CHARS", "IDX", "FINAL_COMBINABLE") end function HgSylbls:_create_inverse_tbl_impl(from_prefix, to_prefix, target_tbl) -- ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38282234/returning-the-index-of-a-value-in-a-lua-table HgSylbls[to_prefix .. "_" .. target_tbl] = {} for k, v in pairs(HgSylbls[from_prefix .. "_" .. target_tbl]) do -- NOTE '-1' for making indices start from '0' HgSylbls[to_prefix .. "_" .. target_tbl][v] = k - 1 end end function HgSylbls:get_combined_char(initial, medial, final) -- utf8.char() return BaseUtil.unichar(HgSylbls:_get_combined_charcode(initial, medial, final)) end function HgSylbls:_get_combined_charcode(initial, medial, final) local len_medial = #HgSylbls.CHARS_MEDIAL local len_final = #HgSylbls.CHARS_FINAL local combined_code = HgSylbls.UNI_HG_BASE + HgSylbls:_initial_idx(initial) * len_medial * len_final + HgSylbls:_medial_idx(medial) * len_final local final_idx = HgSylbls:_final_idx(final) if final_idx then combined_code = combined_code + final_idx end return combined_code end function HgSylbls:_initial_idx(char) -- double initial can be typed directly from 2-beolsik kbd, hence no table of two chars return HgSylbls.IDX_INITIAL[char] end function HgSylbls:_medial_idx(char) char = HgSylbls:_2elem_tbl_to_str(char) return HgSylbls.IDX_MEDIAL[char] end function HgSylbls:_final_idx(char) char = HgSylbls:_2elem_tbl_to_str(char) return HgSylbls.IDX_FINAL[char] end function HgSylbls:in_intial(char) -- double initial can be typed directly from 2-beolsik kbd, hence no table of two chars return HgSylbls.IDX_INITIAL[char] ~= nil end function HgSylbls:in_medial(char) char = HgSylbls:_2elem_tbl_to_str(char) return HgSylbls.IDX_MEDIAL[char] ~= nil end function HgSylbls:in_final(char) char = HgSylbls:_2elem_tbl_to_str(char) return HgSylbls.IDX_FINAL[char] ~= nil end function HgSylbls:is_medial_comb(char) return HgSylbls.IDX_MEDIAL_COMBINABLE[char] ~= nil end function HgSylbls:is_final_comb(char) return HgSylbls.IDX_FINAL_COMBINABLE[char] ~= nil end function HgSylbls:in_consonnant_char(char) return HgSylbls:_in_target_char_group(char, HgSylbls.UNI_HG_CONSONNANT_BASE, HgSylbls.UNI_HG_CONSONNANT_UPPER, HgSylbls.UNI_HG_COMPAT_CONSONNANT_BASE, HgSylbls.UNI_HG_COMPAT_CONSONNANT_UPPER) end function HgSylbls:in_vowel_char(char) return HgSylbls:_in_target_char_group(char, HgSylbls.UNI_HG_VOWEL_BASE, HgSylbls.UNI_HG_VOWEL_UPPER, HgSylbls.UNI_HG_COMPAT_VOWEL_BASE, HgSylbls.UNI_HG_COMPAT_VOWEL_UPPER) end function HgSylbls:_in_target_char_group(char, base, upper, compat_base, compat_upper) local code = BaseUtil.utf8charcode(char) -- utf8.codepoint() if code == nil then return false end local result = base <= code and code <= upper local result_compat = false if compat_base ~= nil then result_compat = compat_base <= code and code <= compat_upper end return result or result_compat end function HgSylbls:_2elem_tbl_to_str(str_or_tbl) -- if the type of argument is a 'table', -- then it is a double medial/final character if type(str_or_tbl) == "table" then local tbl = str_or_tbl return tbl[1] .. tbl[2] end -- otherwise, return an argument as-is return str_or_tbl end -- initialize HgSylbls inverse index table HgSylbls:create_inverse_tbl() --------------- -- UI interface mock; will be implemented --------------- local UIHandler = {} function UIHandler:put_char(char) logger.dbg("UI:put_char()", char) end function UIHandler:del_char() logger.dbg("UI:del_char()") end function UIHandler:del_put_char(char) UIHandler:del_char() UIHandler:put_char(char) end ---------------------- -- Hangul Automata -- ---------------------- local HgFSM = { STATE = { IDLE = 0, GOT_INITIAL = 1, GOT_MEDIAL = 2, GOT_FINAL = 3, GOT_DOUBLE_MEDIAL = 4, GOT_DOUBLE_FINAL = 5, }, initial = nil, medial = nil, final = nil, fsm_state = nil, fsm_prev_states = {}, do_not_del_in_medial = false, ui_handler = nil, } function HgFSM:init(ui_handler) HgFSM:clean_state() HgFSM.ui_handler = ui_handler end function HgFSM:clean_state() HgFSM.initial = nil HgFSM.medial = nil HgFSM.final = nil HgFSM.fsm_prev_states = {HgFSM.STATE.IDLE} HgFSM.fsm_state = HgFSM.STATE.IDLE HgFSM.do_not_del_in_medial = false end function HgFSM:_push_state(state) HgFSM.fsm_prev_states[#HgFSM.fsm_prev_states+1] = state -- append a state HgFSM.fsm_state = state end function HgFSM:_pop_state() local prev_state = HgFSM.fsm_prev_states[#HgFSM.fsm_prev_states] table.remove(HgFSM.fsm_prev_states) -- pop last item HgFSM.fsm_state = HgFSM.fsm_prev_states[#HgFSM.fsm_prev_states] return prev_state end function HgFSM:process_char(char) if HgFSM:_should_handle_as_target_char(char) then HgFSM:_process_hg_char(char) else HgFSM:_process_generic_char(char) end end function HgFSM:process_bsp(char) if HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.IDLE or HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_INITIAL then HgFSM:_process_generic_bsp() else HgFSM:_process_hg_bsp_except_initial() HgFSM:_process_hg_char_update_ui(true) -- true: always remove the current character in edit end end function HgFSM:_should_handle_as_target_char(char) if HgSylbls:in_consonnant_char(char) then return true elseif HgSylbls:in_vowel_char(char) and HgFSM.fsm_state ~= HgFSM.STATE.IDLE then return true end return false end function HgFSM:_process_generic_char(char) HgFSM:clean_state() HgFSM.ui_handler:put_char(char) end function HgFSM:_process_generic_bsp(char) HgFSM:clean_state() HgFSM.ui_handler:del_char() end function HgFSM:_process_hg_char(char) local result = HgFSM:_process_hg_char_impl(char) if result then HgFSM:_process_hg_char_update_ui() else -- e.g. single vowel character HgFSM:_process_generic_char(char) end end function HgFSM:_process_hg_bsp_except_initial() local prev_state = HgFSM:_pop_state() if prev_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_MEDIAL then HgFSM.medial = nil elseif prev_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_DOUBLE_MEDIAL then HgFSM.medial = HgFSM.medial[1] elseif prev_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_FINAL then HgFSM.final = nil elseif prev_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_DOUBLE_FINAL then HgFSM.final = HgFSM.final[1] end end function HgFSM:_process_hg_char_impl(char) if HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.IDLE then HgFSM:_process_hg_char_new_hg(char) elseif HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_INITIAL then if HgSylbls:in_consonnant_char(char) then HgFSM:_process_hg_char_new_hg(char) else HgFSM:_process_hg_char_push_medial(char) end elseif HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_MEDIAL then if HgSylbls:in_vowel_char(char) then local dbl_medial_cand = {HgFSM.medial, char} if HgSylbls:is_medial_comb(HgFSM.medial) and HgSylbls:in_medial(dbl_medial_cand) then HgFSM:_process_hg_char_push_medial(dbl_medial_cand, true) else return false end else HgFSM:_process_hg_char_push_final(char) end elseif HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_DOUBLE_MEDIAL then if HgSylbls:in_vowel_char(char) then return false else HgFSM:_process_hg_char_push_final(char) end elseif HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_FINAL then if HgSylbls:in_vowel_char(char) then HgFSM:_process_hg_char_borrow_initial_push_next_medial( nil, HgFSM.final, char) else local dbl_final_cand = {HgFSM.final, char} if HgSylbls:is_final_comb(HgFSM.final) and HgSylbls:in_final(dbl_final_cand) then HgFSM:_process_hg_char_push_final(dbl_final_cand, true) else HgFSM:_process_hg_char_new_hg(char) end end elseif HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_DOUBLE_FINAL then if HgSylbls:in_vowel_char(char) then HgFSM:_process_hg_char_borrow_initial_push_next_medial( HgFSM.final[1], HgFSM.final[2], char) else HgFSM:_process_hg_char_new_hg(char) end end return true end function HgFSM:_process_hg_char_new_hg(char) HgFSM:clean_state() HgFSM:_push_state(HgFSM.STATE.GOT_INITIAL) HgFSM.initial = char end function HgFSM:_process_hg_char_push_medial(char, is_double) if is_double then HgFSM:_push_state(HgFSM.STATE.GOT_DOUBLE_MEDIAL) else HgFSM:_push_state(HgFSM.STATE.GOT_MEDIAL) end HgFSM.medial = char end function HgFSM:_process_hg_char_push_final(char, is_double) if is_double then HgFSM:_push_state(HgFSM.STATE.GOT_DOUBLE_FINAL) else HgFSM:_push_state(HgFSM.STATE.GOT_FINAL) end HgFSM.final = char end function HgFSM:_process_hg_char_borrow_initial_push_next_medial(curr_final, next_init, next_medial) local next_init_cand = next_init HgFSM.final = curr_final HgFSM:_pop_state() -- go to previous state HgFSM:_process_hg_char_update_ui() -- apply UI the borrow of final character HgFSM:_process_hg_char_new_hg(next_init_cand) HgFSM:_push_state(HgFSM.STATE.GOT_MEDIAL) HgFSM.medial = next_medial HgFSM.do_not_del_in_medial = true -- previous character in edit has to be maintained end function HgFSM:_process_hg_char_update_ui(should_undo_in_initial) should_undo_in_initial = should_undo_in_initial or false if HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_INITIAL then if should_undo_in_initial then HgFSM.ui_handler:del_char() end HgFSM.ui_handler:put_char(HgFSM.initial) elseif HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_MEDIAL or HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_DOUBLE_MEDIAL then local combined_char = HgSylbls:get_combined_char(HgFSM.initial, HgFSM.medial, nil) if HgFSM.do_not_del_in_medial then HgFSM.do_not_del_in_medial = false HgFSM.ui_handler:put_char(combined_char) else HgFSM.ui_handler:del_put_char(combined_char) end elseif HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_FINAL or HgFSM.fsm_state == HgFSM.STATE.GOT_DOUBLE_FINAL then local combined_char = HgSylbls:get_combined_char(HgFSM.initial, HgFSM.medial, HgFSM.final) HgFSM.ui_handler:del_put_char(combined_char) end end return { UIHandler = UIHandler, HgFSM = HgFSM, }