return { com = { ",", north = ";", northeast = "(", northwest = "\\", east = "?", west = "¿", "{", "}", "[", }, prd = { ".", north = ":", northeast = ")", northwest = "/", east = "…", west = "!", "]", "-", "_", }, _at = { "@", north = "Ⓒ", northeast = "™", northwest = "Ⓡ", }, _eq = { "=", north = "≠", northeast = "»", northwest = "«", east = ">", west = "<", south = "≈", southeast = "≥", southwest = "≤", }, _A_ = { "A", north = "Ä", northeast = "Á", northwest = "À", east = "Â", west = "Ã", south = "Ą", southeast = "Æ", southwest = "Å", "Ā", "Ǎ", }, _a_ = { "a", north = "ä", northeast = "á", northwest = "à", east = "â", west = "ã", south = "ą", southeast = "æ", southwest = "å", "ā", "ǎ", }, _B_ = { "B", north = "Β", northeast = "β", northwest = "♭", }, _b_ = { "b", north = "Β", northeast = "β", northwest = "♭", }, _C_ = { "C", north = "Ċ", northeast = "Ć", northwest = "🄯", -- copyleft symbol east = "Ĉ", west = "Č", south = "Ç", southeast = "©", -- copyright symbol southwest = "¢", -- cent sign }, _c_ = { "c", north = "ċ", northeast = "ć", northwest = "🄯", -- copyleft symbol east = "ĉ", west = "č", south = "ç", southeast = "©", -- copyright symbol southwest = "¢", -- cent sign }, _D_ = { "D", north = "Đ", northeast = "Ð", northwest = "Ď", east = "Δ", }, _d_ = { "d", north = "đ", northeast = "ð", northwest = "ď", east = "δ", }, _E_ = { "E", north = "Ë", northeast = "É", northwest = "È", east = "Ê", west = "Ẽ", south = "Ę", southeast = "€", southwest = "Ė", "Ē", "Ě", "ɛ", }, _e_ = { "e", north = "ë", northeast = "é", northwest = "è", east = "ê", west = "ẽ", south = "ę", southeast = "€", southwest = "ė", "ē", "ě", "ɛ", }, _F_ = { "F", east = "ƒ", -- Guilder/Florin west = "Φ", -- uppercase phi }, _f_ = { "f", east = "ƒ", -- Guilder/Florin west = "φ", -- lowercase phi }, _G_ = { "G", east = "ɣ", -- voiced velar fricative IPA west = "Γ", -- uppercase gamma }, _g_ = { "g", east = "ɣ", -- voiced velar fricative IPA west = "γ", -- lowercase gamma }, _H_ = { "H", east = "ɥ", -- labialized palatal approximant (like a combination between /w/ and /y/) west = "Η", -- uppercase eta }, _h_ = { "h", east = "ɥ", -- labialized palatal approximant (like a combination between /w/ and /y/) west = "η", -- lowercase eta }, _I_ = { "I", north = "Í", northeast = "Í", northwest = "Ì", east = "Î", west = "Ĩ", south = "Į", "Ī", "ɪ", -- small capital letter i, near-close front unrounded vowel IPA }, _i_ = { "i", north = "ï", northeast = "í", northwest = "ì", east = "î", west = "ĩ", south = "į", "ī", "ɪ", -- small capital letter i, near-close front unrounded vowel IPA }, _J_ = { "J", east = "ʝ", -- voiced palatal fricative }, _j_ = { "j", east = "ʝ", -- voiced palatal fricative }, _K_ = { "K", north = '"', south = "Ķ", east = "–", -- hyphen minus southeast = "—", -- em dash southwest = "–", -- en dash "Κ", -- kappa uppercase "κ", -- kappa lowercase }, _k_ = { "k", north = '"', south = "ķ", east = "–", -- hyphen minus southeast = "—", -- em dash southwest = "–", -- en dash "Κ", -- kappa uppercase "κ", -- kappa lowercase }, _L_ = { "L", north = "'", northeast = "Ĺ", northwest = "Ľ", east = "+", west = "Ł", south = "Ļ", southeast = "£", southwest = "ꝉ", -- abbreviation for vel (Latin or) "Λ", "λ", "ɫ", -- dark l, velarized alveolar lateral approximant IPA }, _l_ = { "l", north = "'", northeast = "ĺ", northwest = "ľ", east = "+", west = "ł", south = "ļ", southeast = "£", southwest = "ꝉ", -- abbreviation for vel (Latin or) "Λ", "λ", "ɫ", -- dark l, velarized alveolar lateral approximant IPA }, _M_ = { "M", east = "ɱ", -- labiodental nasal IPA west = "Μ", -- upptercase mu }, _m_ = { "m", east = "ɱ", -- labiodental nasal IPA west = "μ", -- lowercase mu }, _N_ = { "N", north = "Ñ", northeast = "Ń", northwest = "Ǹ", east = "ɲ", -- palatal nasal IPA west = "Ν", -- uppercase nu southeast = "Ŋ", -- uppercase letter eng (ligature of N and G) south = "Ņ", southwest = "Ň", -- Czech }, _n_ = { "n", north = "ñ", northeast = "ń", northwest = "ǹ", east = "ɲ", -- palatal nasal IPA west = "ν", -- lowercase nu southeast = "ŋ", -- letter eng (ligature of N and G), velar nasal IPA south = "ņ", southwest = "ň", -- Czech }, _O_ = { "O", north = "Ó", northeast = "Ó", northwest = "Ò", east = "Ô", west = "Õ", south = "Ǫ", southeast = "Œ", southwest = "Ø", "Ō", "ɔ", -- open o, open-mid back rounded vowel IPA "ɒ", -- turned alpha, open back rounded vowel IPA }, _o_ = { "o", north = "ö", northeast = "ó", northwest = "ò", east = "ô", west = "õ", south = "ǫ", southeast = "œ", southwest = "ø", "ō", "ɔ", -- open o, open-mid back rounded vowel IPA "ɒ", -- turned alpha, open back rounded vowel IPA }, _P_ = { "P", west = "Π", -- uppercase pi }, _p_ = { "p", west = "π", -- lowercase pi }, _Q_ = { "Q", north = "[", northeast = "{", -- todo render q̃ correctly on key (not a problem in textbox?) --east = {"q̃"}, -- Old/Middle French abbreviation of que }, _q_ = { "q", north = "[", northeast = "{", -- todo render q̃ correctly on key (not a problem in textbox?) --east = {"q̃"}, -- Old/Middle French abbreviation of que }, _R_ = { "R", north = "ρ", -- lowercase rho northeast = "Ŕ", northwest = "Ρ ", -- uppercase rho east = "ɾ", -- alveolar flap or tap IPA west = "Ř", -- r with háček (Czech) south = "Ŗ", -- r cedilla (Latvian) southeast = "ɻ", -- retroflex approximant IPA southwest = "ɹ", -- alveolar approximant IPA "ʀ", -- uvular trill IPA "ʁ", -- voiced uvular fricative IPA }, _r_ = { "r", north = "ρ", -- lowercase rho northeast = "ŕ", northwest = "Ρ ", -- uppercase rho east = "ɾ", -- alveolar flap or tap IPA west = "ř", -- r with háček (Czech) south = "ŗ", -- r cedilla (Latvian) southeast = "ɻ", -- retroflex approximant IPA southwest = "ɹ", -- alveolar approximant IPA "ʀ", -- uvular trill IPA "ʁ", -- voiced uvular fricative IPA }, _S_ = { "S", north = "ẞ", -- uppercase eszett northeast = "Ś", northwest = "ʃ", -- esh, voiceless palato-alveolar fricative IPA east = "Ŝ", west = "Š", south = "Ş", southeast = "$", southwest = "Ṣ", "ſ", -- long s "Σ", -- uppercase sigma }, _s_ = { "s", north = "ß", -- lowercase eszett northeast = "ś", northwest = "ʃ", -- esh, voiceless palato-alveolar fricative IPA east = "ŝ", west = "š", south = "ş", southeast = "$", southwest = "ṣ", "ſ", -- long s "σ", -- lowercase sigma "ς", -- lowercase word-end sigma }, _T_ = { "T", north = "θ", northeast = "Þ", northwest = "Ț", east = "Ʈ", west = "Ť", south = "Ţ", southeast = "ʈ", southwest = "Ṭ", "Τ", "τ", }, _t_ = { "t", north = "θ", northeast = "þ", northwest = "ț", east = "Ʈ", west = "ť", south = "ţ", southeast = "ʈ", southwest = "ṭ", "Τ", "τ", }, _U_ = { "U", north = "Ü", northeast = "Ú", northwest = "Ù", east = "Û", west = "Ũ", south = "Ų", southwest = "Ů", "Ū", "ʌ", -- turned v, open-mid back unrounded vowel IPA }, _u_ = { "u", north = "ü", northeast = "ú", northwest = "ù", east = "û", west = "ũ", south = "ų", southwest = "ů", "ū", "ʌ", -- turned v, open-mid back unrounded vowel IPA }, _V_ = { "V", north = "ʌ", -- open-mid back unrounded vowel IPA northwest = "Ʋ", -- v with hook east = "Ꜹ", west = "Ṽ", }, _v_ = { "v", north = "ʌ", -- open-mid back unrounded vowel IPA northwest = "ʋ", -- v with hook, labiodental approximant IPA east = "ꜹ", west = "ṽ", }, _W_ = { "W", north = "]", northeast = "}", northwest = "ʍ", -- inverted w, voiceless labial-velar approximant IPA east = "Ƿ", -- wynn, Old English for /w/ }, _w_ = { "w", north = "]", northeast = "}", northwest = "ʍ", -- inverted w, voiceless labial-velar approximant IPA east = "ƿ", -- wynn, Old English for /w/ }, _X_ = { "X", east = "Χ", -- uppercase chi west = "Ξ", -- uppercase xi }, _x_ = { "x", east = "χ", -- lowercase chi west = "ξ", -- lowercase xi }, _Y_ = { "Y", north = "Ŷ", northeast = "Ý", northwest = "Ỳ", east = "Ÿ", west = "Ỹ", south = "ʎ", -- palatal lateral approximant IPA (looks like mirror lambda, but actually upside down y) southeast = "ʏ", -- near-close, near-front rounded vowel IPA southwest = "Υ", -- uppercase upsilon }, _y_ = { "y", north = "ŷ", northeast = "ý", northwest = "ỳ", east = "ÿ", west = "ỹ", south = "ʎ", -- palatal lateral approximant IPA (looks like mirror lambda, but actually upside down y) southeast = "ʏ", -- near-close, near-front rounded vowel IPA southwest = "υ", -- lowercase upsilon }, _Z_ = { "Z", northeast = "Ź", northwest = "Ζ", -- zeta uppercase west = "Ž", south = "ʐ", -- voiced retroflex sibilant fricative IPA southeast = "ʒ", -- ezh, voiced palato-alveolar fricative IPA southwest = "Ż", }, _z_ = { "z", northeast = "ź", northwest = "ζ", -- zeta lowercase west = "ž", south = "ʐ", -- voiced retroflex sibilant fricative IPA southeast = "ʒ", -- ezh, voiced palato-alveolar fricative IPA southwest = "ż", }, }