require "widget" require "font" require "commands" --[[ Wrapper Widget that manages focus for a whole dialog supports a 2D model of active elements e.g.: layout = { { textinput, textinput }, { okbutton, cancelbutton } } this is a dialog with 2 rows. in the top row, there is the single (!) widget . when the focus is in this group, left/right movement seems (!) to be doing nothing. in the second row, there are two widgets and you can move left/right. also, you can go up from both to reach , and from that go down and (depending on internat coordinates) reach either or . but notice that this does _not_ do the layout for you, it rather defines an abstract layout. ]] FocusManager = InputContainer:new{ selected = nil, -- defaults to x=1, y=1 layout = nil, -- mandatory movement_allowed = { x = true, y = true } } function FocusManager:init() self.selected = { x = 1, y = 1 } self.key_events = { -- these will all generate the same event, just with different arguments FocusUp = { {"Up"}, doc = "move focus up", event = "FocusMove", args = {0, -1} }, FocusDown = { {"Down"}, doc = "move focus down", event = "FocusMove", args = {0, 1} }, FocusLeft = { {"Left"}, doc = "move focus left", event = "FocusMove", args = {-1, 0} }, FocusRight = { {"Right"}, doc = "move focus right", event = "FocusMove", args = {1, 0} }, } end function FocusManager:onFocusMove(args) local dx, dy = unpack(args) if (dx ~= 0 and not self.movement_allowed.x) or (dy ~= 0 and not self.movement_allowed.y) then return true end local current_item = self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] while true do if self.selected.x + dx > #self.layout[self.selected.y] or self.selected.x + dx < 1 then break -- abort when we run into horizontal borders end -- move cyclic in vertical direction if self.selected.y + dy > #self.layout then self.selected.y = 1 elseif self.selected.y + dy < 1 then self.selected.y = #self.layout else self.selected.y = self.selected.y + dy end self.selected.x = self.selected.x + dx if self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x] ~= current_item or not self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x].is_inactive then -- we found a different object to focus current_item:handleEvent(Event:new("Unfocus")) self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x]:handleEvent(Event:new("Focus")) -- trigger a repaint (we need to be the registered widget!) UIManager:setDirty(self) break end end return true end --[[ a button widget ]] Button = WidgetContainer:new{ text = nil, -- mandatory preselect = false } function Button:init() -- set FrameContainer content self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ margin = 0, bordersize = 3, background = 0, radius = 15, padding = 2, HorizontalGroup:new{ HorizontalSpan:new{ width = 8 }, TextWidget:new{ text = self.text, face = Font:getFace("cfont", 20) }, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = 8 }, } } if self.preselect then self[1].color = 15 else self[1].color = 5 end end function Button:onFocus() self[1].color = 15 return true end function Button:onUnfocus() self[1].color = 5 return true end --[[ Widget that shows a message and OK/Cancel buttons ]] ConfirmBox = FocusManager:new{ text = "no text", width = nil, ok_text = "OK", cancel_text = "Cancel", ok_callback = function() end, cancel_callback = function() end, } function ConfirmBox:init() -- calculate box width on the fly if not given if not self.width then self.width = G_width - 200 end -- build bottons self.key_events.Close = { {{"Home","Back"}}, doc = "cancel" } self.key_events.Select = { {{"Enter","Press"}}, doc = "chose selected option" } local ok_button = Button:new{ text = self.ok_text, } local cancel_button = Button:new{ text = self.cancel_text, preselect = true } self.layout = { { ok_button, cancel_button } } self.selected.x = 2 -- Cancel is default self[1] = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = { w = G_width, h = G_height }, FrameContainer:new{ margin = 2, background = 0, padding = 10, HorizontalGroup:new{ ImageWidget:new{ file = "resources/info-i.png" }, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = 10 }, VerticalGroup:new{ align = "left", TextBoxWidget:new{ text = self.text, face = Font:getFace("cfont", 30), width = self.width, }, VerticalSpan:new{ width = 10 }, HorizontalGroup:new{ ok_button, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = 10 }, cancel_button, } } } } } end function ConfirmBox:onClose() UIManager:close(self) return true end function ConfirmBox:onSelect() debug("selected:", self.selected.x) if self.selected.x == 1 then self:ok_callback() else self:cancel_callback() end UIManager:close(self) return true end --[[ Widget that displays an informational message it vanishes on key press or after a given timeout ]] InfoMessage = InputContainer:new{ face = Font:getFace("infofont", 25), text = "", timeout = nil, key_events = { AnyKeyPressed = { { }, seqtext = "any key", doc = "close dialog" } } } function InfoMessage:init() -- we construct the actual content here because self.text is only available now self[1] = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = { w = G_width, h = G_height }, FrameContainer:new{ margin = 2, background = 0, HorizontalGroup:new{ align = "center", ImageWidget:new{ file = "resources/info-i.png" }, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = 10 }, TextBoxWidget:new{ text = self.text, face = Font:getFace("cfont", 30) } } } } end function InfoMessage:onShow() -- triggered by the UIManager after we got successfully shown (not yet painted) if self.timeout then UIManager:scheduleIn(self.timeout, function() UIManager:close(self) end) end return true end function InfoMessage:onAnyKeyPressed() -- triggered by our defined key events UIManager:close(self) return true end --[[ Widget that displays a shortcut icon for menu item ]] ItemShortCutIcon = WidgetContainer:new{ width = 22, height = 22, key = nil, bordersize = 2, radius = 0, style = "square" } function ItemShortCutIcon:init() if not self.key then return end local radius = 0 local background = 0 if == "rounded_corner" then radius = math.floor(self.width/2) elseif == "grey_square" then background = 3 end --@TODO calculate font size by icon size 01.05 2012 (houqp) if self.key:len() > 1 then sc_face = Font:getFace("ffont", 14) else sc_face = Font:getFace("scfont", 22) end self[1] = FrameContainer:new{ padding = 0, bordersize = self.bordersize, radius = radius, background = background, dimen = { w = self.width, h = self.height, }, CenterContainer:new{ dimen = { w = self.width, h = self.height, }, TextWidget:new{ text = self.key, face = sc_face, }, }, } end --[[ Widget that displays an item for menu ]] MenuItem = WidgetContainer:new{ text = nil, detail = nil, face = Font:getFace("cfont", 22), width = nil, height = nil, shortcut = nil, shortcut_style = "square", } function MenuItem:init() local shortcut_icon_w = 0 local shortcut_icon_h = 0 if self.shortcut then shortcut_icon_w = math.floor(self.height*4/5) shortcut_icon_h = shortcut_icon_w end self.detail = self.text -- 15 for HorizontalSpan, self.content_width = self.width - shortcut_icon_w - 15 w = sizeUtf8Text(0, self.width, self.face, self.text, true).x if w >= self.content_width then indicator = " >>" indicator_w = sizeUtf8Text(0, self.width, self.face, indicator, true).x self.text = getSubTextByWidth(self.text, self.face, self.content_width - indicator_w, true) .. indicator end self[1] = HorizontalGroup:new{ HorizontalSpan:new{ width = 5 }, ItemShortCutIcon:new{ width = shortcut_icon_w, height = shortcut_icon_h, key = self.shortcut, radius = shortcut_icon_r, style = self.shortcut_style, }, HorizontalSpan:new{ width = 10 }, UnderlineContainer:new{ dimen = { w = self.content_width, h = self.height }, HorizontalGroup:new { align = "center", TextWidget:new{ text = self.text, face = self.face, }, }, }, } end function MenuItem:onFocus() self[1][4].color = 10 return true end function MenuItem:onUnfocus() self[1][4].color = 0 return true end function MenuItem:onShowDetail() UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text=self.detail, }) return true end --[[ Widget that displays menu ]] Menu = FocusManager:new{ -- face for displaying item contents cface = Font:getFace("cfont", 22), -- face for menu title tface = Font:getFace("tfont", 25), -- face for paging info display fface = Font:getFace("ffont", 16), -- font for item shortcut sface = Font:getFace("scfont", 20), title = "No Title", height = 500, width = 500, item_table = {}, items = 0, item_shortcuts = { "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", "Del", "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", ".", "Sym", "Enter", }, is_enable_shortcut = true, item_height = 36, page = 1, current = 1, oldcurrent = 0, selected_item = nil, } function Menu:init() self.items = #self.item_table self.perpage = math.floor(self.height / self.item_height) - 2 = 1 self.page_num = math.ceil(self.items / self.perpage) self.key_events.Close = { {"Back"}, doc = "close menu" } self.key_events.Select = { {"Press"}, doc = "chose selected item" } self.key_events.NextPage = { {}, doc = "goto next page of the menu" } self.key_events.PrevPage = { {}, doc = "goto previous page of the menu" } self.key_events.FocusRight = nil self.key_events.ShowItemDetail = { {"Right"}, doc = "show item detail" } if self.is_enable_shortcut then self.key_events.SelectByShortCut = { {self.item_shortcuts} } end self[1] = CenterContainer:new{ dimen = {w = G_width, h = G_height}, FrameContainer:new{ background = 0, radius = math.floor(self.width/20), VerticalGroup:new{ TextWidget:new{ text = self.title, face = self.tface, }, -- group for items VerticalGroup:new{ }, TextWidget:new{ text = "page ""/"..self.page_num, face = self.fface, }, }, -- VerticalGroup }, -- FrameContainer } -- CenterContainer self:_updateItems() end function Menu:_updateItems() self.layout = {} self[1][1][1][2] = VerticalGroup:new{} local item_group = self[1][1][1][2] for c = 1, self.perpage do local i = ( - 1) * self.perpage + c if i <= self.items then local item_shortcut = nil local shortcut_style = "square" if self.is_enable_shortcut then -- give different shortcut_style to keys in different -- lines of keyboard if c >= 11 and c <= 20 then --shortcut_style = "rounded_corner" shortcut_style = "grey_square" end item_shortcut = self.item_shortcuts[c] if item_shortcut == "Enter" then item_shortcut = "Ent" end end item_tmp = MenuItem:new{ text = self.item_table[i].text, face = self.cface, width = self.width - 14, height = self.item_height, shortcut = item_shortcut, shortcut_style = shortcut_style, } table.insert(item_group, item_tmp) table.insert(self.layout, {item_tmp}) --self.last_shortcut = c end -- if i <= self.items end -- for c=1, self.perpage -- set focus to first menu item item_group[1]:onFocus() end function Menu:onSelectByShortCut(_, keyevent) for k,v in ipairs(self.item_shortcuts) do if v == keyevent.key then local item = self.item_table[k] self.item_table = nil UIManager:close(self) debug(item) -- send events break end end end function Menu:onNextPage() if < self.page_num then local page_info = self[1][1][1][3] = + 1 self:_updateItems() self.selected = { x = 1, y = 1 } self[1][1][1][3] = TextWidget:new{ text = "page ""/"..self.page_num, face = self.fface, }, UIManager:setDirty(self) end return true end function Menu:onPrevPage() if > 1 then local page_info = self[1][1][1][3] = - 1 self:_updateItems() self.selected = { x = 1, y = 1 } self[1][1][1][3] = TextWidget:new{ text = "page ""/"..self.page_num, face = self.fface, }, UIManager:setDirty(self) end return true end function Menu:onShowItemDetail() return self.layout[self.selected.y][self.selected.x]:handleEvent( Event:new("ShowDetail") ) end function Menu:onClose() UIManager:close(self) return true end