--[[-- Text rendering module. ]] local bit = require("bit") local Font = require("ui/font") local Cache = require("cache") local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer") local logger = require("logger") local band = bit.band local bor = bit.bor local lshift = bit.lshift --[[ @TODO: all these functions should probably be methods on Face objects ]]-- local RenderText = {} local GlyphCache = Cache:new{ -- 1024 slots slots = 1024, -- Rely on our FFI finalizer to free the BBs on GC enable_eviction_cb = false, } -- iterator over UTF8 encoded characters in a string local function utf8Chars(input_text) local function read_next_glyph(input, pos) if string.len(input) < pos then return nil end local value = string.byte(input, pos) if band(value, 0x80) == 0 then --- @todo check valid ranges return pos+1, value, string.sub(input, pos, pos) elseif band(value, 0xC0) == 0x80 -- invalid, continuation or band(value, 0xF8) == 0xF8 -- 5-or-more byte sequence, illegal due to RFC3629 then return pos+1, 0xFFFD, "\xFF\xFD" else local glyph, bytes_left if band(value, 0xE0) == 0xC0 then glyph = band(value, 0x1F) bytes_left = 1 elseif band(value, 0xF0) == 0xE0 then glyph = band(value, 0x0F) bytes_left = 2 elseif band(value, 0xF8) == 0xF0 then glyph = band(value, 0x07) bytes_left = 3 else return pos+1, 0xFFFD, "\xFF\xFD" end if string.len(input) < (pos + bytes_left) then return pos+1, 0xFFFD, "\xFF\xFD" end for i = pos+1, pos + bytes_left do value = string.byte(input, i) if band(value, 0xC0) == 0x80 then glyph = bor(lshift(glyph, 6), band(value, 0x3F)) else -- invalid UTF8 continuation - don't be greedy, just skip -- the initial char of the sequence. return pos+1, 0xFFFD, "\xFF\xFD" end end --- @todo check for valid ranges here! return pos+bytes_left+1, glyph, string.sub(input, pos, pos+bytes_left) end end return read_next_glyph, input_text, 1 end --- Returns a rendered glyph -- -- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face for the text -- @int charcode -- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold -- @treturn glyph function RenderText:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold) local orig_bold = bold if face.is_real_bold then bold = false -- don't embolden glyphs already bold end -- nil is falsy, cache it as such (i.e., we don't want to use tostring here, as that would make it tristate: true/false/nil) local hash = "glyph|"..face.hash.."|"..charcode.."|"..(bold and "1" or "0") local glyph = GlyphCache:check(hash) if glyph then -- cache hit return glyph end local rendered_glyph = face.ftsize:renderGlyph(charcode, bold) if not face.ftsize:hasGlyph(charcode) then for index, font in pairs(Font.fallbacks) do -- use original size before scaling by screen DPI local fb_face = Font:getFace(font, face.orig_size) if fb_face ~= nil then -- for some characters it cannot find in Fallbacks, it will crash here if fb_face.ftsize:hasGlyph(charcode) then rendered_glyph = fb_face.ftsize:renderGlyph(charcode, orig_bold) break end end end end if not rendered_glyph then logger.warn("error rendering glyph (charcode=", charcode, ") for face", face) return end GlyphCache:insert(hash, rendered_glyph) return rendered_glyph end --- Returns a substring of a given text that meets the maximum width (in pixels) -- restriction. -- -- @string text text to truncate -- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face for the text -- @int width maximum width in pixels -- @bool[opt=false] kerning whether the text should be measured with kerning -- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold -- @treturn string -- @see truncateTextByWidth function RenderText:getSubTextByWidth(text, face, width, kerning, bold) local pen_x = 0 local prevcharcode local char_list = {} for _, charcode, uchar in utf8Chars(text) do if pen_x < width then local glyph = self:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold) if kerning and prevcharcode then local kern = face.ftsize:getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode) pen_x = pen_x + kern end pen_x = pen_x + glyph.ax if pen_x <= width then prevcharcode = charcode table.insert(char_list, uchar) else break end end end return table.concat(char_list) end --- Measure rendered size for a given text. -- -- Note this function does not render the text into a bitmap. Use it if you -- only need the estimated size information. -- -- @int x start position for a given text (within maximum width) -- @int width maximum rendering width in pixels (think of it as size of the bitmap) -- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face that will be used for rendering -- @string text text to measure -- @bool[opt=false] kerning whether the text should be measured with kerning -- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold -- @treturn RenderTextSize function RenderText:sizeUtf8Text(x, width, face, text, kerning, bold) if not text then logger.warn("sizeUtf8Text called without text") return { x = 0, y_top = 0, y_bottom = 0 } end -- may still need more adaptive pen placement when kerning, -- see: http://freetype.org/freetype2/docs/glyphs/glyphs-4.html local pen_x = 0 local pen_y_top = 0 local pen_y_bottom = 0 local prevcharcode = 0 for _, charcode, uchar in utf8Chars(text) do if not width or pen_x < (width - x) then local glyph = self:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold) if kerning and (prevcharcode ~= 0) then pen_x = pen_x + (face.ftsize):getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode) end pen_x = pen_x + glyph.ax pen_y_top = math.max(pen_y_top, glyph.t) pen_y_bottom = math.max(pen_y_bottom, glyph.bb:getHeight() - glyph.t) prevcharcode = charcode end -- if pen_x < (width - x) end --- RenderText size information -- @table RenderTextSize -- @field x length of the text on x coordinate -- @field y_top distance between top-most pixel (scanline) and baseline -- (bearingY) -- @field y_bottom distance between bottom-most pixel (scanline) and -- baseline (height - y_top) return { x = pen_x, y_top = pen_y_top, y_bottom = pen_y_bottom } end --- Render a given text into a given BlitBuffer -- -- @tparam BlitBuffer dest_bb Buffer to blit into -- @int x starting x coordinate position within dest_bb -- @int baseline y coordinate for baseline, within dest_bb -- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face that will be used for rendering -- @string text text to render -- @bool[opt=false] kerning whether the text should be measured with kerning -- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold -- @tparam[opt=Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK] Blitbuffer.COLOR fgcolor foreground color -- @int[opt=nil] width maximum rendering width -- @tparam[opt] table char_pads array of integers, nb of pixels to add, one for each utf8 char in text -- @return int width of rendered bitmap function RenderText:renderUtf8Text(dest_bb, x, baseline, face, text, kerning, bold, fgcolor, width, char_pads) if not text then logger.warn("renderUtf8Text called without text") return 0 end if not fgcolor then fgcolor = Blitbuffer.COLOR_BLACK end -- may still need more adaptive pen placement when kerning, -- see: http://freetype.org/freetype2/docs/glyphs/glyphs-4.html local pen_x = 0 local prevcharcode = 0 local text_width = dest_bb:getWidth() - x if width and width < text_width then text_width = width end local char_idx = 0 for _, charcode, uchar in utf8Chars(text) do if pen_x < text_width then local glyph = self:getGlyph(face, charcode, bold) if kerning and (prevcharcode ~= 0) then pen_x = pen_x + face.ftsize:getKerning(prevcharcode, charcode) end dest_bb:colorblitFrom( glyph.bb, x + pen_x + glyph.l, baseline - glyph.t, 0, 0, glyph.bb:getWidth(), glyph.bb:getHeight(), fgcolor) pen_x = pen_x + glyph.ax prevcharcode = charcode end -- if pen_x < text_width if char_pads then char_idx = char_idx + 1 pen_x = pen_x + (char_pads[char_idx] or 0) -- We used to use: -- pen_x = pen_x + char_pads[char_idx] -- above will fail if we didnt count the same number of chars, we'll see -- We saw, and it's pretty robust: it never failed before we tried to -- render some binary content, which messes the utf8 sequencing: the -- split to UTF8 is only reversible if text is valid UTF8 (or nearly UTF8). -- TextBoxWidget did this sequencing, counted the number of chars -- and made out 'char_pads', and gave us back the concatenated utf8 -- chars as 'text', that we sequenced again above: we may not get the -- same number of chars as we did previously to make char_pads. -- We'd rather not crash (and have binary stuff displayed, even if -- badly). The mess in char_pads is negligeable when that happens. end end return pen_x end local ellipsis = "…" function RenderText:getEllipsisWidth(face, bold) return self:sizeUtf8Text(0, false, face, ellipsis, false, bold).x end --- Returns a substring of a given text that meets the maximum width (in pixels) -- restriction with ellipses (…) at the end if required. -- -- @string text text to truncate -- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face for the text -- @int width maximum width in pixels -- @bool[opt=false] kerning whether the text should be measured with kerning -- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the text should be measured as bold -- @treturn string -- @see getSubTextByWidth function RenderText:truncateTextByWidth(text, face, max_width, kerning, bold) local ellipsis_width = self:getEllipsisWidth(face, bold) local new_txt_width = max_width - ellipsis_width local sub_txt = self:getSubTextByWidth(text, face, new_txt_width, kerning, bold) return sub_txt .. ellipsis end --- Returns a rendered glyph by glyph index -- xtext/Harfbuzz, after shaping, gives glyph indexes in the font, which -- is usually different from the unicode codepoint of the original char) -- -- @tparam ui.font.FontFaceObj face font face for the text -- @int glyph index -- @bool[opt=false] bold whether the glyph should be artificially boldened -- @bool[opt=false] bolder whether the glyph should be *even more* artificially boldened (*can* stack with bold, but can also be used solo) -- @treturn glyph function RenderText:getGlyphByIndex(face, glyphindex, bold, bolder) if face.is_real_bold then bold = false -- don't embolden glyphs already bold end local hash = "xglyph|"..face.hash.."|"..glyphindex.."|"..(bold and "1" or "0")..(bolder and "x" or "") local glyph = GlyphCache:check(hash) if glyph then -- cache hit return glyph end local embolden_strength if bold or bolder then embolden_strength = face.embolden_half_strength if bolder then -- Even if not bold, get it bolder than the strength we'd use for bold embolden_strength = embolden_strength * 1.5 end end local rendered_glyph = face.ftsize:renderGlyphByIndex(glyphindex, embolden_strength) if not rendered_glyph then logger.warn("error rendering glyph (glyphindex=", glyphindex, ") for face", face) return end GlyphCache:insert(hash, rendered_glyph) return rendered_glyph end return RenderText