require "keys" require "settings" require "selectmenu" require "commands" require "helppage" UniReader = { -- "constants": ZOOM_BY_VALUE = 0, ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE = -1, ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_WIDTH = -2, ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_HEIGHT = -3, ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT = -4, ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH = -5, ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHT = -6, ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN = -7, --ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHT_PAN = -8, ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HALF_WIDTH_MARGIN = -9, ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HALF_WIDTH = -10, GAMMA_NO_GAMMA = 1.0, -- framebuffer update policy state: rcount = 5, rcountmax = 5, -- zoom state: globalzoom = 1.0, globalzoom_orig = 1.0, globalzoommode = -1, -- ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE globalrotate = 0, -- gamma setting: globalgamma = 1.0, -- GAMMA_NO_GAMMA -- size of current page for current zoom level in pixels fullwidth = 0, fullheight = 0, offset_x = 0, offset_y = 0, min_offset_x = 0, min_offset_y = 0, content_top = 0, -- for ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN (prevView) -- set panning distance shift_x = 100, shift_y = 50, pan_by_page = false, -- using shift_[xy] or width/height pan_x = 0, -- top-left offset of page when pan activated pan_y = 0, pan_margin = 20, -- horizontal margin for two-column zoom pan_overlap_vertical = 30, -- the document: doc = nil, -- the document's setting store: settings = nil, -- list of available commands: commands = nil, -- we will use this one often, so keep it "static": nulldc =, -- tile cache configuration: cache_max_memsize = 1024*1024*5, -- 5MB tile cache cache_item_max_pixels = 1024*1024*2, -- max. size of rendered tiles cache_max_ttl = 20, -- time to live -- tile cache state: cache_current_memsize = 0, cache = {}, pagehash = nil, jump_stack = {}, toc = nil, bbox = {}, -- override getUsedBBox } function UniReader:new(o) o = o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end --[[ For a new specific reader, you must always overwrite following two methods: * self:open() overwrite other methods if needed. --]] function UniReader:init() end -- open a file and its settings store -- tips: you can use self:loadSettings in open() method. function UniReader:open(filename, password) return false end --[ following are default methods ]-- function UniReader:loadSettings(filename) if self.doc ~= nil then self.settings = DocSettings:open(filename) local gamma = self.settings:readSetting("gamma") if gamma then self.globalgamma = gamma end local jumpstack = self.settings:readSetting("jumpstack") self.jump_stack = jumpstack or {} local bbox = self.settings:readSetting("bbox") print("# bbox loaded "..dump(bbox)) self.bbox = bbox self.globalzoom = self.settings:readSetting("globalzoom") or 1.0 self.globalzoommode = self.settings:readSetting("globalzoommode") or -1 return true end return false end function UniReader:initGlobalSettings(settings) local pan_overlap_vertical = settings:readSetting("pan_overlap_vertical") if pan_overlap_vertical then self.pan_overlap_vertical = pan_overlap_vertical end -- initialize commands self:addAllCommands() local cache_max_memsize = settings:readSetting("cache_max_memsize") if cache_max_memsize then self.cache_max_memsize = cache_max_memsize end local cache_max_ttl = settings:readSetting("cache_max_ttl") if cache_max_ttl then self.cache_max_ttl = cache_max_ttl end end -- guarantee that we have enough memory in cache function UniReader:cacheClaim(size) if(size > self.cache_max_memsize) then -- we're not allowed to claim this much at all error("too much memory claimed") return false end while self.cache_current_memsize + size > self.cache_max_memsize do -- repeat this until we have enough free memory for k, _ in pairs(self.cache) do if self.cache[k].ttl > 0 then -- reduce ttl self.cache[k].ttl = self.cache[k].ttl - 1 else -- cache slot is at end of life, so kick it out self.cache_current_memsize = self.cache_current_memsize - self.cache[k].size self.cache[k] = nil end end end self.cache_current_memsize = self.cache_current_memsize + size return true end function UniReader:drawOrCache(no, preCache) -- our general caching strategy is as follows: -- #1 goal: we must render the needed area. -- #2 goal: we render as much of the requested page as we can -- #3 goal: we render the full page -- #4 goal: we render next page, too. (TODO) -- ideally, this should be factored out and only be called when needed (TODO) local ok, page = pcall(self.doc.openPage, self.doc, no) if not ok then -- TODO: error handling return nil end local dc = self:setZoom(page) -- offset_x_in_page & offset_y_in_page is the offset within zoomed page -- they are always positive. -- you can see self.offset_x_& self.offset_y as the offset within -- draw space, which includes the page. So it can be negative and positive. local offset_x_in_page = -self.offset_x local offset_y_in_page = -self.offset_y if offset_x_in_page < 0 then offset_x_in_page = 0 end if offset_y_in_page < 0 then offset_y_in_page = 0 end -- check if we have relevant cache contents local pagehash = no..'_'..self.globalzoom..'_'..self.globalrotate..'_'..self.globalgamma if self.cache[pagehash] ~= nil then -- we have something in cache, check if it contains the requested part if self.cache[pagehash].x <= offset_x_in_page and self.cache[pagehash].y <= offset_y_in_page and ( self.cache[pagehash].x + self.cache[pagehash].w >= offset_x_in_page + width or self.cache[pagehash].w >= self.fullwidth - 1) and ( self.cache[pagehash].y + self.cache[pagehash].h >= offset_y_in_page + height or self.cache[pagehash].h >= self.fullheight - 1) then -- requested part is within cached tile -- properly clean page page:close() -- ...and give it more time to live (ttl), except if we're precaching if not preCache then self.cache[pagehash].ttl = self.cache_max_ttl end -- ...and return blitbuffer plus offset into it return pagehash, offset_x_in_page - self.cache[pagehash].x, offset_y_in_page - self.cache[pagehash].y end end -- okay, we do not have it in cache yet. -- so render now. -- start off with the requested area local tile = { x = offset_x_in_page, y = offset_y_in_page, w = width, h = height } -- can we cache the full page? local max_cache = self.cache_max_memsize if preCache then max_cache = max_cache - self.cache[self.pagehash].size end if (self.fullwidth * self.fullheight / 2) <= max_cache then -- yes we can, so do this with offset 0, 0 tile.x = 0 tile.y = 0 tile.w = self.fullwidth tile.h = self.fullheight elseif (tile.w*tile.h / 2) > max_cache then -- no, we can't. so generate a tile as big as we can go -- grow area in steps of 10px while ((tile.w+10) * (tile.h+10) / 2) < max_cache do if tile.x > 0 then tile.x = tile.x - 5 tile.w = tile.w + 5 end if tile.x + tile.w < self.fullwidth then tile.w = tile.w + 5 end if tile.y > 0 then tile.y = tile.y - 5 tile.h = tile.h + 5 end if tile.y + tile.h < self.fullheigth then tile.h = tile.h + 5 end end else if not preCache then print("E: not enough memory in cache left, probably a bug.") end return nil end self:cacheClaim(tile.w * tile.h / 2); self.cache[pagehash] = { x = tile.x, y = tile.y, w = tile.w, h = tile.h, ttl = self.cache_max_ttl, size = tile.w * tile.h / 2, bb =, tile.h) } --print ("# new biltbuffer:"..dump(self.cache[pagehash])) dc:setOffset(-tile.x, -tile.y) print("# rendering: page=" page:draw(dc, self.cache[pagehash].bb, 0, 0) page:close() -- return hash and offset within blitbuffer return pagehash, offset_x_in_page - tile.x, offset_y_in_page - tile.y end -- blank the cache function UniReader:clearCache() self.cache = {} self.cache_current_memsize = 0 end -- set viewer state according to zoom state function UniReader:setZoom(page) local dc = local pwidth, pheight = page:getSize(self.nulldc) print("# page::getSize "..pwidth.."*"..pheight); local x0, y0, x1, y1 = page:getUsedBBox() if x0 == 0.01 and y0 == 0.01 and x1 == -0.01 and y1 == -0.01 then x0 = 0 y0 = 0 x1 = pwidth y1 = pheight end -- clamp to page BBox if x0 < 0 then x0 = 0 end if x1 > pwidth then x1 = pwidth end if y0 < 0 then y0 = 0 end if y1 > pheight then y1 = pheight end if self.bbox.enabled then print("# ORIGINAL page::getUsedBBox "..x0.."*"..y0.." "..x1.."*"..y1); local bbox = self.bbox[self.pageno] -- exact local oddEven = self:oddEven(self.pageno) if bbox ~= nil then print("## bbox from "..self.pageno) else bbox = self.bbox[oddEven] -- odd/even end if bbox ~= nil then -- last used up to this page print("## bbox from "..oddEven) else for i = 0,self.pageno do bbox = self.bbox[ self.pageno - i ] if bbox ~= nil then print("## bbox from "..self.pageno - i) break end end end if bbox ~= nil then x0 = bbox["x0"] y0 = bbox["y0"] x1 = bbox["x1"] y1 = bbox["y1"] end end print("# page::getUsedBBox "..x0.."*"..y0.." "..x1.."*"..y1); if self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE or self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT then self.globalzoom = width / pwidth self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = (height - (self.globalzoom * pheight)) / 2 if height / pheight < self.globalzoom then self.globalzoom = height / pheight self.offset_x = (width - (self.globalzoom * pwidth)) / 2 self.offset_y = 0 end self.pan_by_page = false elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_WIDTH or self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH then self.globalzoom = width / pwidth self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = (height - (self.globalzoom * pheight)) / 2 self.pan_by_page = false elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_HEIGHT or self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHT then self.globalzoom = height / pheight self.offset_x = (width - (self.globalzoom * pwidth)) / 2 self.offset_y = 0 self.pan_by_page = false end if self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT then if (x1 - x0) < pwidth then self.globalzoom = width / (x1 - x0) if height / (y1 - y0) < self.globalzoom then self.globalzoom = height / (y1 - y0) end end self.offset_x = -1 * x0 * self.globalzoom self.offset_y = -1 * y0 * self.globalzoom elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH then if (x1 - x0) < pwidth then self.globalzoom = width / (x1 - x0) end self.offset_x = -1 * x0 * self.globalzoom self.offset_y = -1 * y0 * self.globalzoom self.content_top = self.offset_y -- enable pan mode in ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH self.globalzoommode = self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN then if self.content_top == -2012 then -- We must handle previous page turn as a special cases, -- because we want to arrive at the bottom of previous page. -- Since this a real page turn, we need to recalcunate stuff. if (x1 - x0) < pwidth then self.globalzoom = width / (x1 - x0) end self.offset_x = -1 * x0 * self.globalzoom self.content_top = -1 * y0 * self.globalzoom self.offset_y = - self.fullheight end elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHT then if (y1 - y0) < pheight then self.globalzoom = height / (y1 - y0) end self.offset_x = -1 * x0 * self.globalzoom self.offset_y = -1 * y0 * self.globalzoom elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HALF_WIDTH or self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HALF_WIDTH_MARGIN then local margin = self.pan_margin if self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HALF_WIDTH then margin = 0 end self.globalzoom = width / (x1 - x0 + margin) self.offset_x = -1 * x0 * self.globalzoom * 2 + margin self.globalzoom = height / (y1 - y0) self.offset_y = -1 * y0 * self.globalzoom * 2 + margin self.globalzoom = width / (x1 - x0 + margin) * 2 print("column mode offset:"..self.offset_x.."*"..self.offset_y.." zoom:"..self.globalzoom); self.globalzoommode = self.ZOOM_BY_VALUE -- enable pan mode self.pan_x = self.offset_x self.pan_y = self.offset_y self.pan_by_page = true end dc:setZoom(self.globalzoom) self.globalzoom_orig = self.globalzoom dc:setRotate(self.globalrotate); self.fullwidth, self.fullheight = page:getSize(dc) self.min_offset_x = - self.fullwidth self.min_offset_y = - self.fullheight if(self.min_offset_x > 0) then self.min_offset_x = 0 end if(self.min_offset_y > 0) then self.min_offset_y = 0 end print("# Reader:setZoom globalzoom:"..self.globalzoom.." globalrotate:"..self.globalrotate.." offset:"..self.offset_x.."*"..self.offset_y.." pagesize:"..self.fullwidth.."*"..self.fullheight.." min_offset:"..self.min_offset_x.."*"..self.min_offset_y) -- set gamma here, we don't have any other good place for this right now: if self.globalgamma ~= self.GAMMA_NO_GAMMA then print("gamma correction: "..self.globalgamma) dc:setGamma(self.globalgamma) end return dc end -- render and blit a page function UniReader:show(no) local pagehash, offset_x, offset_y = self:drawOrCache(no) if not pagehash then return end self.pagehash = pagehash local bb = self.cache[pagehash].bb local dest_x = 0 local dest_y = 0 if bb:getWidth() - offset_x < width then -- we can't fill the whole output width, center the content dest_x = (width - (bb:getWidth() - offset_x)) / 2 end if bb:getHeight() - offset_y < height and self.globalzoommode ~= self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN then -- we can't fill the whole output height and not in -- ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN mode, center the content dest_y = (height - (bb:getHeight() - offset_y)) / 2 elseif self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN and self.offset_y > 0 then -- if we are in ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN mode and turning to -- the top of the page, we might leave an empty space between the -- page top and screen top. dest_y = self.offset_y end if dest_x or dest_y then, 0, width, height, 8) end print("# blitFrom dest_off:("..dest_x..", "..dest_y.. "), src_off:("..offset_x..", "..offset_y.."), ".. "width:"..width..", height:"..height), dest_x, dest_y, offset_x, offset_y, width, height) if self.rcount == self.rcountmax then print("full refresh") self.rcount = 1 fb:refresh(0) else print("partial refresh") self.rcount = self.rcount + 1 fb:refresh(1) end self.slot_visible = slot; end --[[ @ pageno is the page you want to add to jump_stack --]] function UniReader:addJump(pageno, notes) local jump_item = nil local notes_to_add = notes if not notes_to_add then -- no notes given, auto generate from TOC entry notes_to_add = self:getTOCTitleByPage(self.pageno) if notes_to_add ~= "" then notes_to_add = "in "..notes_to_add end end -- move pageno page to jump_stack top if already in for _t,_v in ipairs(self.jump_stack) do if == pageno then jump_item = _v table.remove(self.jump_stack, _t) -- if original notes is not empty, probably defined by users, -- we use the original notes to overwrite auto generated notes -- from TOC entry if jump_item.notes ~= "" then notes_to_add = jump_item.notes end jump_item.notes = notes or notes_to_add break end end -- create a new one if page not found in stack if not jump_item then jump_item = { page = pageno, datetime ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), notes = notes_to_add, } end -- insert item at the start table.insert(self.jump_stack, 1, jump_item) if #self.jump_stack > 10 then -- remove the last element to keep the size less than 10 table.remove(self.jump_stack) end end function UniReader:delJump(pageno) for _t,_v in ipairs(self.jump_stack) do if == pageno then table.remove(self.jump_stack, _t) end end end -- change current page and cache next page after rendering function UniReader:goto(no) if no < 1 or no > self.doc:getPages() then return end -- for jump_stack, distinguish jump from normal page turn if self.pageno and math.abs(self.pageno - no) > 1 then self:addJump(self.pageno) end self.pageno = no self:show(no) -- TODO: move the following to a more appropriate place -- into the caching section if no < self.doc:getPages() then if #self.bbox == 0 or not self.bbox.enabled then -- pre-cache next page, but if we will modify bbox don't! self:drawOrCache(no+1, true) end end end function UniReader:nextView() local pageno = self.pageno if self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN then if self.offset_y <= self.min_offset_y then -- hit content bottom, turn to next page self.globalzoommode = self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH pageno = pageno + 1 else -- goto next view of current page self.offset_y = self.offset_y - height + self.pan_overlap_vertical end else -- not in fit to content width pan mode, just do a page turn pageno = pageno + 1 if self.pan_by_page then -- we are in two column mode self.offset_x = self.pan_x self.offset_y = self.pan_y end end return pageno end function UniReader:prevView() local pageno = self.pageno if self.globalzoommode == self.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH_PAN then if self.offset_y >= self.content_top then -- hit content top, turn to previous page -- set self.content_top with magic num to signal self:setZoom self.content_top = -2012 pageno = pageno - 1 else -- goto previous view of current page self.offset_y = self.offset_y + height - self.pan_overlap_vertical end else -- not in fit to content width pan mode, just do a page turn pageno = pageno - 1 if self.pan_by_page then -- we are in two column mode self.offset_x = self.pan_x self.offset_y = self.pan_y end end return pageno end -- adjust global gamma setting function UniReader:modifyGamma(factor) print("modifyGamma, gamma="..self.globalgamma.." factor="..factor) self.globalgamma = self.globalgamma * factor; self:goto(self.pageno) end -- adjust zoom state and trigger re-rendering function UniReader:setGlobalZoomMode(newzoommode) if self.globalzoommode ~= newzoommode then self.globalzoommode = newzoommode self:goto(self.pageno) end end -- adjust zoom state and trigger re-rendering function UniReader:setGlobalZoom(zoom) if self.globalzoom ~= zoom then self.globalzoommode = self.ZOOM_BY_VALUE self.globalzoom = zoom self:goto(self.pageno) end end function UniReader:setRotate(rotate) self.globalrotate = rotate self:goto(self.pageno) end -- @ orien: 1 for clockwise rotate, -1 for anti-clockwise function UniReader:screenRotate(orien) Screen:screenRotate(orien) width, height = fb:getSize() self:clearCache() self:goto(self.pageno) end function UniReader:cleanUpTOCTitle(title) return title:gsub("\13", "") end function UniReader:fillTOC() self.toc = self.doc:getTOC() end function UniReader:getTOCTitleByPage(pageno) if not self.toc then -- build toc when needed. self:fillTOC() end -- no table of content if #self.toc == 0 then return "" end local pre_entry = self.toc[1] for _k,_v in ipairs(self.toc) do if > pageno then break end pre_entry = _v end return self:cleanUpTOCTitle(pre_entry.title) end function UniReader:showTOC() if not self.toc then -- build toc when needed. self:fillTOC() end local menu_items = {} local filtered_toc = {} -- build menu items for _k,_v in ipairs(self.toc) do table.insert(menu_items, (" "):rep(_v.depth-1)..self:cleanUpTOCTitle(_v.title)) table.insert(filtered_toc, end toc_menu = SelectMenu:new{ menu_title = "Table of Contents", item_array = menu_items, no_item_msg = "This document does not have a Table of Contents.", } item_no = toc_menu:choose(0, if item_no then self:goto(filtered_toc[item_no]) else self:goto(self.pageno) end end function UniReader:showJumpStack() local menu_items = {} for _k,_v in ipairs(self.jump_stack) do table.insert(menu_items, _v.datetime.." -> Page "" ".._v.notes) end jump_menu = SelectMenu:new{ menu_title = "Jump Keeper (current page: "..self.pageno..")", item_array = menu_items, no_item_msg = "No jump history.", } item_no = jump_menu:choose(0, if item_no then local jump_item = self.jump_stack[item_no] self:goto( else self:goto(self.pageno) end end function UniReader:showMenu() local ypos = height - 50 local load_percent = (self.pageno / self.doc:getPages()), ypos, width, 50, 0) ypos = ypos + 15 local face, fhash = Font:getFaceAndHash(22) local cur_section = self:getTOCTitleByPage(self.pageno) if cur_section ~= "" then cur_section = "Section: "..cur_section end renderUtf8Text(, 10, ypos+6, face, fhash, "Page: "..self.pageno.."/"..self.doc:getPages().. " "..cur_section, true) ypos = ypos + 15 blitbuffer.progressBar(, 10, ypos, width-20, 15, 5, 4, load_percent, 8) fb:refresh(1) while 1 do local ev = input.waitForEvent() ev.code = adjustKeyEvents(ev) if ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then if ev.code == KEY_BACK or ev.code == KEY_MENU then return end end end end function UniReader:oddEven(number) print("## oddEven "..number) if number % 2 == 1 then return "odd" else return "even" end end -- wait for input and handle it function UniReader:inputLoop() local keep_running = true while 1 do local ev = input.waitForEvent() ev.code = adjustKeyEvents(ev) if ev.type == EV_KEY and ev.value == EVENT_VALUE_KEY_PRESS then local secs, usecs = util.gettime() keydef = Keydef:new(ev.code, getKeyModifier()) print("key pressed: "..tostring(keydef)) command = self.commands:getByKeydef(keydef) if command ~= nil then print("command to execute: "..tostring(command)) ret_code = command.func(self,keydef) if ret_code == "break" then break; end else print("command not found: "..tostring(command)) end local nsecs, nusecs = util.gettime() local dur = (nsecs - secs) * 1000000 + nusecs - usecs print("E: T="..ev.type.." V="..ev.value.." C="..ev.code.." DUR="..dur) end end -- do clean up stuff self:clearCache() self.toc = nil if self.doc ~= nil then self.doc:close() end if self.settings ~= nil then self.settings:savesetting("last_page", self.pageno) self.settings:savesetting("gamma", self.globalgamma) self.settings:savesetting("jumpstack", self.jump_stack) self.settings:savesetting("bbox", self.bbox) self.settings:savesetting("globalzoom", self.globalzoom) self.settings:savesetting("globalzoommode", self.globalzoommode) self.settings:close() end return keep_running end -- command definitions function UniReader:addAllCommands() self.commands = Commands:new() self.commands:add(KEY_PGFWD,nil,">", "next page", function(unireader) unireader:goto(unireader:nextView()) end) self.commands:add(KEY_PGBCK,nil,"<", "previous page", function(unireader) unireader:goto(unireader:prevView()) end) self.commands:add(KEY_PGFWD,MOD_ALT,">", "zoom in 10%", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoom(unireader.globalzoom+unireader.globalzoom_orig*0.1) end) self.commands:add(KEY_PGBCK,MOD_ALT,"<", "zoom out 10%", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoom(unireader.globalzoom-unireader.globalzoom_orig*0.1) end) self.commands:add(KEY_PGFWD,MOD_SHIFT,">", "zoom in 20%", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoom(unireader.globalzoom+unireader.globalzoom_orig*0.2) end) self.commands:add(KEY_PGBCK,MOD_SHIFT,"<", "zoom out 20%", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoom(unireader.globalzoom-unireader.globalzoom_orig*0.2) end) self.commands:add(KEY_BACK,nil,"back", "back to last jump", function(unireader) if #unireader.jump_stack ~= 0 then unireader:goto(unireader.jump_stack[1].page) end end) self.commands:add(KEY_BACK,MOD_ALT,"back", "close document", function(unireader) return "break" end) self.commands:add(KEY_VPLUS,nil,"vol+", "increase gamma 25%", function(unireader) unireader:modifyGamma( 1.25 ) end) self.commands:add(KEY_VMINUS,nil,"vol-", "decrease gamma 25%", function(unireader) unireader:modifyGamma( 0.80 ) end) --numeric key group local numeric_keydefs = {} for i=1,10 do numeric_keydefs[i]=Keydef:new(KEY_1+i-1,nil,tostring(i%10)) end self.commands:addGroup("[1..0]",numeric_keydefs, "jump to *10% of document", function(unireader,keydef) print('jump to page: '..math.max(math.floor(unireader.doc:getPages()*(keydef.keycode-KEY_1)/9),1)..'/'..unireader.doc:getPages()) unireader:goto(math.max(math.floor(unireader.doc:getPages()*(keydef.keycode-KEY_1)/9),1)) end) -- end numeric keys self.commands:add(KEY_A,nil,"A", "zoom to fit page", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoomMode(unireader.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE) end) self.commands:add(KEY_A,MOD_SHIFT,"A", "zoom to fit content", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoomMode(unireader.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT) end) self.commands:add(KEY_S,nil,"S", "zoom to fit page width", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoomMode(unireader.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_WIDTH) end) self.commands:add(KEY_S,MOD_SHIFT,"S", "zoom to fit content width", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoomMode(unireader.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_WIDTH) end) self.commands:add(KEY_D,nil,"D", "zoom to fit page height", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoomMode(unireader.ZOOM_FIT_TO_PAGE_HEIGHT) end) self.commands:add(KEY_D,MOD_SHIFT,"D", "zoom to fit content height", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoomMode(unireader.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HEIGHT) end) self.commands:add(KEY_F,nil,"F", "zoom to fit margin 2-column mode", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoomMode(unireader.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HALF_WIDTH_MARGIN) end) self.commands:add(KEY_F,MOD_SHIFT,"F", "zoom to fit content 2-column mode", function(unireader) unireader:setGlobalZoomMode(unireader.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT_HALF_WIDTH) end) self.commands:add(KEY_G,nil,"G", "goto page", function(unireader) local page = InputBox:input(height-100, 100, "Page:") -- convert string to number if not pcall(function () page = page + 0 end) then page = unireader.pageno else if page < 1 or page > unireader.doc:getPages() then page = unireader.pageno end end unireader:goto(page) end) self.commands:add(KEY_H,nil,"H", "show help page", function(unireader) HelpPage:show(0,height,unireader.commands) unireader:goto(unireader.pageno) end) self.commands:add(KEY_T,nil,"T", "show table of content", function(unireader) unireader:showTOC() end) self.commands:add(KEY_B,nil,"B", "show jump stack", function(unireader) unireader:showJumpStack() end) self.commands:add(KEY_B,MOD_SHIFT,"B", "add jump", function(unireader) unireader:addJump(unireader.pageno) end) self.commands:add(KEY_J,nil,"J", "rotate 10° clockwise", function(unireader) unireader:setRotate( unireader.globalrotate + 10 ) end) self.commands:add(KEY_J,MOD_SHIFT,"J", "rotate screen 90° clockwise", function(unireader) unireader:screenRotate("clockwise") end) self.commands:add(KEY_K,nil,"K", "rotate 10° counterclockwise", function(unireader) unireader:setRotate( unireader.globalrotate - 10 ) end) self.commands:add(KEY_K,MOD_SHIFT,"K", "rotate screen 90° counterclockwise", function(unireader) unireader:screenRotate("anticlockwise") end) self.commands:add(KEY_HOME,MOD_SHIFT_OR_ALT,"Home", "exit application", function(unireader) keep_running = false return "break" end) self.commands:add(KEY_Z,nil,"Z", "set crop mode", function(unireader) local bbox = {} bbox["x0"] = - unireader.offset_x / unireader.globalzoom bbox["y0"] = - unireader.offset_y / unireader.globalzoom bbox["x1"] = bbox["x0"] + width / unireader.globalzoom bbox["y1"] = bbox["y0"] + height / unireader.globalzoom bbox.pan_x = unireader.pan_x bbox.pan_y = unireader.pan_y unireader.bbox[unireader.pageno] = bbox unireader.bbox[unireader:oddEven(unireader.pageno)] = bbox unireader.bbox.enabled = true print("# bbox " .. unireader.pageno .. dump(unireader.bbox)) unireader.globalzoommode = unireader.ZOOM_FIT_TO_CONTENT -- use bbox end) self.commands:add(KEY_Z,MOD_SHIFT,"Z", "reset crop", function(unireader) unireader.bbox[unireader.pageno] = nil; print("# bbox remove "..unireader.pageno .. dump(unireader.bbox)); end) self.commands:add(KEY_Z,MOD_ALT,"Z", "toggle crop mode", function(unireader) unireader.bbox.enabled = not unireader.bbox.enabled; print("# bbox override: ", unireader.bbox.enabled); end) self.commands:add(KEY_MENU,nil,"Menu", "open menu", function(unireader) unireader:showMenu() unireader:goto(unireader.pageno) end) -- panning local panning_keys = {Keydef:new(KEY_FW_LEFT,MOD_ANY),Keydef:new(KEY_FW_RIGHT,MOD_ANY),Keydef:new(KEY_FW_UP,MOD_ANY),Keydef:new(KEY_FW_DOWN,MOD_ANY),Keydef:new(KEY_FW_PRESS,MOD_ANY)} self.commands:addGroup("[joypad]",panning_keys, "pan the active view; use Shift or Alt for smaller steps", function(unireader,keydef) if keydef.keycode ~= KEY_FW_PRESS then unireader.globalzoommode = unireader.ZOOM_BY_VALUE end if unireader.globalzoommode == unireader.ZOOM_BY_VALUE then local x local y if keydef.modifier==MOD_SHIFT then -- shift always moves in small steps x = unireader.shift_x / 2 y = unireader.shift_y / 2 elseif keydef.modifier==MOD_ALT then x = unireader.shift_x / 5 y = unireader.shift_y / 5 elseif unireader.pan_by_page then x = width; y = height - unireader.pan_overlap_vertical; -- overlap for lines which didn't fit else x = unireader.shift_x y = unireader.shift_y end print("offset "..unireader.offset_x.."*"..unireader.offset_x.." shift "..x.."*"..y.." globalzoom="..unireader.globalzoom) local old_offset_x = unireader.offset_x local old_offset_y = unireader.offset_y if keydef.keycode == KEY_FW_LEFT then print("# KEY_FW_LEFT "..unireader.offset_x.." + "..x.." > 0"); unireader.offset_x = unireader.offset_x + x if unireader.pan_by_page then if unireader.offset_x > 0 and unireader.pageno > 1 then unireader.offset_x = unireader.pan_x unireader.offset_y = unireader.min_offset_y -- bottom unireader:goto(unireader.pageno - 1) else unireader.offset_y = unireader.min_offset_y end elseif unireader.offset_x > 0 then unireader.offset_x = 0 end elseif keydef.keycode == KEY_FW_RIGHT then print("# KEY_FW_RIGHT "..unireader.offset_x.." - "..x.." < "..unireader.min_offset_x.." - "..unireader.pan_margin); unireader.offset_x = unireader.offset_x - x if unireader.pan_by_page then if unireader.offset_x < unireader.min_offset_x - unireader.pan_margin and unireader.pageno < unireader.doc:getPages() then unireader.offset_x = unireader.pan_x unireader.offset_y = unireader.pan_y unireader:goto(unireader.pageno + 1) else unireader.offset_y = unireader.pan_y end elseif unireader.offset_x < unireader.min_offset_x then unireader.offset_x = unireader.min_offset_x end elseif keydef.keycode == KEY_FW_UP then unireader.offset_y = unireader.offset_y + y if unireader.offset_y > 0 then unireader.offset_y = 0 end elseif keydef.keycode == KEY_FW_DOWN then unireader.offset_y = unireader.offset_y - y if unireader.offset_y < unireader.min_offset_y then unireader.offset_y = unireader.min_offset_y end elseif keydef.keycode == KEY_FW_PRESS then if keydef.modifier==MOD_SHIFT then if unireader.pan_by_page then unireader.offset_x = unireader.pan_x unireader.offset_y = unireader.pan_y else unireader.offset_x = 0 unireader.offset_y = 0 end else unireader.pan_by_page = not unireader.pan_by_page if unireader.pan_by_page then unireader.pan_x = unireader.offset_x unireader.pan_y = unireader.offset_y end end end if old_offset_x ~= unireader.offset_x or old_offset_y ~= unireader.offset_y then unireader:goto(unireader.pageno) end end end) -- end panning --print defined commands --for k,v in pairs( do print(v) end end