--------------------------------- -- Generic input method engine -- --------------------------------- local logger = require("logger") local util = require("util") local Utf8Proc = require("ffi/utf8proc") local function binarysearch( tbl, value, fcompval, reversed ) if not fcompval then return end local iStart,iEnd = 1,#tbl local iMid while iStart <= iEnd do iMid = math.floor( (iStart+iEnd)/2 ) local value2 = fcompval( tbl[iMid] ) if value == value2 then if iMid == 1 or fcompval( tbl[iMid-1] ) ~= value then return iMid end iEnd = iMid - 1 while iStart <= iEnd do iMid = math.floor( (iStart+iEnd)/2 ) value2 = fcompval( tbl[iMid] ) if value2 == value then if fcompval( tbl[iMid-1] ) ~= value then return iMid else iEnd = iMid - 1 end else if fcompval( tbl[iMid+1] ) == value then return iMid + 1 else iStart = iMid + 2 end end end return iMid elseif ( reversed and value2 < value ) or ( not reversed and value2 > value ) then iEnd = iMid - 1 else iStart = iMid + 1 end end end local function stringReplaceAt(str, pos, r) return str:sub(1, pos-1) .. r .. str:sub(pos+1) end local _stack local IME = { code_map = nil, -- hash, mandatory key_map = nil, -- input key to code map keys_string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", iter_map = nil, -- next code when using wildcard iter_map_last_key = nil, show_candi_callback = function() end, switch_char = "SWITCH", separator = "SEPARATOR", partial_separators = { " " }, -- when in state act as separator, otherwise input itself auto_separate_callback = function() return false end, local_del = "", -- default has_case = false, exact_match = false, W = nil -- default no wildcard } function IME:new(new_o) local o = new_o or {} setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self o:init() return o end function IME:init() self:clear_stack() self.sorted_codes = {} for k,_ in pairs(self.code_map) do table.insert(self.sorted_codes, k) end table.sort(self.sorted_codes) if not self.key_map and self.keys_string then self.key_map = {} for i=0, #self.keys_string do self.key_map[self.keys_string:sub(i, i)] = self.keys_string:sub(i, i) end end if not self.iter_map and self.W then self.iter_map = {} local keys = util.splitToChars(self.keys_string) for i=1, #keys-1 do self.iter_map[keys[i]] = keys[i+1] end if #keys > 1 then self.iter_map[keys[#keys]] = keys[1] end end end function IME:clear_stack() _stack = { {code="", char="", index=1, candi={} } } self.last_key = "" self.last_index = 0 self.hint_char_count = 0 self.on_stage_char_count = 0 end function IME:reset_status() self.last_key = "" self.last_index = 0 end function IME:uniqueMap(code) -- Here we find out if given code has only one candidate and no other code -- starts with the given one, so that auto separation can take place. if not code then return true end if self.W and code:find(self.W) then return false -- with wildcard, we just return false even if its unique else if type(self.code_map[code]) == "table" then return false end local idx = binarysearch(self.sorted_codes, code, function(v) return v end) if idx == #self.sorted_codes then return true elseif not idx then idx = binarysearch(self.sorted_codes, code, function(v) return string.sub(v or "", 1, #code) end ) if not idx or idx == #self.sorted_codes then return true end end local next_code = self.sorted_codes[idx+1] local unique = next_code:sub(1, #code) ~= code return unique end end function IME:searchStartWith(code) if self.exact_match then return end local result = binarysearch(self.sorted_codes, code, function(v) return string.sub(v or "", 1, #code) end) if result then local candi = self.code_map[self.sorted_codes[result]] if candi then logger.dbg("zh_kbd: got search result starting with", code, ":", candi) end if type(candi) == "string" then return { candi } end return candi end end function IME:getCandiFromMap(code) local candi = self.code_map[code] if candi then logger.dbg("zh_kbd: got candi from map with", code, ":", candi) end if type(candi) == "string" then return { candi } end return candi end function IME:getCandi(code) return self:getCandiFromMap(code) or self:searchStartWith(code) or {} end function IME:getCandiWithWildcard(code, from_reset) logger.dbg("zh_kdb: getCandiWithWildcard:", code, "lastKey:", self.last_key) for i=#code, 1, -1 do if code:sub(i, i) == self.W then if self.last_key:sub(i, i) == self.iter_map_last_key then local next = self.iter_map[self.iter_map_last_key] self.last_key = stringReplaceAt(self.last_key, i, next) else self.last_key = stringReplaceAt(self.last_key, i, self.iter_map[self.last_key:sub(i, i)]) self.last_candi = self:getCandi(self.last_key) if #self.last_candi > 0 then logger.dbg("zh_kbd: got candi with wildchard for key", self.last_key, ":", self.last_candi) return self.last_candi end return self:getCandiWithWildcard(code, from_reset) end end end -- all wildcard reset self.last_candi = self:getCandi(self.last_key) if #self.last_candi > 0 then logger.dbg("zh_kbd: got candi with wildchard for key", self.last_key, ":", self.last_candi) return self.last_candi elseif not from_reset then return self:getCandiWithWildcard(code, true) end end function IME:getCandidates(code) logger.dbg("zh_kbd: getCandidates", code) if self.W then local wildcard_count = select(2, string.gsub(code, self.W, "")) if wildcard_count > 5 then -- we limit the wildcard count to 5 due to performance conserns return elseif wildcard_count ~= 0 then if #code == #self.last_key then -- only index change, no new stroke local last_candi = _stack[#_stack].candi return self:getCandiWithWildcard(code), last_candi else self:reset_status() self.last_key = code:gsub(self.W, self.iter_map_last_key) return self:getCandiWithWildcard(code) end end end -- no wildcard return self:getCandiFromMap(code) or self:searchStartWith(code) end --- inputbox operation function IME:delHintChars(inputbox) logger.dbg("zh_kbd: delete hint chars of count", self.hint_char_count) for i=1, self.hint_char_count do inputbox.delChar:raw_method_call() end end function IME:delOnStageAndHintChars(inputbox) self:delHintChars(inputbox) for i=1, self.on_stage_char_count do inputbox.delChar:raw_method_call() end end function IME:getHintChars() self.hint_char_count = 0 self.on_stage_char_count = 0 local hint_chars = "" for i=1, #_stack do hint_chars = hint_chars .. _stack[i].char if _stack[i].char ~= "" then self.on_stage_char_count = self.on_stage_char_count + #util.splitToChars(_stack[i].char) end end local imex = _stack[#_stack] local has_wildcard = self.W and imex.code:find(self.W) if self:show_candi_callback() and -- shows candidates #imex.candi ~= 0 and -- has candidates ( #imex.code > 1 or imex.index > 1 ) and -- more than one key ( #imex.candi > 1 or has_wildcard and imex.candi[1] ~= (imex.last_candi or {})[1] ) then -- one candidate but use wildcard, or more candidates hint_chars = hint_chars .. "[" if #imex.candi > 1 then local remainder if not has_wildcard then remainder = (imex.index+1) % #imex.candi else remainder = (imex.index-self.last_index+1) % #imex.candi end local pos = remainder == 0 and #imex.candi or remainder if not (has_wildcard and pos == 1) then for i=1, math.min(#imex.candi-1, 5) do hint_chars = hint_chars .. imex.candi[pos] self.hint_char_count = self.hint_char_count + #util.splitToChars(imex.candi[pos]) pos = pos == #imex.candi and 1 or pos+1 if has_wildcard and pos == 1 then break end end end end if #imex.candi > 6 or has_wildcard then hint_chars = hint_chars .. "…" self.hint_char_count = self.hint_char_count + 1 end hint_chars = hint_chars .. "]" self.hint_char_count = self.hint_char_count + 2 end logger.dbg("zh_kbd: got hint chars:", hint_chars, "with count", self.hint_char_count) return hint_chars end function IME:refreshHintChars(inpuxbox) self:delOnStageAndHintChars(inpuxbox) inpuxbox.addChars:raw_method_call(self:getHintChars()) end function IME:separate(inputbox) if self.hint_char_count then self:delHintChars(inputbox) end self:clear_stack() end function IME:tweak_case(new_candi, old_imex, new_stroke_upper) if self.has_case then local old_chars = util.splitToChars(old_imex.char) logger.dbg("zh_ime: tweak_case old chars", old_chars, "new_candi", new_candi) for i=1, #new_candi do local new_chars = util.splitToChars(new_candi[i]) for j=1, math.max(#new_chars, #old_chars) do local old_char = old_chars[j] local new_char = new_chars[j] if new_char ~= old_char then if not old_char and new_stroke_upper then -- tweak new_char new_chars[j] = Utf8Proc.uppercase_dumb(new_char) elseif old_char and new_char and old_char == Utf8Proc.uppercase_dumb(old_char) then -- tweak new_char when corresponding old char is uppercase new_chars[j] = Utf8Proc.uppercase_dumb(new_char) end end end new_candi[i] = table.concat(new_chars) end end end function IME:hasCandidates() return #(_stack[#_stack].candi) > 0 end function IME:wrappedDelChar(inputbox) local imex = _stack[#_stack] -- stepped deletion if #imex.code > 1 then -- last char has over one input strokes imex.code = string.sub(imex.code, 1, -2) imex.index = 1 local new_candi, last_candi = self:getCandidates(imex.code) self:tweak_case(new_candi, imex) imex.candi, imex.last_candi = new_candi, last_candi imex.char = imex.candi[1] self:refreshHintChars(inputbox) elseif #_stack > 1 then -- over one chars, last char has only one stroke _stack[#_stack] = nil self:refreshHintChars(inputbox) elseif #imex.code == 1 then -- one char with one stroke self:delOnStageAndHintChars(inputbox) self:clear_stack() else inputbox.delChar:raw_method_call() end end function IME:wrappedAddChars(inputbox, char, orig_char) local imex = _stack[#_stack] if char == self.switch_char then imex.index = imex.index + 1 if self.W and imex.code:find(self.W) then if #imex.candi == 0 then return elseif imex.index - self.last_index > #imex.candi then self.last_index = self.last_index + #imex.candi imex.candi,imex.last_candi = self:getCandidates(imex.code) imex.char = imex.candi[1] else imex.char = imex.candi[imex.index - self.last_index] end elseif #imex.candi > 1 then local remainder = imex.index % #imex.candi imex.char = imex.candi[remainder==0 and #imex.candi or remainder] else return end self:refreshHintChars(inputbox) elseif char == self.switch_char_prev then if self.W and imex.code:find(self.W) then if #imex.candi == 0 then return elseif imex.index <= self.last_index + 1 then return else imex.index = imex.index - 1 imex.char = imex.candi[imex.index - self.last_index] end elseif #imex.candi > 1 then imex.index = math.max(imex.index-1, 1) local remainder = imex.index % #imex.candi imex.char = imex.candi[remainder==0 and #imex.candi or remainder] else return end self:refreshHintChars(inputbox) elseif char == self.separator or _stack[1].code ~= "" and self.partial_separators and util.arrayContains(self.partial_separators, char) then self:separate(inputbox) return elseif char == self.local_del then if #imex.code > 0 then imex.candi = {} imex.char = "" local previous_imex = _stack[#_stack-1] if previous_imex then previous_imex.candi = {} previous_imex.char = "" end self:refreshHintChars(inputbox) self:clear_stack() else inputbox.delChar:raw_method_call() end else local key = self.key_map[char] if key then imex.index = 1 self:reset_status() local new_candi new_candi,imex.last_candi = self:getCandidates(imex.code..key) if new_candi and #new_candi > 0 then imex.code = imex.code .. key self:tweak_case(new_candi, imex, orig_char and orig_char ~= char) imex.char = new_candi[1] imex.candi = new_candi self:refreshHintChars(inputbox) if self.auto_separate_callback() and self:uniqueMap(imex.code) then self:separate(inputbox) end else if self.auto_separate_callback() then -- flush current stack self:separate(inputbox) end new_candi,imex.last_candi = self:getCandidates(key) or {orig_char or char},nil -- single stroke self:tweak_case(new_candi, {}, orig_char and orig_char ~= char) if self.auto_separate_callback() then _stack[1] = { code=key, index=1, char=new_candi[1] or "", candi=new_candi } else table.insert(_stack, {code=key, index=1, char=new_candi[1] or "", candi=new_candi} ) end self:refreshHintChars(inputbox) end else self:separate(inputbox) inputbox.addChars:raw_method_call(orig_char or char) end end end return IME