require "unireader" DJVUReader = UniReader:new{} -- open a DJVU file and its settings store -- DJVU does not support password yet function DJVUReader:open(filename) local ok ok, self.doc = pcall(djvu.openDocument, filename, self.cache_document_size) if not ok then return ok, self.doc -- this will be the error message instead end return ok end function DJVUReader:init() self:addAllCommands() self:adjustDjvuReaderCommand() end function DJVUReader:adjustDjvuReaderCommand() self.commands:del(KEY_J, MOD_SHIFT, "J") self.commands:del(KEY_K, MOD_SHIFT, "K") end ---------------------------------------------------- -- highlight support ---------------------------------------------------- function DJVUReader:getText(pageno) return self.doc:getPageText(pageno) end ---------------------------------------------------- -- In djvulibre library, some coordinates starts from -- lower left conner, i.e. y is upside down in kpv's -- coordinate. So y0 should be taken with special care. ---------------------------------------------------- function DJVUReader:zoomedRectCoordTransform(x0, y0, x1, y1) local x,y = self:screenOffset() return x0 * self.globalzoom + x, self.cur_full_height - (y1 * self.globalzoom) + y, (x1 - x0) * self.globalzoom, (y1 - y0) * self.globalzoom end -- y axel in djvulibre starts from bottom function DJVUReader:_isEntireWordInScreenHeightRange(w) return (w ~= nil) and (self.cur_full_height - (w.y1 * self.globalzoom) >= -self.offset_y) and (self.cur_full_height - (w.y0 * self.globalzoom) <= -self.offset_y + G_height) end -- y axel in djvulibre starts from bottom function DJVUReader:_isEntireLineInScreenHeightRange(l) return (l ~= nil) and (self.cur_full_height - (l.y1 * self.globalzoom) >= -self.offset_y) and (self.cur_full_height - (l.y0 * self.globalzoom) <= -self.offset_y + G_height) end -- y axel in djvulibre starts from bottom function DJVUReader:_isWordInScreenRange(w) if not w then return false end is_entire_word_out_of_screen_height = (self.cur_full_height - (w.y0 * self.globalzoom) <= -self.offset_y) or (self.cur_full_height - (w.y1 * self.globalzoom) >= -self.offset_y + G_height) is_entire_word_out_of_screen_width = (w.x0 * self.globalzoom >= -self.offset_x + G_width or w.x1 * self.globalzoom <= -self.offset_x) return (not is_entire_word_out_of_screen_height) and (not is_entire_word_out_of_screen_width) end