#!/bin/sh # NOTE: Stupid workaround to make sure the script we end up running is a *copy*, # living in a magical land that doesn't suffer from gross filesystem deficiencies. # Otherwise, the vfat+fuse mess means an OTA update will break the script on exit, # and potentially leave the user in a broken state, with the WM still paused... if [ "$(dirname "${0}")" != "/var/tmp" ]; then cp -pf "${0}" /var/tmp/koreader.sh chmod 777 /var/tmp/koreader.sh exec /var/tmp/koreader.sh "$@" fi export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" PROC_KEYPAD="/proc/keypad" PROC_FIVEWAY="/proc/fiveway" [ -e "${PROC_KEYPAD}" ] && echo unlock >"${PROC_KEYPAD}" [ -e "${PROC_FIVEWAY}" ] && echo unlock >"${PROC_FIVEWAY}" # KOReader's working directory export KOREADER_DIR="/mnt/us/koreader" # NOTE: Same vfat+fuse shenanigans needed for FBInk, before we source libko... cp -pf "${KOREADER_DIR}/fbink" /var/tmp/fbink chmod 777 /var/tmp/fbink # Load our helper functions... if [ -f "${KOREADER_DIR}/libkohelper.sh" ]; then # shellcheck source=/dev/null . "${KOREADER_DIR}/libkohelper.sh" else echo "Can't source helper functions, aborting!" exit 1 fi # Handle logging... logmsg() { # Use the right tools for the platform if [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "sysv" ]; then msg "koreader: ${1}" "I" elif [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "upstart" ]; then f_log I koreader wrapper "" "${1}" fi # And throw that on stdout too, for the DIY crowd ;) echo "${1}" } # Go away if we're on FW 5.0, it's not supported if [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "upstart" ]; then if grep '^Kindle 5\.0' /etc/prettyversion.txt >/dev/null 2>&1; then logmsg "FW 5.0 is not supported. Update to 5.1!" # And... scene! exit 0 fi fi # Keep track of what we do with pillow... export STOP_FRAMEWORK="no" export AWESOME_STOPPED="no" export CVM_STOPPED="no" export VOLUMD_STOPPED="no" PILLOW_HARD_DISABLED="no" PILLOW_SOFT_DISABLED="no" USED_WMCTRL="no" PASSCODE_DISABLED="no" # List of services we stop in order to reclaim a tiny sliver of RAM... TOGGLED_SERVICES="stored webreader kfxreader kfxview todo tmd rcm archive scanner otav3 otaupd" REEXEC_FLAGS="" # Keep track of if we were started through KUAL if [ "${1}" = "--kual" ]; then shift 1 FROM_KUAL="yes" REEXEC_FLAGS="${REEXEC_FLAGS} --kual" else FROM_KUAL="no" fi # By default, don't stop the framework. if [ "${1}" = "--framework_stop" ]; then shift 1 STOP_FRAMEWORK="yes" NO_SLEEP="no" REEXEC_FLAGS="${REEXEC_FLAGS} --framework_stop" elif [ "${1}" = "--asap" ]; then # Start as soon as possible, without sleeping to workaround UI quirks shift 1 NO_SLEEP="yes" REEXEC_FLAGS="${REEXEC_FLAGS} --asap" # Don't sleep during eips calls either... export EIPS_NO_SLEEP="true" else NO_SLEEP="no" fi # If we were started by KUAL (either Kindlet or Booklet), we have a few more things to do... if [ "${FROM_KUAL}" = "yes" ]; then # Yield a bit to let stuff stop properly... logmsg "Hush now . . ." if [ "${NO_SLEEP}" = "no" ]; then # NOTE: This may or may not be terribly useful... usleep 250000 fi # If we were started by the KUAL Kindlet, and not the Booklet, we have a nice value to correct... if [ "$(nice)" = "5" ]; then # Kindlet threads spawn with a nice value of 5, go back to a neutral value logmsg "Be nice!" renice -n -5 $$ fi fi # we're always starting from our working directory cd "${KOREADER_DIR}" || exit # Handle pending OTA update ko_update_check() { NEWUPDATE="${KOREADER_DIR}/ota/koreader.updated.tar" INSTALLED="${KOREADER_DIR}/ota/koreader.installed.tar" if [ -f "${NEWUPDATE}" ]; then logmsg "Updating KOReader . . ." # Let our checkpoint script handle the detailed visual feedback... eips_print_bottom_centered "Updating KOReader" 3 # Setup the FBInk daemon export FBINK_NAMED_PIPE="/tmp/koreader.fbink" rm -f "${FBINK_NAMED_PIPE}" FBINK_PID="$(/var/tmp/fbink --daemon 1 %KOREADER% -q -y -6 -P 0)" # NOTE: See frontend/ui/otamanager.lua for a few more details on how we squeeze a percentage out of tar's checkpoint feature # NOTE: %B should always be 512 in our case, so let stat do part of the maths for us instead of using %s ;). FILESIZE="$(stat -c %b "${NEWUPDATE}")" BLOCKS="$((FILESIZE / 20))" export CPOINTS="$((BLOCKS / 100))" # NOTE: To avoid blowing up when tar truncates itself during an update, copy our GNU tar binary to the system's tmpfs, # and run that one (c.f., #4602)... # This is most likely a side-effect of the weird fuse overlay being used for /mnt/us (vs. the real vfat on /mnt/base-us), # which we cannot use because it's been mounted noexec for a few years now... cp -pf "${KOREADER_DIR}/tar" /var/tmp/gnutar # shellcheck disable=SC2016 /var/tmp/gnutar --no-same-permissions --no-same-owner --checkpoint="${CPOINTS}" --checkpoint-action=exec='printf "%s" $((TAR_CHECKPOINT / CPOINTS)) > ${FBINK_NAMED_PIPE}' -C "/mnt/us" -xf "${NEWUPDATE}" fail=$? kill -TERM "${FBINK_PID}" # And remove our temporary tar binary... rm -f /var/tmp/gnutar # Cleanup behind us... if [ "${fail}" -eq 0 ]; then mv "${NEWUPDATE}" "${INSTALLED}" logmsg "Update successful :)" eips_print_bottom_centered "Update successful :)" 2 eips_print_bottom_centered "KOReader will start momentarily . . ." 1 # NOTE: Because, yep, that'll probably happen, as there's a high probability sh will throw a bogus syntax error, # probably for the same fuse-related reasons as tar... # NOTE: Even if it doesn't necessarily leave the device in an unusable state, # always recommend a hard-reboot to flush stale ghost copies... eips_print_bottom_centered "If it doesn't, you'll want to force a hard reboot" 0 else # Huh ho... logmsg "Update failed :( (${fail})" eips_print_bottom_centered "Update failed :(" 2 eips_print_bottom_centered "KOReader may fail to function properly" 1 fi rm -f "${NEWUPDATE}" # always purge newupdate to prevent update loops unset CPOINTS FBINK_NAMED_PIPE unset BLOCKS FILESIZE FBINK_PID # Ensure everything is flushed to disk before we restart. This *will* stall for a while on slow storage! sync fi } # NOTE: Keep doing an initial update check, in addition to one during the restart loop, so we can pickup potential updates of this very script... ko_update_check # If an update happened, and was successful, reexec if [ -n "${fail}" ] && [ "${fail}" -eq 0 ]; then # By now, we know we're in the right directory, and our script name is pretty much set in stone, so we can forgo using $0 # NOTE: REEXEC_FLAGS *needs* to be unquoted: we *want* word splitting here ;). # shellcheck disable=SC2086 exec ./koreader.sh ${REEXEC_FLAGS} "${@}" fi # export dict directory export STARDICT_DATA_DIR="data/dict" # export external font directories (In order: stock, stock custom (both legacy & 5.9.6+), stock extra, font hack) export EXT_FONT_DIR="/usr/java/lib/fonts;/mnt/us/fonts;/var/local/font/mnt;/mnt/us/linkfonts/fonts" # Only setup IPTables on devices where it makes sense to do so (FW 5.x & K4) if [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "upstart" ] || [ "$(uname -r)" = "2.6.31-rt11-lab126" ]; then logmsg "Setting up IPTables rules . . ." # accept input ports for calibre companion iptables -A INPUT -i wlan0 -p udp --dport 8134 -j ACCEPT fi # check if we need to disable the system passcode, because it messes with us in fun and interesting (and, more to the point, intractable) ways... # NOTE: The most egregious one being that it inhibits the outOfScreenSaver event on wakeup until the passcode is validated, which we can't do, since we capture all input... if [ -f "/var/local/system/userpasswdenabled" ]; then logmsg "Disabling system passcode . . ." rm -f "/var/local/system/userpasswdenabled" PASSCODE_DISABLED="yes" fi # check if we are supposed to shut down the Amazon framework if [ "${STOP_FRAMEWORK}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Stopping the framework . . ." # Upstart or SysV? if [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "sysv" ]; then /etc/init.d/framework stop else # The framework job sends a SIGTERM on stop, trap it so we don't get killed if we were launched by KUAL trap "" TERM stop lab126_gui # NOTE: Let the framework teardown finish, so we don't start before the black screen... usleep 1250000 # And remove the trap like a ninja now! trap - TERM fi fi # Normalize a version string for easy numeric comparisons # c.f., https://stackoverflow.com/a/37939589 version() { echo "$@" | awk -F. '{ printf("%d%03d%03d\n", $1,$2,$3); }'; } # Detect kernels w/ CLOEXEC support if [ "$(version "$(uname -r | sed -n -r 's/^([[:digit:]\.]*)(.*?)$/\1/p')")" -lt "$(version "2.6.23")" ]; then export KINDLE_LEGACY="yes" fi # There's no pillow if we stopped the framework, and it's only there on systems with upstart anyway if [ "${STOP_FRAMEWORK}" = "no" ] && [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "upstart" ]; then # NOTE: If we were launched from KUAL, don't even try to deal with KPVBooklet-specific workarounds if [ "${FROM_KUAL}" = "yes" ]; then kpv_launch_count="0" else kpv_launch_count="$(lipc-get-prop -eiq com.github.koreader.kpvbooklet.timer count)" fi # Check if KPVBooklet was launched more than once, if not we will disable pillow # c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader/commit/60f83e842ccce57931cbed5ffcebb28515f6f5d7 if [ "${kpv_launch_count}" = "" ] || [ "${kpv_launch_count}" = "0" ]; then # NOTE: Dump the fb so we can restore something useful on exit... cat /dev/fb0 >/var/tmp/koreader-fb.dump # We're going to need our current FW version... FW_VERSION="$(grep '^Kindle 5' /etc/prettyversion.txt 2>&1 | sed -n -r 's/^(Kindle)([[:blank:]]*)([[:digit:]\.]*)(.*?)$/\3/p')" # NOTE: We want to disable the status bar (at the very least). Unfortunately, the soft hide/unhide method doesn't work properly anymore since FW 5.6.5... if [ "$(version "${FW_VERSION}")" -ge "$(version "5.6.5")" ]; then export PILLOW_HARD_DISABLED="yes" # FIXME: So we resort to killing pillow completely on FW >= 5.6.5... logmsg "Disabling pillow . . ." lipc-set-prop com.lab126.pillow disableEnablePillow disable # NOTE: And, oh, joy, on FW >= 5.7.2, this is not enough to prevent the clock from refreshing, so, take the bull by the horns, and SIGSTOP the WM while we run... if [ "$(version "${FW_VERSION}")" -ge "$(version "5.7.2")" ]; then # Less drastically, we'll also be "minimizing" (actually, resizing) the title bar manually (c.f., https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2449275&postcount=5). # NOTE: Hiding it "works", but has a nasty side-effect of triggering ligl timeouts in some circumstances (c.f., https://github.com/koreader/koreader/pull/5943#issuecomment-598514376) # FIXME: There's apparently a nasty side-effect on FW >= 5.12.4 which somehow softlocks the UI on exit (despite wmctrl succeeding). Don't have the HW to investigate, so, just drop it. (#6117) if [ "$(version "${FW_VERSION}")" -lt "$(version "5.12.4")" ]; then logmsg "Hiding the title bar . . ." TITLEBAR_GEOMETRY="$(${KOREADER_DIR}/wmctrl -l -G | grep ":titleBar_ID:" | awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' OFS=',')" ${KOREADER_DIR}/wmctrl -r ":titleBar_ID:" -e "${TITLEBAR_GEOMETRY%,*},1" logmsg "Title bar geometry: '${TITLEBAR_GEOMETRY}' -> '$(${KOREADER_DIR}/wmctrl -l -G | grep ":titleBar_ID:" | awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' OFS=',')'" USED_WMCTRL="yes" fi if [ "${FROM_KUAL}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Stopping awesome . . ." killall -STOP awesome AWESOME_STOPPED="yes" fi fi else logmsg "Hiding the status bar . . ." # NOTE: One more great find from eureka (http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2454141&postcount=34) lipc-set-prop com.lab126.pillow interrogatePillow '{"pillowId": "default_status_bar", "function": "nativeBridge.hideMe();"}' export PILLOW_SOFT_DISABLED="yes" fi # NOTE: We don't need to sleep at all if we've already SIGSTOPped awesome ;) if [ "${NO_SLEEP}" = "no" ] && [ "${AWESOME_STOPPED}" = "no" ]; then # NOTE: Leave the framework time to refresh the screen, so we don't start before it has finished redrawing after collapsing the title bar usleep 250000 # NOTE: If we were started from KUAL, we risk getting a list item to popup right over us, so, wait some more... # The culprit appears to be a I WindowManager:flashTimeoutExpired:window=Root 0 0 600x30 if [ "${FROM_KUAL}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Playing possum to wait for the window manager . . ." usleep 2500000 fi fi # Murder a few services to reclaim some RAM... for job in ${TOGGLED_SERVICES}; do stop "${job}" done fi fi # stop cvm (sysv & framework up only) if [ "${STOP_FRAMEWORK}" = "no" ] && [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "sysv" ]; then logmsg "Stopping cvm . . ." killall -STOP cvm CVM_STOPPED="yes" fi # SIGSTOP volumd, to inhibit USBMS (sysv & upstart) if [ -e "/etc/init.d/volumd" ] || [ -e "/etc/upstart/volumd.conf" ]; then logmsg "Stopping volumd . . ." killall -STOP volumd VOLUMD_STOPPED="yes" fi # finally call reader logmsg "Starting KOReader . . ." # That's not necessary when using KPVBooklet ;). if [ "${FROM_KUAL}" = "yes" ]; then eips_print_bottom_centered "Starting KOReader . . ." 1 fi # we keep at most 500KB worth of crash log if [ -e crash.log ]; then tail -c 500000 crash.log >crash.log.new mv -f crash.log.new crash.log fi RETURN_VALUE=85 while [ "${RETURN_VALUE}" -eq 85 ]; do # Do an update check now, so we can actually update KOReader via the "Restart KOReader" menu entry ;). ko_update_check ./reader.lua "$@" >>crash.log 2>&1 RETURN_VALUE=$? done # clean up our own process tree in case the reader crashed (if needed, to avoid flooding KUAL's log) if pidof reader.lua >/dev/null 2>&1; then logmsg "Sending a SIGTERM to stray KOreader processes . . ." killall -TERM reader.lua fi # Resume volumd, if need be if [ "${VOLUMD_STOPPED}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Resuming volumd . . ." killall -CONT volumd fi # Resume cvm (only if we stopped it) if [ "${STOP_FRAMEWORK}" = "no" ] && [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "sysv" ]; then logmsg "Resuming cvm . . ." killall -CONT cvm # We need to handle the screen refresh ourselves, frontend/device/kindle/device.lua's Kindle3.exit is called before we resume cvm ;). echo 'send 139' >/proc/keypad echo 'send 139' >/proc/keypad fi # Restart framework (if need be) if [ "${STOP_FRAMEWORK}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Restarting framework . . ." if [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "sysv" ]; then cd / && /etc/init.d/framework start else cd / && start lab126_gui fi fi # Display chrome bar if need be (upstart & framework up only) if [ "${STOP_FRAMEWORK}" = "no" ] && [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "upstart" ]; then # Resume the services we murdered for job in ${TOGGLED_SERVICES}; do start "${job}" done # Depending on the FW version, we may have handled things in a few different manners... if [ "${AWESOME_STOPPED}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Resuming awesome . . ." killall -CONT awesome fi if [ "${PILLOW_HARD_DISABLED}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Enabling pillow . . ." # NOTE: Try to leave the user with a slightly more useful FB content than our own last screen... cat /var/tmp/koreader-fb.dump >/dev/fb0 rm -f /var/tmp/koreader-fb.dump lipc-set-prop com.lab126.pillow disableEnablePillow enable lipc-set-prop com.lab126.appmgrd start app://com.lab126.booklet.home fi if [ "${PILLOW_SOFT_DISABLED}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Restoring the status bar . . ." # NOTE: Try to leave the user with a slightly more useful FB content than our own last screen... cat /var/tmp/koreader-fb.dump >/dev/fb0 rm -f /var/tmp/koreader-fb.dump lipc-set-prop com.lab126.pillow interrogatePillow '{"pillowId": "default_status_bar", "function": "nativeBridge.showMe();"}' lipc-set-prop com.lab126.appmgrd start app://com.lab126.booklet.home fi if [ "${USED_WMCTRL}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Restoring the title bar . . ." # NOTE: Wait and retry for a bit, because apparently there may be timing issues (c.f., #5990)? usleep 250000 WMCTRL_COUNT=0 until [ "$(${KOREADER_DIR}/wmctrl -l -G | grep ":titleBar_ID:" | awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' OFS=',')" = "${TITLEBAR_GEOMETRY}" ]; do # Abort after 5s if [ ${WMCTRL_COUNT} -gt 20 ]; then log "Giving up on restoring the title bar geometry!" break fi ${KOREADER_DIR}/wmctrl -r ":titleBar_ID:" -e "${TITLEBAR_GEOMETRY}" usleep 250000 WMCTRL_COUNT=$((WMCTRL_COUNT + 1)) done logmsg "Title bar geometry restored to '$(${KOREADER_DIR}/wmctrl -l -G | grep ":titleBar_ID:" | awk '{print $2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' OFS=',')' (ought to be: '${TITLEBAR_GEOMETRY}') [after ${WMCTRL_COUNT} attempts]" fi fi if [ "${INIT_TYPE}" = "upstart" ] || [ "$(uname -r)" = "2.6.31-rt11-lab126" ]; then logmsg "Restoring IPTables rules . . ." # restore firewall rules iptables -D INPUT -i wlan0 -p udp --dport 8134 -j ACCEPT fi if [ "${PASSCODE_DISABLED}" = "yes" ]; then logmsg "Restoring system passcode . . ." touch "/var/local/system/userpasswdenabled" fi # Wipe the clones on exit rm -f /var/tmp/koreader.sh /var/tmp/fbink exit ${RETURN_VALUE}