when in CREngine mode, the current font can be made the default
document font by pressing Shift-F
in order to store this setting, the reader_settings variable was
promoted to the declared global G_reader_settings
- zip files don't require double extensions any more
- filechooser has 'H' shortcut to display keys
- new function for files and folders (^ == shift)
^N - new folder
Del - delete document/folder
^C - copy file into clipboard
^X - cut (move) file to clipboard
^V - paste files from clipboard
^R - rename file
- configurable keyboard for input box
- long lines (filenames in 'Document Info') are now splitted in more
human-readable way (by spaces, dots, slashes or some other characters
- see screenshot)
- the selection of fonts in filemanager (key 'F' or 'Aa') looks now more
- fixed too long strings in most menues (TOC, Bookmarks, Fonts...) and
in the popup with the reading progress (called by key 'Menu')
- the position inside the cr-documents (epub, mobi...) now remain nearly
the same after rescaling the document (i.e. changing the font face,
size, boldface and interline distance)
- when you open TOC-menu or Fonts Menu, it highlights the current item
(i.e. current chapter and current fontface).
- i've a bit changed the way to read the battery level values, it might
now work even without Amazon Kindle framework.
+ fixed: too long strings in _drawReadingInfo() (called by key 'Menu')
+ fixed: floating the text when the font (face, size or boldface) and/or interline spacing modify the document height
Pointed out by kljohann, thanks.
Now addJump and addBookmark get notes
from specified pageno/xpointer instead
of current page.
* also fixed bug in page number counting
in cre.cpp
this patch also introduces an interface for setFontSize and setStyleSheet.
Hopefully, we can use the latter to send customized CSS to CREngine
as Lua strings. This functionality is however untested for now.
This is nice feature of Sony e-book readers which is very useful when
reading since it shows previous part of visible page and provides
hint where to continue reading after page refresh