The decision whether ext:getReader(ftype) returns CREReader or nil for documents with improper file extentions now depends on the new parameter FileChooser.filemanager_expert_mode. Improper files are now related to CREReader only for advances users.
- long lines (filenames in 'Document Info') are now splitted in more
human-readable way (by spaces, dots, slashes or some other characters
- see screenshot)
- the selection of fonts in filemanager (key 'F' or 'Aa') looks now more
- fixed too long strings in most menues (TOC, Bookmarks, Fonts...) and
in the popup with the reading progress (called by key 'Menu')
- the position inside the cr-documents (epub, mobi...) now remain nearly
the same after rescaling the document (i.e. changing the font face,
size, boldface and interline distance)
- when you open TOC-menu or Fonts Menu, it highlights the current item
(i.e. current chapter and current fontface).
- i've a bit changed the way to read the battery level values, it might
now work even without Amazon Kindle framework.