* junit test results; unfortunately this seems to conflict with the verbose out
* fix deps cache: two files can change independently
* verbose print obsoleted by gtest in upsream busted
The debug output from Coveralls was rubbish. `"Build processing error"`
Besides some basics like checking if we were actually sending
valid JSON that gives us absolutely nothing to work with.
* Enable parallelism in .circleci/config.yml
* Add BUSTED_SPEC_FILE to Makefile testfront
* Use it in .ci/test.sh with xargs for test parallelization
NB This is the dumb method of improving test time.
Ideally we want a workflow fan-in/fan-out approach.
* shellcheck 0.4.5 fix `LC_ALL: en_US.UTF8` (can be removed for shellcheck 0.4.6)
* hush updated luacheck on `reader.lua`; we're not assigning any variables but `= nil` is redundant