* junit test results; unfortunately this seems to conflict with the verbose out
* fix deps cache: two files can change independently
* verbose print obsoleted by gtest in upsream busted
The debug output from Coveralls was rubbish. `"Build processing error"`
Besides some basics like checking if we were actually sending
valid JSON that gives us absolutely nothing to work with.
I wrote this whole complicated wofkflow-based config file, but except
in the case of a base rebuild it wouldn't really be any faster than
this simple tweak.
defaults: &defaults
- image: houqp/kobase:0.0.5
# this is for shellcheck 0.4.5 and lower; can be removed for 0.4.6
version: 2
<<: *defaults
- checkout
- restore_cache:
# binary dependencies require {{ arch }} because there are different CPUs in use on the servers
- deps-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum ".ci/install.sh" }}
# need to init some stuff first or git will complain when sticking in base cache
- run: git submodule init base && git submodule update base && pushd base && git submodule init && git submodule update && popd
# we can't use command output directly for cache check so we write it to git-rev-base
- run: pushd base && git_rev_base=$(git describe HEAD) && popd && echo $git_rev_base && echo $git_rev_base >git-rev-base
- restore_cache:
- build-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "git-rev-base" }}
- run: echo 'export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${PATH}' >> $BASH_ENV
- run:
name: setup
command: .ci/before_install.sh
- run:
name: install
command: .ci/install.sh
- save_cache:
key: deps-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum ".ci/install.sh" }}
- "/home/ko/bin"
- "/home/ko/.luarocks"
# compiled luarocks binaries
- "install"
- run:
name: fetch
command: .ci/fetch.sh
- run:
name: check
command: .ci/check.sh
- run:
name: build
command: .ci/build.sh
- save_cache:
key: build-{{ checksum "base/git-rev" }}
- "/home/ko/.ccache"
- "base"
- persist_to_workspace:
# Must be an absolute path, or relative path from working_directory
root: "./"
# Must be relative path from root
# front build
- "koreader-emulator-x86_64-linux-gnu/koreader"
<<: *defaults
parallelism: 4
- checkout
- restore_cache:
# binary dependencies require {{ arch }} because there are different CPUs in use on the servers
- deps-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum ".ci/install.sh" }}
# need to init some stuff first or git will complain when sticking in base cache
- run: git submodule init base && git submodule update base && pushd base && git submodule init && git submodule update && popd
# we can't use command output directly for cache check so we write it to git-rev-base
- run: pushd base && git_rev_base=$(git describe HEAD) && popd && echo $git_rev_base && echo $git_rev_base >git-rev-base
- restore_cache:
- build-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "git-rev-base" }}
- run: echo 'export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${PATH}' >> $BASH_ENV
- attach_workspace:
# Must be absolute path or relative path from working_directory
at: "./"
- run:
name: test
command: .ci/test.sh
<<: *defaults
- checkout
- restore_cache:
# binary dependencies require {{ arch }} because there are different CPUs in use on the servers
- deps-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum ".ci/install.sh" }}
# need to init some stuff first or git will complain when sticking in base cache
- run: git submodule init base && git submodule update base && pushd base && git submodule init && git submodule update && popd
# we can't use command output directly for cache check so we write it to git-rev-base
- run: pushd base && git_rev_base=$(git describe HEAD) && popd && echo $git_rev_base && echo $git_rev_base >git-rev-base
- restore_cache:
- build-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "git-rev-base" }}
- run: echo 'export PATH=${HOME}/bin:${PATH}' >> $BASH_ENV
- attach_workspace:
# Must be absolute path or relative path from working_directory
at: "./"
- run:
name: cleanup
command: .ci/after_success.sh
version: 2
- install-and-build
- test:
- install-and-build
- docs-and-coverage:
- install-and-build
* Travis: speed up by caching base and running luacheck earlier
* ignore bin and install for git status change detection
* skip coverage except on official master branch. It adds 3 whole minutes and does nothing to prevent regressions
* also cache ~/.luarocks. It evens out but would generally prevent remote timeout shenenigans
* remove base cache dir before caching with verbose remove to see what's going on
* more inclusive shell code quality analysis
* fixed more shellcheck issues
* better shellcheck/shfmt debugging info