NetworkActivity: Fix an exceedingly unlikely crash.

If you're *extremely* unlucky, the scheduled check might run *right*
after a wakeup, before the network interface is up. So, you have a
previously stored packet count, but the new one is nil. Boom.
NiLuJe 3 years ago
parent 5ae5c99197
commit b119e29218

@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ function NetworkListener:_scheduleActivityCheck()
local keep_checking = true
local tx_packets = NetworkListener:_getTxPackets()
if self._last_tx_packets then
if self._last_tx_packets and tx_packets then
-- Compute noise threshold based on the current delay
local delay = self._activity_check_delay or default_network_timeout_seconds
local noise_threshold = delay / default_network_timeout_seconds * network_activity_noise_margin
