fix function util.splitToChars in frontend/util.lua

union2find 8 years ago
parent f8943efdbf
commit a7f24b6eaf

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ local Keyboard
local InputText = InputContainer:new{
text = "",
hint = "demo hint",
charlist = {}, -- table to store input string
charlist = nil, -- table to store input string
charpos = nil, -- position to insert a new char, or the position of the cursor
input_type = nil,
text_type = nil,
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ end
function InputText:initTextBox(text)
self.text = text
util.splitToChars(text, self.charlist)
self.charlist = util.splitToChars(text)
if self.charpos == nil then
self.charpos = #self.charlist + 1

@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ end
function ScrollTextWidget:scrollText(direction)
if direction == 0 then return end
local low, high
if direction > 0 then
low, high = self.text_widget:scrollDown()
self.v_scroll_bar:set(low, high)
low, high = self.text_widget:scrollUp()
self.v_scroll_bar:set(low, high)
self.v_scroll_bar:set(low, high)
UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, function()
return "partial", self.dimen

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ local TextBoxWidget = Widget:new{
function TextBoxWidget:init()
local line_height = (1 + self.line_height) * self.face.size
local font_height = self.face.size
self.cursor_line = LineWidget:new{
dimen = Geom:new{
w = Screen:scaleBySize(1),
@ -45,27 +44,22 @@ function TextBoxWidget:init()
self:_renderText(1, self:getVisLineCount())
if self.editable then
local x, y
x, y = self:_findCharPos()
self.cursor_line:paintTo(self._bb, x, y)
self.dimen = Geom:new(self:getSize())
-- Return whether the text widget is editable.
function TextBoxWidget:isEditable()
return self.editable
-- Evaluate the width of each char in `self.charlist`.
function TextBoxWidget:_evalCharWidthList()
if self.charlist == nil then
self.charlist = {}
util.splitToChars(self.text, self.charlist)
self.charlist = util.splitToChars(self.text)
self.charpos = #self.charlist + 1
self.char_width_list = {}
for _, v in ipairs(self.charlist) do
w = RenderText:sizeUtf8Text(0, Screen:getWidth(), self.face, v, true, self.bold).x
local w = RenderText:sizeUtf8Text(0, Screen:getWidth(), self.face, v, true, self.bold).x
table.insert(self.char_width_list, {char = v, width = w})
@ -76,18 +70,15 @@ function TextBoxWidget:_splitCharWidthList()
self.vertical_string_list[1] = {text = "Demo hint", offset = 1, width = 0} -- hint for empty string
local idx = 1
local offset = 1
local cur_line_width = 0
local cur_line_text = nil
local size = #self.char_width_list
local ln = 1
local offset, cur_line_width, cur_line_text
while idx <= size do
offset = idx
-- Appending chars until the accumulated width exceeds `self.width`,
-- or a newline occurs, or no more chars to consume.
cur_line_width = 0
local hard_newline = false
cur_line_text = nil
while idx <= size do
if self.char_width_list[idx].char == "\n" then
hard_newline = true
@ -117,7 +108,7 @@ function TextBoxWidget:_splitCharWidthList()
cur_line_width = cur_line_width - self.char_width_list[idx].width
cur_line_text = table.concat(self.charlist, "", offset, adjusted_idx)
cur_line_width = adjusted_line_width
cur_line_width = adjusted_width
idx = adjusted_idx + 1
end -- endif util.isSplitable(c)
@ -179,7 +170,6 @@ end
-- Be aware of virtual line number of the scorllTextWidget.
function TextBoxWidget:moveCursor(x, y)
local w = 0
local h = 0
local line_height = (1 + self.line_height) * self.face.size
local ln = self.height == nil and 1 or self.virtual_line_num
ln = ln + math.ceil(y / line_height) - 1

@ -99,21 +99,19 @@ end
-- Split string into a list of UTF-8 chars.
-- @text: the string to be splitted.
-- @tab: the table to store the chars sequentially, must not be nil.
function util.splitToChars(text, tab)
if text == nil then return end
-- clear
for k, v in pairs(tab) do
tab[k] = nil
local prevcharcode, charcode = 0
for uchar in string.gfind(text, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do
charcode = BaseUtil.utf8charcode(uchar)
if prevcharcode then -- utf8
table.insert(tab, uchar)
function util.splitToChars(text)
local tab = {}
if text ~= nil then
local prevcharcode, charcode = 0
for uchar in string.gfind(text, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do
charcode = BaseUtil.utf8charcode(uchar)
if prevcharcode then -- utf8
table.insert(tab, uchar)
prevcharcode = charcode
prevcharcode = charcode
return tab
-- Test whether a string could be separated by a char for multi-line rendering
