ja_keyboard spinwidget: no default value in description

hius07 3 years ago committed by poire-z
parent 1ad7b7151a
commit a7842d134c

@ -141,12 +141,10 @@ local function genMenuItems(self)
local Screen = require("device").screen
local items = SpinWidget:new{
title_text = _("Keitai tap interval"),
info_text = T(_([[
info_text = _([[
How long to wait (in seconds) for the next tap when in keitai input mode before committing to the current character. During this window, tapping a single key will loop through candidates for the current character being input. Any other input will cause you to leave keitai mode.
If set to 0, keitai input is disabled entirely and only flick input can be used.
Default value: %1]]), DEFAULT_KEITAI_TAP_INTERVAL),
If set to 0, keitai input is disabled entirely and only flick input can be used.]]),
width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.75),
value = getKeitaiTapInterval(),
value_min = 0,
