readerhighlight: remove selected_word and use selected_text everywhere

There were two ways of specifing selected text for a highlight depending
on whether it was a "single word" or text selected using hold-and-pan.
In addition to being a bit more complicated than is necessary, with the
addition of the language support plugin system (where the "single word"
selected might be expanded), it makes more sense to simply use the same
logic and table structure for both cases.

The dictionary lookup special case (hold-without-pan triggering a
dictionary lookup by default) still works as before.

In addition, this patch fixes a minor inefficiency during dictionary
quick lookup -- before this patch, the highlight would be re-selected
because the quick lookup window is run concurrently and tries to fetch
ReaderHighlight.selected_text but this is set to nil immediately after
triggering the lookup. This is unnecessary because :clear() will be
called anyway when the quick pop-up closes, and so clearing this can be
left until then.

Signed-off-by: Aleksa Sarai <>
Aleksa Sarai 3 years ago committed by Frans de Jonge
parent 3ffb4c1692
commit 7a0e3d5e68

@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ function ReaderDictionary:addToMainMenu(menu_items)
function ReaderDictionary:onLookupWord(word, is_sane, box, highlight, link)
logger.dbg("dict lookup word:", word, box)
function ReaderDictionary:onLookupWord(word, is_sane, boxes, highlight, link)
logger.dbg("dict lookup word:", word, boxes)
-- escape quotes and other funny characters in word
word = self:cleanSelection(word, is_sane)
logger.dbg("dict stripped word:", word)
@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ function ReaderDictionary:onLookupWord(word, is_sane, box, highlight, link)
-- Wrapped through Trapper, as we may be using Trapper:dismissablePopen() in it
self:stardictLookup(word, self.enabled_dict_names, not self.disable_fuzzy_search, box, link)
self:stardictLookup(word, self.enabled_dict_names, not self.disable_fuzzy_search, boxes, link)
return true
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ function ReaderDictionary:onHtmlDictionaryLinkTapped(dictionary, link)
-- Wrapped through Trapper, as we may be using Trapper:dismissablePopen() in it
self:stardictLookup(word, {dictionary}, false, link_box, nil)
self:stardictLookup(word, {dictionary}, false, {link_box}, nil)
@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ function ReaderDictionary:startSdcv(word, dict_names, fuzzy_search)
return final_results
function ReaderDictionary:stardictLookup(word, dict_names, fuzzy_search, box, link)
function ReaderDictionary:stardictLookup(word, dict_names, fuzzy_search, boxes, link)
if word == "" then
@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ function ReaderDictionary:stardictLookup(word, dict_names, fuzzy_search, box, li
lookup_cancelled = false,
self:showDict(word, nope, box, link)
self:showDict(word, nope, boxes, link)
@ -877,10 +877,10 @@ function ReaderDictionary:stardictLookup(word, dict_names, fuzzy_search, box, li
self:showDict(word, tidyMarkup(results), box, link)
self:showDict(word, tidyMarkup(results), boxes, link)
function ReaderDictionary:showDict(word, results, box, link)
function ReaderDictionary:showDict(word, results, boxes, link)
if results and results[1] then
logger.dbg("showing quick lookup window", word, results)
self.dict_window = DictQuickLookup:new{
@ -893,7 +893,7 @@ function ReaderDictionary:showDict(word, results, box, link)
-- selected link, if any
selected_link = link,
results = results,
word_box = box,
word_boxes = boxes,
preferred_dictionaries = self.preferred_dictionaries,
-- differentiate between dict and wiki
is_wiki = self.is_wiki,

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ local BD = require("ui/bidi")
local ButtonDialog = require("ui/widget/buttondialog")
local Device = require("device")
local Event = require("ui/event")
local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer")
local Notification = require("ui/widget/notification")
@ -436,6 +437,7 @@ function ReaderHighlight:clear(clear_id)
self.restore_page_mode_func = nil
self.is_word_selection = false
self.selected_text_start_xpointer = nil
if self.hold_pos then
self.hold_pos = nil
@ -844,7 +846,16 @@ function ReaderHighlight:onHold(arg, ges)
local ok, word = pcall(self.ui.document.getWordFromPosition, self.ui.document, self.hold_pos)
if ok and word then
logger.dbg("selected word:", word)
self.selected_word = word
-- Convert "word selection" table to "text selection" table because we
-- use text selections throughout readerhighlight.
self.is_word_selection = true
self.selected_text = {
text = word.word or "",
pos0 = word.pos0 or word.pos,
pos1 = word.pos1 or word.pos,
sboxes = word.sbox and { word.sbox },
pboxes = word.pbox and { word.pbox },
local link =
self.selected_link = nil
if link then
@ -852,15 +863,13 @@ function ReaderHighlight:onHold(arg, ges)
self.selected_link = link
if then
local boxes = {}
table.insert(boxes, self.selected_word.sbox)
self.view.highlight.temp[] = boxes
self.view.highlight.temp[] = self.selected_text.sboxes
-- Unfortunately, getWordFromPosition() may not return good coordinates,
-- so refresh the whole page
UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui")
-- With crengine, getWordFromPosition() does return good coordinates
UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui", self.selected_word.sbox)
-- With crengine, getWordFromPosition() does return good coordinates.
UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui", Geom.boundingBox(self.selected_text.sboxes))
if word.pos0 then
@ -992,6 +1001,7 @@ function ReaderHighlight:onHoldPan(_, ges)
local old_text = self.selected_text and self.selected_text.text
self.selected_text = self.ui.document:getTextFromPositions(self.hold_pos, self.holdpan_pos)
self.is_word_selection = false
if self.selected_text and self.selected_text.pos0 then
if not self.selected_text_start_xpointer then
@ -1015,13 +1025,6 @@ function ReaderHighlight:onHoldPan(_, ges)
logger.dbg("selected text:", self.selected_text)
if self.selected_text then
self.view.highlight.temp[] = self.selected_text.sboxes
-- remove selected word if hold moves out of word box
if not self.selected_text.sboxes or #self.selected_text.sboxes == 0 then
self.selected_word = nil
elseif self.selected_word and not self.selected_word.sbox:contains(self.selected_text.sboxes[1]) or
#self.selected_text.sboxes > 1 then
self.selected_word = nil
UIManager:setDirty(self.dialog, "ui")
@ -1035,18 +1038,36 @@ You can download language data files for version 3.04 from https://tesseract-ocr
Copy the language data files for Tesseract 3.04 (e.g., eng.traineddata for English and spa.traineddata for Spanish) into koreader/data/tessdata]])
function ReaderHighlight:lookup(selected_word, selected_link)
function ReaderHighlight:lookup(selected_text, selected_link)
-- convert sboxes to word boxes
local word_boxes = {}
for i, sbox in ipairs(selected_text.sboxes) do
word_boxes[i] = self.view:pageToScreenTransform(, sbox)
-- if we extracted text directly
if selected_word.word and self.hold_pos then
local word_box = self.view:pageToScreenTransform(, selected_word.sbox)
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", selected_word.word, false, word_box, self, selected_link))
if selected_text.text and self.hold_pos then
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", selected_text.text, false, word_boxes, self, selected_link))
-- or we will do OCR
elseif selected_word.sbox and self.hold_pos then
local word = self.ui.document:getOCRWord(, selected_word)
logger.dbg("OCRed word:", word)
if word and word ~= "" then
local word_box = self.view:pageToScreenTransform(, selected_word.sbox)
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", word, false, word_box, self, selected_link))
elseif selected_text.sboxes and self.hold_pos then
local text = self.ui.document:getOCRText(, selected_text.sboxes)
if not text then
-- getOCRText is not implemented in some document backends, but
-- getOCRWord is implemented everywhere. As such, fall back to
-- getOCRWord.
text = ""
for _, sbox in ipairs(selected_text.sboxes) do
local word = self.ui.document:getOCRWord(, { sbox = sbox })
logger.dbg("OCRed word:", word)
-- @fixme This might produce incorrect results on RTL text.
if word and word ~= "" then
text = text .. word
logger.dbg("OCRed text:", text)
if text and text ~= "" then
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("LookupWord", text, false, word_boxes, self, selected_link))
text = info_message_ocr_text,
@ -1227,15 +1248,15 @@ function ReaderHighlight:onHoldRelease()
self.hold_last_tv = nil
if self.selected_word then -- single-word selection
if self.is_word_selection then -- single-word selection
if long_final_hold or G_reader_settings:isTrue("highlight_action_on_single_word") then
-- Force a 0-distance pan to have a self.selected_text with this word,
-- which will enable the highlight menu or action instead of dict lookup
self:onHoldPan(nil, {pos=self.hold_ges_pos})
self.is_word_selection = false
if self.selected_text then
if self.is_word_selection then
self:lookup(self.selected_text, self.selected_link)
local default_highlight_action = G_reader_settings:readSetting("default_highlight_action", "ask")
if long_final_hold or default_highlight_action == "ask" then
-- bypass default action and show popup if long final hold
@ -1257,9 +1278,6 @@ function ReaderHighlight:onHoldRelease()
-- No self:onClose() to not remove the selected text
-- which will have been the first search result
elseif self.selected_word then
self:lookup(self.selected_word, self.selected_link)
self.selected_word = nil
return true

@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ local DictQuickLookup = InputContainer:new{
dict_index = 1,
width = nil,
height = nil,
-- box of highlighted word, quick lookup window tries to not hide the word
word_box = nil,
-- sboxes containing highlighted text, quick lookup window tries to not hide the word
word_boxes = nil,
-- refresh_callback will be called before we trigger full refresh in onSwipe
refresh_callback = nil,
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function DictQuickLookup:init()
-- -- don't pass self.highlight to subsequent lookup, we want
-- -- the first to be the only one to unhighlight selection
-- -- when closed
-- Event:new("LookupWord", word, self.word_box))
-- Event:new("LookupWord", word, true, {self.word_box}))
-- end
-- },
-- Allow selection of one or more words (see textboxwidget.lua) :
@ -619,16 +619,32 @@ function DictQuickLookup:init()
local nb_lines = Math.round(self.definition_height / self.definition_line_height)
self.definition_height = nb_lines * self.definition_line_height
self.height = self.definition_height + others_height
if self.word_box then
if self.word_boxes and #self.word_boxes > 0 then
-- Try to not hide the highlighted word. We don't want to always
-- get near it if we can stay center, so that more context around
-- the word is still visible with the dict result.
-- But if we were to be drawn over the word, move a bit if possible.
local box = self.word_box
-- Don't stick to the box, ensure a minimal padding between box and window
local box_dict_padding = Size.padding.small
local word_box_top = box.y - box_dict_padding
local word_box_bottom = box.y + box.h + box_dict_padding
-- In most cases boxes will be a single sbox, but handle multiple
-- sboxes by taking the top and bottom y values.
local word_box_top
local word_box_bottom
for _, box in ipairs(self.word_boxes) do
local box_top = box.y
local box_bottom = box.y + box.h
if not word_box_top or word_box_top > box_top then
word_box_top = box_top
if not word_box_bottom or word_box_bottom < box_bottom then
word_box_bottom = box_bottom
-- Don't stick to the box, ensure a minimal padding between box and
-- window.
word_box_top = word_box_top - Size.padding.small
word_box_bottom = word_box_bottom + Size.padding.small
local half_visible_height = (avail_height - self.height) / 2
if word_box_bottom > half_visible_height and word_box_top <= half_visible_height + self.height then
-- word would be covered by our centered window
