Validate DjVu magic string before opening.

While browsing libdjvu sources I remembered that I always validated DjVu
magic string before passing the file to djvulibre. This is because
forcing djvulibre errors on open is a bad idea --- it can lead to
very strange side effects, such as refusing to open the next (valid!)
DjVu file.
So, I have now implemented the same in KPV --- check DjVu magic string
before passing it to the proper DjVu :openDocument() method.
I timed the difference between opening with and without validation and
it was absolutely negligible (i.e. by far most of the time is spent in DjVu
document decoding anyway).
Tigran Aivazian 12 years ago
parent 08ef1e3666
commit 64b6ef4afd

@ -2,9 +2,23 @@ require "unireader"
DJVUReader = UniReader:new{}
-- check DjVu magic string to validate
function validDJVUFile(filename)
f =, "r")
if not f then return false end
local magic = f:read(8)
if not magic or magic ~= "AT&TFORM" then return false end
return true
-- open a DJVU file and its settings store
-- DJVU does not support password yet
function DJVUReader:open(filename)
if not validDJVUFile(filename) then
return false, "Not a valid DjVu file"
local ok
ok, self.doc = pcall(djvu.openDocument, filename, self.cache_document_size)
if not ok then
