PageBrowser: allow tap/hold on thumbnail before it is loaded

There was no real reason for having to wait.
Also avoid possible crash when a background generated
thumbnail would be displayed after other things happened.
poire-z 9 months ago
parent 1c128f1089
commit 2b75ef108e

@ -768,6 +768,11 @@ function PageBrowserWidget:showTile(grid_idx, page, tile, do_refresh)
UIManager:setDirty(self, function()
if not thumb_frame.dimen then
-- No dimen if not painted, which may happen if we get covered
-- by a BookMap launched from the ribbon: don't refresh.
if page_num_widget then
return "ui", thumb_frame.dimen:combine(page_num_widget.dimen)
@ -1385,17 +1390,14 @@ function PageBrowserWidget:onTap(arg, ges)
for idx=1, self.nb_grid_items do
if ges.pos:intersectWith(self.grid[idx].dimen) then
local page = self.grid[idx].page_idx
if page and self.grid[idx][1][1].is_page_thumbnail then
-- Only allow tap on fully displayed thumbnails.
-- Also, a thumbnail might be smaller than the original grid
-- item dimension. Be sure the tap is on it (otherwise, it's
-- a tap in the inter thumbnail margin, that we'd rather not
-- handle)
local thumb_frame = self.grid[idx][1][1]
if ges.pos:intersectWith(thumb_frame.dimen) then
-- On PDF documents, jumping to a page may block for a few
-- seconds while the page is rendered. So, make the border
-- bigger so the user knows his tap is being processed.
if page then
if self.grid[idx][1][1].is_page_thumbnail then
-- If the thumbnail for this page is displayed, show some
-- visual feedback for the tap (on PDF documents, jumping
-- to a page may block for a few seconds while the page
-- is rendered): make the border bigger so the user knows
-- his tap is being processed).
local thumb_frame = self.grid[idx][1][1]
local orig_bordersize = thumb_frame.bordersize
thumb_frame.bordersize = Size.border.thick * 2
local b_inc = thumb_frame.bordersize - orig_bordersize
@ -1404,16 +1406,18 @@ function PageBrowserWidget:onTap(arg, ges)
-- (refresh "fast" will make gray drawn black and may make the
-- thumbnail a little uglier - but this enhances the effect
-- of "being processed"!)
-- Close the BookMapWidget that launched this PageBrowser
-- and all their ancestors up to Reader
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPage", page))
-- Note: with ReaderPaging, if we tap on the thumbnail for the current
-- page, nothing would be refreshed. Our :onClose(true) will have the
-- last ancestor issue a full refresh that will ensure it is painted.
return true
-- (If no thumbnail yet displayed, go on directly: the user
-- must be in a hurry if he can't wait for the thumbnail!)
-- Close the BookMapWidget that launched this PageBrowser
-- and all their ancestors up to Reader
self.ui:handleEvent(Event:new("GotoPage", page))
-- Note: with ReaderPaging, if we tap on the thumbnail for the current
-- page, nothing would be refreshed. Our :onClose(true) will have the
-- last ancestor issue a full refresh that will ensure it is painted.
return true
@ -1457,20 +1461,17 @@ function PageBrowserWidget:onHold(arg, ges)
for idx=1, self.nb_grid_items do
if ges.pos:intersectWith(self.grid[idx].dimen) then
local page = self.grid[idx].page_idx
if page and self.grid[idx][1][1].is_page_thumbnail then
-- Only allow hold on fully displayed thumbnails.
-- Also, a thumbnail might be smaller than the original grid
-- item dimension. Be sure the hold is on it (otherwise, it's
-- a hold in the inter thumbnail margin, that we'd rather not
-- handle)
local thumb_frame = self.grid[idx][1][1]
if ges.pos:intersectWith(thumb_frame.dimen) then
-- Update our cached bookmarks info and ensure the bottom ribbon is redrawn
self.bookmarked_pages = self.ui.bookmark:getBookmarkedPages()
return true
if page then
-- We allow that even if the thumbnail is not yet displayed.
-- Note: there could be some race condition when toggling
-- bookmark for a page while its thumbnail is being generated:
-- we may get (and cache) a thumbnail showing the wrong
-- bookmark state...
-- Update our cached bookmarks info and ensure the bottom ribbon is redrawn
self.bookmarked_pages = self.ui.bookmark:getBookmarkedPages()
return true
