[UX] Gesture manager: show selected action in menu (#4655)

Frans de Jonge 5 years ago committed by GitHub
parent ab1132e885
commit 1d6948ddf1
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -25,6 +25,41 @@ local default_gesture = {
local ReaderGesture = InputContainer:new{}
local action_strings = {
nothing = _("Nothing"),
page_jmp_back_10 = _("Back 10 pages"),
page_jmp_back_1 = _("Previous page"),
page_jmp_fwd_10 = _("Forward 10 pages"),
page_jmp_fwd_1 = _("Next page"),
skim = _("Skim"),
previous_location = _("Back to previous location"),
toc = _("Table of contents"),
bookmarks = _("Bookmarks"),
reading_progress = _("Reading progress"),
history = _("History"),
open_previous_document = _("Open previous document"),
full_refresh = _("Full screen refresh"),
night_mode = _("Night mode"),
suspend = _("Suspend"),
toggle_frontlight = _("Toggle frontlight"),
toggle_gsensor = _("Toggle accelerometer"),
toggle_rotation = _("Toggle rotation"),
zoom_contentwidth = _("Zoom to fit content width"),
zoom_contentheight = _("Zoom to fit content height"),
zoom_pagewidth = _("Zoom to fit page width"),
zoom_pageheight = _("Zoom to fit page height"),
zoom_column = _("Zoom to fit column"),
zoom_content = _("Zoom to fit content"),
zoom_page = _("Zoom to fit page"),
folder_up = _("Folder up"),
local custom_multiswipes_path = DataStorage:getSettingsDir().."/multiswipes.lua"
local custom_multiswipes = LuaData:open(custom_multiswipes_path, { name = "MultiSwipes" })
local custom_multiswipes_table = custom_multiswipes:readSetting("multiswipes")
@ -181,44 +216,44 @@ end
function ReaderGesture:buildMenu(ges, default)
local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode)
local menu = {
{_("Nothing"), "nothing", true },
{_("Back 10 pages"), "page_jmp_back_10", not self.is_docless},
{_("Previous page"), "page_jmp_back_1", not self.is_docless},
{_("Forward 10 pages"), "page_jmp_fwd_10", not self.is_docless},
{_("Next page"), "page_jmp_fwd_1", not self.is_docless},
{_("Skim"), "skim", not self.is_docless},
{_("Back to previous location"), "previous_location", not self.is_docless, true},
{_("Folder up"), "folder_up", self.is_docless, true},
{_("Table of contents"), "toc", not self.is_docless},
{_("Bookmarks"), "bookmarks", not self.is_docless},
{_("Reading progress"), "reading_progress", ReaderGesture.getReaderProgress ~= nil, true},
{_("History"), "history", true},
{_("Open previous document"), "open_previous_document", true, true},
{_("Full screen refresh"), "full_refresh", true},
{_("Night mode"), "night_mode", true},
{_("Suspend"), "suspend", true},
{_("Toggle frontlight"), "toggle_frontlight", Device:hasFrontlight()},
{_("Toggle accelerometer"), "toggle_gsensor", Device:canToggleGSensor()},
{_("Toggle rotation"), "toggle_rotation", not self.is_docless, true},
{_("Zoom to fit content width"), "zoom_contentwidth", not self.is_docless},
{_("Zoom to fit content height"), "zoom_contentheight", not self.is_docless},
{_("Zoom to fit page width"), "zoom_pagewidth", not self.is_docless},
{_("Zoom to fit page height"), "zoom_pageheight", not self.is_docless},
{_("Zoom to fit column"), "zoom_column", not self.is_docless},
{_("Zoom to fit content"), "zoom_content", not self.is_docless},
{_("Zoom to fit page"), "zoom_page", not self.is_docless},
{"nothing", true },
{"page_jmp_back_10", not self.is_docless},
{"page_jmp_back_1", not self.is_docless},
{"page_jmp_fwd_10", not self.is_docless},
{"page_jmp_fwd_1", not self.is_docless},
{"skim", not self.is_docless},
{"previous_location", not self.is_docless, true},
{"folder_up", self.is_docless, true},
{ "toc", not self.is_docless},
{"bookmarks", not self.is_docless},
{"reading_progress", ReaderGesture.getReaderProgress ~= nil, true},
{"history", true},
{"open_previous_document", true, true},
{"full_refresh", true},
{"night_mode", true},
{"suspend", true},
{"toggle_frontlight", Device:hasFrontlight()},
{"toggle_gsensor", Device:canToggleGSensor()},
{"toggle_rotation", not self.is_docless, true},
{"zoom_contentwidth", not self.is_docless},
{"zoom_contentheight", not self.is_docless},
{"zoom_pagewidth", not self.is_docless},
{"zoom_pageheight", not self.is_docless},
{"zoom_column", not self.is_docless},
{"zoom_content", not self.is_docless},
{"zoom_page", not self.is_docless},
local return_menu = {}
-- add default action to the top of the submenu
for __, entry in pairs(menu) do
if entry[2] == default then
local menu_entry_default = T(_("%1 (default)"), entry[1])
table.insert(return_menu, self:createSubMenu(menu_entry_default, entry[2], ges, true))
local menu_entry_default = T(_("%1 (default)"), action_strings[entry[1]])
table.insert(return_menu, self:createSubMenu(menu_entry_default, entry[1], ges, true))
if not gesture_manager[ges] then
gesture_manager[ges] = default
@ -229,19 +264,20 @@ function ReaderGesture:buildMenu(ges, default)
-- another elements
for _, entry in pairs(menu) do
if not entry[3] and gesture_manager[ges] == entry[2] then
if not entry[2] and gesture_manager[ges] == entry[1] then
gesture_manager[ges] = "nothing"
G_reader_settings:saveSetting(self.ges_mode, gesture_manager)
if entry[2] ~= default and entry[3] then
local sep = entry[2] == "nothing" or entry[4] == true
table.insert(return_menu, self:createSubMenu(entry[1], entry[2], ges, sep))
if entry[1] ~= default and entry[2] then
local sep = entry[1] == "nothing" or entry[3] == true
table.insert(return_menu, self:createSubMenu(action_strings[entry[1]], entry[1], ges, sep))
return return_menu
function ReaderGesture:buildMultiswipeMenu()
local gesture_manager = G_reader_settings:readSetting(self.ges_mode)
local menu = {}
multiswipes = {}
@ -261,7 +297,10 @@ function ReaderGesture:buildMultiswipeMenu()
local safe_multiswipe_name = "multiswipe_"..self:safeMultiswipeName(multiswipe)
local default_action = default_gesture[safe_multiswipe_name] and default_gesture[safe_multiswipe_name] or "nothing"
table.insert(menu, {
text = friendly_multiswipe_name,
text_func = function()
local action_name = gesture_manager[safe_multiswipe_name] ~= "nothing" and action_strings[gesture_manager[safe_multiswipe_name]] or _("Available")
return T(_("%1 (%2)"), friendly_multiswipe_name, action_name)
sub_item_table = self:buildMenu(safe_multiswipe_name, default_action),
hold_callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
if i > #default_multiswipes then
