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HTML widget (without scroll bars).
local Device = require("device")
local DrawContext = require("ffi/drawcontext")
local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
local GestureRange = require("ui/gesturerange")
local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer")
local Mupdf = require("ffi/mupdf")
local Screen = Device.screen
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
4 years ago
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local logger = require("logger")
local time = require("ui/time")
local util = require("util")
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
local HtmlBoxWidget = InputContainer:extend{
bb = nil,
dimen = nil,
document = nil,
page_count = 0,
page_number = 1,
hold_start_pos = nil,
hold_start_time = nil,
html_link_tapped_callback = nil,
function HtmlBoxWidget:init()
if Device:isTouchDevice() then
self.ges_events.TapText = {
ges = "tap",
range = function() return self.dimen end,
function HtmlBoxWidget:setContent(body, css, default_font_size)
-- fz_set_user_css is tied to the context instead of the document so to easily support multiple
-- HTML dictionaries with different CSS, we embed the stylesheet into the HTML instead of using
-- that function.
local head = ""
if css then
head = string.format("<head><style>%s</style></head>", css)
local html = string.format("<html>%s<body>%s</body></html>", head, body)
-- For some reason in MuPDF <br/> always creates both a line break and an empty line, so we have to
-- simulate the normal <br/> behavior.
html = html:gsub("%<br ?/?%>", "&nbsp;<div></div>")
local ok
ok, self.document = pcall(Mupdf.openDocumentFromText, html, "html")
if not ok then
-- self.document contains the error
logger.warn("HTML loading error:", self.document)
body = util.htmlToPlainText(body)
body = util.htmlEscape(body)
-- Normally \n would be replaced with <br/>. See the previous comment regarding the bug in MuPDF.
body = body:gsub("\n", "&nbsp;<div></div>")
html = string.format("<html>%s<body>%s</body></html>", head, body)
ok, self.document = pcall(Mupdf.openDocumentFromText, html, "html")
if not ok then
self.document:layoutDocument(self.dimen.w, self.dimen.h, default_font_size)
self.page_count = self.document:getPages()
function HtmlBoxWidget:_render()
if then
-- In pdfdocument.lua, color is activated only at the moment of
-- rendering and then immediately disabled, for safety with kopt.
-- We do the same here.
Mupdf.color = Screen:isColorEnabled()
local page = self.document:openPage(self.page_number)
local dc = = page:draw_new(dc, self.dimen.w, self.dimen.h, 0, 0)
Mupdf.color = false
function HtmlBoxWidget:getSize()
return self.dimen
function HtmlBoxWidget:getSinglePageHeight()
if self.page_count == 1 then
local page = self.document:openPage(1)
local x0, y0, x1, y1 = page:getUsedBBox() -- luacheck: no unused
return math.ceil(y1) -- no content after y1
function HtmlBoxWidget:paintTo(bb, x, y)
self.dimen.x = x
self.dimen.y = y
local size = self:getSize()
bb:blitFrom(, x, y, 0, 0, size.w, size.h)
function HtmlBoxWidget:freeBb()
if and then
end = nil
-- This will normally be called by our WidgetContainer:free()
-- But it SHOULD explicitly be called if we are getting replaced
-- (ie: in some other widget's update()), to not leak memory with
-- BlitBuffer zombies
function HtmlBoxWidget:free()
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
4 years ago
--print("HtmlBoxWidget:free on", self)
if self.document then
self.document = nil
function HtmlBoxWidget:onCloseWidget()
-- free when UIManager:close() was called
function HtmlBoxWidget:getPosFromAbsPos(abs_pos)
local pos = Geom:new{
x = abs_pos.x - self.dimen.x,
y = abs_pos.y - self.dimen.y,
-- check if the coordinates are actually inside our area
if pos.x < 0 or pos.x >= self.dimen.w or pos.y < 0 or pos.y >= self.dimen.h then
return nil
return pos
function HtmlBoxWidget:onHoldStartText(_, ges)
self.hold_start_pos = self:getPosFromAbsPos(ges.pos)
if not self.hold_start_pos then
return false -- let event be processed by other widgets
self.hold_start_time = UIManager:getTime()
return true
function HtmlBoxWidget:onHoldPan(_, ges)
-- We don't highlight the currently selected text, but just let this
-- event pop up if we are not currently selecting text
if not self.hold_start_pos then
return false
return true
function HtmlBoxWidget:getSelectedText(lines, start_pos, end_pos)
local found_start = false
local words = {}
for _, line in pairs(lines) do
for _, w in pairs(line) do
if type(w) == 'table' then
if not found_start then
if start_pos.x >= w.x0 and start_pos.x < w.x1 and start_pos.y >= w.y0 and start_pos.y < w.y1 then
found_start = true
elseif end_pos.x >= w.x0 and end_pos.x < w.x1 and end_pos.y >= w.y0 and end_pos.y < w.y1 then
-- We found end_pos before start_pos, switch them
found_start = true
start_pos, end_pos = end_pos, start_pos
if found_start then
table.insert(words, w.word)
-- Found the end.
if end_pos.x >= w.x0 and end_pos.x < w.x1 and end_pos.y >= w.y0 and end_pos.y < w.y1 then
return words
return words
function HtmlBoxWidget:onHoldReleaseText(callback, ges)
if not callback then
return false
-- check we have seen a HoldStart event
if not self.hold_start_pos then
return false
local start_pos = self.hold_start_pos
self.hold_start_pos = nil
local end_pos = self:getPosFromAbsPos(ges.pos)
if not end_pos then
return false
local hold_duration = - self.hold_start_time
local page = self.document:openPage(self.page_number)
local lines = page:getPageText()
local words = self:getSelectedText(lines, start_pos, end_pos)
local selected_text = table.concat(words, " ")
callback(selected_text, hold_duration)
return true
function HtmlBoxWidget:getLinkByPosition(pos)
local page = self.document:openPage(self.page_number)
local links = page:getPageLinks()
for _, link in pairs(links) do
if pos.x >= link.x0 and pos.x < link.x1 and pos.y >= link.y0 and pos.y < link.y1 then
return link
function HtmlBoxWidget:onTapText(arg, ges)
if G_reader_settings:isFalse("tap_to_follow_links") then
if self.html_link_tapped_callback then
local pos = self:getPosFromAbsPos(ges.pos)
if pos then
local link = self:getLinkByPosition(pos)
if link then
return true
return HtmlBoxWidget