You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

604 lines
27 KiB

local BD = require("ui/bidi")
local ButtonDialogTitle = require("ui/widget/buttondialogtitle")
local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox")
local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
local DictQuickLookup = require("ui/widget/dictquicklookup")
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog")
local KeyValuePage = require("ui/widget/keyvaluepage")
local LuaData = require("luadata")
local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager")
local ReaderDictionary = require("apps/reader/modules/readerdictionary")
local Trapper = require("ui/trapper")
local Translator = require("ui/translator")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local Wikipedia = require("ui/wikipedia")
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
local logger = require("logger")
local util = require("util")
local _ = require("gettext")
local T = require("ffi/util").template
local wikipedia_history = nil
-- Wikipedia as a special dictionary
local ReaderWikipedia = ReaderDictionary:extend{
-- identify itself
is_wiki = true,
disable_history = G_reader_settings:isTrue("wikipedia_disable_history"),
function ReaderWikipedia:init()
self.wiki_languages = {}
if not wikipedia_history then
Clarify our OOP semantics across the codebase (#9586) Basically: * Use `extend` for class definitions * Use `new` for object instantiations That includes some minor code cleanups along the way: * Updated `Widget`'s docs to make the semantics clearer. * Removed `should_restrict_JIT` (it's been dead code since * Minor refactoring of LuaSettings/LuaData/LuaDefaults/DocSettings to behave (mostly, they are instantiated via `open` instead of `new`) like everything else and handle inheritance properly (i.e., DocSettings is now a proper LuaSettings subclass). * Default to `WidgetContainer` instead of `InputContainer` for stuff that doesn't actually setup key/gesture events. * Ditto for explicit `*Listener` only classes, make sure they're based on `EventListener` instead of something uselessly fancier. * Unless absolutely necessary, do not store references in class objects, ever; only values. Instead, always store references in instances, to avoid both sneaky inheritance issues, and sneaky GC pinning of stale references. * ReaderUI: Fix one such issue with its `active_widgets` array, with critical implications, as it essentially pinned *all* of ReaderUI's modules, including their reference to the `Document` instance (i.e., that was a big-ass leak). * Terminal: Make sure the shell is killed on plugin teardown. * InputText: Fix Home/End/Del physical keys to behave sensibly. * InputContainer/WidgetContainer: If necessary, compute self.dimen at paintTo time (previously, only InputContainers did, which might have had something to do with random widgets unconcerned about input using it as a baseclass instead of WidgetContainer...). * OverlapGroup: Compute self.dimen at *init* time, because for some reason it needs to do that, but do it directly in OverlapGroup instead of going through a weird WidgetContainer method that it was the sole user of. * ReaderCropping: Under no circumstances should a Document instance member (here, self.bbox) risk being `nil`ed! * Kobo: Minor code cleanups.
2 years ago
wikipedia_history = LuaData:open(DataStorage:getSettingsDir() .. "/wikipedia_history.lua", "WikipediaHistory")
function ReaderWikipedia:lookupInput()
self.input_dialog = InputDialog:new{
title = _("Enter a word or phrase to look up"),
input = "",
input_type = "text",
buttons = {
text = _("Cancel"),
id = "close",
callback = function()
text = _("Search Wikipedia"),
is_enter_default = true,
callback = function()
if self.input_dialog:getInputText() == "" then return end
-- Trust that input text does not need any cleaning (allows querying for "-suffix")
self:onLookupWikipedia(self.input_dialog:getInputText(), true)
function ReaderWikipedia:addToMainMenu(menu_items)
menu_items.wikipedia_lookup = {
text = _("Wikipedia lookup"),
callback = function() self:onShowWikipediaLookup() end,
menu_items.wikipedia_history = {
text = _("Wikipedia history"),
enabled_func = function()
return wikipedia_history:has("wikipedia_history")
callback = function()
local wikipedia_history_table = wikipedia_history:readSetting("wikipedia_history")
local kv_pairs = {}
local previous_title
self:initLanguages() -- so current lang is set
for i = #wikipedia_history_table, 1, -1 do
local value = wikipedia_history_table[i]
if value.book_title ~= previous_title then
table.insert(kv_pairs, { value.book_title..":", "" })
previous_title = value.book_title
local type_s = "" -- lookup: small white parallelogram
if then
type_s = "" -- full page: large square with lines
local lang_s = ""
if value.lang ~= self.wiki_languages[1]:lower() then
-- We show item's lang only when different from current lang
lang_s = " ["..value.lang:upper().."]"
local text = type_s .. value.word .. lang_s
table.insert(kv_pairs, {"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", value.time),
callback = function()
-- Word had been cleaned before being added to history
self:onLookupWikipedia(value.word, true, nil,, value.lang)
title = _("Wikipedia history"),
value_overflow_align = "right",
kv_pairs = kv_pairs,
menu_items.wikipedia_settings = {
text = _("Wikipedia settings"),
sub_item_table = {
text = _("Set Wikipedia languages"),
keep_menu_open = true,
callback = function()
local wikilang_input
local function save_wikilang()
local wiki_languages = {}
local langs = wikilang_input:getInputText()
for lang in langs:gmatch("%S+") do
if not lang:match("^[%a-]+$") then
text = T(_("%1 does not look like a valid Wikipedia language."), lang)
lang = lang:lower()
table.insert(wiki_languages, lang)
G_reader_settings:saveSetting("wikipedia_languages", wiki_languages)
-- re-init languages
self.wiki_languages = {}
-- Use the list built by initLanguages (even if made from UI
-- and document languages) as the initial value
local curr_languages = table.concat(self.wiki_languages, " ")
wikilang_input = InputDialog:new{
title = _("Wikipedia languages"),
input = curr_languages,
input_hint = "en fr zh",
input_type = "text",
description = _("Enter one or more Wikipedia language codes (the 2 or 3 letters before, in the order you wish to see them available, separated by a space. For example:\n en fr zh\n\nFull list at"),
buttons = {
text = _("Cancel"),
id = "close",
callback = function()
text = _("Save"),
is_enter_default = true,
callback = save_wikilang,
{ -- setting used by dictquicklookup
text = _("Set Wikipedia 'Save as EPUB' folder"),
keep_menu_open = true,
callback = function()
local choose_directory = function()
-- Default directory as chosen by DictQuickLookup
local default_dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wikipedia_save_dir")
or G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir")
or require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil").getDefaultDir()
local dialog
dialog = ButtonDialogTitle:new{
title = T(_("Current Wikipedia 'Save as EPUB' folder:\n\n%1\n"), BD.dirpath(default_dir)),
buttons = {
text = _("Keep this folder"),
callback = function()
text = _("Choose other folder"),
callback = function()
-- Use currently read book's directory as starting point,
-- so a user reading a wikipedia article can quickly select
-- it to save related new articles in the same directory
local dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wikipedia_save_dir")
or G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir")
or require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil").getDefaultDir()
or "/"
-- If this directory has no subdirectory, we would be displaying
-- a single "..", so use parent directory in that case.
local has_subdirectory = false
for f in lfs.dir(dir) do
local attributes = lfs.attributes(dir.."/"..f)
if attributes and attributes.mode == "directory" then
if f ~= "." and f ~= ".." and f:sub(-4) ~= ".sdr"then
has_subdirectory = true
if not has_subdirectory then
dir = dir:match("(.*)/")
local PathChooser = require("ui/widget/pathchooser")
local path_chooser = PathChooser:new{
select_directory = true,
select_file = false,
path = dir,
onConfirm = function(path)
G_reader_settings:saveSetting("wikipedia_save_dir", path)
text = T(_("Wikipedia 'Save as EPUB' folder set to:\n%1"), BD.dirpath(path)),
-- If wikipedia_save_dir has not yet been set, propose to use
-- home_dir/Wikipedia/
if not G_reader_settings:readSetting("wikipedia_save_dir") then
local home_dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("home_dir")
if not home_dir or not lfs.attributes(home_dir, "mode") == "directory" then
home_dir = require("apps/filemanager/filemanagerutil").getDefaultDir()
home_dir = home_dir:gsub("^(.-)/*$", "%1") -- remove trailing slash
if home_dir and lfs.attributes(home_dir, "mode") == "directory" then
local wikipedia_dir = home_dir.."/Wikipedia"
local text = _([[
Wikipedia articles can be saved as an EPUB for more comfortable reading.
You can choose an existing folder, or use a default folder named "Wikipedia" in your reader's home folder.
Where do you want them saved?]])
text = text,
ok_text = _("Use ~/Wikipedia/"),
ok_callback = function()
if not util.pathExists(wikipedia_dir) then
G_reader_settings:saveSetting("wikipedia_save_dir", wikipedia_dir)
text = T(_("Wikipedia 'Save as EPUB' folder set to:\n%1"), BD.dirpath(wikipedia_dir)),
cancel_text = _("Choose folder"),
cancel_callback = function()
-- If setting exists, or no home_dir found, let user choose directory
{ -- setting used by dictquicklookup
text = _("Save Wikipedia EPUB in current book folder"),
checked_func = function()
return G_reader_settings:isTrue("wikipedia_save_in_book_dir")
callback = function()
separator = true,
text = _("Enable Wikipedia history"),
checked_func = function()
return not self.disable_history
callback = function()
self.disable_history = not self.disable_history
G_reader_settings:saveSetting("wikipedia_disable_history", self.disable_history)
text = _("Clean Wikipedia history"),
enabled_func = function()
return wikipedia_history:has("wikipedia_history")
keep_menu_open = true,
callback = function(touchmenu_instance)
text = _("Clean Wikipedia history?"),
ok_text = _("Clean"),
ok_callback = function()
-- empty data table to replace current one
separator = true,
{ -- setting used in wikipedia.lua
text = _("Show image in search results"),
checked_func = function()
return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_image")
callback = function()
{ -- setting used in wikipedia.lua
text = _("Show more images in full article"),
enabled_func = function()
return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_image")
checked_func = function()
return G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_more_images") and G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("wikipedia_show_image")
callback = function()
function ReaderWikipedia:initLanguages(word)
if #self.wiki_languages > 0 then -- already done
-- Fill self.wiki_languages with languages to propose
local wikipedia_languages = G_reader_settings:readSetting("wikipedia_languages")
if type(wikipedia_languages) == "table" and #wikipedia_languages > 0 then
-- use this setting, no need to guess: we reference the setting table, so
-- any update to it will have it saved in settings
self.wiki_languages = wikipedia_languages
-- guess some languages
self.seen_lang = {}
local addLanguage = function(lang)
if lang and lang ~= "" then
-- convert "zh-CN" and "zh-TW" to "zh"
lang = lang:match("(.*)-") or lang
if lang == "C" then lang="en" end
lang = lang:lower()
if not self.seen_lang[lang] then
table.insert(self.wiki_languages, lang)
self.seen_lang[lang] = true
-- use book and UI languages
if self.view then
if #self.wiki_languages == 0 and word then
-- if no language at all, do a translation of selected word
local ok_translator, lang
ok_translator, lang = pcall(Translator.detect, Translator, word)
if ok_translator then
-- add english anyway, so we have at least one language
function ReaderWikipedia:onLookupWikipedia(word, is_sane, box, get_fullpage, forced_lang)
-- Wrapped through Trapper, as we may be using Trapper:dismissableRunInSubprocess() in it
self:lookupWikipedia(word, is_sane, box, get_fullpage, forced_lang)
return true
function ReaderWikipedia:lookupWikipedia(word, is_sane, box, get_fullpage, forced_lang)
if NetworkMgr:willRerunWhenOnline(function() self:lookupWikipedia(word, is_sane, box, get_fullpage, forced_lang) end) then
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
-- Not online yet, nothing more to do here, NetworkMgr will forward the callback and run it once connected!
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
-- word is the text to query. If get_fullpage is true, it is the
-- exact wikipedia page title we want the full page of.
local lang
if forced_lang then
-- use provided lang (from readerlink when noticing that an external link is a wikipedia url,
-- of from Wikipedia lookup history, or when switching to next language in DictQuickLookup)
lang = forced_lang
-- use first lang from self.wiki_languages
lang = self.wiki_languages[1]
logger.dbg("lookup word:", word, box, get_fullpage)
-- no need to clean word if get_fullpage, as it is the exact wikipetia page title
if word and not get_fullpage then
-- escape quotes and other funny characters in word
word = self:cleanSelection(word, is_sane)
-- no need to lower() word with wikipedia search
logger.dbg("stripped word:", word)
if word == "" then
local display_word = word:gsub("_", " ")
if not self.disable_history then
local book_title = self.ui.doc_settings and self.ui.doc_settings:readSetting("doc_props").title or _("Wikipedia lookup")
if book_title == "" then -- no or empty metadata title
if self.ui.document and self.ui.document.file then
local directory, filename = util.splitFilePathName(self.ui.document.file) -- luacheck: no unused
book_title = util.splitFileNameSuffix(filename)
wikipedia_history:addTableItem("wikipedia_history", {
book_title = book_title,
time = os.time(),
word = display_word,
lang = lang:lower(),
page = get_fullpage,
-- Fix lookup message to include lang and set appropriate error texts
local no_result_text, req_failure_text
if get_fullpage then
self.lookup_msg = T(_("Retrieving Wikipedia %2 article:\n%1"), "%1", lang:upper())
req_failure_text = _("Failed to retrieve Wikipedia article.")
no_result_text = _("Wikipedia article not found.")
self.lookup_msg = T(_("Searching Wikipedia %2 for:\n%1"), "%1", lang:upper())
req_failure_text = _("Failed searching Wikipedia.")
no_result_text = _("No results.")
local results = {}
local ok, pages
local lookup_cancelled = false
if get_fullpage then
ok, pages = pcall(Wikipedia.getFullPage, Wikipedia, word, lang)
ok, pages = pcall(Wikipedia.searchAndGetIntros, Wikipedia, word, lang)
if not ok and pages and string.find(pages, Wikipedia.dismissed_error_code) then
-- So we can display an alternate dummy result
lookup_cancelled = true
-- Or we could just not show anything with:
-- self:dismissLookupInfo()
-- return
if ok and pages then
-- sort pages according to 'index' attribute if present (not present
-- in fullpage results)
local sorted_pages = {}
local has_indexes = false
for pageid, page in pairs(pages) do
if page.index ~= nil then
sorted_pages[page.index+1] = page
has_indexes = true
if has_indexes then
pages = sorted_pages
for pageid, page in pairs(pages) do
local definition = page.extract or no_result_text
if page.length then
-- we get 'length' only for intro results
-- let's append it to definition so we know
-- how big/valuable the full page is
local fullkb = math.ceil(page.length/1024)
local more_factor = math.ceil( page.length / (1+definition:len()) ) -- +1 just in case len()=0
definition = definition .. "\n" .. T(_("(full article : %1 kB, = %2 x this intro length)"), fullkb, more_factor)
local result = {
dict = T(_("Wikipedia %1"), lang:upper()),
word = page.title,
definition = definition,
is_wiki_fullpage = get_fullpage,
lang = lang,
rtl_lang = Wikipedia:isWikipediaLanguageRTL(lang),
images = page.images,
table.insert(results, result)
-- logger.dbg of results will be done by ReaderDictionary:showDict()
-- dummy results
local definition
if lookup_cancelled then
definition = _("Wikipedia request interrupted.")
elseif ok then
definition = no_result_text
definition = req_failure_text
logger.dbg("error:", pages)
results = {
dict = T(_("Wikipedia %1"), lang:upper()),
word = word,
definition = definition,
is_wiki_fullpage = get_fullpage,
lang = lang,
-- Also put this as a k/v into the results array: if we end up with this
-- after lang rotation, DictQuickLookup will not update this lang rotation.
results.no_result = true
logger.dbg("dummy result table:", word, results)
self:showDict(word, results, box)
function ReaderWikipedia:getWikiLanguages(first_lang)
-- Always return a copy of ours
local wiki_languages = {unpack(self.wiki_languages)}
local is_first_lang = first_lang == wiki_languages[1]
if not is_first_lang then
-- return a wiki_languages with requested lang at first
if util.arrayContains(wiki_languages, first_lang) then
-- first_lang in the list: rotate until it is first
while wiki_languages[1] ~= first_lang do
table.insert(wiki_languages, table.remove(wiki_languages, 1))
-- first_lang not in the list: add it first
table.insert(wiki_languages, 1, first_lang)
local update_wiki_languages_on_close = false
if DictQuickLookup.rotated_update_wiki_languages_on_close ~= nil then
-- Flag set by DictQuickLookup when rotating, forwarding the flag
-- of the rotated out DictQuickLookup instance: trust it
update_wiki_languages_on_close = DictQuickLookup.rotated_update_wiki_languages_on_close
DictQuickLookup.rotated_update_wiki_languages_on_close = nil
-- Not a rotation. Only if it's the first request with the current
-- first language, we will have it (and any lang rotation from it)
-- update the main ReaderWikipedia.wiki_languages. That is, queries
-- from Wikipedia url links for another language, or from Wikipedia
-- lookup history with other languages (and any lang rotation made
-- from them) won't update it.
if is_first_lang then
update_wiki_languages_on_close = true
for i = #DictQuickLookup.window_list-1, 1, -1 do -- (ignore the last one, which is the one calling this)
if DictQuickLookup.window_list[i].is_wiki then
-- Another upper Wikipedia result: only this one may update it
update_wiki_languages_on_close = false
return wiki_languages, update_wiki_languages_on_close
function ReaderWikipedia:onUpdateWikiLanguages(wiki_languages)
-- Update our self.wiki_languages in-place
while table.remove(self.wiki_languages) do end
for _, lang in ipairs(wiki_languages) do
table.insert(self.wiki_languages, lang)
-- override onSaveSettings in ReaderDictionary
function ReaderWikipedia:onSaveSettings()
function ReaderWikipedia:onShowWikipediaLookup()
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
local connect_callback = function()
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
return true
return ReaderWikipedia