You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

613 lines
20 KiB

This module implements calibre metadata searching.
local CalibreMetadata = require("metadata")
local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer")
local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox")
local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
local Device = require("device")
local DocumentRegistry = require("document/documentregistry")
local Font = require("ui/font")
local InputDialog = require("ui/widget/inputdialog")
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
local InputContainer = require("ui/widget/container/inputcontainer")
local Menu = require("ui/widget/menu")
local Persist = require("persist")
local Screen = require("device").screen
local Size = require("ui/size")
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
4 years ago
local TimeVal = require("ui/timeval")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local logger = require("logger")
local util = require("util")
local _ = require("gettext")
local T = require("ffi/util").template
-- get root dir for disk scans
local function getDefaultRootDir()
if Device:isCervantes() or Device:isKobo() then
return "/mnt"
elseif Device:isEmulator() then
return lfs.currentdir()
return Device.home_dir or lfs.currentdir()
-- get metadata from calibre libraries
local function getAllMetadata(t)
local books = {}
for path, enabled in pairs(t) do
if enabled and CalibreMetadata:init(path, true) then
-- calibre BQ driver reports invalid lpath
if Device:isCervantes() then
local device_name =
if device_name and string.match(string.upper(device_name), "BQ") then
path = path .. "/Books"
for _, book in ipairs(CalibreMetadata.books) do
book.rootpath = path
table.insert(books, #books + 1, book)
return books
-- check if a string matches a query
local function match(str, query, case_insensitive)
if query and case_insensitive then
return string.find(string.upper(str), string.upper(query))
elseif query then
return string.find(str, query)
return true
-- get books that exactly match the search tag
local function getBooksByTag(t, tag)
local result = {}
for _, book in ipairs(t) do
for __, _tag in ipairs(book.tags) do
if tag == _tag then
table.insert(result, book)
return result
-- get books that exactly match the search series
local function getBooksBySeries(t, series)
local result = {}
for _, book in ipairs(t) do
if book.series and type(book.series) ~= "function" then
if book.series == series then
table.insert(result, book)
return result
-- get tags that match the search criteria and their frequency
local function searchByTag(t, query, case_insensitive)
local freq = {}
for _, book in ipairs(t) do
if type(book.tags) == "table" then
for __, tag in ipairs(book.tags) do
if match(tag, query, case_insensitive) then
freq[tag] = (freq[tag] or 0) + 1
return freq
-- get series that match the search criteria and their frequency
local function searchBySeries(t, query, case_insensitive)
local freq = {}
for _, book in ipairs(t) do
if book.series and type(book.series) ~= "function" then
if match(book.series, query, case_insensitive) then
freq[book.series] = (freq[book.series] or 0) + 1
return freq
-- get book info as one big string with relevant metadata
local function getBookInfo(book)
-- comma separated elements from a table
local function getEntries(t)
if not t then return end
local id
for i, v in ipairs(t) do
if v ~= nil then
if i == 1 then
id = v
id = id .. ", " .. v
return id
-- all entries can be empty, except size, which is always filled by calibre.
local title = _("Title:") .. " " .. book.title or "-"
local authors = _("Author(s):") .. " " .. getEntries(book.authors) or "-"
local size = _("Size:") .. " " .. util.getFriendlySize(book.size) or _("Unknown")
local tags = getEntries(book.tags)
if tags then
tags = _("Tags:") .. " " .. tags
local series
if book.series and type(book.series) ~= "function" then
series = _("Series:") .. " " .. book.series
return string.format("%s\n%s\n%s%s%s", title, authors,
tags and tags .. "\n" or "",
series and series .. "\n" or "",
local CalibreSearch = InputContainer:new{
books = {},
libraries = {},
last_scan = {},
search_options = {
cache_libs = Persist:new{
path = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/cache/calibre-libraries.lua",
cache_books = Persist:new{
path = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/cache/calibre-books.dat",
codec = "bitser",
function CalibreSearch:ShowSearch()
self.search_dialog = InputDialog:new{
title = _("Calibre metadata search"),
input = self.search_value,
buttons = {
text = _("Browse series"),
enabled = true,
callback = function()
self.search_value = self.search_dialog:getInputText()
self.lastsearch = "series"
text = _("Browse tags"),
enabled = true,
callback = function()
self.search_value = self.search_dialog:getInputText()
self.lastsearch = "tags"
text = _("Cancel"),
enabled = true,
callback = function()
-- @translators Search for books in calibre Library, via on-device metadata (as setup by Calibre's 'Send To Device').
text = _("Search books"),
enabled = true,
callback = function()
self.search_value = self.search_dialog:getInputText()
self.lastsearch = "find"
width = math.floor(Screen:getWidth() * 0.8),
height = math.floor(Screen:getHeight() * 0.2),
function CalibreSearch:close()
if self.search_value then
if string.len(self.search_value) > 0 or self.lastsearch ~= "find" then
function CalibreSearch:onMenuHold(item)
if not or <= 0 then return end
local thumbnail
local doc = DocumentRegistry:openDocument(item.path)
if doc then
if doc.loadDocument then -- CreDocument
doc:loadDocument(false) -- load only metadata
thumbnail = doc:getCoverPageImage()
local thumbwidth = math.min(240, Screen:getWidth()/3)
text =,
image = thumbnail,
image_width = thumbwidth,
image_height = thumbwidth/2*3
function CalibreSearch:bookCatalog(t, option)
local catalog = {}
local series, subseries
if option and option == "series" then
series = true
for _, book in ipairs(t) do
local entry = {} = getBookInfo(book)
entry.path = book.rootpath .. "/" .. book.lpath
if series then
local major, minor = string.format("%05.2f", book.series_index):match("([^.]+).([^.]+)")
if minor ~= "00" then
subseries = true
entry.text = string.format("%s.%s | %s - %s", major, minor, book.title, book.authors[1])
entry.text = string.format("%s - %s", book.title, book.authors[1])
entry.callback = function()
local ReaderUI = require("apps/reader/readerui")
ReaderUI:showReader(book.rootpath .. "/" .. book.lpath)
table.insert(catalog, entry)
if series and not subseries then
for index, entry in ipairs(catalog) do
catalog[index].text = entry.text:gsub(".00", "", 1)
return catalog
-- find books, series or tags
function CalibreSearch:find(option)
for _, opt in ipairs(self.search_options) do
self[opt] = G_reader_settings:nilOrTrue("calibre_search_"..opt)
if #self.libraries == 0 then
local libs, err = self.cache_libs:load()
if not libs then
logger.warn("no calibre libraries", err)
self:prompt(_("No calibre libraries"))
self.libraries = libs
if #self.books == 0 then
self.books = self:getMetadata()
-- this shouldn't happen unless the user disabled all libraries or they are empty.
if #self.books == 0 then
logger.warn("no metadata to search, aborting")
self:prompt(_("No results in metadata"))
-- measure time elapsed searching
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
4 years ago
local start = TimeVal:now()
if option == "find" then
local books = self:findBooks(self.search_value)
local result = self:bookCatalog(books)
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
4 years ago"search done in %.3f milliseconds (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)",
(TimeVal:now() - start):tomsecs(),
option == "find" and "books" or option,
"case sensitive: " .. tostring(not self.case_insensitive),
"title: " .. tostring(self.find_by_title),
"authors: " .. tostring(self.find_by_authors),
"path: " .. tostring(self.find_by_path)))
-- find books with current search options
function CalibreSearch:findBooks(query)
-- handle case sensitivity
local function bookMatch(s, p)
if not s or not p then return false end
if self.case_insensitive then
return string.match(string.upper(s), string.upper(p))
return string.match(s, p)
-- handle other search preferences
local function bookSearch(book, pattern)
if self.find_by_title and bookMatch(book.title, pattern) then
return true
if self.find_by_authors then
for _, author in ipairs(book.authors) do
if bookMatch(author, pattern) then
return true
if self.find_by_path and bookMatch(book.lpath, pattern) then
return true
return false
-- performs a book search
local results = {}
for i, book in ipairs(self.books) do
if bookSearch(book, query) then
table.insert(results, #results + 1, book)
return results
-- browse tags or series
function CalibreSearch:browse(option, run, chosen)
local menu_container = CenterContainer:new{
dimen = Screen:getSize(),
self.search_menu = Menu:new{
width = Screen:getWidth() - (Size.margin.fullscreen_popout * 2),
height = Screen:getHeight() - (Size.margin.fullscreen_popout * 2),
show_parent = menu_container,
onMenuHold = self.onMenuHold,
cface = Font:getFace("smallinfofont"),
_manager = self,
table.insert(menu_container, self.search_menu)
self.search_menu.close_callback = function()
if run == 1 then
local menu_entries = {}
local search_value
if self.search_value ~= "" then
search_value = self.search_value
local name, source
if option == "tags" then
name = _("Browse by tags")
source = searchByTag(self.books, search_value, self.case_insensitive)
elseif option == "series" then
name = _("Browse by series")
source = searchBySeries(self.books, search_value, self.case_insensitive)
for k, v in pairs(source) do
local entry = {}
entry.text = string.format("%s (%d)", k, v)
entry.callback = function()
self:browse(option, 2, k)
table.insert(menu_entries, entry)
table.sort(menu_entries, function(v1,v2) return v1.text < v2.text end)
self.search_menu:switchItemTable(name, menu_entries)
local results
if option == "tags" then
results = getBooksByTag(self.books, chosen)
elseif option == "series" then
results = getBooksBySeries(self.books, chosen)
if results then
local catalog = self:bookCatalog(results, option)
self:showresults(catalog, chosen)
-- show search results
function CalibreSearch:showresults(t, title)
if not title then
title = _("Search results")
local menu_container = CenterContainer:new{
dimen = Screen:getSize(),
self.search_menu = Menu:new{
width = Screen:getWidth() - (Size.margin.fullscreen_popout * 2),
height = Screen:getHeight() - (Size.margin.fullscreen_popout * 2),
show_parent = menu_container,
onMenuHold = self.onMenuHold,
cface = Font:getFace("smallinfofont"),
_manager = self,
table.insert(menu_container, self.search_menu)
self.search_menu.close_callback = function()
table.sort(t, function(v1,v2) return v1.text < v2.text end)
self.search_menu:switchItemTable(title, t)
-- prompt the user for a library scan
function CalibreSearch:prompt(message)
local rootdir = getDefaultRootDir()
local warning = T(_("Scanning libraries can take time. All storage media under %1 will be analyzed"), rootdir)
if message then
message = message .. "\n\n" .. warning
text = message or warning,
ok_text = _("Scan") .. " " .. rootdir,
ok_callback = function()
self.libraries = {}
local count, paths = self:scan(rootdir)
-- append current wireless dir if it wasn't found on the scan
-- this will happen if it is in a nested dir.
local inbox_dir = G_reader_settings:readSetting("inbox_dir")
if inbox_dir and not self.libraries[inbox_dir] then
if CalibreMetadata:getDeviceInfo(inbox_dir, "date_last_connected") then
self.libraries[inbox_dir] = true
count = count + 1
paths = paths .. "\n" .. count .. ": " .. inbox_dir
-- append libraries in different volumes
local ok, sd_path = Device:hasExternalSD()
if ok then
local sd_count, sd_paths = self:scan(sd_path)
count = count + sd_count
paths = paths .. "\n" .. _("SD card") .. ": " .. sd_paths
self.books = self:getMetadata()
local info_text
if count == 0 then
info_text = _("No calibre libraries were found")
info_text = T(_("Found %1 calibre libraries with %2 books:%3"), count, #self.books, paths)
UIManager:show(InfoMessage:new{ text = info_text })
function CalibreSearch:scan(rootdir)
self.last_scan = {}
local paths = ""
for i, dir in ipairs(self.last_scan) do
self.libraries[dir.path] = true
paths = paths .. "\n" .. i .. ": " .. dir.path
return #self.last_scan, paths
-- find all calibre libraries under a given root dir
function CalibreSearch:findCalibre(root)
-- protect lfs.dir which will raise error on no-permission directory
local ok, iter, dir_obj = pcall(lfs.dir, root)
local contains_metadata = false
if ok then
for entity in iter, dir_obj do
-- nested libraries aren't allowed
if not contains_metadata then
if entity ~= "." and entity ~= ".." then
local path = root .. "/" .. entity
local mode = lfs.attributes(path, "mode")
if mode == "file" then
if entity == "metadata.calibre" or entity == ".metadata.calibre" then
local library = {}
library.path = root
contains_metadata = true
table.insert(self.last_scan, #self.last_scan + 1, library)
elseif mode == "directory" then
-- invalidate current cache
function CalibreSearch:invalidateCache()
self.books = {}
-- get metadata from cache or calibre files
function CalibreSearch:getMetadata()
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
4 years ago
local start = TimeVal:now()
local template = "metadata: %d books imported from %s in %.3f milliseconds"
-- try to load metadata from cache
if self.cache_metadata then
local function cacheIsNewer(timestamp)
local file_timestamp = self.cache_books:timestamp()
if not timestamp or not file_timestamp then return false end
local Y, M, D, h, m, s = timestamp:match("(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)")
local date = os.time({year = Y, month = M, day = D, hour = h, min = m, sec = s})
return file_timestamp > date
local cache, err = self.cache_books:load()
if not cache then
logger.warn("invalid cache:", err)
local is_newer = true
for path, enabled in pairs(self.libraries) do
if enabled and not cacheIsNewer(CalibreMetadata:getDeviceInfo(path, "date_last_connected")) then
is_newer = false
if is_newer then
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
4 years ago, #cache, "cache", (TimeVal:now() - start):tomsecs()))
return cache
logger.warn("cache is older than metadata, ignoring it")
-- try to load metadata from calibre files and dump it to cache file, if enabled.
local books = getAllMetadata(self.libraries)
if self.cache_metadata then
local serialized_table = {}
local function removeNull(t)
for _, key in ipairs({"series", "series_index"}) do
if type(t[key]) == "function" then
t[key] = nil
return t
for index, book in ipairs(books) do
table.insert(serialized_table, index, removeNull(book))
The great Input/GestureDetector/TimeVal spring cleanup (a.k.a., a saner main loop) (#7415) * ReaderDictionary: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderHighlight: Port delay computations to TimeVal * ReaderView: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Android: Reset gesture detection state on APP_CMD_TERM_WINDOW. This prevents potentially being stuck in bogus gesture states when switching apps. * GestureDetector: * Port delay computations to TimeVal * Fixed delay computations to handle time warps (large and negative deltas). * Simplified timed callback handling to invalidate timers much earlier, preventing accumulating useless timers that no longer have any chance of ever detecting a gesture. * Fixed state clearing to handle the actual effective slots, instead of hard-coding slot 0 & slot 1. * Simplified timed callback handling in general, and added support for a timerfd backend for better performance and accuracy. * The improved timed callback handling allows us to detect and honor (as much as possible) the three possible clock sources usable by Linux evdev events. The only case where synthetic timestamps are used (and that only to handle timed callbacks) is limited to non-timerfd platforms where input events use a clock source that is *NOT* MONOTONIC. AFAICT, that's pretty much... PocketBook, and that's it? * Input: * Use the <linux/input.h> FFI module instead of re-declaring every constant * Fixed (verbose) debug logging of input events to actually translate said constants properly. * Completely reset gesture detection state on suspend. This should prevent bogus gesture detection on resume. * Refactored the waitEvent loop to make it easier to comprehend (hopefully) and much more efficient. Of specific note, it no longer does a crazy select spam every 100µs, instead computing and relying on sane timeouts, as afforded by switching the UI event/input loop to the MONOTONIC time base, and the refactored timed callbacks in GestureDetector. * reMarkable: Stopped enforcing synthetic timestamps on input events, as it should no longer be necessary. * TimeVal: * Refactored and simplified, especially as far as metamethods are concerned (based on <bsd/sys/time.h>). * Added a host of new methods to query the various POSIX clock sources, and made :now default to MONOTONIC. * Removed the debug guard in __sub, as time going backwards can be a perfectly normal occurrence. * New methods: * Clock sources: :realtime, :monotonic, :monotonic_coarse, :realtime_coarse, :boottime * Utility: :tonumber, :tousecs, :tomsecs, :fromnumber, :isPositive, :isZero * UIManager: * Ported event loop & scheduling to TimeVal, and switched to the MONOTONIC time base. This ensures reliable and consistent scheduling, as time is ensured never to go backwards. * Added a :getTime() method, that returns a cached TimeVal:now(), updated at the top of every UI frame. It's used throughout the codebase to cadge a syscall in circumstances where we are guaranteed that a syscall would return a mostly identical value, because very few time has passed. The only code left that does live syscalls does it because it's actually necessary for accuracy, and the only code left that does that in a REALTIME time base is code that *actually* deals with calendar time (e.g., Statistics). * DictQuickLookup: Port delay computations to TimeVal * FootNoteWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * HTMLBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * Notification: Port delay computations to TimeVal * TextBoxWidget: Port delay computations to TimeVal * AutoSuspend: Port to TimeVal * AutoTurn: * Fix it so that settings are actually honored. * Port to TimeVal * BackgroundRunner: Port to TimeVal * Calibre: Port benchmarking code to TimeVal * BookInfoManager: Removed unnecessary yield in the metadata extraction subprocess now that subprocesses get scheduled properly. * All in all, these changes reduced the CPU cost of a single tap by a factor of ten (!), and got rid of an insane amount of weird poll/wakeup cycles that must have been hell on CPU schedulers and batteries..
4 years ago, #books, "calibre", (TimeVal:now() - start):tomsecs()))
return books
return CalibreSearch