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491 lines
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Checks for updates on the specified nightly build server.
local BD = require("ui/bidi")
local ConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/confirmbox")
local DataStorage = require("datastorage")
local Device = require("device")
local InfoMessage = require("ui/widget/infomessage")
local MultiConfirmBox = require("ui/widget/multiconfirmbox")
local NetworkMgr = require("ui/network/manager")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local Version = require("version")
local lfs = require("libs/libkoreader-lfs")
local logger = require("logger")
local _ = require("gettext")
local C_ = _.pgettext
local T = require("ffi/util").template
local ota_dir = DataStorage:getDataDir() .. "/ota/"
local OTAManager = {
-- NOTE: Each URL *MUST* end with a /
ota_servers = {
-- NOTE: Seems down? Ping @chrox ;).
ota_channels = {
link_template = "koreader-%s-latest-%s",
zsync_template = "koreader-%s-latest-%s.zsync",
installed_package = ota_dir .. "koreader.installed.tar",
package_indexfile = "ota/package.index",
updated_package = ota_dir .. "koreader.updated.tar",
can_pretty_print = lfs.attributes("./fbink", "mode") == "file" and true or false,
local ota_channels = {
stable = _("Stable"),
nightly = _("Development"),
-- Try to detect WARIO+ Kindle boards (i.MX6 & i.MX7)
function OTAManager:_isKindleWarioOrMore()
local cpu_hw = nil
-- Parse cpuinfo line by line, until we find the Hardware description
for line in io.lines("/proc/cpuinfo") do
if line:find("^Hardware") then
cpu_hw = line:match("^Hardware%s*:%s([%g%s]*)$")
-- NOTE: I couldn't dig up a cpuinfo dump from an Oasis 2 to check the CPU part value,
-- but for Wario (Cortex A9), matching that to 0xc09 would work, too.
-- On the other hand, I'm already using the Hardware match in MRPI, so, that sealed the deal ;).
-- If we've got a Hardware string, check if it mentions an i.MX 6 or 7...
if cpu_hw then
if cpu_hw:find("i.MX%s?[6-7]") then
return true
return false
return false
-- "x86", "x64", "arm", "arm64", "ppc", "mips" or "mips64".
local arch = jit.arch
function OTAManager:getOTAModel()
if Device:isAndroid() then
if arch == "x86" then
return "android-x86"
return "android"
elseif Device:isSDL() then
return "appimage"
elseif Device:isCervantes() then
return "cervantes"
elseif Device:isKindle() then
if Device:isTouchDevice() or Device.model == "Kindle4" then
if self:_isKindleWarioOrMore() then
return "kindlepw2"
return "kindle"
return "kindle-legacy"
elseif Device:isKobo() then
return "kobo"
elseif Device:isPocketBook() then
return "pocketbook"
elseif Device:isRemarkable() then
return "remarkable"
elseif Device:isSonyPRSTUX() then
return "sony-prstux"
return ""
function OTAManager:getOTAType()
local ota_model = self:getOTAModel()
if ota_model == "" then return end
if ota_model:find("android") or ota_model:find("appimage") then
return "link"
return "ota"
function OTAManager:getOTAServer()
return G_reader_settings:readSetting("ota_server") or self.ota_servers[1]
function OTAManager:setOTAServer(server)
logger.dbg("Set OTA server:", server)
G_reader_settings:saveSetting("ota_server", server)
function OTAManager:getOTAChannel()
return G_reader_settings:readSetting("ota_channel") or self.ota_channels[1]
function OTAManager:setOTAChannel(channel)
logger.dbg("Set OTA channel:", channel)
G_reader_settings:saveSetting("ota_channel", channel)
function OTAManager:getLinkFilename()
return self.link_template:format(self:getOTAModel(), self:getOTAChannel())
function OTAManager:getZsyncFilename()
return self.zsync_template:format(self:getOTAModel(), self:getOTAChannel())
function OTAManager:checkUpdate()
local http = require("socket.http")
local ltn12 = require("ltn12")
local socket = require("socket")
local socketutil = require("socketutil")
local update_file = (self:getOTAType() == "link") and self:getLinkFilename() or self:getZsyncFilename()
local ota_update_file = self:getOTAServer() .. update_file
local local_update_file = ota_dir .. update_file
-- download zsync file from OTA server
logger.dbg("downloading update file", ota_update_file)
local code, _, status = socket.skip(1, http.request{
url = ota_update_file,
sink = ltn12.sink.file(, "w")),
if code ~= 200 then
logger.warn("cannot find update file:", status or code or "network unreachable")
-- parse OTA package version
local link, ota_package
local update_info =, "r")
if update_info then
if OTAManager:getOTAType() == "link" then
local i = 0
for line in update_info:lines() do
i = i + 1
if i == 1 then
ota_package = line
link = self:getOTAServer() .. ota_package
for line in update_info:lines() do
ota_package = line:match("^Filename:%s*(.-)%s*$")
if ota_package then break end
local local_ok, local_version = pcall(function()
local rev = Version:getCurrentRevision()
if rev then return Version:getNormalizedVersion(rev) end
local ota_ok, ota_version = pcall(function()
return Version:getNormalizedVersion(ota_package)
-- return ota package version if package on OTA server has version
-- larger than the local package version
if local_ok and ota_ok and ota_version and local_version and
ota_version ~= local_version then
return ota_version, local_version, link, ota_package
elseif ota_version and ota_version == local_version then
return 0
function OTAManager:fetchAndProcessUpdate()
if Device:hasOTARunning() then
text = _("Download already scheduled. You'll be notified when it's ready."),
local ota_version, local_version, link, ota_package = OTAManager:checkUpdate()
if ota_version == 0 then
text = _("KOReader is up to date."),
elseif ota_version == nil then
local channel = ota_channels[OTAManager:getOTAChannel()]
text = T(_("Update information not available on %1 channel."), channel),
elseif ota_version then
local update_message = T(_("Do you want to update?\nInstalled version: %1\nAvailable version: %2"),
local update_ok_text = C_("Application update | Button", "Update")
if ota_version < local_version then
-- Android cannot downgrade APKs. The user needs to uninstall current app first.
-- Instead of doing the auto-update when ready we just download the APK using the browser.
if Device:isAndroid() then
text = T(_("The currently installed version is newer than the available version.\nYou'll need to uninstall the app before installing a previous version.\nDownload anyway?\n\nInstalled version: %1\nAvailable version: %2"),
ok_text = _("Download"),
ok_callback = function()
update_message = T(_("The currently installed version is newer than the available version.\nWould you still like to continue and downgrade?\nInstalled version: %1\nAvailable version: %2"),
update_ok_text = _("Downgrade")
local wait_for_download = _("Downloading may take several minutes…")
if OTAManager:getOTAType() == "link" then
text = update_message,
ok_text = update_ok_text,
ok_callback = function()
if Device:isAndroid() then
Device:download(link, ota_package, wait_for_download)
elseif Device:isSDL() then
text = update_message,
ok_text = update_ok_text,
ok_callback = function()
text = wait_for_download,
timeout = 3,
UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function()
if OTAManager:zsync() == 0 then
-- Make it clear that zsync is done
if self.can_pretty_print then
os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pm ' ' ' '")
-- Make it clear that zsync is done
if self.can_pretty_print then
os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pm ' ' ' '")
text = _("Failed to update KOReader.\n\nYou can:\nCancel, keeping temporary files.\nRetry the update process with a full download.\nAbort and cleanup all temporary files."),
choice1_text = _("Retry"),
choice1_callback = function()
text = _("Downloading may take several minutes…"),
timeout = 3,
-- Clear the installed package, as well as the complete/incomplete update download
os.execute("rm -f " .. self.installed_package)
os.execute("rm -f " .. self.updated_package .. "*")
-- As well as temporary files, in case zsync went kablooey too early...
os.execute("rm -f ./rcksum-*")
-- And then relaunch zsync in full download mode...
UIManager:scheduleIn(1, function()
if OTAManager:zsync(true) == 0 then
-- Make it clear that zsync is done
if self.can_pretty_print then
os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pm ' ' ' '")
-- Make it clear that zsync is done
if self.can_pretty_print then
os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pm ' ' ' '")
text = _("Error updating KOReader. Would you like to delete temporary files?"),
ok_callback = function()
os.execute("rm -f " .. ota_dir .. "ko*")
choice2_text = _("Abort"),
choice2_callback = function()
os.execute("rm -f " .. ota_dir .. "ko*")
os.execute("rm -f " .. self.updated_package .. "*")
os.execute("rm -f ./rcksum-*")
---- Uses zsync and tar to prepare an update package.
function OTAManager:_buildLocalPackage()
--- @todo Validate the installed package?
local installed_package = self.installed_package
if lfs.attributes(installed_package, "mode") == "file" then
return 0
if lfs.attributes(self.package_indexfile, "mode") ~= "file" then
logger.err("Missing ota metadata:", self.package_indexfile)
return nil
-- With visual feedback if supported...
if self.can_pretty_print then
os.execute("./fbink -q -y -7 -pmh 'Preparing local OTA package'")
-- We need a vague idea of how much space the tarball we're creating will take to compute a proper percentage...
-- Get the size from the latest zsync package, which'll be a closer match than anything else we might come up with.
local update_file = self:getZsyncFilename()
local local_update_file = ota_dir .. update_file
local tarball_size = nil
local zsync =, "r")
if zsync then
for line in zsync:lines() do
tarball_size = line:match("^Length: (%d*)$")
if tarball_size then break end
-- Next, we need to compute the amount of tar blocks that'll take, knowing that tar's default blocksize is 20 * 512 bytes.
-- c.f., &
-- Defaults to a sane-ish value as-of now, in case shit happens...
local blocks = 6405
if tarball_size then
blocks = tarball_size / (512 * 20)
-- And since we want a percentage, devise the exact value we need for tar to spit out exactly 100 checkpoints ;).
local cpoints = blocks / 100
return os.execute(string.format(
"./tar --no-recursion -cf %s -C .. -T %s --checkpoint=%d --checkpoint-action=exec='./fbink -q -y -6 -P $(($TAR_CHECKPOINT/%d))'",
self.installed_package, self.package_indexfile, cpoints, cpoints))
return os.execute(string.format(
"./tar --no-recursion -cf %s -C .. -T %s",
self.installed_package, self.package_indexfile))
function OTAManager:zsync(full_dl)
if full_dl or self:_buildLocalPackage() == 0 then
local zsync_wrapper = "zsync2"
local use_pipefail = true
-- With visual feedback if supported...
if self.can_pretty_print then
zsync_wrapper = "spinning_zsync"
-- And because everything is terrible, we can't check for pipefail's usability in spinning_zsync,
-- because older ash versions abort on set -o failures...
-- c.f., ko/#5844
-- So, instead, check from this side of the fence...
-- (remember, os.execute is essentially system(), it goes through sh)
use_pipefail = (os.execute("set -o pipefail 2>/dev/null") == 0)
-- If that's a full-download fallback, drop the input tarball
if full_dl then
return os.execute(
("env WITH_PIPEFAIL='%s' ./%s -o '%s' -u '%s' '%s%s'"):format(
return os.execute(
("env WITH_PIPEFAIL='%s' ./%s -i '%s' -o '%s' -u '%s' '%s%s'"):format(
function OTAManager:genServerList()
local servers = {}
for _, server in ipairs(self.ota_servers) do
local server_item = {
text = server,
checked_func = function() return self:getOTAServer() == server end,
callback = function() self:setOTAServer(server) end
table.insert(servers, server_item)
return servers
function OTAManager:genChannelList()
local channels = {}
for _, channel in ipairs(self.ota_channels) do
local channel_item = {
text = ota_channels[channel],
checked_func = function() return self:getOTAChannel() == channel end,
callback = function() self:setOTAChannel(channel) end
table.insert(channels, channel_item)
return channels
function OTAManager:getOTAMenuTable()
return {
text = C_("Application update | Menu", "Update"),
hold_callback = function()
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
local connect_callback = function()
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
sub_item_table = {
text = _("Check for updates"),
callback = function()
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
local connect_callback = function()
Various Wi-Fi QoL improvements (#6424) * Revamped most actions that require an internet connection to a new/fixed backend that allows forwarding the initial action and running it automatically once connected. (i.e., it'll allow you to set "Action when Wi-Fi is off" to "turn_on", and whatch stuff connect and do what you wanted automatically without having to re-click anywhere instead of showing you a Wi-Fi prompt and then not doing anything without any other feedback). * Speaking of, fixed the "turn_on" beforeWifi action to, well, actually work. It's no longer marked as experimental. * Consistently use "Wi-Fi" everywhere. * On Kobo/Cervantes/Sony, implemented a "Kill Wi-Fi connection when inactive" system that will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi after sustained *network* inactivity (i.e., you can keep reading, it'll eventually turn off on its own). This should be smart and flexible enough not to murder Wi-Fi while you need it, while still not keeping it uselessly on and murdering your battery. (i.e., enable that + turn Wi-Fi on when off and enjoy never having to bother about Wi-Fi ever again). * Made sending `NetworkConnected` / `NetworkDisconnected` events consistent (they were only being sent... sometimes, which made relying on 'em somewhat problematic). * restoreWifiAsync is now only run when really needed (i.e., we no longer stomp on an existing working connection just for the hell of it). * We no longer attempt to kill a bogus non-existent Wi-Fi connection when going to suspend, we only do it when it's actually needed. * Every method of enabling Wi-Fi will now properly tear down Wi-Fi on failure, instead of leaving it in an undefined state. * Fixed an issue in the fancy crash screen on Kobo/reMarkable that could sometime lead to the log excerpt being missing. * Worked-around a number of sneaky issues related to low-level Wi-Fi/DHCP/DNS handling on Kobo (see the lengthy comments [below]( for details). Fix #6421 Incidentally, this should also fix the inconsistencies experienced re: Wi-Fi behavior in Nickel when toggling between KOReader and Nickel (use NM/KFMon, and run a current FW for best results). * For developers, this involves various cleanups around NetworkMgr and NetworkListener. Documentation is in-line, above the concerned functions.
4 years ago
text = _("Settings"),
sub_item_table = {
text = _("Update server"),
sub_item_table = self:genServerList()
text = _("Update channel"),
sub_item_table = self:genChannelList()
return OTAManager