You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

198 lines
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This widget displays a keyboard layout dialog.
local Blitbuffer = require("ffi/blitbuffer")
local ButtonTable = require("ui/widget/buttontable")
local CenterContainer = require("ui/widget/container/centercontainer")
local FFIUtil = require("ffi/util")
local FocusManager = require("ui/widget/focusmanager")
local FrameContainer = require("ui/widget/container/framecontainer")
local Geom = require("ui/geometry")
local Language = require("ui/language")
local MovableContainer = require("ui/widget/container/movablecontainer")
local RadioButtonTable = require("ui/widget/radiobuttontable")
local ScrollableContainer = require("ui/widget/container/scrollablecontainer")
local Size = require("ui/size")
local TitleBar = require("ui/widget/titlebar")
local UIManager = require("ui/uimanager")
local VerticalGroup = require("ui/widget/verticalgroup")
local VerticalSpan = require("ui/widget/verticalspan")
local util = require("util")
local _ = require("gettext")
local Device = require("device")
local Screen = Device.screen
local KeyboardLayoutDialog = FocusManager:new{
is_always_active = true,
modal = true,
stop_events_propagation = true,
keyboard_state = nil,
width = nil,
function KeyboardLayoutDialog:init()
self.layout = {}
self.width = self.width or math.floor(math.min(Screen:getWidth(), Screen:getHeight()) * 0.8)
self.title_bar = TitleBar:new{
width = self.width,
with_bottom_line = true,
title = _("Keyboard layout"),
bottom_v_padding = 0,
show_parent = self,
local buttons = {}
local radio_buttons = {}
local keyboard_layouts = G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_layouts", {})
local default_layout = G_reader_settings:readSetting("keyboard_layout_default")
self.keyboard_state.force_current_layout = true
local current_layout = self.parent.keyboard:getKeyboardLayout()
self.keyboard_state.force_current_layout = false
for k, _ in FFIUtil.orderedPairs(self.parent.keyboard.lang_to_keyboard_layout) do
local text = Language:getLanguageName(k) .. " (" .. string.sub(k, 1, 2) .. ")"
if util.arrayContains(keyboard_layouts, k) then
text = text .. ""
if k == default_layout then
text = text .. ""
table.insert(radio_buttons, {
text = text,
checked = k == current_layout,
provider = k,
table.insert(buttons, {
text = _("Cancel"),
id = "close",
callback = function()
text = _("Switch to layout"),
is_enter_default = true,
callback = function()
local provider = self.parent.keyboard_layout_dialog.radio_button_table.checked_button.provider
-- (RadioButtonTable's width and padding setup is a bit fishy: we get
-- this to look ok by using a CenterContainer to ensure some padding)
local scroll_container_inner_width = self.width - ScrollableContainer:getScrollbarWidth()
self.radio_button_table = RadioButtonTable:new{
radio_buttons = radio_buttons,
width = scroll_container_inner_width - 2*Size.padding.large,
focused = true,
parent = self,
show_parent = self,
-- Buttons Table
self.button_table = ButtonTable:new{
width = self.width - 2*Size.padding.default,
buttons = buttons,
zero_sep = true,
show_parent = self,
local max_radio_button_container_height = math.floor(Screen:getHeight()*0.9
- self.title_bar:getHeight()
- Size.span.vertical_large*4 - self.button_table:getSize().h)
local radio_button_container_height = math.min(self.radio_button_table:getSize().h, max_radio_button_container_height)
-- Our scrollable container needs to be known as widget.cropping_widget in
-- the widget that is passed to UIManager:show() for UIManager to ensure
-- proper interception of inner widget self repainting/invert (mostly used
-- when flashing for UI feedback that we want to limit to the cropped area).
self.cropping_widget = ScrollableContainer:new{
dimen = Geom:new{
w = self.width,
h = radio_button_container_height,
show_parent = self,
dimen = Geom:new{
w = scroll_container_inner_width,
h = self.radio_button_table:getSize().h,
self.dialog_frame = FrameContainer:new{
radius = Size.radius.window,
bordersize = Size.border.window,
padding = 0,
margin = 0,
background = Blitbuffer.COLOR_WHITE,
align = "center",
width = Size.span.vertical_large*2,
self.cropping_widget, -- our ScrollableContainer
width = Size.span.vertical_large*2,
-- buttons
dimen = Geom:new{
w = self.width,
h = self.button_table:getSize().h,
self.movable = MovableContainer:new{
self[1] = CenterContainer:new{
dimen = Geom:new{
w = Screen:getWidth(),
h = Screen:getHeight(),
ignore_if_over = "height",
if Device:hasKeys() then
self.key_events.CloseDialog = { {}, doc = "close dialog" }
function KeyboardLayoutDialog:onShow()
UIManager:setDirty(self, function()
return "ui", self.dialog_frame.dimen
function KeyboardLayoutDialog:onCloseWidget()
UIManager:setDirty(nil, function()
Tame some ButtonTable users into re-using Buttontable instances if possible (#7166) * QuickDictLookup, ImageViewer, NumberPicker: Smarter `update` that will re-use most of the widget's layout instead of re-instantiating all the things. * SpinWidget/DoubleSpinWidget: The NumberPicker change above renders a hack to preserve alpha on these widgets almost unnecessary. Also fixed said hack to also apply to the center, value button. * Button: Don't re-instantiate the frame in setText/setIcon when unnecessary (e.g., no change at all, or no layout change). * Button: Add a refresh method that repaints and refreshes a *specific* Button (provided it's been painted once) all on its lonesome. * ConfigDialog: Free everything that's going to be re-instatiated on update * A few more post #7118 fixes: * SkimTo: Always flag the chapter nav buttons as vsync * Button: Fix the highlight on rounded buttons when vsync is enabled (e.g., it's now entirely visible, instead of showing a weird inverted corner glitch). * Some more heuristic tweaks in Menu/TouchMenu/Button/IconButton * ButtonTable: fix the annoying rounding issue I'd noticed in #7054 ;). * Enable dithering in TextBoxWidget (e.g., in the Wikipedia full view). This involved moving the HW dithering align fixup to base, where it always ought to have been ;). * Switch a few widgets that were using "partial" on close to "ui", or, more rarely, "flashui". The intent being to limit "partial" purely to the Reader, because it has a latency cost when mixed with other refreshes, which happens often enough in UI ;). * Minor documentation tweaks around UIManager's `setDirty` to reflect that change. * ReaderFooter: Force a footer repaint on resume if it is visible (otherwise, just update it). * ReaderBookmark: In the same vein, don't repaint an invisible footer on bookmark count changes.
4 years ago
return "ui", self[1][1].dimen
function KeyboardLayoutDialog:onCloseDialog()
local close_button = self.button_table:getButtonById("close")
if close_button and close_button.enabled then
return true
return false
return KeyboardLayoutDialog