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# Script to generate mac application bundles for KOReader
# We don't use XCode at all. Just commandline tools.
# menu.xml contains the main menu of a typical OSX program.
# each time some user facing string in menu.xml changed we can
# generate a new translation template with:
# cp menu.xml menu.xib
# ibtool --generate-strings-file mac.strings menu.xib
# rm -rf menu.xib
# the generated "mac.strings" is in xliff format (binary, not plain text)
# and can be translated using an xliff editor or an online service that support
# IOS string format, like weblate.
4 years ago
COPYRIGHT="Copyright © $(date +"%Y") KOReader"
command_exists() {
type "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
echo "${0}: can't find KOReader build, please specify a path"
exit 1
VERSION="$(cut -f2 -dv "${1}/koreader/git-rev" | cut -f1,2 -d-)"
4 years ago
OSX_MAJOR=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d "." -f1)
OSX_MINOR=$(sw_vers -productVersion | cut -d "." -f2)
4 years ago
# minimum deployment target based on host version
if [ -z "${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}" ]; then
if [ "${OSX_MAJOR}" == 11 ]; then
elif [ "${OSX_MAJOR}" == 10 ]; then
# Generate PkgInfo and Info.plist
printf "APPL????" >"${APP_PATH}/Contents/PkgInfo"
cat <<END >"${APP_PATH}/Contents/Info.plist"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
# freeze shared libraries, so they can be loaded within the application bundle
pushd "${APP_PATH}/Contents/koreader" || exit 1
for dir in common libs; do
path=$(basename "${dir}")
pushd "${dir}" || exit 1
for library in *.so *.dylib; do
install_name_tool -id "${library}" "$(basename "${library}")"
# there may be more than one dependency to fix, so get all of them and iterate
dependencies=$(otool -L "${library}" | grep "Users.*x86_64" | tr -s " " | cut -f1 -d" ")
if [ -n "${dependencies}" ]; then
for dependency in ${dependencies}; do
filename=$(basename "${dependency}")
if [ ! "${library}" = "${filename}" ]; then
install_name_tool -change "${dependency}" "${path}/${filename}" "${library}"
popd || exit 1
# Brew has a tendency to infiltrate our builds and take over some of the dependencies...
BREW="$(brew --prefix)/opt"
# So, because it made us pick those up, ship 'em
# FIXME: Double-check whether we still need it, or if we succeeded in getting glib built against our static copy.
cp "${BREW}/gettext/lib/libintl.8.dylib" "${BREW}/libsodium/lib/libsodium.23.dylib" libs
chmod 777 libs/libintl.8.dylib libs/libsodium.23.dylib
# Update their name
4 years ago
install_name_tool -id libintl.8.dylib libs/libintl.8.dylib
install_name_tool -id libsodium.23.dylib libs/libsodium.23.dylib
# And make sure anything that depends on them points to ours
install_name_tool -change "${BREW}/gettext/lib/libintl.8.dylib" libs/libintl.8.dylib libs/libglib-2.0.dylib
install_name_tool -change "${BREW}/libsodium/lib/libsodium.23.dylib" libs/libsodium.23.dylib libs/libczmq.1.dylib
install_name_tool -change "${BREW}/libsodium/lib/libsodium.23.dylib" libs/libsodium.23.dylib libs/libfmq.1.dylib
install_name_tool -change "${BREW}/libsodium/lib/libsodium.23.dylib" libs/libsodium.23.dylib libs/libzmq.4.dylib
install_name_tool -change "${BREW}/libsodium/lib/libsodium.23.dylib" libs/libsodium.23.dylib libs/libzyre.1.dylib
4 years ago
# prepare bundle for distribution
ln -s /usr/bin/tar tar
mv COPYING ../Resources/
mv koreader ../MacOS/koreader
4 years ago
rm -rf cache clipboard history ota \
l10n/.git l10n/.tx l10n/templates l10n/LICENSE l10n/Makefile l10n/ \
plugins/SSH.koplugin plugins/hello.koplugin plugins/timesync.koplugin \
plugins/autofrontlight.koplugin resources/fonts resources/icons/src \
rocks/bin rocks/lib/luarocks screenshots spec tools
# adjust reader.lua a bit.
sed '1d' reader.lua >tempfile
sed -i.backup 's/.\/reader.lua/koreader/' tempfile
mv tempfile reader.lua
rm -f tempfile*
chmod -x reader.lua
4 years ago
popd || exit 1
# bundle translations, if any
for path in l10n/*; do
lang=$(echo "${path}" | sed s'/l10n\///')
if [ "${lang}" != "templates" ]; then
if [ -f "${translation_file}" ]; then
mkdir -p "${APP_PATH}/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj"
cp -pv "${translation_file}" "${APP_PATH}/Contents/Resources/${lang}.lproj/MainMenu.strings"
mv "${APP_PATH}" "${APP_BUNDLE}.app"
# package as 7z reduces size from 80MB to 30MB
if command_exists "7z"; then
7z a -l -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 "${APP_BUNDLE}-${VERSION}.7z" "${APP_BUNDLE}.app"
rm -rfv "${APP_BUNDLE}.app"